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        현대 예술가 소설의 변용: 제임스 조이스의 『영웅 스티븐』과 『젊은 예술가의 초상』의 개작 연구

        오길영 ( Gil Young Oh ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2009 제임스조이스저널 Vol.15 No.1

        This paper purposes to reassess James Joyce`s Stephen Hero and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man from a comparative approach, arguing that Hero is far from an incomplete forerunner of A Portrait. A Portrait has been acclaimed as an exemplary 20th Century Bildungsroman. Hero has been rarely discussed in the Joycean scholarship, for it is an incomplete project in terms not only of its formal structure but also of its artistic immaturity. With his deep dissatisfaction with the form and style of the forerunner, Joyce casts Hero into A Portrait with much modification of style and characterization. Joyce`s recasting is well paid off: a birth of 20th century Bildungsroman. Joyce`s reshaping of Hero into A Portrait, however, pays the price for modification In getting the benefit of economy in focusing on Stephen`s consciousness and his gradual and even arrogant growth of self-consciousness as a young national writer, Joyce loses the effects of the more realistic dramatization of characters in Hero. The inappropriate dominance of the monolithic narrative in A Portrait which focuses on Stephen`s consciousness is the most noticeable when compared with Dubliners, Stephen Hero and Ulysses. The narrator`s closeness to Stephen is prominent in the transformation of Stephen Hero into A Portrait. Every event is basically filtered through all-important Stephen`s consciousness in A Portrait. The more skillful use of free indirect style in A Portrait than Dubliners and Hero is effectively instrumental in making of the aspiring young artist`s self-consciousness and his development as a young artist. A Portrait is not a monolithic or homogeneous novel in the Bakhtinian terms, although it is a modified version of Bildungsroman that put an emphasis on a protagonist`s development as a `problematic figure` and his final adjustment to the world. Arguably, other characters` voices are almost deleted in A Portrait. The rare, but indisputable distance between the narrator and the hero illustrates sharply itself in Joyce`s careful insertion of the scenes of Stephen`s relationships with the female characters. Within this approach, Stephen`s evasion from the female characters lay bare his self-inflicted misogyny. Stephen`s misogyny is felt throughout A Portrait and Stephen Hero. His misogyny is typically touched in almost all the relationships with the female characters; the incessant refusal of his mother, the problematic relationship with Emma Clery, the deleted scene of his sister Isabel`s tragic death in Hero, and finally in the guilty consciousness toward his sisters` sacrifices for the eldest son`s education. I would say that his separation from his mother and sisters leaves a scar on his ideal of a true national artist.

      • KCI등재

        숲속 공기와 주변 우점수목 정유의 모노테르펜류 분포 비교

        오길영 ( Gil Young Oh ),서윤규 ( Yun Gyu Seo ),박귀환 ( Gui Hwan Park ),김익산 ( Ik San Kim ),배주순 ( Ju Soon Bae ),박송인 ( Song In Park ),하훈 ( Hun Ha ),양수인 ( Soo In Yang ),이지헌 ( Ji Hun Lee ),이완진 ( Wan Jin Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2013 한국산림과학회지 Vol.102 No.3

        The concentration of terpene (18 species) was measured from spring to fall in ambient air and essential oil at three different forests located in Jeollanamdo province. Sampling was conducted at 4-hour-interval a day of each season. In the ambient air, α-pinene, β-pinene and 2-carene were the most abundant compounds throughout the sampling periods and areas. The highest three-season average concentration of total terpene was 2,597 pptv at Jeamsan(Mt.) in Boseong which was predominantly populated by Pinaceae. The seasonal averages were observed to peak during spring with their max at Palyeongsan(Mt.) in Goheung and Jeamsan(Mt.) in Boseong, and during fall at Woodland in Jangheung. Most of terpenes had diurnal variations with higher concentrations during the daytime, and lower during the nighttime. However in essential oil, the highest annual average concentration of total terpene was 798 μg/dry-g at Goheung which was predominantly populated by Chamaecyparis obtusa. Also, the component proportion ratio showed different distribution between ambient air and essential oil. From the results of this study, we suggest that Chamaecyparis obtusa species is more useful, and younger tree is more economical than older one, and spring is the best season for lumbering in order to use essential oil.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        식민지 근대의 초상 -조이스와 박태원, 이사의 비교연구

