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      • KCI등재

        표지시간 변화에 의한 <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc과 적혈구 표지효율

        동경래(Kyeong-Rae Dong),김호성(Ho-Seong Kim),최성관(Seong-Kwan Choi) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2007 방사선기술과학 Vol.30 No.3

        본 연구는 <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc과 방사성 의약품인 적혈구(Erythrocyte)의 표지를 이용하여 신속한 핵의학적 검사를 시행해야 하는 환자들에게 표지효율 저하를 방지하여 영상의 정보를 더욱 정확하게 분석할 수 있도록 하기 위해 변형 체외 표지법을 이용한 방법에서 Stannous chloride(SnCl₂) 양, 표지시간, 적혈구 농도, 헤모글로빈(Hb) 수치에 따른 변화를 비교하여 분석하였다. 간혈관종 검사와 위장관출혈 검사를 시행한 전체 55명의 환자 중 정상으로 판명된 15명은 정상군, 이상소견으로 판명된 40명은 환자군으로 분리한 후, 환자군 중 적혈구 농도가 정상보다 낮은 환자와 헤모글로빈이 낮은 환자들의 표지시간 변화에 따른 표지효율을 측정하였다. 그 결과 정상인의 경우 Tin의 양이나 표지시간이 표지효율에 미치는 영향은 거의 없는 것으로 나타났으나 환자의 경우에는 표지시간(Incubation time)이 30분보다 60분이 표지효율이 높게 측정되었다. 따라서 적혈구 농도, 헤모글로빈 수치, 헤마토크리트 수치가 낮은 환자를 검사할 때 표지시간을 30분보다는 60분에서 시행하여 표지효율을 높여 보다 정확하고 좋은 영상정보를 얻을 수 있을 것이다. For the preparation of <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-labeled RBC, 10~20㎍/kg of Stannous(Ⅱ) chloride and 10~40min of preparation was used. For finding out the effect of contrast agent, the blood samples were collected in three days, seven days, and 1 months after the diagnostic procedure. In the normal volunteer, the concentration of reducing agent and preparation time did not effect on the radiochemical yield. But in the patients, 10mg of Stannous(Ⅱ) chloride and 60min incubation times was shown high radiochemical yield. Contrast agent has a significant effect on the radiochemical yield. Although the blood samples which were collected after seven days of diagnostic procedure did not effect on the radiochemical yield of 99mTc- labeled RBC, but the radiochemical yield of <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-labeled RBC which was prepared with a sample of high concentration of contrast agent in blood led to low radiochemical yield. For these samples, the modified method showed high radiochemical yield than previous in vivo preparation method. The recomended method is followed. Blood collecting was performed at 30 minutes after injection of reducing agent, and it is centrifuged for removal of plasma. After addition of <SUP>99m</SUP>TcO-4, sample reservoir was rotated. After addition of normal saline, and it is centrifuged for separation of saline. Then <SUP>99m</SUP>Tc-labeled RBC was obtained after removal of saline.

      • KCI등재후보

        PET-CT에서 CT의 관전압 및 관전류에 따른 SUV값의 변화

        신규설(Gyoo-Seul Shin),동경래(Kyeong-Rae Dong) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2007 방사선기술과학 Vol.30 No.4

