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        日韓関係における言説の悪魔化とその影響: 日本側の狀況を中心に

        木村幹 ( Kimura Kan ) 현대일본학회 2022 日本硏究論叢 Vol.56 No.-

        「日韓関係は1965年の国交正常化以降、最悪の状態にある」。日本のメディアが現在の日韓両国 間の関係を説明する際に頻繁に使うフレーズだ。2018年10月に韓国大法院が日本企業に対し、第 二次世界大戦中に動員された元徴用工らに賠償を命じて以来、日韓関係は4年間ほぼ膠着状態に 陥っている。 とはいえ同時に重要な事は、日本と韓国は慰安婦問題、歴史教科書問題、靖国神社問題など過 去の問題でこれまでも長期に対立を続けてきた。だとすると、今日の状況は過去とどう違うのか。 この点を明らかにしなければ、問題の本当の深刻さは見えてこない。 そこで本稿では、今日の日韓関係、とりわけ日本側の状況を、日本の主要な新聞、テレビ、雑 誌などのメディアにおける言説から、分析することを試みた。その結果明らかになったのは、安倍 ·文両政権期に、政治指導者を「悪魔化」する言説が顕著に見られるようなったことである。そこで は、日本のメディア、特に一定の「保守メディア」が、紛争の複雑な背景には全く目を向けず、関 係悪化の原因を、この時期の韓国の大統領であった、文在寅個人の特質によって説明し、事態を齎 した人物としてその責任を厳しく非難する状況である。このような政治指導者の「悪魔化」は同時 期の韓国でも見られ、日本の安倍晋三首相の個人的言動に、関係悪化の全ての原因を帰せしめる言 説が頻繁に見られるようになった。 しかしながらこの様な状況は、2022年、文在寅が退陣し、安倍が暗殺された後には深刻な問題 となって表れている。関係悪化の責任を押し付けられた特定の政治指導者がいなくなった後、人々 は依然として継続する関係悪化をどのように説明し、どこにその責任者を見出そうとするのだろう か。それとも、それらを切欠により真剣で客観的な考察へと移行するのだろうか。今日の日韓関係を巡る言説は大きな転換点に差し掛かっているのかも知れない。 “Japanese-South Korean relations are at their worst since normalization in 1965”. This is the phrase that the Japanese media frequently uses to portray the situation between the two countries today. Since South Korea’s Supreme Court in October 2018 ordered Japanese companies to provide compensation to South Koreans forced to work in its factories during World War II, Japan-South Korean relations have been almost deadlocked. However, this is not the first crisis in diplomatic relations between the two nations. Japan and South Korea have continued to have the same issues over the years, such as comfort women, history textbooks, and the Yasukuni War Shrine. How is today’s situation different from the past, and how is it changing? This paper attempts to analyze the situation by looking at the discourse in Japanese media, including major newspapers, television programs, and journal articles. As a result, the author found that there was a strong trend of “demonization” of political leaders under the Abe-Moon administrations. Japanese media―in particular, conservative outlets―tried to explain the worsening of the relationship by attacking the personal characteristics of the South Korean political president, Moon Jae-in, and asserting that he was the criminal in the situation, without paying any serious attention to the complicated background of the disputes. A similar kind of “demonization” of political leaders can be found in South Korea, too, attributing all the culpability for the worsening situation to the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. However, after the retirement of Moon and the assassination of Abe in the same year, these oversimplified explanations are no longer relevant. How would a new explanation be found for the situation, and who would then be named the guilty party? Or would the dispute finally merit a more serious and objective understanding? These would be the next big questions of the discourse on the conflict.

