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      • KCI등재후보

        가감난간전(加減煖肝煎)과 조청이 간신음한형(肝腎陰寒型) 불임여성에 미치는 임상적 효능

        이석하 ( Lee Seok Ha ) 한국자연치유학회 2014 Journal of Naturopathy Vol.3 No.1

        This study was designed to examine the Gagam nanganjeon and Grain Syrup`s influence on infertile women who suffer from liver-kidney cold-disease. From January 2006, for about 7 years, I surveyed 108 participants, dividing them into Group 1 (42 participants) and Group 2 (66 participants) and had them take Gagam nanganjeon and Grain Syrup for fifteen days to 4 months. I kept a record of their diagnosis and completed statistical analysis of data through follow-up surveys, when necessary. I also researched the participant`s menstrual case history, infertility history, body heat, and FSH level. I analyzed Gagamnanganjeon and Grain Syrups`s chemistry pertaining to sugar level. In 100 g of Grain Syrup, carbohydrates makes up 67.07%, maltose makes up 37.57%, glucose makes up 2.3% (0.87 g), and protein makes up 1.24%. In Gagamnanganjeon, maltose was not detected, however, there was 3.13 g of carbohydrates and 0.17 g of protein. In the individual herbs, 0.2~0.7 g of glucose and fructose was detected in Gouqizi, Muxiang, Wuzhuyu. Almost nothing can be found in the other individual herbs. Of the 108 cases, the total cases of those who became pregnant or gave birth were 73. In case of Group 1, 26 cases of 42 cases were successful in pregnancy and in cases of Group 2, 47 cases of 66 cases had successful pregnancies. Of the 21 participants with irregular menstrual cycle, 15 regained normal menstruation. Of the 10 participants with amenorrhea, 7 regained normal menstruation. In the cases of menstrual pain, 25 of 38 who felt stomachache, 10 of 11 who felt back pain, and 2 of 2 who felt headaches were relieved of their pain or recovered. In 29 cases with leucorrhea symptoms, 16 were relieved of their pain or recovered. In cases of body heat change, 54 of 70 who got cold, 5 of 5 who felt cold in all parts of the body, 34 of 42 who suffer from coldness in hands, 59 of 81 who suffered from coldness of feet, 68 of 89 who felt their stomach to be severely cold were relieved of their pain or recovered normal condition. Through this analysis, taking Gagamnanganjeon and grain syrup is an effective expedient for infertility treatment because they have healing powers to improve menstrual condition and to restore heat in abdomen of the infertile women. In addition, natural cures of grain syrup are diagnosed to be helpful for the circulation of the abdomen and the recovery of the digestive system.

      • KCI등재후보

        가감난간전(加減煖肝煎) 탕약의 아미노산 성분분

        이석하 ( Seok Ha Lee ),이채윤 ( Chae Yun Lee ),이성국 ( Seong Guk Lee ),이형환 ( Hyung H Lee ) 한국자연치유학회 2014 Journal of Naturopathy Vol.3 No.2

        This study was designed to analyze, using the HPLC method, the quantity and types of amino acids found in the Gagam nanganjeon herbs decoction prescribed to women for treatment of infertility. Eighteen types of L-amino acids were discovered in the 100 g of Gagam Nanganjeon decoction. There were 50 mg of pro, 40 mg of ser, 38.5 mg of arg, 19.6 mg of ala, 14.5 mg of asp and the rest were 13 types of L-amino acid ranging from 0.33~6.2 mg. In the 100 g of Lycium fruit decoction, there were 12 types of amino acids. The quantity of arg was highest with 28 mg, and the rest ranged from 0.125~1.3 mg. Angelica root decoction contained 18 types of amino acids: arg was the most abundant with 71 mg, and the rest ranged from 0.16~5.6 mg. Poria decoction contained 7 types of amino acids: asp was most abundant at 0.5 mg, and the rest ranged from 0.1~0.2 mg. Lindera root decoction contained 14 types of amino acids: ser was most abundant with 6.9 mg, and the rest ranged from 0.14~6.64 mg. Fennel decoction contained 14 types amino acids. Arg was the most abundant at 4.2 mg, and the rest ranged from 0.3~3.2 mg. Cinnamon decoction contained 4 types of amino acids ranging from 0.08~0.37 mg. Costus root decoction contained 15 types of amino acids and it contained especially large amounts of pro at 36 mg, and 0.12~7.8 mg of other amino acids. Evodia decoction contained 14 types of amino acids: large quantity of pro at 11.2 mg, and the rest ranged from 0.19~6.2 mg. Ginger decoction contained 17 types of amino acids: large quantities of ala at 11.2 mg, ser at 10.4 mg, and the rest ranged from 0.06~2.6 mg. Prepared aconite decoction contained small quantities of 4 amino acids. Ginseng decoction contained 12 types of amino acids: large quantities of arg at 27.9% and the rest ranged from 0.12~1.3 mg. In conclusion, we found that each herb in the formula of Gagam nangajnjeon, when combined, contributed 18 amino acids, which assisted in protein and enzyme synthesis necessary for pregnancy. This finding supports the claim that decocting individual herbs do not create the same desired effect as combining herbs in an herbal formula. The particular combination of herbs and the way they react with each other is an important part of understanding the efficacy of this particular prescription.