          목적: PET이 PET-CT로 오면서 가장 큰 차이를 보이고 있는 점은 감쇄보정을 위한 투과영상의 차이이다. PET CT에서는 CT영상을 감쇄보정에 이용하고 있으며, CT 요인들이 PET 영상의 감쇄보정시 영향을 줄 수 있을 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구에서는 CT의 관전압과 관전류의 변화에 따라 PET의 정량성 평가로 이용되는 SUV(standard uptake value)의 값이 변화가 있는지를 평가하였다.<BR>  재료 및 방법: Data spectrum"s lung phantom을 이용하여 <SUP>18</SUP>F-FDG 1.909mCi(팬텀 1)와 913μCi(팬텀 2) 각각 물과 함께 넣고 흔들어 균일한 상태를 만든 후, 관전압을 80kVp, 100kVp, 120kVp, 140kVp까지, 관전압변화 당 관전류 10㎃에서 100㎃까지 각각 10㎃씩 변화를 주어 CT 영상을 얻었다. PET 영상을 각각의 CT영상을 이용하여 재구성 하였으며, 같은 부위에서의 SUV값을 구하여 그 차이를 비교하였다.<BR>  결과: 팬텀 1의 SUV는 관전압 80, 100, 120, 140kVp CT영상을 이용했을 때, 각각 12.26±0.009, 12.27±0.005, 12.27±0.006, 12.27±0.009로 나타났다. 팬텀 2에서는 관접압을 달리 하였을 때 각각 4.52±0.043, 4.53±0.004, 4.52±0.007, 4.52±0.005의 SUV를 보였다. 이들은 모두 관전압을 달리 하였을 때 통계적으로 유의한 SUV 변화를 보이지 않았다. 또한 관전류의 변화에서도 팬텀 1, 2 모두에서 유의한 SUV 차이는 나타나지 않았다.<BR>  결론: 본 연구 결과 CT 요인의 변화가 PET 영상에서 SUV에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 따라서 PET CT 이용 시 SUV에 유의한 영향 없이 임상적 조건에 맞게 CT 요인들을 변화 시키는 응용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다.   Purpose: There is difference between PET and PET/CT method on their transmission image for attenuation correction. The CT image is used for attenuation correction on PET/CT and the parameters of CT may be affected on PET image. We performed the phantom study to evaluate whether the change of CT parameters(kilovolts peak and milliampere) affect standardized uptake value(SUV) on PET image.<BR>  Material and Method: The data spectrum lung phantom containing diluted [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) solution(1.909 mCi for phantom 1, 913μCi for phantom 2) was used. The CT images of phantom were acquired with varying parameters (80, 100, 120, 140 for kVp, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 for ㎃). The PET images were reconstructed with the each CT images and SUVs were compared.<BR>  Result: The SUVs of phantom 1 reconstructed with each 80, 100, 120 and 140kVp showed 12.26±0.009, 12.27±0.005, 12.27±0.006 and 12.27±0.009, respectively. The SUVs of phantom 2 revealed 4.52±0.043, 4.53±0.004, 4.52±0.007 and 4.52±0.005 with elevation of voltage. There was no statistically significant difference of SUVs between groups based on various kVp. Also SUVs of phantom 1 and 2 showed no significant change with elevation of milliampere in CT parameter.<BR>  Conclusion: The parameters of CT did not significantly affect SUV on PET image in our study. Therefore we can apply various parameters of CT appropriated for clinical conditions without significant change of SUV on PET CT image.

      • KCI등재

        3.0T MRI 척추 검사 시 Single-Source 고주파 전송 기법과 Dual-Source 고주파 병렬 전송 기법의 비교 분석

        김현수 ( Hyun Soo Kim ),동경래 ( Kyung Rae Dong ),최성현 ( Sung Hyun Choi ),성경정 ( Kyeong Jeong Seong ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2013 공학기술논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        We desire to know that the comparison of single source RF transmission (ST) with dual source parallel RF transmission (DT) for clinical MR imaging of the spine and usefulness of dual source parallel RF transmission. 24 patients who took parts of spine examination became an object of the experiment. The result of Single-source RF transmission and dual-source parallel RF transmission scanning, T1 or T2 weighted DT technique are higher signal to noise ratio (SNR) than ST technique. In C-Spine (Cord&Body), T-Spine (Cord&Body) and L-Spine (Cord&Body), T1 or T2 weighted DT technique are higher SNR than ST technique. In quantitative analysis, SNR of DT technique is 2.5 times higher than SNR of ST technique. In qualitative analysis, T-Spine of C, T, L spine is the highest. Dual-source parallel RF transmission conducts RF pulse in parallel and don``t conduct a high electronic energy. Therefore, Electromagnetic absorption rate is decreased. shortening length of high frequency wave, Dual source parallel RF transmission makes Non-uniform signal strength uniform and improves an image quality. Furthermore, as decreasing local SAR from uniform image, TR value is reduced. Also, the examination time is reduced. In conclusion, during reading an image, an accurate information is offered. In spine MR examination, especially 3.0T, dual-source parallel RF transmission conducts an important role.

