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      • 상생 · 발전을 위한 다문화정책의 과제

        신기원(Shin Ki Won),박상규(Park Sang Kyu) 한국갈등관리학회 2015 한국갈등관리연구 Vol.2 No.1

        우리 사회는 통계적으로는 다문화사회에 진입하였지만, 사회적 규범과 의식 그리고 문화적으로는 여전히 개선의 여지가 많다. 우리 사회는 정부주도로 외국인 노동자를 경제성장에 필요한 노동력으로 도입하였으며, 인식론적으로는 동화주의 중심의 정책을 추진해오고 있는 바, 경제 · 사회적 갈등이 누적되고 있다. 한국정부의 다문화정책의 지향성(orientation)은 ‘차별적 배제모형’으로 출발하고, 점차 ‘동화모형’으로 전개 그리고 "다문화주의 모형"으로 발전, 추진되어 왔다. 이러한 변형은 목적적이라기보다는 사회변화에 대응하는 진화적 관점에서 평가된다. 발전적 차원에서는 한국정부는 다문화주의에 입각한 정책적 지향점은 네 가지 차원, 적극적인 이민허용을 통한 국가경쟁력 강화, 질 높은 사회통합, 질서 있는 이민행정 구현, 외국인 인권 옹호로 유형화되어 추진되고 있다. 그러나 지방자치단체의 경우는 현실적으로 중앙정부와는 다른 차원의 접근이 요청된다. 지방자치단체에서는 네 가지 차원이 동시에 균형적으로 추진하는 데에는 현실적인 제한이 있다. 따라서 당진시의 경우는 이민행정영역과 지역사회적 통합영역에 대한 연구가 더욱 집중되어야 할 필요가 있음을 제시하였다. 이 영역에 대한 당진 지역사회에 적합하고 실효성 있는 프로그램을 개발, 집행하는 것이 요청된다. The policy orientation of multi-cultural society in Korea started the pattern of “differential exclusionary model”, moved toward the pattern of “assimilationist model” and became to advance the pattern of “multi-cultural model”. These drives of multi-cultural policy might be a fruit of response to societal changes rather than a purposive and conscious ones. The articulated missions of multi-cultural policy in korea are categorized as fourdimension. The followings are the specific statements of four-dimension, enhancement of national competitiveness by pro-immigration policy, highly realization of social integration, systematic establishment of immigration administration and protection of immigrants’rights. Local government might, however, have a realistic constraints to implement measuredly these four directions. This paper proposed that Dangin local government would be better to focus the two directions, that is, the systematization of immigration administration and realization of social integration. This orientation of multi-cultural policy would have a realistic and effective impacts on multi-cultural society in Dang city.

      • 행위주체별 갈등유형 및 갈등대응인식에 관한 조사연구

        최병학(Choi Byoung Hahk),신기원(Shin Ki Won),이준건(Lee Jun Gun),이준석(Lee Jun Seok),전오진(Jun Oh Jin) 한국갈등관리학회 2014 한국갈등관리연구 Vol.1 No.1

        충청남도에서 화력발전소가 입지해 있는 당진, 태안, 보령, 서천지역에서의 공공갈등관리는 각별한 의미를 담고 있으며, 이는 화력발전소의 입지갈등과 신ㆍ증설 및 가동ㆍ운영에 따른 주변지역의 갈등이 그치지 않고 있고, 주로 생활불편, 환경오염, 생태계 왜곡, 온배수 문제, 보상갈등, 지가하락, 지역공동체 균열 등 많은 갈등요인을 수반하고 있다. 본 연구는 충남 서해안에 입지하고 있는 당진ㆍ태안ㆍ보령ㆍ서천지역 화력발전소 주변지역을 대상으로 일종의 참여관찰연구를 참여주체별 갈등유형 및 갈등대응인식 조사를 위한 현장간담회를 개최하였으며, 행위주체들은 공통으로 참여한 주민ㆍ행정(담당공무원)ㆍ언론과 함께 각 지역별 개별 참여한 환경/시민단체ㆍ지역연구소ㆍ발전소였다. 이로써 갈등쟁점(원인ㆍ과정), 참여주체들의 입장차이, 갈등유형 및 대응인식을 분석, 논의하였다. 종합적으로 볼 때, 각 화력발전소 주변지역별로 행위주체들이 인식하고 있는 갈등유형 및 갈등대응인식은 구조적?이해관계 갈등과 가치관ㆍ사실관계 갈등이 혼합된 ‘복합적 갈등’으로 보고 있으며, 환경 및 시민단체와 반대주민 대표 측은 대체로 ‘경쟁형’을 위주로 일부 ‘타협형’이 가미된 양상이며, 지역언론이나 자치단체(지방의회 포함)의 경우는 ‘협력형’과 ‘타협형’의 경향이 높고, 발전소 측은 ‘회피형’ 내지는 일부 ‘타협형’의 유형적 특징을 보였다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이러한 행위주체별 갈등유형 및 갈등대응인식 조사결과를 감안하여, 이러한 갈등의 사회적 비용과 부담을 최소화하기 위한 각 행위주체별로 노력을 기울여야 한다. 특히, 갈등의 양극단 대척점에 서있는 경우는 현재 처해진 갈등상황을 인위적으로 완화시키기가 그리 쉽지 않으므로, 객관적이고 중립적인 제3의 전문가 집단의 참여를 통한 갈등의 조정ㆍ중재노력이 필수적으로 요구된다. In South Chungcheong Province, and holds special meaning to conflict management in public Dangjin, Taean, Boryeong, and Seocheon area to thermal power plants are located, which is beyond the conflict surrounding area along with the thermal power plant located in new conflicts, expansion and operation and no, it mainly involves a lot of factors, such as life uncomfortable conflict, environmental pollution, ecological distortion, hot waste water issues, compensation conflicts, land fell, cracking community. The kind of research involved participant observation by the subject was held on-site meetings for conflict types and conflict response awareness survey of Dangjin, Taean, Boryeong, and Seocheon thermal power plant located in the surrounding area, this study involved subjects are Chungcheongnam-do West with participation by the common people, administration(officials), regional media and involved individual environmental and civil society, Institute of plant area. This conflict issues(cause?process), their differences of subjects involved, the type of conflict analysis and response recognized, were discussed. The report by the structural conflict interests and values, facts mixed conflict "complex conflict" and actors are recognized as a comprehensive, regional conflicts around the thermal power plants in each conflict type and corresponding recognition. Environment generally focuses on the "competitive type" generally tinge some "compromise type", the local media and a high tendency of "collaborate" and "compromise type" and civil society representatives and opposition parties resident governments(including local councils), and plant side showed the characteristics of the "avoid type". In view of these actors by conflict types and conflict response awareness survey, each action should be taken to try to minimize the social cost and the principal burden of the conflict. In particular, the adjustment?conflict mediation efforts through participation of experts of the third objective, neutral essential so easy to mitigate conflicts artificially extreme circumstances.

