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      • KCI등재

        이란의 군부엘리트와 부족주의의 관계 연구

        유달승 ( Dal Seung Yu ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2010 중동연구 Vol.28 No.3

        This article aims to analyze the relationship between military elite and tribalism in Iran. Tribes adapted and transformed their roles and function based on their surrounding environment. When weak local/state governments existed the tribes exerted their power and influence to provide required social, economic, and security services to their members. The social order in Iran was marked well into the twentieth century by a tension the central government and powerful chiefs of momadic tribes. At the same time, the rulers themselves were either of tribal origins or dependent on tribal support were the first for nearly a millennium to be neither. Under the Pahlavi shahs the major tribal chiefs were systematically stripped of their economic and political influence, but tribal loyalties and forms of social organization survived in many parts of the country. The tribes did not actively support the 1979 Revolution and opposition tribes were targeted and suppressed by the Ayatollah Khomeini regime. The rise of the Islamic regime unified the majority of Iran overriding tribal and ethnic boundaries to prevent tribal leaders from reestablishing their prominence. The strongest tribal loyalties remain predominantly within Iranian ethnic minority groups. However these groups lack the unity or political strength to be a significant influence. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), is a branch of Iran`s military, founded after the Iranian revolution. The IRGC was initially created by Ayatollah Khomeini during the 1978-1979 Islamic Revolution as an ideological guard for the nascent regime. Since then, it has evolved into an expansive socio-political-economic conglomerate whose influence extends into virtually Iranian political life and society. In the political sphere, many high-ranking officialolvee former Pasdar intAnd on the economic front, the IRGC controls a wide variety of commercial enterprises. As a force loyal to the Supreme Leader the Guards were intended not only to fight foreign enemies, but also to safeguard the Islamic Republic`s internal stability.

      • KCI등재

        영국-이란 왕국 건설과 이란 민족주의

        유달승(Yu, Dal-Seung) 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2018 중동문제연구 Vol.17 No.3

        The contemporary history of Iran was the history of the intervention of foreign powers and the constant resistance to it. Against the intervention of foreign powers, Iranians have resisted every time. However, some of the forces have also joined with foreign powers to maintain their power and vested interest. The representative example was the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran. The Pahlavi dynasty was actually a kingdom born out of British support and intervention. The Pahlavi dynasty took power by using the nationalist movement as a means to maintain its vested rights. This article attempts to analyze the characteristics for Iranian nationalism that emerged during the Pahlavi dynasty, which established the notion of Persian nationalism from the time of the Qajar dynasty that embodied the nationalist movement in Iran.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이란과 중앙아시아: 기회인가 아니면 도전인가?

        유달승 ( Dal Seung Yu ) 한국이슬람학회 2014 한국이슬람학회논총 Vol.24 No.1

        중앙아시아는 제2의 중동이라고 불릴 정도로 풍부한 자원을 가진 지역일 뿐만 아니라 동양과 서양, 이슬람과 기독교가 교차하는 지정학적으로도 매우 중요한 전략 지역이다. 소련 붕괴 이후 중앙아시아의 이슬람 국가들과 코카서스가 독립하면서 이 지역의 패권을 둘러싼 다양한 경쟁관계가 형성되고 있고 세계 최대 호수 카스피 해 자원을 장악하기 위한 각축전이 벌어지고 있다. 19세기 영국과 러시아는 중앙아시아를 둘러싸고 치열한 쟁탈전을 벌였고 이를 그레이트 게임(Great Game)이라고 부른다. 오늘날 미국, 러시아, 중국, 터키, 이란 및 인도를 비롯한 새로운 주역들이 또다시 경쟁하면서 뉴 그레이트 게임(New Great Game)을 진행하고 있다. 미국 국가안보특별보좌관이었던 즈비 그뉴 브레진스키는 『거대한 체스판』에서 중앙아시아를 ‘유라시아의 발간’이라고 부르고 있다. 그는 주변국의 개입으로 이 지역이 불안정하다고 지적하면서 미국이 세계지배를 유지하기 위해서는 유라시아 패권을 차지해야 한다고 주장 한다. 1979년 이슬람혁명 이후 이란의 대외정책은 ‘비동비서’(비동비서)를 통한 자주노선을 표방하면서 이슬람세계의 단결과 비동맹국가와의 협력을 강화시키는 것이다. 또한 이란은 다른 이슬람국가들보다도 공공외교의 중요성을 강조하고 있고 이는 이슬람의 가치를 확산시키고 이란의 역할을 부각시키는 정책이다. 이란은 중앙아시아의 이슬람국가들과 관계 확대를 추진하기 위해 역사적, 문화적 연대를 강조하고 있다. 더 나아가 이란은 이 지역에 대한 지정학적, 지경 제학적 위치를 활용한 전략을 추진하면서 관계 강화를 모색하고 있다. 또한 이란은 이 지역에서 영향력 확대를 위해 2001년 6월 출범한 상하이협력기구와의 연대를 강화시키고 있다. 이란은 이제까지 이란과 정치적으로 우호관계에 있는 국가들을 대상으로 공공외교를 추진해 왔다. 이런 측면에서 중앙아시아 이슬람 국가들과의 관계 확대는 이란에게는 새로운 기회이자 도전일 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이란의 정치엘리트와 부족주의의 관계 연구

