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        임신 및 분만결과에 따른 경구당부하검사의 분석

        김정혜(JH Kim),송혜섭(HS Song),오말례(ML Oh),양석기(SK Yang),민보은(BE Min) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.1

        결론 1. 서구인과 비교해 본 저자들의 경구당부하검사는 많은 차이점들 나타내었다. 즉 저자들이 시행한 검사치를 미국인의 것과 비교했을 때 평균치에 있어서 약30~4omg%,2S.D.에서 25~40mg%가 각각 높았다. 그러므로 식생활이 다른 한국인의 임신성 당뇨병 진단에 미국인의 기준치를 적용하는 것은 많은 오류를 범할 수 있다고 생각되므로 좀 더 많은 수의 검사로 한국인의 표준을 정하는 것이 필요하다고 본다. 2. 비정상 임신시 정상 임신에 취하여 비정상 당부하검사를 나타내는 예가 월등히 많았다. 과체중아 분만시에 고혈당치 뿐 아니라 저혈당치의 빈도도 높이 나타났으며 처체중아 분만시에도 고혈당치를 나타내는 빈도가 높았다. 또한 산과력이 나빴던 예에서도 저혈당치를 나타낸 예와 현성당뇨병을 나타낸 예가 많았으며 임신중독증 시에도 고혈당치 뿐 아니라 저혈당치도 높은 빈도를 나타내었다. 3. screening test로써의 single test는 3시간이 의의가 있는 것으로 생각되나 일부의 비정상적인 사람들을 포함하지 못할 수도 있다. 모든 임신부에게 3시간의 single test를 행하는 것이 바람직하나 비정상적인 임신이 기대될 때는 표준당부하검사를 시행하는 것이 좋을 것이다. lt has been wedely recognized that many complications in obstetrics & gynecology are asscoiated with abnormal carbohydrate metabolism. Oral glucose toIerance test is the one of the better tests in diagnsing diabetes mellitus but its value changes depending upon the basic diet, especially amount of carbonhydrate intake. Therefore we thought there may be a difference in glucose tolerance between Western and Korean peoples. Oral glucose tolerance tests were done in 159 control group people, nonpregnant 34, pregnant 59, and postpartum (baby, A.G.A.I.)66, and a group of 389 with abnormali- ties of pregnancy, L.G.A.I.215, S.G.A.I.76, stillbirth unknown cause 22, bad ㅇbstetric history 20, hypertensⅳe disorders in pregnancy 53, and fetal abnormality 3. The results are as follows; 1. There was a marked difference between Korean and American mean oral glucose tolerance test results. This study showed 30~40mg% higher value than American pre- gnancy standard, and 25~40mg% higher in comparing 2 S.D. This study would mean that it would be dangerous if the American standards are used in diagnosis and treat- ment of Gestational Diabetes in Kotea. 2. Abnormal pregnancy showed a more frequent association with abnormai G.T.T. compared to normal pregnancy. Hyperglycemia was associated with L.G.A.I. in 7.9% cases but also hypoglycemia was associated with hyperglycemia. Patients with a bad obstetric history showed 20% hypoglycemia and 15% overt diabetes, but none in the hyperglycemia, not diabetic level. Dypertensⅳe disorders in pregnancy were associated with hyperglycemia as well as hypoglycemia. 3. For singIe Ioading test a 3hr test is probably the best but it would still miss some of the patients with abnormal curves. As a screening test of all pregnant patients the 3hr single loading test could be used but when there is an abnormality of pregnancy it would be adⅵsable to do a full G.T.T.

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