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      • Wire Saw 슬러리로부터 Si, SiC 분리 및 제올라이트 합성에 대한 연구

        한승열,이종대,박노국,이태진,류시옥 한국공업화학회 2004 응용화학 Vol.8 No.1

        This study was focused on the separation of Si and from Wire Saw Slurry in Wire Saw Slicing process and synthesis of zeolite by mixing with water glass obtained from its process and Alumina. In order to separate Si and SiC from Wire Saw Slurry, Alkai disslution was used and then Na₂O showed superior dissoluble property of Si. At this time, SiC was separated as powder from Alkali apueous solution. Si was dissolved as a liquid in Alkali aqueous solution. After removing SiC powder, the powder formed was obtained from drying. Alkali aqueous solution and then it was the water glass (Na₂SiO₃)confirmed by XRD analysis. Water glass (Na₂SiO₃) and Alumina mixed with pure water made as a synthesis of zeolite through the crystallization by aging and hydrothermal reaction. The manufactured zeolite was Sodium Aluminum Silicate Hydrate confirmed by XRD analysis.

      • 氣文學論의 生態學的 照明

        한승옥 崇實語文學會 2003 崇實語文 Vol.19 No.-

        본 연구는 기가 지니는 의미의 다양성을 살펴보고, 그것과 생태학과의 관계를 고찰한 것이다. 그 결과 기일원론적 입장에서 자연을 보는 관점이 바로 생태학적 관점임이 확인되었다. 이것은 곧 자연은 생명체이며 자연의 본질인 기가 인간을 비롯한 모든 생명체의 본질과 동일하다는 세계관을 뜻한다. 이러한 기론적 세계관은 유기체적 자연관과 맥을 같이한다. 이것이 바로 생태학적 통찰인 것이다. 이러한 관점은 예술론에서도 그대로 적용될 수 있다. 참다운 예술, 힘 있는 예술, 감동을 주는 예술은 바로 자연으로부터 오는 것이며, 천일합일의 경지에 이르러야 진정한 예술이 나올 수 있는 것이다. 이러한 관점은 모두 생태학적 인식과 그 실천을 기본으로 한다. 그만큼 생태학은 문학에서 중요한 것이며, 그 어떤 것보다 핵심에 위치하는 것이라 하겠다. 〈元曉大師〉를 생태학적 관점에서 살펴 본 것은 위의 개념이 작품에 그대로 적용될 수 있는가를 알아보기 위한 한 시도였다. 특히 불교 소설인 〈元曉大師〉를 생태학적 관점에서 살펴본다는 것은 매우 의의 있는 일이라 생각된다. 불교 소설은 그 자체로 주체적 측면에서 생태학과 매우 근접해 있다. 이 점은 〈元曉大師〉에서도 그대로 확인되는 점이었다. 앞으로 이 연구는 역사소설이나 불교소설은 물론, 일반 소설로까지 확대되어 그 실상이 점검되어야 할 것이다.

      • Wire Saw 슬러리로부터 Si와 SiC의 선택적 회수

        한승열,이종대,전진혁,박노국,이태진,류시옥 嶺南大學校 工業技術硏究所 2004 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.32 No.1

        This study was focused on the recovery of Si and SiC from wire saw slurry in wire saw slicing process. In order to separate Si and SiC from wire saw slurry, alkali dissolution method was used and then Na₂O showed superior dissolution property of Si. At this time, SiC was separated as powder from alkali aqueous solution. Si was dissolved as a liquid in alkali aqueous solution. After removing SiC powder, the powder was obtained by drying alkali aqueous solution and then it's XRD analysis showed that it was the water glass (Na₂SiO₃).