      • KCI등재후보

        Construction and integration of soybean RFLP genetic linkage maps

        이석하(Suk Ha Lee),박금룡(Keum Ryong Park),유용환(Yong Hwan Ryu),김석동(Seok Dong Kim) 한국육종학회 1997 한국육종학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        Two F₂ soybean (Glycine max L.) populations, Suwon 157 x Danbaekkong’ and ‘Pureunkong’ x ‘Jinpumkong 2’, were evaluated with restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers to construct RFLP genetic linkage maps. For the Suwon 157 and Danbaekkong population, 107 F₂-derived lines were scored for segregation at 97 RFLP loci. Molecular-marker analysis with Mapmaker computer program revealed that the genetic map consisted of 72 RFLP loci which converged into 18 linkage groups and covered more than 600 centimorgan (cM). For the Pureunkong and Jinpumkong 2 population, 100 F₂-derived lines were evaluated for segregation at 92 loci. The genetic linkage map of these 74 loci covered about 700 cM and converged into 20 linkage groups. Two idependent maps were integrated with Joinmap computer package on the basis of 35 RFLP markers which were common to both maps. The integrated map covered about 950 cM with 124 markers classified into 24 linkage groups. As four parental soybean genotypes from both populations have been used to make traditional soybean food products such as tofu, sobean milk, and soybean sprouts, this integrated map will provide useful information on the map position of genes which are associated with special food processing traits in soybean.

      • KCI등재후보

        Diversity of restriction fragment length polymorphism in soybean

        이석하(Suk Ha Lee),유용환(Yong Hwan Ryu),김석동(Seok Dong Kim) 한국육종학회 1997 한국육종학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        The assessment of the degree of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) may facilitate construction of RFLP linkage maps. For the four parents derived from two soybean populations, ‘Suwon 157’x‘Danbaekkong’ and ‘Pureunkong’x‘Jinpumkong 2’, the degree of RFLP was assessed by screening parental genomic DNA digested with each one of five restriction enzymes (DraⅠ, EcoRⅠ, EcoRⅤ, HindⅢ, or TaqⅠ) using cDNA and/or genomic clones from five legume species (Glycine max, Vigna radiata, Phaseolus vulgaris, Arachis hypogaea, and Medicago sativa). The restriction enzymes, EcoRⅠ and HindⅢ, detected higher polymorphisms between parents in both populations. Comparatively higher polymorphisms were found using DNA probes from G. max, A. Hypogaea, and P. vulgaris. Of 246 DNA probes, 58% detected polymorphisms between ‘Suwon 157’ and ‘Danbaekkong’, and 51% between ‘Pureunkong’ and ‘Jinpumkong 2’, indicating the higher level of polymorphisms. This higher polymorphism in both populations is probably due to the larger amount of genetic diversity between soybean genotypes evaluated in this study.

      • KCI등재

        경막외 신경차단술 후 발생한 후관절 활액막 가성낭종에 의한 마미증후군

        강민석(Min-Seok Kang),이영륭(Yeong-Ryung Lee),김태훈(Tae-Hoon Kim),이석하(Suk-Ha Lee) 대한정형외과학회 2017 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.52 No.6

        77세 여자 환자로 제4-5 요추간 경막외 신경차단술 후 유발된 양하지 위약, 극심한 축성요통 및 양하지 방사통을 주소로 내원하였다. 환자는 최근 3개월 동안 10회 이상의 경막외 차단술을 받은 병력이 있었다. 조영 증강 자기공명영상 검사상 제4-5 요추간 후방 경막외 공간에 변연부 조영 증강 소견을 보이면서 심하게 척수낭을 압박하는 낭성 병변이 관찰되었다. 수술 소견상 후방 경막외 공간에 후관절이나 황색인대와 연결되어 있지 않은 유리체 형태의 낭성 병변이 관찰되었으며 경막 손상에 주의하면서 이를 절제하였다. 조직검사 결과상 퇴행성 활막 조직을 포함한 후관절 활액막 가성낭종으로 확진되었다. 저자들은 경막외 신경차단술 후 마미증후군을 유발한 척추강내 가성낭종을 경험하였기에 보고하고자 한다. A 77-year-old woman presented with bilateral leg weakness, accompanied by severe axial back and radicular pain, after a L4–5 epidural injection. She had been receiving misappropriated epidural injections for the last few months. A contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance image showed rim enhancing, spinal canal compromising cystic lesion at the posterior epidural space of L4–5. During surgery, a severely central compromised non-communicating cystic lesion located at posterior epidural space was resected. A histological report of this lesion confirmed a pseudocyst containing a degenerated synovial tissue. Herein, we report our experience of cauda equine syndrome after epidural injection with successful treatment.

