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        상피하결합조직 이식술을 이용한 치근면 피개

        송현종,장현선,김병옥,Song, Hyun-Jong,Jang, Hyun-Seon,Kim, Byung-Ock 대한치주과학회 2007 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.37 No.3

        Marginal tissue recession makes problems like esthetics, root caries, hypersensitivity and plaque accumulation. Request for root coverage is higer than ever, especially esthetic problems involved. So techniques for root coverage hav been developed. There are some kinds of surgical techniques using soft tissue for root coverage. For example, free gingival graft, kinds of pedicle flap, subepithelial connective tissue graft(SCTG), and so on. Subepithelial connective tissue graft has many advantage for root coverage, that is less pain on donor site, good blood supply for graft, and more esthetic result. For this reaseon, this case report was performed to evaluate the effect of root coverage using subepithelial connective tissue graft. Three patients has Miller's class I marginal tissue recession and one patients has Miller's class III marginal tissue recession. The following period is 36.5 month on average. The results are as follows: 1. Root coverage of 100% was obtained in 5 of 6 defects, and 80% was obtained in 1 of 6 defects, The mean root coverage was 96,6% in six cases on 4 patients. 2. The mean root coverage was 3.83mm and mean recession depth decreased from 4mm to 0.16mm. 3. The mean width of clinical attached gingiva increased from 1.5mm to 4mm. The mean width of gained attached gingiva after surgery was 2.5mm. 4. The mean follow up period was 36.5 months. The longest follow up period was 50 months and the shortest follow up period was 22 months. 5. The result that obtained by surgery was stable during follow up period. Within the above results, root coverage with SCTG is an effective procedure to cover marginal tissue recession defect with long term stability.

      • KCI등재

        치은염 환자에서 저출력 이산화탄소 레이저의 염증완화 효과에 관한 연구

        송현종,김병옥,장현선,Song, Hyun-Jong,Kim, Byung-Ock,Jang, Hyun-Seon 대한치주과학회 2008 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.38 No.4

        Purpose: In this study, we compared low-power $CO_2$ laser treatment to ultrasonic scaling, which is generally approved as a power-driven mechanical instrumentation, and evaluated both of these treatments regarding their clinical effectiveness and change in the volume of in GCF. Material and methods: 20 patients who had gingivitis were selected. all of patients has no systemic problems. Randomly selected, one quadrant received ultrasonic scaling only, another quadrant received ultrasonic scaling and $CO_2$ laser irradiation, the other quadrant received $CO_2$ laser irradiation only. Clinical parameters measured at baseline, 1 weeks, 2weeks, 4weeks and 8weeks. Result: Pocket probing depth and clinical attachment level were not changed during study period. Gingival index of all group were improved after treatment. At 1 weeks after treatment, Gingival index of ultrasonic scaling group was only significantly different compared to control group. At 2 weeks after treatment, gingival index of all experimental group were significantly different compared to control group. At 4 and 8 weeks after treatment, gingival index of all group were increased, but experimental group were lower than control group. Sulcus bleeding index was similar to the results of gingival index. At 1 weeks after treatment, all experimental group were significantly different compared to control group and it maintained during study. At 2 weeks after treatment, sulcus bleeding index of all group were lowest during study. Gingival crevicular fluid were measured with $Periotron^{(R)}$ 8000($Oraflow^{(R)}$, Inc. USA). At baseline, all group were showed moderately severe condition. At 1 week after treatment, laser treatment only group was reduced quantity of gingival crevicular fluid mostly, and all group were reduced quantity of gingival crevicular fluid. At 2 weeks after treatment, all group were health state. At 4 and 8 weeks after treatment, all group were showed recurrent of inflammation, and control group was the most significantly increased. Conclusion: This study showed that the effects of $CO_2$ laser treatment were similar to conventional ultrasonic scaling and this result remained longer than plaque control only. These results suggest possibility of $CO_2$ laser treatment for altered periodontal therapy.

