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        조선전기 남동해안 연해읍성의 유형과 이건배경

        권순강,이호열 한국건축역사학회 2015 건축역사연구 Vol.24 No.4

        Coastal eupseongs, which are mainly built in the period of late Goryeo and early Joseon period, are essential materials in studying the history of Joseon period eupseongs. The purpose of this study is to connect the annexation of local districts with the relocation of local government office, so as to categorize the types of coastal-eupseongs and examine the background of their constructions and relocations. Coastal eupseongs are mainly divided into 'maintenance type' and 'Mergence type' according to the annexation of local districts, and maintenance type is broken down into fortress type and non-fortress type in accordance with the existence of old eupseongs(fortresses). Coastal eupseongs can also be categorized into 'application type' and 'relocation type' depending on whether ex-local government offices were reutilized or relocated. Maintenance type is 'fortress-application type'(Gimhae·Gosung·Old Ulsan-eupseong), 'non-fortress-application type'(New Ulsan-eupseong), 'fortress-relocation type'(Dongrae․Kijang․Geojegohyunseong․ Ulsan(Jwabyeongyoung)-eupseong), 'non-fortress-relocation type'(Sacheon․ Hadong·Jinhae-eupseong·Geojesadeongseong) are differentiated by type. Mergence type is divided into 'Merger of Villages after Castle Relocation Type(Changwon·Namhae·Gonyang-eupseong)', 'Merger of Villages before Castle Relacation Type(Ungcheon-eupseong)'. Coastal-eupseongs are moved to other places in need of more affluent water supply(Gimhae·Gijang-eupseong) and wider usable area(Namhae·Gohyunseong-eupseong). Eupseongs were enlarged owing to the population growth, caused by annexations of local districts.(Ungcheon-eupseong) 'Seonso'(navy yard) is a unique feature which cannot be seen in inland eupseongs. 조선시대 치소는 통일신라 혹은 고려시대의 치소를 수용·발전시켰지만 대부분의 조선의 통치이념과 효율적인 방어를 위해 새로운 치소를 조성·운영하였다. 연구대상에 속한 연해읍성은 고려말 조선초에 축조되는데 이 시기는 내지읍성 축조되기 이전이다. 그래서 조선시대 읍성제도 수용과 발달 연구 중요한 자료지만 이에 대한 연구 성과는 많지 않다. 연구 목적은 연해읍성을 군현의 병합여부와 이건 여부에 따라 유형을 분류하고 신축 및 이건 배경이 되는 원인, 선호 입지 등을 규명하는데 있다. 유형분류는 군현의 병합유무에 따라 유지형과 병합형으로 나어 진다. 유지형은 다시 고읍성의 유무에 따서 有城型과 無城型으로 구분되고 또 치소의 활용여부와 이건여부에 따라 활용형과 이건형으로 細分된다. 이것을 종합하면 군현 유지형은 ‘有城 活用形’과 ‘無城 活用形’, ‘有城 移建型’, ‘無城 移建型’ 네 종류로 구분된다. 유성 활용형에는 해당하는 읍성은 김해와 고성이지만 무성 활용형은 연구 대상에서는 확인되지 않았다. 유성 이건형에 해당하는 읍성은 울산·동래·기장·진해·고현성이며, 무성 이건형에는 사천과 사등성이다. 병합형은 모두 새로운 장소에 읍성이 이건 되는데 이때 행정구역 병합과 읍성축조선후에 따라 ‘선 병합 후 읍성축조형’과 ‘선 읍성축조 후 병합형’으로 구분된다. 전자의 읍성이 창원·남해·하동·곤양이며 후자는 웅천이다. 연해읍성이 속한 군현의 위상 변화를 보면 김해, 하동, 고성, 거제, 남해는 위계가 강등되는 반면 창원과 곤양은 높아 승격되었다. 나머지 치소의 위계는 고려시대와 동일하였다. 읍성의 둘레는 都護府와 郡에서는 1.64~1.93㎞이고 縣令이 배치된 현에서는 1.3~1.5㎞이고, 縣監이 배치된 현에서는 0.64~1.34㎞이다. 연해읍성의 입지는 평지성, 평산성, 산성 모두 확인되었지만 평지성 50%로 평지를 선호한 것을 알 수 있다. 연해읍성의 이건배경에는 용수확보와 대지의 협소의 이유인데 전자의 읍성은 김해·기장·진해읍성이며 후자는 남해·고현성이다. 웅천읍성은 군현이 병합되어 대지가 협소하여 이건보다는 증축하였다. 연해읍성은 선소(船所)를 경영하고 있었는데 내지읍성의 다른 특징이다.