        오길영 ( Gil Young Oh ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2013 현대영미소설 Vol.20 No.1

        This essay is a comparative reading of Joyce from the perspective not merely of Joyce`s dealing with the question of (post)modernity but also of the 1930s Korean writers` literary engagement with Joyce`s ambitious thought-adventure as typically findable in Park Tae-won and Lee sang. Joyce chooses a strategy of dual refusal. He rejects not only the submission to colonial power which has been represented by London as a literary center, but equally any display of conformity to the national literary norms of Ireland. He chose self-exile on the continent in order to produce an Irish literature in his own terms, and established a new literary space for his imagined Irish literature in the republic of European literature. This study also pays due attention to Park Tae-won`s and Lee Sang`s literary associations with Joyce`s project in terms of their rethinking of the issue of (post)modernity. The 1920-30s of Korea witnessed the growing volume in printing capital that led to the massive establishment of commercial newspapers and magazines due to the influence of the growing sector of colonial capitalism and the building project of some colonial cities such as Kyung-seong(Seoul). Park Tae-won`s Goobo is a symbol of the Korea-Europe cultural traffic enabled by the importation of European literature and, at the same time, a Korean incarnation of Joyce`s Bloom and Stephen displaying the common attributes of global consumerism. The poet-novelist Lee Sang is in distinction with Park, insofar as the former did not forfeit his artistic desire and vision of gaining an insight into the real nature of modernity as well exemplified in a short story “The Wing” and a poem “Ogamdo”.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Hardy as a Storyteller: A Reading of The Mayor of Casterbridge and Jude the Obscure

        오길영 ( Gil Young Oh ) 근대영미소설학회 2000 근대 영미소설 Vol.7 No.2

        이 논문은 `이야기꾼(Storyteller)`으로서의 하아디(Thomas Hardy)의 작가적 면모를 검토한 것이다. 독자에게 삶의 진실을 전해줌으로써 지혜(wisdom)를 전달해주는 것이 이야기꾼의 역할이며 그런 이야기꾼의 존재가 현대에 이르러서는 점점 사라지고 있다는 벤야민(Walter Benjamin)의 통찰에 기대어 고전적 의미에서 이야기꾼의 마지막 대변자라 할 하이디의 작품들, 특히 The Major of Casterbridge와 Jude the Obscure를 검토한다. 하아디의 이야기꾼으로서의 면모를 두 작품의 스타일과 내러티브 분석에 초점을 맞추어 따져 본다. 레이먼드 윌리엄즈(Raymond Wiliams)가 적절하게 지적했듯이 하아디는 그의 시대의 충실한 기록자(chronicler)였다. 기록자이자 이야기꾼으로서의 하아디의 면모는 사라져 가는 빅토리아 시대와 새롭게 도래하는 현대 사회의 교차지점에서 작가로서의 위상을 새롭게 모색하기 위한 하아디의 작가적 정체성 탐색의 결과였다. 하아디의 작품들은 디킨즈(Charles Dickens)를 비롯한 빅토리아조 리얼리즘 문학의 핵심적 측면을 계승하면서도 19세기 말엽부터 득세하기 시작한 자연주의 문학의 문제점에 대한 날카로운 경계의식을 동시에 드러낸다. 하아디의 작품은 빅토리아 시대 리얼리즘 문학과 20세기 초엽 모더니즘 문학을 이어주는 교량역할을 하였다. 그 이유는 두 시대 사이에서 하아디는 두 시대의 충돌과 교체라는 역사적 상황에 대한 날카로운 자의식을 읽지 않았기 때문이었다. 사실주의와 자연주의 문학에 대한 간략한 이론적 고찰 뒤에 본 논문에서는 위에서 언급한 하아디의 두 작품을 경계에 선 작가로서의 하아디의 역사적 상황과 연관해 분석한다. 특히 디킨즈르 비롯한 19세기 리얼리즘 작가의 인물묘사, 상황묘사, 그리고 서술시점의 유사성과 차이점을 비교 검토함으로써, 레이먼드 윌리엄즈의 표현을 빌려, 이제 영향력을 잃고 사라져 가되 그 역사적 영향력은 여전히 잔존하는(the residual) 빅토리아 시대와 새롭게 대두하는(the emergent) 현대 문명의 교차지점에 선 하아디 작품의 `고전성`과 `현대성`을 검토한다.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 영미문학사 쓰기의 가능성과 한계 -『영미문학의 길잡이』의 비판적 읽기