        유달승(Yu Dal-Seung) 한국중동학회 2006 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.27 No.1

          States in Iran were formed from complex processes. Iranian dynasties from attacking of Saljuqs until Reza Shah in the 1920s were tribal in origin except the Safavids. State rulers were themselves originally tribal leaders or their descendants.<BR>  Tribes in Iran were formed out of the intersection of dependence on resources, external powers and pressures. Tribes and states in Iran through history were interdependent and maintained each other as a single system. State rulers especially depended on tribes for military power, revenue, and regional system. They found it useful to consider a group of people to be a tribe. Tribal leaders in Iran emerged from local, regional, and governmental relationship. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries tribal combinations were Iran"s largest and effective organized political groups. State rulers in Iran often had to share power with tribes. During the constitutional revolution in 1906-1911, tribal groups were major powers in the struggle over the Qajar state. Tribal groups and leaders were variously allied with and internal tribal and confederational struggle often mirrored the wider conflicts.<BR>  Many states in Iran began as tribal dynasties societies emerged confederacies, empires, and states. Tribal groups in Iranian history have ranged from small, loosely organized, noncentralized groups to fragmented and ephemeral tribal confederacies with centralized, hierarchical leadership systems. Tribes in Iran were a constant in that they offered a continual reservoir of military force.

      • KCI등재

        이란의 종교엘리트와 부족주의의 관계 연구

        유달승(Yu Dal-Seung) 한국중동학회 2007 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.28 No.1

          Two facets of Iranian society distinguish Iran from its Arab neighbors. First, Iranians are not Arabs. Rather, they represent a distinct ethnolinguistic configuration whose origins are lost in the far reaches of history. Second, Iranians are overwhelmingly members of the "Twelver" branch of Shia Islam. The Iranian political history is in fact the history of the rise and fall of tribes. The potential strength of Iranian tribes enabled them to both usurp local power and play a significant role in the government of the whole country.<BR>  One of thee distinguishing features of Iranian political history is the active role played by the religious elites in the political events of the country. In virtually all the historically significant events - the tobacco protest movement of 1891, the Constitutional Revolution of 1906, the oil nationalization movement of the early 1950s, and the Iranian Revolution of 1979 - religious elites were actively involved.<BR>  In the pst-Borujerdi era of the 1960s and 1970s, the clerical establishment was divided into three factions. The first segment centered at Qom. This segment had been established by the founder of the Qom center, Ayatollah Abd al-Karim Haeri, in the 1920s and 1930s and was continued by Ayatollah Borujerdi for the following two decades. The second segment of the ulama assumed a collaborationist stance toward the Pahlavi regime. Some members of this group, appointees of the shah, served as leaders of Friday prayers in Tehran and other major cities. The third group within the religious establishment began to form after the 1963 anti government riots led by Ayatollah Khomeini and a small group of his students.<BR>  Khomeini exemplified a multifaceted charisma in the course of his ascendance, first, to the position of the highest Shite authority and later, to the theocratic position of the national political leadership. Personal charisma is different from other types of established authority. Personal charisma is the power relation of command and obedience, based on the belief of both leader and followers.

      • KCI등재

        이란의 사회변동에서 종교의 역할

        유달승(Dal-seung Yu) 韓國中東學會 2016 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.36 No.3

        Social Movements are especially important because they can be the source of social change. Whatever a successful movement has been experienced, a change followed. Iran has witnessed three major social movements in the late nineteenth and twentieth century. These cases which are explored in this study are: the Anti-Tobacco Movement(1891) - an anti-colonialism movement, the Constitutional Revolution(1906) - a justice movementm and the Islamic Revolution(1979) - an anti-imperialism movement. The Shiite ideology, in the Anti-Tobacco Movement, took the form of a single ban. Shirazi’s statement forbidding the use of tobacco was followed by an already agitated Shiite population and, acted as a solidarity factor uniting them all against the contract. In the Constitutional Revolution the idea of justice wasd the main target of the revolutionaries. They were seeking ‘consultation’ against ‘dictatorship’ and ‘justice’ against ‘despotism. The ideology of Khomeini was a Shiite idea positing the ulama as being responsible for the whole sphere of life of Muslim society. Shiism, as a national belief, could act, as a factor of social closure, and unite the people against the despotic rule of the Shah. In the Anti-Tabacco Movement the leader was a clergyman, and the distributors were clergmen, collaborating with bazaaris. They used the religious structure, and directed the agitated Shiite followers towards the specific targets of the ideology of the movement. In the Constitutional Revolution the ulama filled the leadership positions as well as those of the distributors of the movement with the help of bazaaris. Khomeini was the leader in the Islamic Revolution. Khomeini divided the society into two groups; the minority of oppressors and the majority of those who are oppressed. He emphasized that the ulama are duty bound to help the oppressed, and to be an enemy to the oppressor.