      • KCI등재

        경상도 남부지역 연해 군현과 수군영진의 선소(船所)에 관한 연구

        권순강,이호열 한국건축역사학회 2019 건축역사연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The Chosun Dynasty established and implemented measures to prevent Japanese invasion into the southern coast. To this end, the number of naval vessels and the number of ships were increased, and a shipyard(船所) was constructed to protect the safety of the vessels. The shipyard is a port facility where military vessels are anchored and repaired, as well as public facilities that are needed for military training on public and land, as well as facilities for storing supplies and equipment needed for ships on land and defense at the port entrance. Despite being such an important facility for national defense, Shipyard has not been noticed. Studies have shown that the position of shipyard is divided into the riverside type and the riverbank type, which is due to the topographical features of Korea. The repair cycle of naval vessels, the carrying out of Yeonhun(prevent the water from decaying the part of the ship, a raw tree was burned to smoke) and the place of sea training also affected the construction of the Gul River(掘江). The space structure of shipyard is divided into port entry facilities for monitoring and controlling at the entrance to the harbor, border facilities for folding and repairing military vessels, and land facilities for holding land exercises and administrative work of military vessels and military equipment. 조선은 남해안으로 침구하는 왜구를 막기 위해 대책을 수립하고 실천에 옮겼다. 이를 위해 수군의 수와 군선의 수를 증대 하였는데 이 군선을 접안 보호하기 위해 선소(船所)를 조성하였다. 선소는 군선이 정박하는 항만시설로 선박의 접안과 수리하는 좁은 의미의 연안 시설뿐만 아니라 공무와 육조(陸操)에 필요한 공해를 비롯한 군선에 필요한 물자와 장비를 육상에 보관하는 시설들과 아울러 항만 입구의 방어시설 등을 총칭하는 것이다. 이런 관방상 중요한 시설임에도 불구하고 그 동안 주목하지 않았다. 연구결과 선소의 입지는 하구형과 하안형으로 구분되었는데 이는 지형적 특징에서 기인한 것으로 확인되었다. 이로 인해 군선의 수리주기, 연훈실시 여부, 수조(水操)의 장소, 굴강 조성방법에도 영향을 주고 있었다. 소의 공간구조는 크게 항만의 입구에서 감시·통제하기 위한 선소 입구시설, 항만 내부에 군선의 접안과 수리를 위한 선소 접안시설, 그리고 육조와 군선의 행정업무와 군기 및 집물을 보관하기 위한 선소 육상시설로 구분할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        남해읍성의 공간구성과 축조기법에 관한 연구

        권순강,이호열,Kwon, Soon-Kang,Lee, Ho-Yeol 한국건축역사학회 2009 건축역사연구 Vol.18 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the history, space structures, blueprint, and techniques of the construction of Nam-hea city walls. Nam-hea city walls were relocated in 1439 from Whagumhun-Sansung(火金峴山城) to the present site, nearby Nam-hea Um.(南海邑) The city walls were rebuilt after they were demolished during Japanese invasion on Korea in 1592 and their reconstruction was also done in 1757. At present, the city walls only partially remained due to the urbanization of the areas around them. A plane form of the City wall is a square, and the circumference os approximately 1.3km. According to the literature, the circumference of the castle walls is 2,876尺, the height is 13尺, and the width is 13尺 4寸. Hang-Kyo(鄕校). SaGikDan(社稷壇), YoeDan(?壇), SunSo(船所) which is a harbor, as well as government and public offices such as Kaek-Sa(客舍) and Dong-Hun(東軒) existed inside the castle walls. Inside the castle walls were one well, five springs, one ditch, and one pond, and in the castle walls, four castle gates, three curved castle walls, and 590 battlements existed. The main government offices inside castle walls were composed of Kaek-Sa, Dong-Hun, and Han-Chung(鄕廳) their arrangements were as follows. Kaek-Sa was situated toward North. Dong-Hun was situated in the center of the west castle walls. The main roads were constructed to connect the North and South castle gate, and subsidiary roads were constructed to connect the East and West castle gate. The measurement used in the blueprint for castle wall was Pobaek-scale(布帛尺:1尺=46.66cm), and one side of it was 700尺. South and North gate were constructed in the center of South and North castle wall, and curved castle walls was situated there. One bastion was in the west of curved castle walls and two bastions were in the east of curved castle walls. The east gate was located in the five eighths of in the east castle wall. Two bastions were situated in the north, on bastion in the south, one bastion in the south, and four bastions in the west castle wall. The castle walls were constructed in the following order: construction of castle field, construction of castle foundation, construction of castle wall, and cover the castle foundation. The techniques used in the construction of the castle walls include timber pile(friction pile), replacement method by excavation.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 이후 평지읍성의 평면, 성문, 치의 분수계획과 그 변화

