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      • KCI등재

        Poria cocos Herbal Acupuncture Prevents ${\beta}$-cell Damage on Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rat

        서창완,서병관,김종인,강성길,Seo, Chang-Wan,Seo, Byung-Kwan,Kim, Jong-In,Kang, Sung-Keel The Korean Acupuncture Moxibustion Medicine Societ 2009 대한침구의학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        목적 : 정상 췌장조직 속에 존재하는 췌장 소도세포들을 파괴시켜 고혈당을 유발시키고 복령 물추출물로 약침을 시술하여 췌장 조직의 보호효과와 항당뇨 효과를 살펴보고자 실험을 진행하였다. 방법 : 5주령의 Sprague-Dawley rat을 통제된 실험실 환경에 적응시킨 후 1주일간 복령약침액(125mg/kg 복령약침군 및 250mg/kg 복령약침군)을 좌우 신수($BL_{23}$)에 교대로 각각 피하에 약침하고 streptozotocin을 복강내 주사하여 3일 후 diabetes mellitus 유도 정도를 평가하고 2주일간 추가 치료를 진행 한 뒤, 혈액지표(plasma glucose, insulin, TG, TC, NEFA, sGOT, sGPT, ALP, BUN, CRE)와 췌장조직의 형태학적 분석 및 염증 관련 단백질의 발현을 평가하였다. 결과 : 복령약침군(125mg/kg 복령약침군 및 250mg/kg 복령약침군)에서 insulin과 triglyceride, NEFA 수치가 유의하게 감소하였으며 간 기능 효소수치인 sGOT가 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으나, 신장기능지수는 유의한 감소를 나타내지 않았다. 특히 250mg/kg 복령약침군에서 streptozotocin 투여로 인한 pancreatic islet의 형태학적 변성이 현저하게 개선되었다. Western blot 결과 JNK-2, P-JNK-2, P-JNK-1, ERK1/2 및 phosphorylated ERK1의 발현이 감소되었다. 결론 : 복령약침이 고인슐린혈증과 고지질질혈증을 개선시키고 streptozotocin에 의한 pancreatic islet의 파괴를 억제하며, 이는 inflammation-related transcription factor인 NF-kB와도 관련이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 향후 복령약침의 항당뇨 효과와 그 기전에 관한 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다

      • KCI등재

        원격탐사와 GIS기법을 이용한 접경지역 토지피복연구

        서창완,전성우 ( Chang Wan Seo,Seong Woo Jeon ) 한국환경영향평가학회 1998 환경영향평가 Vol.7 No.1

        In Korea, the Demilitarized Zone(Hereafter DMZ) and the vicinity have special importance for a natural ecosystem research. However, We have difficulty in studying this region due to the access control. The purpose of this study is to analyze the landcover and the vegetation status of DMZ and the vicinity using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The site was divided into two regions; less than 2㎞ from DMZ and less than 10㎞ from DMZ. The analyzed results of this study are as follow. First, the result of vegetation analysis is that the region of South and North Korea are similar in the area less than 2㎞ from DMZ. However, the region of South Korea have good vegetation status than the region of Nouth Korea in the area less than 10㎞ from DMZ. Second, the result of landcover analysis is that the ratio of the landcover of South and North Korea decreased forest, agricultural and grass, built-up, barren area by turns in the area less than 2㎞ from DMZ. However, the built-up area of South korea increased as much as the forest area decreased and the other areas of North Korea increased as much as the forest area decreased in the area less than 10㎞ from DMZ. There are some differences in landcover between analyzed result and an existing statistical data. The causes are using one season setellite images, and an existing statistical data with landuse types. The analysis using remote sensing and GIS techniques is the most suitable method to understand the landcover and vegetation status of DMZ and the vicinity. further studies are expected to overcome the limitation of this study.

      • 3차원 국토공간정보 품질관리 개선방안에 관한 연구

        서창완,최윤수,김재명,김영학,김영길,Seo, Chang-Wan,Choi, Yun-Soo,Kim, Jae-Myeong,Kim, Young-Hak,Kim, Young-Gil 대한공간정보학회 2009 한국공간정보학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        Recently, The importance of a quality control for implementing 3D geospatial database has being emphasized to build a 21st century knowledge society and an ubiquitous land. The improvement of 3D geospatial database quality control through establishing an integrated quality control makes data suppliers update data efficiently and users get high quality data. The purpose of this study was to derive the improvement plan of 3D geospatial database quality control through the analyses of the existing 3D geospatial database quality control and case studies. The results of this study are as follows. Firstly, we defined the concept of 3D geospatial database quality control. Secondly, we set the boundary, factors and process of 3D geospatial database quality control through classifying it in detail. Lastly, we drew improvement contents such as the quality control checklist by implementation process according to the improvement plan of 3D geospatial database implementation.

