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CPTED 관점에서 본 공공청사의 현황 및 개선방안 연구
김서우(Seou Kim) 한국셉테드학회 2022 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.13 No.2
본 연구에서는 국가 및 지방정부의 공적인 업무를 수행하는 공공청사가 침입 등의 범죄예방 측면에서 안전한지, 또 빈번한 집회 및 시위로 인한 피해를 최소화할 수 있도록 계획되고 있는지를 확인하고 개선방안 도출하고자 하였다. 연구성과로서 첫째, 정부청사의 경우 2016년 12월에 「정부청사관리 규정 및 시행규칙」에 ‘청사의 출입 관리’ 및 ‘방호 진단’을 신설하였으나 지방 정부청사의 경우 아직 제도적으로 반영되지 못한 상태이다. 또한 여기에 반영된 내용은 「건축법」에 따른 아파트 등에 적용되는 범죄예방 건축기준에 한참 미치지 못하는 수준임을 확인할 수 있었다. 둘째, 공공청사를 대상으로 한 집회 및 시위가 증가하고 있고, 소음 등으로 인해 공공청사에서 업무수행에 어려움을 겪고 있는 것으로 설문조사 결과 분석되었다. 셋째, 공공청사가 범죄로부터 안전하기 위해서는 공공청사에도 「건축법」에 따른 범죄예방 설계 기준이 적용되어야 하며, 시위로 인한 업무의 피해를 최소화하기 위해서는 차음 성능이 강화된 창호 설치 등의 조치가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to investigate government office buildings and the environmental factors that contribute to crime preventative designs of those buildings. It has been found that: first, in the case of central government buildings, “access management of government buildings” and “protection diagnosis” were newly established in the 「government building management regulations and enforcement regulations」 in December, 2016. However, this change has yet to be established in local government buildings. In addition, it was confirmed that the contents of regulations reflected here were far below par compared to the crime prevention building standards applied to personal apartments under the 「Building Act」. Second, as rallies and protests that take place near government office buildings increase every year, surveys confirm that exposure to noise has a negative impact on work performance. Finally, it is crucial that crime preventative designs should be strictly controlled by regulation (ex. building codes), so that civil servants are protected from crimes. It is necessary to improve sound insulation performance of windows to minimize the noise generated by protests to not hinder the work performance of civil servants. These findings help understand the current environmental conditions of government office buildings associated with crime prevention facilities. There is room for improvement in the principles and process to make the government office building better, safer and more pleasant for both citizens and officials.
김서우 ( Seo Woo Kim ),김현경 ( Hyun Kyung Kim ),전승정 ( Sung Joung Jeun ),박혜성 ( Hye Sung Park ),장중현 ( Jung Hyun Jang ),이진화 ( Jin Hwa Lee ),류연주 ( Yon Ju Ryu ),심성신 ( Sung Shin Sim ),천은미 ( Eun Mi Chun ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2010 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.68 No.4
Lymphadenopathy in the thoracic cavity is frequently caused by inflammatory diseases. In very rare cases, the node-bronchial fistula has been reported to be the cause of complications of pulmonary tuberculosis. A male patient with necrotizing pneumonia and mediastinal lymph node enlargements identified by chest computed tomography was also found to have a node-bronchial fistula caused by lung cancer. The patient was treated for tuberculosis with pneumonia for one week before a definitive diagnosis was made. A further investigation revealed him to have non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, adenocarcinoma) and multiple mediastinal lymphadenopathies accompanied with the node-bronchial fistula. We report this specific case that had been previously treated for tuberculosis but was later revealed to be NSCLC accompanied with a node-bronchial fistula.
지방도시의 공공청사 이용에 관한 만족도 조사연구 - 남해군청 · 원주시청 · 천안시 동남구청 사례를 중심으로 -
김서우(Seou Kim) 한국생태환경건축학회 2022 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집 Vol.22 No.6
Purpose: This paper intends to investigate whether local government office buildings in local cities are suitable for its users in relation to the social(population, financial independence, etc.) and physical (office space, outdoor space, rest area, parking, location, space layout, building scale, exterior design, etc.) environmental factors of that particular region. Method: This survey is to investigate the environmental factors relating to regional social issues and to assess how the local government office building is suitable for each region. Based on a citywide survey of 404 users of government office building in Namhae-gun(Gyeongsangnam-do), Wonju-si(Gangwon-do) and Dongnam-gu in Cheonan(Chungcheongbuk-do). Result: Research results revealed several factors. First, the perception of ‘social issues’ related to the ‘region’. Three cities with constrained conditions showed significant differences in social issue. Second, the satisfaction of ‘physical environment’ increase the satisfaction of ‘government office buildings’. Third, there are significant differences in satisfaction of government office buildings among respondents’ ‘occupation’. Overall, officers were observed to be unsatisfied. Last, the most influential factor on user’s satisfaction among environment factors in government office building for the user is ‘rest area’ and second is ‘parking space’. It is necessary to improve citizen’s perceptions of the local regional environments and to enhance the physical environment of government office building by provide an environment that is suitable for its use taking the local regional characteristics into consideration.