      • KCI등재후보

        파노라마 촬영의 피폭선량에 관한 문헌분석 연구

        권대철(Dae Cheol Kweon),동경래(Kyung Rae Dong),정재은(Jae Eun Jung),이경희(Kyeong Hee Lee),김수경(Soo Kyung Kim),김욱태(Wook Tae Kim),이청재(Cheong Jae Lee),송운흥(Woon Heung Song),마상철(Sang Chull Ma) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2010 방사선기술과학 Vol.33 No.1

        치과파노라마 촬영은 구강에 대한 선량의 증가와 안전관리가 필요하여 이에 대한 안전관리 및 장치관리에 대한 실태의 조사와 연구가 필요하다. 치과파노라마 촬영에 대한 기본 데이터 확보와 파노라마 촬영에 대한 국내 및 국외의 문헌에 대한 보고와 조사가 전무하여 이에 대한 조사 및 선량의 측정이 필요하다. 파노라마 촬영에 따른 유효선량, DAP, DWP를 분석하였고, ICRP에서 규정한 흡수선량과 가중계수 및 논문에서 국외의 진단참고준위를 참고하였다. 파노라마 촬영은 방사선의 피폭에 따른 환자에게 위험도를 수반하므로 진단참고 준위를 참조하여 환자의 방사선 방어를 최적화해야 한다. 또한 파노라마 방사선 촬영은 부위에 따라 흡수선량의 차이가 있어 선량에 가능한 노출되지 않도록 해야 한다. Dental panoramic radiography is an imaging technique which shows the information of teeth, jaws and superficial structures on a single image. In this study, we propose the clinical dose reference for dental panoramic radiography. Dental panoramic radiography is an application which can increase the radiation does of oral cavity. It is very important to study the real condition of management for these panoramic X-ray equipments. Since there was no researches on dental panoramic equipments in domestic and foreign study groups, we measured and analyzed the dose such as effective dose, DAP and DWP of panoramic radiography.

      • KCI등재

        초음파 젤 구성성분 변화에 따른 제작과 유용성 평가

        김현수 ( Hyun Soo Kim ),동경래 ( Kyung Rae Dong ),최성현 ( Sung Hyun Choi ),성경정 ( Kyeong Jeong Seong ) 조선대학교 공학기술연구원 2013 공학기술논문지 Vol.6 No.3

        In this research, we have investigated the composition of the gel which is actually used in clinical terms and discovered the viscosity and the differences in images due to the changes of composition. When evaluating the viscosity, we applied the existing gel and the made up gel on the acrylic panel board, then measured time of trickling gel by making the acrylic panel board stand vertically. In the case of the evaluation for images, we gained 3 images of gray scale each from the range of 0.5 dB in the phantom, and then calculated the RGB (Red, Green, Blue, RGB) code value of the pixels at the same spot for evaluation using Adobe Photoshop (Ver. 7.0). Furthermore, we have evaluated the utility of the made up gel by comparing the price of the existing gel to the price of the made up gel. Then we have surveyed 30 patients in their twenties who have ordinarily no skin ailments for skin reactions through questionnaires. As a result of the research, the made up gel is not so different from the existing gel. The viscosity of the made up gel is similar to that of the existing one the most when it is composed of 492 g of water, 3 g of Carbomer and 5 g of Triethanolamine. And through the investigation we have found that the gel is harmless if it is applied on the skin of human bodies. In addition, the cost of the made up gel is 10 times cheaper than purchasing the existing gel, which means the made up gel is financially beneficial. In conclusion, we are expecting that researches on ultrasound gel would be invigorated and the developed product would be introduced to our thesis.

      • KCI등재

        폐암과 폐 염증성질환의 동적양전자방출단층검사(Dynamic 18F-FDG PET)의 유용성

        박훈희(Hoon-Hee Park),노동욱(Dong-Wook Roh),김세영(Sei-Young Kim),동경래(Dong-Kyeong Rae),이민혜(Min-Hye Lee),강천구(Chun-Goo Kang),임한상(Han-Sang Lim),오기백(Ki-Back Oh),김재삼(Jae-Sam Kim),이창호(Chang-Ho Lee) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2006 방사선기술과학 Vol.29 No.4