      • KCI등재

        硏究論文 : 국지적으로 분포하는 식물에 대한 기후 및 환경변수 영향

        권혁수 ( Hyu Ksoo Kwon ),류지은 ( Ji Eun Ryu ),서창완 ( Chang Wan Seo ),김지연 ( Ji Yeon Kim ),도재화 ( Jae Hwa Tho ),서민환 ( Min Hwan Suh ),박종화 ( Chong Hwa Park ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2012 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.15 No.6

        Climate is generally accepted as one of the major determinants of plants distribution. Plants are sensitive to bioclimates, and local variations of climate determine habitats of plants. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting the distribution of narrow-range plants in South Korea using National Survey of Natural Environment data. We developed species distribution models for 6 plant species using climate, topographic and soil factors. All 6 plants were most sensitive to climatic factors but less other factors at national scale. Meliosma myriantha, Stewartia koreana and Eurya japonica, distributed at southern and coast region in Korea, were most sensitive to precipitation and temperature. Meliosma myriantha was mostly effected by annual precipitation and precipitation of driest quarter, Stewartia koreana was effected by annual precipitation and elevation, and Eurya japonica was affected by temperature seasonality and precipitation of driest quarter. On the other hand, Spiraea salicifolia, Rhododendron micranthum and Acer tegmentosum, distributed at central and northern inland in Korea, were most sensitive to temperature and elevation. Spiraea salicifolia was affected by mean temperature of coldest quarter and annual mean temperature, Rhododendron micranthum and Acer tegmentosum were affected by mean temperature of warmest quarter and elevation. We can apply this result to future plant habitat distribution under climate change.

      • KCI등재

        종분포모형을 이용한 히어리 서식지의 분포 특성 연구

        권혁수 ( Hyuk Soo Kwon ),류지은 ( Ji Eun Ryu ),서창완 ( Chang Wan Seo ),김지연 ( Ji Yeon Kim ),임동옥 ( Dong Ok Lim ),서민환 ( Min Hwan Suh ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2012 환경영향평가 Vol.21 No.5

        Since the CBD(Conservation on Biological Diversity)`s 10th Conference of the Parties adopted the protocol on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing in Nagoya 2010, the importance of endangered species studies such as habitat distribution, protection and management have been more emerged. Corylopsis coreana, an endangered species in Korea, was isolated nationally and has been damaged by anthropogenic factors. In this paper, we identified the factors affecting C. coreana habitat at the national scale and regional scale using National Survey of Natural Environment and predicted the distribution of C. coreana. Annual precipitation, precipitation of wettest quarter, temperature seasonality and Digital Elevation Model(DEM) were derived as important factors at the national scale, and precipitation of wettest quarter, DEM and solar radiation on spring were identified as important factors at regional scale. Colylopsis distribution was affected by an effect of climate significantly at the national scale, and by additionally the microclimate and topography at regional scale. These findings will be used as the basis on habitat conservation and restoration plan and climate change.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        위치자료의 종류에 따른 생물종 분포모형 비교 연구

        서창완(Seo Chang Wan),박유리(Park Yu Ri),최윤수(Choi Yun Soo) 대한공간정보학회 2008 대한공간정보학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        우리나라의 야생동식물 조사가 시간적, 경제적 이유로 주로 출현지역만을 대상으로 하고 있어 종분포모형을 개발할 때 각 모형의 장점을 최대한 이용하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 위치자료의 종류(출현/비출현자료)에 따라 가장 대표적인 출현/비출현모형(presence-absence model)인 GAM(Generalized Additive Model)과 출현모형(presence-only model)인 Maxent(Maximum Entropy Model)를 이용하여 비교·검토하였다. 본 연구의 대상종으로는 캘리포니아의 보호종인 피셔(Martes pennanti)를 선정하고 대상지를 지역에 따라 나누었으며, 서식지환경을 설명하는 지형, 기후, 식생변수들을 이용하여 모형을 적용하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 실제 출현/비출현자료를 사용한 GAM이 임의 비출현자료 를 사용한 GAM과 출현자료만을 사용한 Maxent보다 전체적으로 나은 것을 볼 수 있었다. 둘째, 실제 출현자료만을 이용한 모형을 개발할 경우 임의 비출현자료를 이용한 GAM보다 출현자료만을 이용한 Maxent가 더 나은 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 세부지역에서 개발된 모형(Klamath/Shasta, Sourthern Sierra)은 서로 서식환경이 다를 경우 다른 지역의 서식지를 잘 예측하지 못함을 알 수 있었고, 대상지 외부지역에 대해 과추정하는 경향을 보였다. 위 결과를 바탕으로 위치자료의 종류, 공간적 분포 등을 감안하여 대상지의 환경에 알맞은 모형을 선택하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 판단된다. We need to use the strength of each Species Distribution Model (SDM) because presence location data were only collected due to time and economic limitations in Korea. This study investigated and compared GAM (Generalized Additive Model) which is one of presence-absence models with Maxent (Maximum Entropy Model) which is one of presence only models according to location data (presence/absence data). The target species was Fisher (Martes pennanti) which is an endangered species in California, USA. We implemented environmental data such as topography, climate and vegetation, and applied models to sub-regions and study area. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, GAM which used real presence and absence data was better than GAM which used pseudo-absence data and Maxent which used presence-only data. Secondly, Maxent was better than GAM when presence-only data were used. Lastly, each model which applied to different regions didn't predict other area well due to the difference of habitat environment and over-predicted outside of study area. We need to select an optimal model to predict a suitable habitat according to the type and distribution of location data.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        우리나라 수치지도의 저작권 적용방안에 관한 연구

