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      • KCI우수등재

        환경 문제의 2차 의제설정효과

        이건호(Gunho Lee),유찬윤(Chan Yun Yoo),맥스웰 맥콤스(Maxwell E. McCombs) 한국언론학회 2007 한국언론학보 Vol.51 No.2

        This study explores the second level agenda setting effects of global warming issue and their relation with the issue's salience transfer. Dividing the issue into pro-environment and con-environment (or pro-economy) attributes and delivering them through pseudo-online newspapers, the study reveals that the media boost the audiences' perceived affective attribute salience better than substantive attribute salience. It is additionally supported that the affective attribute' salience transfer more likely affects the issue salience transfer than the substantive attribute does. The study results are quite different from previous researches dealing with political issues, because they posited that not the affective but the substantive attributes had closer relation with the issue examined. Consequently, they focused on examining the substantive attributes' role in public opinion formation. The current research, however, seems to herald that the affective dimension of attributes in the agenda setting study should not be missed but studied further in order to achieve the synthetic understanding of the media effects. As the first level agenda setting effects had broadened its theoretical boundaries by scrutinizing various issues, the second level agenda setting realm can be furthered by exploring diversified attributes of issues.

      • KCI우수등재

        의제설정이론의 정향욕구 개념에 대한 탐구적 제언

        이건호(Gunho Lee),유찬윤(Chan Yun Yoo),맥스웰 맥콤스(Maxwell E. McCombs) 한국언론학회 2007 한국언론학보 Vol.51 No.6

        Revisiting the core psychological concept of need for orientation, this experiment examined the relationship between the magnitude of agenda-setting effects resulting from exposure to an online newspaper and three aspects of need for orientation: (1) personal involvement, newly re-conceptualized for a traditional need for orientation component of relevance (2) knowledge as an alternative to another traditional component of uncertainty, and (3) effort, an aspect deleted in the original need for orientation research during the 1970s. The results of the experiment demonstrate that all three are significantly related to agenda-setting effects, with personal involvement having the greatest weight followed by effort. Knowledge is only weakly and negatively related to the magnitude of the agenda-setting effects. Methodologically, this study introduces continuous measures for all three components, which allows the use of more sophisticated statistical procedures.

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