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        사적소득이전과 노후소득보장

        김희삼,Kim, Hisam 한국개발연구원 2008 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        본 연구는 그동안 사회적 안전망이 미흡한 가운데 우리나라의 고령인구 부양에 중요한 역할을 해온 사적소득이전에 대한 미시적 분석을 통해 향후 노후소득보장정책에 시사점을 제공하고 있다. 한국노동패널 자료에 따르면, 만 60세 이상 노인가구주 세대의 다섯 가구 중 두 가구는 매월 자식들로부터 생활비 등의 경제적 도움을 받고 있는 것으로 조사되었으며, 공공부조 등 공적소득이전은 사적소득이전을 구축하는 효과를 가진 것으로 나타났다. 또한 지금까지는 사적이전이 공적이전보다 빈곤완화효과가 큰 것으로 나타났지만, 외환위기 후 복지지출의 확대와 함께 공적이전의 비중이 대폭 높아져, 공적이전을 주 소득원으로 살아가는 만 60세 이상 고령자는 2003년 기준으로 약 4분의 1에 달하는 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나 같은 해 기준으로 국민기초생활보장제도의 보호지정을 실질적으로 필요로 하면서도 수급권에서 배제된 것으로 추정되는 노인가구주 세대는 약 12%로서, 이들 가구의 빈곤 해소를 위해서는 예산 확보와 함께 사각지대를 없애기 위한 전달체계 개선이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 이처럼 여전히 광범한 빈곤노인계층이 존재하는 한편, 고령인구에 대한 사적 부양이 공적 부양으로 전환되면서 재정건전성이 우려되고 있는 현 상황에서 소득재분배의 효과가 적고 경직적 비용부담이 큰 보편급여의 확대보다는 취약노인계층에 대한 집중적인 지원을 강화할 필요가 있을 것이다. Using data from the Korean Labor & Income Panel Study (KLIPS), this study investigates private income transfers in Korea, where adult children have undertaken the most responsibility of supporting their elderly parents without well-established social safety net for the elderly. According to the KLIPS data, three out of five households provided some type of support for their aged parents and two out of five households of the elderly received financial support from their adult children on a regular base. However, the private income transfers in Korea are not enough to alleviate the impact of the fall in the earned income of those who retired and are approaching an age of needing financial assistance from external source. The monthly income of those at least the age of 75, even with the earning of their spouses, is below the staggering amount of 450,000 won, which indicates that the elderly in Korea are at high risk of poverty. In order to analyze microeconomic factors affecting the private income transfers to the elderly parents, the following three samples extracted from the KLIPS data are used: a sample of respondents of age 50 or older with detailed information on their financial status; a five-year household panel sample in which their unobserved family-specific and time-invariant characteristics can be controlled by the fixed-effects model; and a sample of the younger split-off household in which characteristics of both the elderly household and their adult children household can be controlled simultaneously. The results of estimating private income transfer models using these samples can be summarized as follows. First, the dominant motive lies on the children-to-parent altruistic relationship. Additionally, another is based on exchange motive, which is paid to the elderly parents who take care of their grandchildren. Second, the amount of private income transfers has negative correlation with the income of the elderly parents, while being positively correlated with the income of the adult children. However, its income elasticity is not that high. Third, the amount of private income transfers shows a pattern of reaching the highest level when the elderly parents are in the age of 75 years old, following a decreasing pattern thereafter. Fourth, public assistance, such as the National Basic Livelihood Security benefit, appears to crowd out private transfers. Private transfers have fared better than public transfers in alleviating elderly poverty, but the role of public transfers has been increasing rapidly since the welfare expansion after the financial crisis in the late 1990s, so that one of four elderly people depends on public transfers as their main income source in 2003. As of the same year, however, there existed and occupied 12% of the elderly households those who seemed eligible for the National Basic Livelihood benefit but did not receive any public assistance. To remove elderly poverty, government may need to improve welfare delivery system as well as to increase welfare budget for the poor. In the face of persistent elderly poverty and increasing demand for public support for the elderly, which will lead to increasing government debt, welfare policy needs targeting toward the neediest rather than expanding universal benefits that have less effect of income redistribution and heavier cost. Identifying every disadvantaged elderly in dire need for economic support and providing them with the basic livelihood security would be the most important and imminent responsibility that we all should assume to prepare for the growing aged population, and this also should accompany measures to utilize the elderly workforce with enough capability and strong will to work.