      • KCI등재

        양식 넙치 폐사피해 및 수산생물용 의약품 사용량 모니터링

        지보영 ( Bo Young Jee ),신기원 ( Ki Won Shin ),이대욱 ( Dae Wook Lee ),김영재 ( Young Jae Kim ),이무근 ( Mu Kun Lee ) 한국어병학회 2014 한국어병학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        The monitoring was performed to survey the mortalities and medications occurred in the inland aquaculture farms of olive flounder in South Korea from May to October, 2012. Both of the indirect inquiry for entire inland farms and the sample survey for selected farms were carried out. The aquatic organism disease inspectors, who have the national licenses for the diagnosis and prevention of aquaticorganism diseases and have close relationship with the farms, investigated the rates and causes of mortalities according to the standard manual. The cumulative mortalities rate by the indirect inquiry on 565 farms, was calculated to 27.18%, and the mortalities rate by infectious diseases was 22.64%. Otherwise, the mortalities rate by sample survey on 60 farms was 25.50%, 19.33% of them were caused by infectious diseases. The high mortality rates were recorded by scuticociliatosis, non-infectious loss, streptococcosis, VHS, artificial eliminations, vibriosis and gliding bacterial disease. Streptococcosis and non-infectious mortality caused to serious loss in productivity and economy of the farms, because of their outbreaks in the flounder groups over 600 g. The monitoring of medications in the selected farms revealed that formalin for the treatment of external parasites, such as scuticociliates, was the most commonly used drugs in the farms. As the antibiotic medications, amoxicillin and florfenicol for streptococcosis, and oxytetracycline and neomycin expecting wide antibacterial spectrum, were frequently prescribed.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 양식 흰다리새우(Litopenaeus vannamei)에서 발생한 전염성근괴사증(Infectious Myonecrosis) 역학 조사

        권문경(Mun-Gyeong KWON),김수미(Su-Mi KIM),신기원(Ki-Won SHIN),조미영(Mi-Young CHO),황성돈(Seong-Don HWANG),서정수(Jung-Soo SEO),황지연(Jee-Youn HWANG),지보영(Bo-Young JEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2019 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        We carried out an epidemiological survey of infectious myonecrosis which first occurred in farmed whiteleg shrimps in May 2015. The virus was not detected in culture water, feeds, and surrounding organisms in the IMNV-infected farms. In 2015, 5 hatcheries of whiteleg shrimps were operated in Korea, so we carried out virus tests on shrimp broodstock, shrimp feed lug worms(imported), rearing water, and surrounding organisms sampled from each of the 5 hatcheries. The tests detected the virus in one of 6 tested adult shrimps. 25~40% of the imported lug worms were also found infected, which requires us to consider need for import quarantine. The rearing water as well as the 11 species present in the infected hatcheries were also tested positive. These results require us to consider need for further research on correlations between the virus and surrounding animals in infected shrimp farms.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 양식 흰다리새우, Litopenaeus vannamei에 대한 법정전염병 모니터링 (2010~2013)

        김수미 ( Su Mi Kim ),최민지 ( Min Ji Choi ),김석렬 ( Seok Ryel Kim ),강서경 ( Seo Kyeong Kang ),황혜연 ( Hye Yeon Hwang ),장인권 ( In Kwon Jang ),김진우 ( Jin Woo Kim ),지보영 ( Bo Young Jee ),신기원 ( Ki Won Shin ),박명애 ( Myoun 한국어병학회 2014 한국어병학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Since the Aquatic life disease control act was established in 2009, we have monitored OIE notifiable and legally designated diseases which are associated with white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei but are as yet outbreak in South Korea. We had monitored only two viral diseases of YHD and IMN, but further added IHHN, TS and WTD in an attempt to reinforce monitoring as a countermeasure against the increasing possibility of imported diseases led by continuous growth in global fisheries trade. We also increased the number of monitoring areas, and shrimp farms. In 2013, we examined a total of 2,650 white shrimp from 29 hatcheries and farms to check whether they were infected with any of the 5 diseases (YHD, IMN, IHHN, TS, WTD). The result showed that none of the samples contained the viruses. To regulation of the exotic diseases from landing in our country and to strengthen prevention, management and control of the diseases on a national level, we must continue the surveillance monitoring of the diseases.

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