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      • KCI등재

        초등교원 임용시험제도에 관한 역사적 고찰: 회고와 전망

        신춘호 ( Shin Chunho ) 한국초등교육학회 2020 초등교육연구 Vol.33 No.1

        이 글은 올해로 거의 30년이 되는 초등교원 임용시험제도에 관한 역사적 회고와 더불어 현재 시점에서의 개선 방향을 모색하기 위한 글이다. 현재의 공개경쟁시험체제는, 1990년 교육공무원법에 관한 헌법재판소의 위헌 판결로 야기된 임용사태를 해결하기 위한 궁여지책으로 도입되었다. 중등과는 확연히 다른, 초등교육의 현황을 고려한다면, 초등교사 임용에 공개경쟁시험을 도입한다는 것 자체가 의문시되는 상황이었다. 도입 이후 지금까지 임용시험제도는 크고 작은 여러 차례의 변화를 겪었지만, 그 변화는 크게 2가지 방향, 즉 시험자체의 적합성과 타당성을 개선하는 방향과 현직 교사응시제한 철폐 등 자유경쟁을 강화하는 방향으로 변천의 과정을 겪어 왔다고 볼 수 있다. 공개경쟁시험이 지니는 본질적 한계점 이외에도, 이러한 변천과정은 그 이전까지 유지되었던 지역별 양성체제의 붕괴를 가져왔으며, 그 결과 교사양성 및 임용에서의 지역 간 격차 문제가 더욱 현저하게 부각되었다. 임용시험제도가 도입되던 30년 전과 마찬가지로, 초저출산에 따른 학령인구의 감소라는 구조적 환경변화는 초등교원 양성을 포함한 교원교육 체제의 구조조정을 예고하고 있다. 현재의 임용시험제도는 양성체제와 임용제도가 상호 유기적 관련을 가지는 방향으로 꾸준히 개선될 필요가 있으며, 이와 더불어, 교원양성대학은 미래사회의 요구에 부응하는 교사상에 기초하여, 현재의 임용제도가 가지는 문제점을 개선할 수 있는 현실적 대안을 보다 주도적이고 능동적으로 모색해야 할 것이다. This paper is intended to attempt the historical review of the primary employment examination, which is almost 30 years old. In 1990, It was introduced as a ‘desperate measure’ to cope with the judgment of Constitutional Court on the law of education official. but regarding on the different situations of the secondary and primary education at that time, we may say that introducing such a competitive examination for employing primary school teacher, was itself a serious doubt. After introducing, the examination system has been changed to improve its validity and adequacy, to strengthen the elements of the free competition. In these changes during all most past 30 years, the essential limits of the competitive examination have been revealed, and former ‘regional educating system’, which had certain important functions to maintain the quality of primary education, has been collapsed. As a result, the gap between regions has been widened. Although current ‘ultra low birth rate’ is triggering the restructuring of teacher education system, the current employment examination system should be steadily revised to reduce the gap between regions, and to strengthen circular relation between the education and the employment system, and these tries should be based on the philosophical reflections on the ideas of ‘good’ teacher.

      • KCI등재

        원격개방대학의 학업평가제도 형성에 관한 역사사회학적 고찰

        남신동(Sindong Nam),신춘호(SHIN Chunho) 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2007 평생학습사회 Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the student assessment system of the Korea National Open University(KNOU) and Open University of United Kingdom(OUUK) in the special aspect of its historical origin and development. As an new model of the higher education, ‘open university’ had been appeared itself in the early 1970s. KNOU and UKOU, both of which now have about 200,000 students, have made a significant contribution to the widening of the higher education in each country. As an open university, which has very different nature from the ordinary traditional university, KNOU and UKOU had an important challenge from its beginning, that is, to harmonize or equipoise two core norms, i.e., the ‘openness’ and the ‘universitiness’. As the idea of ‘openness’ was regarded as the incompatible one with the idea of ‘universitiness’ implied in the idea of the traditional university, so the ‘universitiness’ couldn't be harmonized with the idea of ‘university for everyone’. These two core ‘norms’, which constitute the identity of the open university, had sharply and furiously conflicted at the foundation period of UKOU. In the case of KNOU, there was not such an apparent conflict at its beginning. But the analysis of making of assessment system of it shows that these norms have actively worked too. In this study, the qualities of the student assessment policy of the KNOU and UKOU were compared and analyzed from the respect of its historical origin and development. In the context of open and mega-university as KNOU and UKOU, student assessment policy has actually the most important role in the quality management and enhancement. The current qualities of two universities can be more fully understood when they are regarded as the result of the university's struggle with the above challenge.

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