        권순강,이호열,Kwon, Soon-Kang,Lee, Ho-Yeol 한국건축역사학회 2017 건축역사연구 Vol.26 No.1

        Module coordination(分數), which is crucially relevant to plan shape of a fortress and the location of its gates and chis(雉, protruding posts), have not been thoroughly studied, despite its importance in fortress system. While plan shape of Goryeo fortress features orderly placement of gates and chis, under medium-sized J oseon fortress doesn't follow it strictly. As a result, fortresses with various plan shapes greatly outnumber those of Goryeo. Especially, Gimhaeeupseong Fortress, which is a large-scale town wall, shows such a complicated plan shape, making it difficult to figure out its modular coordination. Presumably, the reason for J oseon fortress' complicated plan shapes, which doesn't follow the orderly modular coordination, is thought to be in its various geographical conditions. Also, it seems that the building of fortress with such various and complicated plan shapes was to deter enemies from intruding by confusing them. And various plan shapes of fortress are also figured out to be pertinent to street system of towns and positions of public offices.

      • KCI등재

        조선전기 남동부 연해읍성의 축조유형 구분과 이건배경

        권순강,이호열,Kwon, Soon-Kang,Lee, Ho-Yeol 한국건축역사학회 2015 건축역사연구 Vol.24 No.4

        Coastal eupseongs, which are mainly built in the period of late Goryeo and early Joseon period, are essential materials in studying the history of Joseon period eupseongs. The purpose of this study is to connect the annexation of local districts with the relocation of local government office, so as to categorize the types of coastal-eupseongs and examine the background of their constructions and relocations. Coastal eupseongs are mainly divided into 'maintenance type' and 'Mergence type' according to the annexation of local districts, and maintenance type is broken down into fortress type and non-fortress type in accordance with the existence of old eupseongs(fortresses). Coastal eupseongs can also be categorized into 'application type' and 'relocation type' depending on whether ex-local government offices were reutilized or relocated. Maintenance type is 'fortress-application type'(Gimhae Gosung Old Ulsan-eupseong), 'non-fortress-application type'(New Ulsan-eupseong), 'fortress-relocation type'(Dongrae Kijang Geojegohyunseong Ulsan(Jwabyeongyoung)-eupseong), 'non-fortress-relocation type'(Sacheon Hadong Jinhae-eupseong Geojesadeongseong) are differentiated by type. Mergence type is divided into 'Merger of Villages after Castle Relocation Type(Changwon Namhae Gonyang-eupseong)', 'Merger of Villages before Castle Relacation Type(Ungcheon-eupseong)'. Coastal-eupseongs are moved to other places in need of more affluent water supply(Gimhae Gijang-eupseong) and wider usable area(Namhae Gohyunseong-eupseong). Eupseongs were enlarged owing to the population growth, caused by annexations of local districts.(Ungcheon-eupseong) 'Seonso'(navy yard) is a unique feature which cannot be seen in inland eupseongs.

      • KCI등재

        임진왜란이후 밀양도호부 읍성의 공간구조 변화

        권순강,이호열,Kwon, Soon-Kang,Lee, Ho-Yeol 한국건축역사학회 2013 건축역사연구 Vol.22 No.2

        Compared to Early Chosun Dynasty, the spatial structure of most local Eupseongs of Korea had a standardized change with the expansion and spread of the Rye-hak(禮學:a study of confucius Rite). Meanwhile in the process of rebuilding Eupseongs there was a tendency of relocation of the local government offices(官衙) and its attached facilities in terms of functions and use. Although it was PyeongSanseong Miryang Eupseong had an unreasonable spatial structure locating Gaeksa(客舍; accommodation house for visitors) in the middle of the local government office complex, and Dongheon(東軒;main office building) in the east of it before the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. However with the reorganization of spatial Structure of local Eupseongs after the Japanese invasion Gaeksa was moved to the foot of Adongsan where commanded a fine view of river. Dongheon was moved to the center of Eupseong for the effective management of its auxiliary organizations. It was because road system and administrative efficiency had a serious effect on deciding the location of the local government office and its attached facilities. After the Japanese invasion Hyangchoeng(鄕廳), having been out of Eupseong, also was moved to the independent location within Eupseong separate from Dongheon and Gaeksa. It seemed to take into account the autonomy of Hyangchoeng. Dongheon, Gaeksa, and Hyangchoeng which are the crucial facilities of Milyang Eupseong were arranged at each angular point of big triangle. In order to enhance the administative efficiency, the attached administrative facilities were arranged surrounding Dongheon and Hyangchoeng. The spatial structure of Milyang Eupseong in the late Choseon dynasty was of great difference from that of uniformly organized system of early Choseon Period. It was because the development of administrative function, the pursuit of efficiency, and commercial progress had a great impact on the change of urban space.

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