      • KCI등재

        심장 이식술을 받은 젊은 환자에서 발생한 2예의 지연성 칸디다 척추 골수염

        강민석(Min Seok Kang),손인석(In Seok Son),김태훈(Tae Hoon Kim),이석하(Suk Ha Lee) 대한정형외과학회 2019 대한정형외과학회지 Vol.54 No.1

        칸디다 척추 골수염은 드문 질환으로서 과거에는 마약 등 정맥 내 주사제 사용자들에서 발생하는 합병증으로 알려져 왔으나 최근에는 대부분이 병원 내 기회 감염의 형태로 발생되고 있다. 칸디다 척추 골수염의 임상적 및 영상학적 특징이 화농성 척추 추간판염과 유사하기 때문에 일반적인 임상에서 간과되는 경우가 흔하다. 칸디다 척추 골수염에서 다른 원인에 의한 척추 골수염과의 감별진단은 임상적, 영상의학적 및 생물학적 특성에 의존한다. 칸디다 척추염의 치료는 초기의 정확한 진단과 이를 바탕으로 신속하고 적절한 약물 요법, 임상경과의 지속적인 추적관찰로 이루어진다. 본 증례에서 심장 이식술을 받은 젊은 환자에서 수술 후 전신성 진균증 치료 3개월 후 발생한 지연성 칸디다 척추 골수염을 항 진균제 단독요법으로 치료한 2예를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하고 문헌고찰을 통해 상기하고자 한다. Candida vertebral osteomyelitis (CVO) is a rare disease that is a complication of intravenous drug use, but recently it has been recognized as mostly an opportunistic infection. Because CVO appears to mimic pyogenic spondylodiscitis in terms of the clinical and radiologic presentations, it is often neglected in a usual clinical setting. The clinical, radiological, and biological characteristics of CVO are often used to make a differential diagnosis with vertebral osteomyelitis from other etiologies. Once an initial proper diagnosis was performed, the treatment relies on the prompt initiation of appropriate pharmacotherapy and serial monitoring of the clinical progress. This paper report late-onset CVO in two young patients who underwent a heart transplant surgery and had postoperative systemic candidiasis. These two cases are a good reminder of the potential of CVO in immunosuppressive patients treated with anti-fungal agents. This paper presents these two cases with a review of the relevant literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        韓國在來 검정콩의 韓國과 臺彎間 生育特性 比較

        Yeul Gue Seung(成烈圭),Suk Ha Lee(李錫河),Yong Ho Kim(金龍昊),Seok Dong Kim(金奭東),Eun Hee Hong(洪殷熹) 한국육종학회 1994 한국육종학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Exact estimates of genotype×location interaction are of major concern to the plant breeder in developing improved varieties. This study were conducted to compare the growth characters of Korean native black soybean lines grown in Korea and Taiwan, and to examine the selectable growth characters regardless of locations. One hundred and forty Korean native black soybean genotypes were evaluated in two different locations(Taiwan and Korea) for growth and yield characters. Average DPM(days from planting to maturity) was larger in Korea(141 days) than in Taiwan(102 days), and DPF(days from planting to flowering, 24 days) was shortened more than DFM(days from flowering to maturity, 15days) in Taiwan. One hundred seed weight was not different from two locations, and seed yield was 245, 192㎏ per 10 are in Korea and Taiwan, respectively. All the growth characters were closely related to the flowering and maturity responses in Korea, whereas plant height and pod number/plant were not in Taiwan. Significant correlation between DPF and DPM was present in Korea. But in Taiwan DPF was negatively correlated with DFM. Selectable characters regardless of locations were suggested to be DFM, plant height, and 100-seed weight in which significant correlation were found between Korea and Taiwan.

      • KCI등재후보

        콩 播種期에 따른 開花ㆍ成熟期 및 種實重의 品種間反應 差異

        Yeaul Kyu Seung(成烈圭),Suk Ha Lee(李錫河),Yong Ho kim(金龍昊),Seok Dong Kim(金奭東),Kill Woong Chung(鄭吉雄),Chang Sik Moon(文昌植) 한국육종학회 1995 한국육종학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        This experiment was carried out to get the varietal difference and year variation in flowering, maturity, and grain yield per plant for two years, 1991 and 1992, in response to five planting times each year from April 20 to July 10 with twenty days interval in fifty-five soybean varieties. The results were summarized as follows: Days from planting to flowering(DPF), flowering to maturity(DFM), planting to maturity(DPM), and grain yield per plant showed the highly significant variation for year, planting time, variety and planting time×variety. The variation of DPF and DPM by planting time was larger in early planting than late planting. The standard deviation(SD) of DPF was 11.4 at early planting, 4.0 at late planting, while the SD of DFM was 10.6 at early planting and 9.1 at late planting. The shortening degree of DPF by late seeding was small in early varieties and large in late varieties. Also, the early varieties showed less shortening in DPM duration by late seeding compared to the late maturing varieties. Yield per plant at early planting from April 20 to May 30 was almost same, but those at late planting from June 20 to July 10 was rapidily decreased.

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