        허민,서창완,윤하수,박홍기,최윤수,Heo, Min,Seo, Chang-Wan,Yoon, Ha-Su,Park, Hong-Gi,Choi, Yun-Soo 한국측량학회 2007 한국측량학회지 Vol.25 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to suggest concrete approaches of copyright application among various map price policies to establish the system of a digital map market, to revitalize its market, and to give the public better map services. To do this, we analyzed copyright law in Korea and the copyright protection of digital map in foreign countries firstly, investigated the applicability of copyright to the map market in Korea, analyzed the effect on this market, and suggested an direction of the revision for the Surveying law and the National Geographic Information (NGlS) law lastly. We drew several conclusions. Firstly, the protection of the rights of database makers is the best approach to protect digital maps in korea. Secondly, we need to adopt copyright to the Surveying law and the National Geographic Information Systems (NGlS) law. Lastly, establishing a copyright trust organization to improve the quality of digital maps and to manage various affairs is needed.

      • 비도시지역 디지털 지리정보 구축을 위한 기초연구

        김재명,최윤수,서창완,조한근,Kim, Jae-Myeong,Choi, Yun-Soo,Seo, Chang-Wan,Cho, Han-Keun 대한공간정보학회 2010 한국공간정보학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        The construction of digital geographic information of Non-Urban Area have been needed to build a nationwide information infrastructure for the balanced development of nation to reduce a gap between city and Non-Urban Area due to the emphasis on a large scale digital map (1/1,000) implementation for cities. In this research, we researched the basic long-term blueprint for establishing digital geographic information in non-urban area. From the proposed institutional foundation, we want to build this information for Non-Urban Areas and to make a long-term plan to strengthen the national com petitiveness dealing with the globalization, liberalization, and information based on the digital geographic information in non-urban area. This study suggested 3 alternatives to implement digital geographic information of Non-Urban Area as follow. Firstly central government fund whole cost, secondly central government and local government fund a cost half and half, lastly combining first and second alternative. This study can be a basis on building national information infrastructure, provide core information for national projects and revitalize the use of spatial information for Non-Urban Area.

      • KCI등재

        전국자연환경조사 자료를 이용한 종분포모형 연구

        김지연 ( Ji Yeon Kim ),서창완 ( Chang Wan Seo ),권혁수 ( Hyuk Soo Kwon ),류지은 ( Ji Eun Ryu ),김명진 ( Myung Jin Kim ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2012 환경영향평가 Vol.21 No.4

        The Ministry of Environment have started the ``National Ecosystem Survey`` since 1986, It has been carried out nationwide every ten years as the largest survey project in Korea, The second one and the third one produced the GIS-based inventory of species. Three survey methods were different from each other. There were few studies for species distribution using national survey data in Korea. The purposes of this study are to test species distribution models for finding the most suitable modeling methods for the National Ecosystem Survey data and to investigate the modeling results according to survey methods and taxonominal group. Occurrence data of nine species were extracted from the National Ecosystem Survey by taxonomical group (plant, mammal, and bird). Plants are Korean winter hazel (Corylopsis coreana), Iris odaesanensis (Iris odaesanensis), and Berchemia (Berchemia berchemiaefolia). Mammals are Korean Goral (Nemorhaedus goral), Marten (Martes flavigula koreana), and Leopard cat (Felis bengalensis). Birds are Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), Eagle Owl (Bubo Bubo), and Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo), Environmental variables consisted of climate, topography, soil and vegetation structure, Two modeling methods (GAM, Maxent) were tested across nine species, and predictive species maps of target species were produced, The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, Maxent showed similar 5 cross-validated AUC with GAM. Maxent is more useful model to develop than GAM because National Ecosystem Survey data has presence-only data. Therefore, Maxent is more useful species distribution model for National Ecosystem Survey data. Secondly, the modeling results between the second and third survey methods showed sometimes different because of each different surveying methods, Therefore, we need to combine two data for producing a reasonable result, Lastly, modeling result showed different predicted distribution pattern by taxonominal group. These results should be considered if we want to develop a species distribution model using the National Ecosystem Survey and apply it to a nationwide biodiversity research.

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