      • KCI등재

        "테오리아"(Theoria)인가 "테우르기아"(Theurgia)인가?: De Mysteriis에 나타난 이암블리코스의 "영적 플라톤주의"

        송현종 ( Hyone Jong Song ),박규철 ( Kyu Cheol Park ) 한국동서철학회 2012 동서철학연구 Vol.63 No.-

        시리아 학파의 태두인 이암블리코스는 고대 말 신플라톤주의 흐름에서 ``제설혼합주의``(syncretism)를 주창한 대표적인 신플라톤주의자이다. 그는 헤르메스주의(Hermetism)를 통해 고대 그리스에 등장한 이집트 신학과 『칼테아 신탁집』(Oracular Chaldaica)의 종교 의례적 전통을 ``영적인 플라톤주의``라는 맥락에서 절묘하게 융합시키고, ``테우르기아``(theurgia)에 기반 하여 자신의 독특한 일원론적 형이상학을 전개한다. 무엇보다도 이암블리코스의 영적인 플라톤주의는 신플라톤주의의 창시자인 플로티노스와 로마학파의 대표자인 포르피리오스의 ``관상(contemplation)적 일원론``에 대한 비판과 반성 속에서 형성된다. 플로티노스는 물질을 악으로 규정하고 영혼의 하강을 부인하나, 이암블리코스는 물질을 선으로 규정하고 영혼의 하강을 긍정한다. 또한 이암블리코스는 플라톤주의의 수학화·추상화·이성화를 비판하는 차원에서 플로티노스와 포르피리오스의 관상 개념도 비판한다. 이런 비판을 통하여, 이암블리코스는 플라톤 철학의 고유한 이상을 ``신인합일``, 즉 인간의 ``신적 동화``에서 찾는 영적인 플라톤주의를 정립한다. 『이집트 신비에 관하여』는 이암블리코스의 이러한 영적인 플라톤주의, 즉 테우르기아에 기반 한 그의 영적인 플라톤주의가 잘 드러나 있는데, 여기에서 그는 ``신성의 수용체로서 물질에 대한 긍정``, ``신적 질서의 투영체로서의 우주`` 그리고 ``영혼의 완전한 하강을 통한 인간의 신격화``이라는 3가지 논점을 특별히 강조한다. 또한 그는 ``테우르기아적 합일``을 다음 2가지, 즉 물질에 영혼을 불어넣는 ``조상 제의``(telestike)와 육신을 통하여 신을 현전시키는 ``육화(肉化)제의``(eiskrinein)로 구분하면서, 이 구분을 통하여 세계의 성화(consecration)라는 우주론을 형성하고, 신인합일에 근거한 존재론적 변형과 구원론(soteriology)을 제시한다. 이암블리코스의 이러한 영적인 플라톤주의는 많은 의미를 함축하고 있다. 우선적으로 지성적 사유와 종교적 경험의 통합을 지향하는 그의 형이상학은 천상과 지상 그리고 영혼과 육체의 대립을 통합적으로 사유하는 전통을 부활시킴으로써, 그리스 철학과 기독교로 대변되는 서양 문화의 이면에 자리해온 신비주의적 전통을 온전히 드러낸다. 다음으로 이암블리코스 철학은 추상적 관념주의와 유물론적 세계관이라는 현대의 극단적 이원론을 통합시키는데 기여함은 물론, 이론 중심적 사유와 실천 중심적 삶을 통일시키는 데에도 이바지할 수 있다. "지상의 인간은 필멸하는 신이요, 천상의 신은 불멸하는 인간이다."- Corpus Hermeticum, X.25 A Syrian neoplatonist, Iamblichus(c.250-c.330 CE), was a syncretistic scholar and mystagogue with theurgic fervor in late antiquity. Under the influence of Greek philosophy based on the Hellenistic milieu, he accepted the context of the spiritual Platonism, focusing on two mystical sources: Hermetism appeared from the Egyptian theology and Oracular Chaldaica putatively originated from Babylonia. Contrary to the contemplative monism of Plotinus and Porphyry, his therugical monism, emphasizing on the hieratic ``ergon``, was introduced as a methodological strategy for restoring the Hermetic tradition, in pursuing the unification of mystical experience and intellectual philosophy. Subsequently, Iamblichus severely criticized the overweight of rationalization in the geometrical Platonism for succeeding to the spiritual Platonism which proclaimed ``a homoiosis theo as a ultimate goal of Platonic paideia. In this regard, there are three cardinal argumentations on ``matter``, ``cosmos``, and ``soul``, in his refutative epistle, De mysterii. First he characterizes matter as the receptacle of divinity. Second cosmos is grounded on the divine order. Finally, the deification of the soul is justified as his doctrine of the embodied soul, due to the idea that the soul is fully able to descend into human body. As a result theurgic union, in contrast to the metaphysics of ``theoria`` of Plotinus, is divided into two branches of ritual arts; ``telestike``, animating of statues depending on the use of ``sumbola`` or ``sunthemata``, and ``eiskrinein``, incamating a god in mediumistic trance of the initiate. The former implies the consecration of cosmos and the latter, relating to the ontological transformation, reveals the Platonic paideia which arms at a soteriological task. The concept of the Platonic paideia contains the stages of soul`s ascent to the gods. After having fully descended to the mortal world, a soul could be reoriented from his self-alienation by the driving force of eros. Iamblichus` attempt to synthesize religion with philosophy has decisively contributed to understanding the dark side, or "(pagan) Other" of mainstream currents of western culture represented by the Greek philosophy, Christianity, and Science. Today, Iamblichean teachings shed light on the fundamental matter of the transcendent vs immanent dichotomy, as well as the significance of participatory attitude about the academic research, from the spirit inscribed on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes: ``As above, so below``.