      • KCI등재후보

        Conversion of percutaneous cholecystostomy to transmural endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage in malignant biliary obstruction

        Motoyasu Kan,Yusuke Hashimoto,Taro Shibuki,Gen Kimura,Kumiko Umemoto,Kazuo Watanabe,Mitsuhito Sasaki,Hideaki Takahashi,Hiroshi Imaoka,Izumi Ohno,Shuichi Mitsunaga,Masafumi Ikeda 소화기인터벤션의학회 2019 International journal of gastrointestinal interven Vol.8 No.2

        Background: In patients with distal malignant biliary obstruction, it is a challenge to manage acute cholecystitis secondary to cystic duct obstruc-tion associated with tumor progression or stent compression. Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) has been used as the treatment option of choice, because of its ease of performance and safety, but because of the use of an external drainage tube, some patients experience a de-creased quality of life. We report the technical success and clinical success of conversion from PTGBD to endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage (EUS-GBD) for the treatment of acute cholecystitis in patients with unresectable malignant biliary obstruction.Methods: We included the patients with cholecystitis secondary to unresectable malignant biliary obstruction who underwent conversion from PT-GBD to EUS-GBD in the study. After PTGBD for the treatment of acute cholecystitis, we performed EUS-GBD and a plastic stent or a self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) was placed for fistulostomy.Results: Fourteen patients (median age, 69 years; 9 males and 5 females) underwent conversion to EUS-GBD after clinical improvement of cholecys-titis by PTGBD. The technical success rate of the conversion from PTGBD to EUS-GBD was 100% (14/14). EUS-GBD was performed in a median of 9.5 days (range, 3–51 days) after PTGBD procedure, using mainly a plastic stent (13 patients) and a covered SEMS in one patient. The early (within 24 hours) adverse events rate was 14.3% (2/14), and the late (after 24 hours) adverse events rate was 7.1% (1/14). The rate of recurrence of cholecystitis was 28.6% (4/14). These patients underwent endoscopic re-intervention and there were no cases of further recurrence of cholecystitis. Conclusion: Conversion of PTGBD to EUS-GBD demonstrated a feasible and safe technique for acute cholecystitis in non-surgical candidates with malignant biliary obstruction.

      • KCI등재후보

        Conversion of percutaneous cholecystostomy to transmural endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage in malignant biliary obstruction

        Motoyasu Kan,Yusuke Hashimoto,Taro Shibuki,Gen Kimura,Kumiko Umemoto,Kazuo Watanabe,Mitsuhito Sasaki,Hideaki Takahashi,Hiroshi Imaoka,Izumi Ohno,Shuichi Mitsunaga,Masafumi Ikeda 소화기인터벤션의학회 2019 Gastrointestinal Intervention Vol.8 No.2

        Background: In patients with distal malignant biliary obstruction, it is a challenge to manage acute cholecystitis secondary to cystic duct obstruc-tion associated with tumor progression or stent compression. Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) has been used as the treatment option of choice, because of its ease of performance and safety, but because of the use of an external drainage tube, some patients experience a de-creased quality of life. We report the technical success and clinical success of conversion from PTGBD to endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage (EUS-GBD) for the treatment of acute cholecystitis in patients with unresectable malignant biliary obstruction.Methods: We included the patients with cholecystitis secondary to unresectable malignant biliary obstruction who underwent conversion from PT-GBD to EUS-GBD in the study. After PTGBD for the treatment of acute cholecystitis, we performed EUS-GBD and a plastic stent or a self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) was placed for fistulostomy.Results: Fourteen patients (median age, 69 years; 9 males and 5 females) underwent conversion to EUS-GBD after clinical improvement of cholecys-titis by PTGBD. The technical success rate of the conversion from PTGBD to EUS-GBD was 100% (14/14). EUS-GBD was performed in a median of 9.5 days (range, 3–51 days) after PTGBD procedure, using mainly a plastic stent (13 patients) and a covered SEMS in one patient. The early (within 24 hours) adverse events rate was 14.3% (2/14), and the late (after 24 hours) adverse events rate was 7.1% (1/14). The rate of recurrence of cholecystitis was 28.6% (4/14). These patients underwent endoscopic re-intervention and there were no cases of further recurrence of cholecystitis. Conclusion: Conversion of PTGBD to EUS-GBD demonstrated a feasible and safe technique for acute cholecystitis in non-surgical candidates with malignant biliary obstruction.

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