      • KCI등재

        지방대학 졸업자의 노동시장 성과와 지역별 교육격차

        김희삼,Kim, Hisam 한국개발연구원 2010 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구에서는 대졸자 직업이동 경로조사(GOMS) 자료를 이용하여 출신대학 소재지가 노동시장 성과에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 다른 조건이 유사할 때 비서울지역 대학교 졸업자는 서울 소재 대학교 졸업자에 비해 약 16% 정도 낮은 임금을 받는 것으로 추정되었다. 또한 비서울지역 대졸자는 소규모 업체나 전공과 맞지 않는 직장에 다닐 확률이 상대적으로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 서울 소재 대학 졸업자와 비서울지역 대학 졸업자 간 임금격차의 3분의 2 가량이 입학 당시의 학과 평균 수능점수의 차이로 설명될 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 사업체 규모나 직무와 전공의 일치도의 차이 역시 수능점수 격차에 의해 상당 부분 설명될 수 있다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 이처럼 노동시장 성과 차이에 대한 상당한 설명력을 갖고 있는 수능점수는 출생지, 14세 성장지, 고교 소재지가 어느 지역인가에 따라 뚜렷한 격차를 나타냈다. 따라서 지역간 학력격차 중 교육환경의 지역 간 차이에서 비롯되는 부분이 있다면 이를 보완할 필요가 있을 것이다. In terms of labor market accomplishments, such as income, size of the company, and the matching quality between one's job and college major (specialization), a very large discrepancy is observed between the graduates from colleges located in Seoul and those outside Seoul. But, when the department average score of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) at the time of college entrance is controlled for, the discrepancy is found to be reduced to a considerable degree. In the case of wage gap, at least two third can be explained by the SAT score gap. The remaining wage gap seems to reflect the characteristics of workplace. In other words, graduates with high SAT scores enter colleges located in Seoul and thus tend to find better jobs leading to earning differences. This result that confirms the importance of aptitude test scores suggests that in the labor market, one of the major reasons behind a lower accomplishment of the graduate from local colleges is due to a lower competitiveness of local colleges in attracting the brightest students. But, this should not be viewed as only an internal problem of local colleges. This is because the growth of local economies tends to haul the advancement of local colleges in that area rather than being the other way around. The agglomeration effect in Seoul where headquarters of large corporations and financial institutions gather is the factor that has elevated the status of colleges located in Seoul since this provides highly preferred job choices of graduates. When the competitiveness of college is significantly influenced by exogenous factors, such as the vicinity to Seoul, the effort being made by colleges alone would not be enough to improve the situation. However, the central government, too, is not in the position to carry out countermeasure policies for such problems. The regional development strategy boosted through supportive policies for local colleges, such as financial support, is not based on the persuasive and empirical grounds. It is true that college education is universal and that the government''s intervention in assisting local colleges to secure basic conditions, such as tenure faculty and adequate facilities is necessary. However, the way of intervention should not be a support-only type. In order to improve the efficiency and effect of financial support, restructuring programs, including the merger and integration of insolvent colleges, should be underway prior to providing support. In addition, when the policy is focused on education recipients-local college students, and not on education providers-local colleges, the importance of regional gap in compulsory education (elementary and junior high schools) turns out to be much important as the gap between metropolitan area colleges and local colleges. Considering the educational gap before college entrance shown from the discrepancies of aptitude test scores among different regions, the imbalance between regions in terms of human resources is apparently derived from compulsory education, and not from college education. Therefore, there is a need to double the policy efforts to reduce the educational gap among different regions. In addition, given the current situation where it is difficult to find appropriate ex post facto policy measures to solve the problem of income gap between the graduates from metropolitan colleges and local colleges, it can be said that improving the environment for compulsory education in local areas is a growing necessity for bridging the educational gap among different regions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        격차사회 극복을 위한 기초학력보장 정책의 방향