      • 李光洙硏究 : 「無情」을 中心으로 With reference to Mu-jeong

        韓承玉 東亞大學校 1980 東亞論叢 Vol.17 No.1

        In this study of the writer Yi, Kwang-soo, I have limited the discussion to a relatively small number of his works, mainly to 「Mu-jeong」(無情) in order to consider them at some length. The major concerns of this thesis are; 1) to define time relations as a meaningful verient and characters. 2) to verify consistent character identity under agitated circumcetances. 3) to investigate the process of reader identification and its effect in rendering facilitation of understanding through the text. 4) to explore the attitude of the writer through th8 elements of his background and his technique of relating character and the elements . 5) to qualify the transition of the work 「Mu-jeong」(無情) to the other works. The results of this reserch have been outlined as follow' 1) Time; The writer's general view on time represented in his essays appears to be optimistic but it reveals nihilism as well in his works; superficially his optimsitic view on time is realized in the main current of his work through Hyoung-sik employing explanatory techniques, but its underlying characters and actions shows instability and nihilism; it has two faces. The pessimism represented by Young-che could also be catagorized as nihilism on the same time dimention. So it could be interpreted as nihilism based on pessimism in deep structure while optimism is manifested in the surface. This I assume is the technique which the writer consciously choose. Inconsistency, uncertainty, divergency of the character's actions are inevitable result of nihilism. The same is true in time allotment for the whole work; for the regression to the past attraction to future caused the present condition's instablility. The reason of conflict and inconsistancy in the characters in 「Mu-jeong」(無情) can be interpreted asI he co-existance of nihilism and optimism in a setting. 2) Identity; ' First; the problem of reidentification between Young-che and Hyoung-sik. The main cause of conflict between them is the failure of reciprocal reidentification Second: the problem of apperance and reality is Young-che's own problem. She fails to identify her external appearance with internal reality. She perceives the world as pessimistic and ruthless owing to the miserable social conditions. Young-che's role in the novel seems to be a symbol for the then suppressed fatherland. Third; identity crisis. Most of characters presented in the novel are youths who suffer identity crisises on account of maladjustment in their society. Fourth; The writer himself has negative identity. This affects the whole work in it's themes and structure, An excessive desire to enlighten his fatherland must be understood in connection with this negative identity. Fifth; identity grafting. The writer tries to graft western culture-symbolized by Byoung-uk on Eastern culture-symbolized by Young-che in order to revive identity. 3) Misdirection The effect of misdrection is that the novelist comes to giving the reader the sense that he is not standing still but that he too is involved as a changing observer of a world of change, by attacking the assumptions the reader has built up while reading the novel, by disappointing his aroused expectations, and by forcing him to make a sudden and kaleidoscopic change of perspective. In「Mu-jeong」(無情), it progresses by three grades; the first, there is a suggestion and an expectation. There are suggestions of alliance between Hyoung-sik and Sun-hyoung and the expectaticn of the possiblity of marriage between Hyong-sik and Young-che. The second step is to modify direction and self-examination; Disappointment of the reader's expectations on Young-che and self examination of the reader's stupidity. Third, an attempt at rendering the reader a final surprise. It means development from local surprise to final surprise. 4) The meaning of thangs. The meaning of things represented in「Mu-jeong」(無情) art these ; First, I found that the writer cognized things as the viewpoints of Hylozism. This characteristic clearly comes out when we compare Yi, Kwang-soo Yoeum, Sang-sup. This, Yi, Kwang-soo's cognization method about things, was related with Animism and Shamanism, thus I tried to resolve this matter in relation with the writer's boyhood experiences. The writer was brought up under circumstances of Animism and Shamanism. Second, the internal meaning of train train in Mu-jeong. The symbol of the train represents the unification of characters not internally but externally. This unification is only linear and parallel like the railway, Third, the complete unification is achieved internally by tile symbol of the food. The flood symbolizes that all the things of past are flowing to the sea and all the past emotions connected with them are settled. Thus the characters in Mu-jeong could be unified internally. 5) The transition of「Mu-jeong」(無情) to Yi, Kwang-soo'F other works. The works used to analyze are; 「Mu-jeong」(無情), 「Ae Yoguei Pi An」(愛慾의 彼岸), 「Geu eui Za Seo Zeon」(그의 自敍傳), 「Sa-Rang」(사랑) etc. 「Mu-jeong」(無情) is preisely what is sounds like, it is the opposite in meaning to 「Mu-jeong」(無情), The writer is trying to relate cold-hearted human relation with affection. But the result is the came as in 「Mu-jeong」(無情); the relation between the hero Choi-seok, frustrated by his passion and the heroin 「Nam-jeongim ended in heartlessness. What is significant here is that the characters experience their love under fairly free circumstance. In the other works characters are frustrated owing to the heroes constraints on their passions. 「Sa-Rang」(사랑) can be assumed to be a work written: to solve the problem. The characters idealize their love not by reciprocal but by unilateral love. Neverthess, they can not solve the agony-coldheartnfss can not be cured entirely. The underlying motive of Suk-son-ok's unilateral love-following Buddah's mercy and Jesus'Love is qualified as a compensation of the unfulfilled love with An-bin. Here again they can not find means to solve the problem of cold-hea-rtedness. So long as they are in a cold-hearted situation (the condition of colony), they are to remain in hopeless, merciless, and pitiless condition.

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