          목적: 양전자방출단층검사(Fluorine-18 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose positron emission tomography: ¹?F-FDG PET)는 가시적 영상분석과 반정량적 섭취계수 분석 방법을 사용하여 폐의 염증성 질환과 폐암을 구별 및 진단하는 데 유용하다. 일반적으로 표준화섭취계수(Standardized Uptake Value: SUV)가 폐 질환의 진단에 사용되지만, 이는 폐 조직에 있어서 반정량적, 정량적 분석을 통한 동적인 정보를 포함하지 않는다. 그러므로, 본 연구는 ¹?F-FDG PET 검사에서 폐 질환의 동적 섭취 분석이 보다 정확한 대상질환의 진단을 유용하게 할 수 있을 것이라는 가정하에 시간-방사능 곡선(Time-Activity Curve: TAC), 표준화섭취계수-동적곡선(Standardized Uptake Value-Dynamic Curve: SUV-DC), 패트락 분석법(Patlak analysis: Glucose Metabolic Rate(MRGlu))을 토대로 얻은 분석방법을 이용하여 진단적 유용성을 평가하였다.<BR>  대상 및 방법: 폐 질환을 가진 17명의 환자를 대상을 하여, 각각 60분간 Dynamic ¹?F-FDG PET검사를 시행하였다. 획득한 정보를 통하여 폐질환의 형태를 따라 관심영역(Region of Interest: ROI)를 그린 후, 반정량적 분석인 TAC, SUV-DC와 정량적 분석인 Patlak analysis를 각각의 군에 따라 분석하여 비교 분석하였다.<BR>  결과: Dynamic ¹?F-FDG PET을 통한 분석결과, TAC 형태는 초기 혈류상에서 폐의 염증성 질환과 폐암의 구분이 어려웠으나, 시간이 지날수록 폐암의 곡선이 염증성 질환의 경우보다 확연히 증가하였다. SUV-DC의 경우는 TAC 형태와 거의 유사한 형태를 가졌다. Patlak analysis 분석결과, 대동맥 영역에서는 폐의 염증성 질환이 폐암보다 높은 혈액 방사능을 보였으나 시간이 지남에 따라 염증성 질환의 혈액 방사능이 극히 낮아졌다. 반면, 병변 조직에서는 폐암이 가장 높은 섭취를 보였으며 폐의 염증성 질환은 중간 정도에 머물렀다.<BR>  결론: TAC와 SUV-DC 분석에서 폐암과 폐의 염증성 질환은 각각 고유한 그래프 형태를 띠었으며 Patlak analysis에서 역시 주목할 만한 차이를 보였다. 따라서 이러한 분석법을 토대로 좀더 깊이 있는 연구가 진행된다면 비침습적으로 폐의 질환을 구별하는 데 보다 적절하고 유용한 진단적 정보를 얻을 수 있을 것이다.   Purpose: The diagnostic utility of fluorine-18 2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomograhpy (¹?F- FDG PET) for the non-invasive differentiation of focal lung lesions originated from cancer or inflammation disease by combined visual image interpretation and semi-quantitative uptake value analysis has been documented. In general, Standardized Uptake Value(SUV) is used to diagnose lung disease. But SUV does not contain dynamic information of lung tissue for the glucose. Therefore, this study was undertaken to hypothesis that analysis of dynamic kinetics of focal lung lesions base on ¹?F-FDG PET may more accurately determine the lung disease. So we compared Time Activity Curve(TAC), Standardized Uptake Value-Dynamic Curve(SUV-DC) graph pattern with Glucose Metabolic Rate(MRGlu) from Patlak analysis.<BR>  Methods: With lung disease, 17 patients were examined. They were injected with ¹?F-FDG over 30-s into peripheral vein while acquisition of the serial transaxial tomographic images were started. For acquisition protocol, we used twelve 10-s, four 30-s, sixteen 60-s, five 300-s and one 900-s frame for 60 mins. Its images were analyzed by visual interpretation TAC, SUV-DC and a kinetic analysis(Patlak analysis). The latter was based on region of interest(ROIs) which were drawn with the lung disease shape. Each optimized patterns were compared with itself.<BR>  Results: In TAC patterns, it hard to observe cancer type with inflammation disease in early pool blood area but over the time cancer type slope more remarkably increased than inflammation disease.<BR>  SUV-DC was similar to TAC pattern. In the result of Patlak analysis, In time activity curve of aorta, even though inflammation disease showed higher blood activity than cancer, at first as time went by, blood activity of inflammation disease became the lowest. However, in time activity curve of tissue, cancer had the highest uptake and inflammation disease was in the middle.<BR>  Conclusion: Through the examination, TAC and SUV-DC could approached the results that lung cancer type and inflammation disease type has it’s own difference shape patterns. Also, it has outstanding differentiation between cancer type and inflammation in Patlak and MRGlu analysis. Through these analysis methods, it will helpful to separation lung disease.