        오길영 ( Gil Young Oh ) 영미문학연구회 2002 영미문학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The writing of an English literary history text requires, if any, not only the author(s)`s erudition in English literature but her own ``independent`` or ``singular`` perspective into the vast stream of literature history along with the social and cultural backgrounds. It is far from an easy job. For this reason, the recent publication of A New Guide to English Literary History is worthy of notice. The objectives of this book are truly ambitious enough to be summarized into three terms. First, what we may call a post-colonial approach or the authoring of ``against the grain`` calls our attention. A New Guide envisions a kind of post-colonial perspective on the old-fashioned tradition of the English literary history, on the one hand. On the other hand, this book justly concerns itself with the recent British or American scholarship of English literature tradition, carefully paying attention to the ``universal`` or ``objective`` aspects of literary studies. Second, A New Guide attempts to provide an introductory survey of English literary history not only to the professional English scholars but also to the common readers who are interested in English literature in general. It`s engagement with textual readability with a certain professional insights are easily captured both in its content and form. The third noticeable point is that this book appears as a long-termed and hard-working common project with much cooperation and mutual helps of the participating co-authors. Chances are, yet, that there remain such debatable issues and questionable points as the conflicting but provocative assesment of the (late) Romantic poets, Modernism, and the uniqueness of American romance and realism. These unresolved issues will deserve further detailed considerations from the Korean scholarship of English literary studies in immediate future.

      • KCI등재

        대학의 몰락과 교양교육 -미국 대학의 교양교육 현황

        오길영 ( Gil Young Oh ) 영미문학연구회 2013 안과 밖 Vol.0 No.34

        As widely acknowledged, Korean universities have been increasingly corporatised at the advent of neo-liberalism since the late 1990s. This has had a devastating effect upon Korean universities, as the institution has become little more than a business, or a sort of prep-school for the highly-paid and secured jobs after graduation. Universities are consequently dominated by bean-counting, money-hungry, crudely-asserted “pragmatic” owners, presidents and bureaucrats. The results have been the collapse of the academic soul of university, evident in the downsizing and downgrading of traditional “liberal education” or “general education” such as the humanities, social science, natural science and foreign language and culture. Traditionally, liberal education has functioned as a course of basic college education suitable for the cultivation of a free human being and critical thinking. It has been described as a philosophy of education that empowers individuals with broad knowledge and transferable skills, and a stronger sense of human values, ethics, and civic engagement, including a general curriculum which provides broad exposure to multiple disciplines and learning strategies in addition to in-depth study in at least one academic area. But Korean universities have abandoned this goal, advocating the promotion of “pragmatic” academics. This essay proposes to proffer a detailed picture featuring the liberal education system of American universities plus liberal arts colleges, which have paid a due attention to such communal learning as diverse academic disciplines, foreign languages/cultures, reading/writing, arts and music. This essay puts a special emphasis on the American system of “the core curriculum,” the set of common courses required of all undergraduates and considered the necessary general education for students, irrespective of their choice in major.

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      • KCI등재

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