        김희삼 ( Kim Hisam ) 한국사회보장학회 2020 사회보장연구 Vol.36 No.2

        한국 사회가 당면한 계층 상향 이동성의 저하와 사회경제적 격차의 심화, 지능정보화 사회의 진전과 인구구조의 변화는 기초학력이 갖춰지지 않은 학생에 대한 정책적 관심을 촉구하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 기초학력미달 학생 비율의 추이를 점검하고, 학업성취도에 영향을 주는 학교 수준의 요인들을 분석하였다. 기초학력미달 학생의 비율은 학교책무성 정책이 시행되던 시기에 감소하다가 최근에 증가세로 반등하였다. 학교알리미 자료를 이용한 분석 결과, 학업성취도는 학생들의 사회경제적 배경 및 학교 유형과 큰 상관성을 나타냈다. 또한 기초학력보장을 위해서는 교사당 학생수를 줄이는 등의 환경적 개선만으로는 부족하며, 방과후학교의 보정학습 등을 통해 배움의 결손을 보충하는 것이 중요하다는 점이 확인되었다. 기초학력보장의 중요성에 대한 인식의 확산과 함께 향후 학력에 대한 보다 나은 정의와 측정, 그리고 전국 단위의 정교한 분석 자료 구축을 통해 기초학력보장을 위한 심화된 연구와 공동의 노력을 유도할 필요가 있다. The decline in the upward mobility of Korean society, the deepening of the socio-economic gap, the progress of the intelligent information society and the change in demographic structure are urging policy attention for students without basic learning abilities. Therefore, this study examined the trend of the proportion of students below basic achievement level and analyzed factors at the school level that influenced academic achievement. The proportion of such students declined during the time when the school accountability policy was in effect, but recently rebounded. As a result of analysis using the school info data, academic achievement showed a big correlation with students’ socio-economic background and school type. In addition, it was confirmed that it is not enough to guarantee basic achievement by environmental improvement such as reducing the number of students per teacher, and it is important to compensate for learning deficiencies through after-school supplementary learning. Further, it is necessary to induce deeper research and joint efforts to ensure basic academic achievement through spreading awareness of the importance of guaranteeing basic achievement, better definition and measurement of academic achievement, and the provision of sophisticated data at the national level.

      • KCI등재

        인공지능 영어 말하기 프로그램의 효과성 분석 : AI펭톡 시범학교 성과 분석 결과

        김희삼(Kim, Hisam),엄한숙(Um, Hansuk),오형나(Oh, Hyungna),최다인(Choi, Dain) 한국교육방법학회 2021 교육방법연구 Vol.33 No.3