      • KCI등재

        해결 중심적 단기상담이 정신지체아동의 수업집중행동개선에 미치는 효과

        송현종 ( Hyun Jong Song ),조성은 ( Seong Eun Cho ) 한국특수교육문제연구소 2008 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.9 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 해결 중심적 단기상담이 정신지체아동의 수업집중 행동에 미치는 효과를 검증하는 것이었다. 연구의 대상은 초등학교에서 통합교육을 받고 있는 정신지체아동 3명이었다. 본 연구는 단일대상연구의 반전설계(기초선 구간 3회기, 중재구간 9회기, 유지구간 3회기)에 기초하여, 해결 중심적 단기상담 프로그램에 의한 수업집중 행동과 수업 비 집중행동의 변화를 분석하였다. 그 결과 세 명의 아동 모두에서 중재의 효과가 나타났으며, 이러한 중재효과는 중재가 끝난 후의 유지구간에서도 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 하여, 장애아동을 위한 상담과 추후연구를 위한 몇 가지의 제언을 하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of solution-focused brief counseling(SFBC) on the in-class attentive behavior of children with disabilities. The subjects were three children with mild mental retardation. They attended an elementary school in which inclusive education programs were supported for them. This study was based on the reversal design of single subject research which included baseline, intervention, and follow-up. Nine-sessions SFBC program was provided for the subjects, and their attentive behaviors and inattentive behaviors were observed and recorded by two trained observers in special education class. The main results were as follows. First, the attentive behaviors of the subjects were gradually increasing during the intervention sessions. Second, the inattentive behaviors were gradually decreasing during the intervention sessions. Third, the maintenance effects of the intervention were shown in the follow-up sessions. Based on the results, several suggestions were made for the counseling for the children with disabilities and future studies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        가사조사관의 인력과 직무에 관한 연구

        송현종(Song, Hyun-Jong) 한국가족법학회 2012 가족법연구 Vol.26 No.3

        This study reviewed the current state and the problems of the family court probation officer system with focused on the human resources and duties in domestic relation cases. The family court probation officer system had come to a important turning point in 2001 when the experts in the field of social behavioral science was recruited as professional family court probation officer. They obtain the results that is diversified fact-finding order cases, introduce the scientific investigation methods and activity the family court social service. Thus the current state of performance of duties has developed than the past state. But the problems remains such as the absent of programs for high conflict family cases and intervention at an early stage. The current human resources system of family court probation officer is an obstacle to progress of family court. The number of professional officer isn't enough for performance their duties and the structure of human resource is divided two type that is profession officer and general officer belonging to court clerks. To solve these kind of problems I suggest these solutions. (1) increase the number of professional officers, (2) unify the system to just professional officers, (3) development the program for high conflict cases, (4) introduce the differentiated case management system.

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