      • Flangeless Esser PET Phantom 영상 자동 분석 프로그램의 유용성 평가

        남궁창경,남기표,김경식,김정선,임기천,신상기,조시만,동경래,NamGung, Chang-Kyeong,Nam, Ki-Pyo,Kim, Kyeong-Sik,Kim, Jeong-Seon,Lim, Ki-Cheon,Shin, Sang-Ki,Cho, Shee-Man,Dong, Kyung-Rae 대한핵의학기술학회 2009 핵의학 기술 Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: ACR (American College of Radiology) offers variable parameters to PET/CT quality control by using ACR Phantom. ACR Phantom was made to evaluate parameters which are uniformity, attenuation, scatter, contrast and resolution. Manual analysis method wasn't good for the use of QC because values of parameter were changed as it may user and it takes long time to analysis. Ki-Chun Lim, a nuclear scientist in AMC, developed program that automatically analysis values of parameter by using ACR Phantom to overcome above problems. In this study, we evaluated automatic analysis program's usability, through the comparing SUV of each method, reproducibility of SUV when repeated analysis and the time required. Materials and Methods: Using Flangeless Esser PET Phantom, the ideal ratio of 4 : 1 hot cylinder and BKG but it actually showed a ratio of 3.89 to 1 hot cylinder and BKG. SIEMENS Biograph True Point 40 was used in this study. We obtained images using ACR phantom at Fusion WB PET Scan condition (2 min/bed) and 120 kV, 100 mAs CT condition. Using True X method, 3 iterations, 14 subsets, Gaussian filter, FWHM 4 mm and Zoom Factor 1.0, $168{\times}168$ image size. We obtained Max. & Min. SUV and SUV Mean values at Cylinder (8, 12, 16, 25 mm, Air, Bone, Water, BKG) by automatic program and obtained SUV by manual method. After that, we compared manual and automatic method. we estimate the time required from opened the image data to final work sheet was completed. Results: Automatic program always showed same result and same the time required. At 8, 12, 16 and 25 m cylinder, manual method showed 6.69, 3.46, 2.59, 1.24 CV values. The larger cylinder size became, the smaller CV became. In manual method, bone, air, water's CV were over 9.9 except BKG (2.32). Obtained CV of Mean SUV showed BKG was low (0.85) and bone was high (7.52). The time required was 45 second, 882 second respectably. Conclusions: As a result of difference automatic method and manual method, automatic method showed always same result, manual method showed that the smaller hot cylinders became, the lager CV became. Hot cylinders mean region size, the smaller hot cylinder size becomes we had some trouble in doing ROI poison setting. And it means increase in variation of SUV. The Study showed the time required of automatic method was shorten then manual method.

      • ^(99m)Tc, ^(123)I, ^(131)I을 이용한 갑상선섭취 계수율에 따른 불능시간과 보정방법에 관한 연구

        동경래,정운관 조선대학교 에너지.자원신기술연구소 2004 에너지·자원신기술연구소 논문지 Vol.26 No.1

        Coefficient incapability time of thyroid gland intake that use ^(99m)Tc, ^(123)I, ^(131)I research about under the influence of property and the revision method. Work that measure the thyroid gland intake rate and examine thyroid gland function using number of flash meter of radionuclide and Nal(TI) crystallization is the most fundamental and important test in nuclear medicine. Iodin freight of these thyroid gland function test is captured and bases to concept that is stored by thyroid gland. Thyroid gland intake rate of radionuclide in thyroid gland function test is influenced greatly depending on coefficient incapability time of thyroid gland intake. It by effect of coefficient incapability time non-linear by it because can give difficulty to drop correct diagnosis because take count longevity to be less actuality Counts more be Radioactivity iodin intake rate of thyroid gland (secession coefficient of neck - secession coefficient of femoral region) / by (standard time fare secession coefficient - back radioactivity) ×lOO define earched his revision methods after use ^(99m)Tc, ^(123)I, ^(131)I and Lucite cylindrical phantom(human body and neck form of resentment style Phantom that consist to almost resemblant component parts) in this experiment and study special qualitys of coefficient incapability time of thyroid gland intake.

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