        본 연구는 인공지능(AI)을 이용한 비대면 영어 말하기 연습 프로그램(앱)을 통해 영어 말하기 학습 성과를 높이고 영어 격차를 완화할 수 있는지를 분석한다. 한국교육방송공사(EBS)가 교육부 및 17개 교육청의 사업비 지원과 전자통신연구원(ETRI) 및 NHN의 기술 지원을 받아 개발 중인 초등학생 영어 말하기 앱인 ‘AI펭톡’의 파일럿 버전을 2020년 2학기에 166개 초등학교 3~6학년에 적용해본 AI펭톡 2차 시범서비스 운영 성과는 상당히 긍정적이었다. 3,998명의 시범학교 초등학생 중에서도 AI펭톡 사용시간이 많은 학생일수록 시범서비스 종료 후의 영어시험 평가 점수가 높았다. 설문조사를 통해 파악한 영어 자신감, 영어 유용성 인식, 영어 공부 흥미, 영어 공부 집중, 영어 말하기 선호, 영어 향상 의욕, 듣고 따라 말하기 능력에 대한 주관적인 평가 역시 AI펭톡 사용시간이 많을수록 높게 나타났다. 그리고 이러한 결과는 해당 변수의 시범서비스 시작 시점의 측정값을 통제하여 학생별 수준과 특성의 차이를 고려한 후에 산출된 것이어서 신뢰할 수 있다. 또한 학년별 차이, 지역 차이, 학생 개인특성의 차이 등을 고려한 후에도 이 결과는 통계적으로 유의했다. 지난 4주간의 영어 학습일수, 영어 학습시간, 영어 독습시간의 증가, 주관적 영어 향상도에 대해서도 AI펭톡 사용시간은 긍정적 효과를 나타냈다. 덧붙여 AI펭톡은 해당 기간 동안의 영어 학원 수강을 소폭 줄이는 효과도 있었다. 이처럼 AI펭톡은 지역, 학교, 학생의 환경적ㆍ개인적 차이를 넘어 재미있는 게임 방식으로 영어 말하기 학습 성과를 향상시킬 수 있는 포용적인 에듀테크의 공교육 적용 사례가 될 것으로 예상된다. This study analyzes whether a non-face-to-face English speaking practice program (app) using artificial intelligence (AI) can improve English speaking learning performance and reduce the English gap. The pilot version of AI PengTalk, an English speaking app that EBS developed with financial support from the Ministry of Education and the 17 Offices of Education, and technical support from ETRI and NHN, was applied to 3-6 graders of 166 elementary schools in the second semester of 2020. The results of the AI ​​PengTalk pilot schools were quite encouraging. Among 3,998 elementary school students at the pilot school, the more time they spent on AI PengTalk, the higher the English test evaluation score after the trial service. Subjective evaluations of English confidence, English usefulness perception, English study interest, English study concentration, English speaking preference, English improvement motivation, and listening and speaking ability identified through the survey were also higher with more time spent using AI PengTalk. And these results are reliable because they were estimated after considering student heterogeneity in their English level by controlling for measured one ​at the start of the trial service. In addition, the results were statistically significant even after taking into account differences in grade level, region, and individual characteristics of students. Meanwhile, AI PengTalk usage time showed positive effects on the number of days of English study, English learning time, English self-study time, and subjective English improvement. In addition, AI PengTalk had the effect of slightly reducing the hakwon lesson of English during the period. As such, AI PengTalk is expected to be an example of inclusive edtech application to public education that can improve English speaking learning performance with fun game methods beyond environmental and personal differences between regions, schools, and students.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 극저출산에 대한 미시경제학적 분석과 대응방향

        김희삼(Hisam Kim) 한국경제발전학회 2022 經濟發展硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        한국의 극저출산은 출산에 관한 개인 차원의 합리적 선택이 집합된 결과로볼 수 있다. 출산의 경제적 동기는 양육 비용의 증가와 사적 노후 부양 규범의 약화로 크게 쇠퇴했다. 사회의 지배적인 규범을 좇아 결혼과 출산을 이행하는 사회적 동기도 가치관의 변화에 따른 비혼과 비출산의 확산과 함께 약화하고 있다. 결혼과 출산으로 자기 가정을 이루고 싶은 자연적 동기는 한국청년에게서도 상당한 정도로 존재하지만, 출산과 양육의 고비용 구조로 충분히 실현되지 못하고 있다. 따라서 극저출산에 대한 대응은 출산의 자연적 동기를 실현할 수 있도록 지원하는 데 초점을 맞추고, 가족과 상대 성별에 대한긍정적인 경험과 인식을 통해 새로운 가정이 형성되는 것을 촉진할 필요가있다. 또한 지역 기반의 연계형 사회자본이 결혼의향 및 희망 자녀 수와 긍정적인 상관성을 나타내고 있는바, 지역별 커뮤니티 문화와 돌봄공동체의 활성화를 지원하는 방안도 효과적일 수 있다. 한편 예산제약 완화를 위해서는 출산의 기회비용과 고비용ㆍ고강도 양육의 부담을 줄일 수 있는 정책들을 효과적으로 사용하고 직장 및 가정 내에서의 성평등과 효율적 분업을 도모해야한다. 아울러 지금 청년들의 비혼 및 비출산 선택이 중장기적인 관점에서 생애 효용 극대화를 달성하는 합리적인 결정인지도 재고될 필요가 있다. Korea’s extremely low fertility rate can be viewed as a result of aggregation of rational choices regarding fertility at the individual level. The economic motive for childbirth has largely declined due to the increase in childrearing costs and the weakening of private old-age support norms. The social motive for marriage and childbirth in accordance with the prevailing norms of society is also weakening along with the spread of non-marriage and non-childbirth due to changes in values. Instead, the natural motive for forming one’s own family through marriage and childbirth exists to a considerable extent in Korean young people, but it is not fully realized due to the high cost structure of childbirth and child rearing. Therefore, it is needed to focus on supporting the realization of natural motives for childbirth, and promote the formation of new families. In addition, since community-based bridging social capital shows a positive correlation with marriage intention and the number of children desired, measures to support regional community culture and revitalization of caring communities may be effective. Meanwhile, it is also necessary to reduce the opportunity cost of childbirth and the burden of high-cost, high-intensity parenting, and promote gender equality and efficient division of labor at work and at home.