김서우 ( Seowoo Kim ),남윤자 ( Yun Ja Nam ),김경선 ( Kyoung Sun Kim ) 한국의류학회 2020 한국의류학회지 Vol.44 No.2
In this study, the 4th (1997) and 6th (2013) direct measurements of Size Korea compared the changing shape of women between the ages of 12 and 18. Comparing the items of height and length, the height and shoulder height were significantly reduced, the waist height was not significantly different, and the height of the upper hip was significantly increased, resulting in a smaller upper torso ratio and a higher lower torso rate. The width and thickness associated with human obesity, the circumference items and obesity levels often increased significantly with the change of the times, indicating that the overall body size was increased and that the chest area was changed to a cylindrical shape with changes in the breast equilibrium. Comparing agespecific measurements with graphs analyzing the trend of change in growth, the results showed that the change in 1997 was minimal since age 14; however, a continuous increase was achieved in 2013 that corresponded to the age at which growth is complete. The results of these studies are expected to be used as basic data to predict pattern design, body implementation, and trends in shape changes for young women.
기초자치단체 복합형 청사의 시기별 특성에 관한 연구 - 도심 내 입지와 복합시설의 용도를 중심으로 -
김서우(Seou Kim),강부성(Boo-Seong Kang) 한국생태환경건축학회 2024 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.6
Purpose: This study examines trends in location and facility types of 34 newly constructed integrated public office buildings in local governments over the past 20 years, aiming to explore the development direction of integrated public offices. By analyzing location and facility characteristics, the study proposes planning strategies to support efficient usage. Method: The research focuses on location suitability and facility integration efficiency. Locations were classified into central and peripheral areas based on address changes, followed by analyses of relocation distances and transportation infrastructure. The data were divided into four periods of 5 years each to identify trends in integrated public office development. Result: The study finds that early integrated public offices primarily included healthcare, cultural, and welfare facilities, while recent trends show increased integration with sports, residential, and commercial facilities. Over time, the number of offices relocating to peripheral areas has decreased, with more now in central locations. This reflects growing demands for convenience and accessibility for residents, aligning with urban regeneration and regional economic revitalization.
Streptavidin이 융합된 DR4 항원에 특이적인 single-chain Fv 항체의 개발
김서우,우상욱,김진규,Kim, Seo Woo,Wu, Sangwook,Kim, Jin-Kyoo 한국미생물학회 2018 미생물학회지 Vol.54 No.4
The Streptavidin and Biotin system has been studied most extensively as the high affinity non-covalent binding of Biotin to STR ($K_D=10^{-14}M$) and four Biotin binding sites in tetrameric Streptavidin makes this system useful for the production of multivalent antibody. For the application of this system, we cloned Streptavidin amplified from Streptomyces avidinii chromosome by PCR and fused to gene of hAY4 single-chain Fv antibody specific to death receptor 4 (DR4) which is a receptor for tumor necrosis factor ${\alpha}$ related apoptosis induced ligand. The hAY4 single-chain Fv antibody fused to Streptavidin expressed in Escherichia coli showed 43 kDa monomer in heated SDS-PAGE. However, this fusion protein shown in both non-heated SDS-PAGE and Size-exclusion chromatography exhibited 172 kDa as a tetramer suggesting that natural tetramerization of Streptavidin by non-covalent association induced hAY4 single-chain Fv tetramerization. This fusion protein retained a Biotin binding activity similar to natural Streptavidin as shown in Ouchterlony assay and ELISA. Death receptor 4 antigen binding activity of purified hAY4 single-chain Fv fused to Streptavidin was also confirmed by ELISA and Westernblot. In addition, surface plasmon resonance analysis showed 60-fold higher antigen binding affinity of the hAY4-STR than monomeric hAY4 ScFv due to tetramerization. In summary, hAY4 single-chain Fv fused to Streptavidin fusion protein was successfully expressed and purified as a soluble tetramer in E. coli and showed both Biotin and DR4 antigen binding activity suggesting possible production of bifunctional and tetrameric ScFv antibody.