      • KCI등재

        신실크로드와 이란의 에너지 지정학

        유달승(Yu, Dal-Seung) 한국중동학회 2017 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.37 No.3

        21세기 실크로드가 새롭게 부활하고 있다 . 이에 따라 실크로드에 대한 재조명이 이루어져야 하며 새로운 개념 정립이 필요하다 . 실크로드는 고대로부터 육상과 해상 루트로 연결된 동서교역로로서 중요한 역할을 해 왔다 . 21세기에 들어와서 17세기 이후 중단되었던 실크로드의 역할을 재조명하면서 새로운 차원의 교역로에 대한 논의가 본격적으로 시작되었다 . 중국은 고대 실크로드를 따라 경제지대를 건설한다는 ‘신실크로드(New Silk Road) 전략 ’을 추진 중이며 이를 통해 중국 중심의 교통 물류 체계를 구축하려고 한다 . 러시아는 미국을 견제하고 다극체제를 구축하기 위해 신유라시아주의를 표방하고 있다 . 이러한 논의과정에서 신실크로 드라는 용어가 등장해 에너지 수송로라는 차원에서 ‘에너지 실크로드 ’라는 개념도 사용되고 있다 . 미국은 1991년 소련 붕괴 이후 중앙아시아에 관심을 집중하면서 1995년 실크 로드 전략법 ((Silk Road Strategy Act)을 제정했고 이것은 지중해에서 중앙아시아 까지 이어지는 광범위한 전략적 이해관계와 관련되어 있다 . 이란은 고대로부터 동서 교역의 중요한 지정학적 역할을 수행해 왔다 . 이란은 서남아시아에 위치하고 있고 인더스 강과 티그리스 강 사이의 이란고원에 있다 . 이란은 아시아와 유럽을 연결하는 중동의 지정학적인 요충지이다 . 이에 따라 고대로부터 동양과 서양을 잇는 교량 역할을 해 왔고 , 동양과 서양의 문화가 만나는 곳이기도 하다 . 이란은 풍부한 에너지 자원을 가진 나라일 뿐만 아니라 지구촌에서 유일하게 페르시아 만과 카스피 해를 연결하는 국가이다 . 21세기에는 천연가스가 주목받고 있다 . 마이클 클레어 뉴햄프셔대 교수는 20세 기가 석유 쟁탈의 세기였다면 21세기는 천연가스 쟁탈의 세기가 될 것이라고 전망 했다 . 이란은 가스관 사업을 통해 실크로드의 부활을 시도하고 있다 . 이란은 파키 스탄 , 인도와 함께 IPI(Iran-Pakistan-India) 사업을 통해 에너지 협력 체제를 구축 하고 있다 . 이 사업은 이란에서 생산되는 천연가스를 남아시아 국가로 공급하기 위해 2670 km에 이르는 송유관을 구축하는 것이다 . 2015년 7월 14일 미국 , 영국 , 프랑스 , 러시아 , 중국 등 유엔 안보리 상임이사국 및 독일 주요 6개국(P5+1)과 이란 간 포괄적 공동행동계획 (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)이 최종 타결되 면서 이란에 대한 관심이 집중되고 있다 . 앞으로 이란의 에너지 지정학에 대한 보다 심도 깊은 논의와 연구가 필요하다 .

      • KCI등재

        이란의 이슬람 혁명과 소수 종교의 관계 연구

        유달승(Yu, Dal-Seu) 한국중동학회 2019 韓國 中東 學會 論叢 Vol.39 No.3

        According to the world factbook of CIA in 2018, 99.4% (90-95% of Shiites, 5-10% of Sunnis) were Muslims, 0.3% were minorities and 0.4% were unspecified religions in Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a political system established by the Islamic Revolution in 1979. The official religion is Shi a Islam. The Islamic Republic of Iran was established on the basis of Khomeini s Velayat-e Faqih (Islamic Jurist) and based on this, the Iranian Constitution was enacted. According to the Iranian law, the Supreme Leader must be both the supreme leader of Iran and a Shiite jurist. The president of Iran must also be a Shi ite Muslim. In this paper, The identity of the state will be reviewed through the current status of religious minorities as well as social underprivileged in Iran. To do this, I will first analyze the Islamic revolution and the Iranian identity debate, and examine the Iranian Constitution to analyze religious minorities issues in it. I would like to identify the problems faced by religious minorities through the religious minorities policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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