      • THF, TCE를 사용한 전기방사법에 의한 고분자량 폴리비닐카바졸 웹의 제조 및 특성(1)

        김희삼(Hee Sam Kim),김미선(Mi Sun Kim) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2013 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.18 No.4

        Synthetic fibers of polymers have been produced for decades by conventional process, such as melt spinning, dry spinning or wet spinning. These techniques rely upon pressure-driven extrusion of a viscous polymer fluid and produce fibers that typically range from 10 to 500 ㎛ in diameter. Electrostatic fiber spinning, or ‘electrospinning,’ is a novel process for forming fibers with submicron-scale diameters through the action of electrostatic forces. Concentration of poly(N-vinyl carbazole) (PVCz) solution was varied from 3 to 18 wt%. All electrospinning procedures were carried out at room temperature. Applied voltage was ranged from 15 to 30 kV. Tip-to-collector distance (TCD) was varied from 10 to 40 cm. In the cases of, using THF and TCE as a solvent, at relatively lower concentration, bead and bead-onto-fiber were formed, comparing that with respect to fiber was found at relatively higher concentration. Increasing both the applied voltage and the TCD tended to produce smaller diameters of the electrospun fibers. The average diameter of PVCz fibers in web electrospun in TCE was much finer than that in THF. PVCz fibers in web prepared using high initial polymer concentration in THF were not cylindrical but planar similar with ribbon, owing to the difference in the viscosities and in evaporation in the rates of the solvent and the solutions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자기기록매체 CoNiCr / Cr 이중박막의 자기적 성질과 미세구조와의 관계연구

        김희삼(Hee-Sam Kim),남인탁(In-Tak Nam),홍양기(Yang-Ki Hong) 한국자기학회 1993 韓國磁氣學會誌 Vol.3 No.3

        Microstructural dependence of magnetic property of RF / DC sputtered Co_(69.0)Ni_(18.5)Cr_(12.5)/Cr double layer thin film was studied. Grain size was found to be decreased with substrate temperature in the range of 100-200 ℃ and Cr underlayer thickness(from 500 Å -2000 Å). The peaks (200) and (1120) of X-ray diffraction patterns were evidently grown with the substrate temperature for the Cr underlayer and magnetic layer, respectively, The CoNiCr magnetic layer was found to be well epitaxialy grown on Cr underlayer, and subsequently the coercivity was enhanced.

      • 클로로포름을 사용한 전기방사법에 의한 고분자량 폴리비닐카바졸 웹의 제조 및 특성(2)

        김희삼(Hee Sam Kim),김채성(Chae Sung Kim) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2014 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.19 No.3

        In this study, adapting high molecular weight PVCz and controlling three major parameters for electrospinning, we successfully prepared novel PVCz fibrous webs. SEM images showed that the structure and morphology of electrospun PVCz webs depended on processing parameters such as solution viscosity(e.g. concentration and polymer molecular weight), AV, TCD, and the type of solvent. Concentration of poly(N-vinyl carbazole) (PVCz) solution was varied from 3 to 18 wt(%). All electrospinning procedures were carried out at 25 °C room temperature. Applied voltage was ranged from 15 to 30 kV. Tip-to-collector distance(TCD) was varied from 10 to 40cm. In the cases of, using chloroform as a solvent, the fiber diameters in the range from 3.8/mi to ll.Qum were obtained by varying the solution concentration. It was found that the morphology of electrospun PVCz web was strongly correlated with viscosity. At lower solution concentration,webs containing beads and beads-ont으fibers were prepared, while, at higher one, fine and uniform fibers in webs could be formed. Average diameters of fibers in webs were decreased with increases in the applied voltage and TCD.

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