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      • Pierre Bourdieu의 문화재생산이론에 대한 연구 : 학교교육을 중심으로 A Synthesis of School Education

        최정웅,양경숙 대구효성카돌릭대학교사회과학연구소 1998 사회과학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        While educational sociologists of functionalism insist that schools should teach students democracy and rational social standards, so that schools can provide students to pursue self-development, social mobility, economy, and political ability, reproduction theorists insist that students’ success in a society depends on students’ social and economic background rather than students’ intelligence and ability. They don’t deny that schools should teach students knowledge and skills, but they believe the more important function of school is to teach students to maintain the social orders which have become quite unfair and, on top of that, students should strive to reproduce good social orders. Reproduction theorists also insist that theories concerning education and reproduction of culture have shown how education guarantees and reproduction of cultural unfairness through language, values, procedures, and knowledge. Representative figure of reproduction theory of culture, Pierre Bourdieu, insisted that schools transmit particular forms of culture to students, and as a result, students reproduce not only that form of culture, but also the hierarchical structure of society. In other words, students are being taught to believe that certain forms of culture are important to them. Schools, on one hand, as fair and neutral messengers of culture, provide equal opportunities, and schools, on the other hand, as organizations which have relative autonomy maintain unfairness positively through cultural capital and habits by using symbolic violence. Consequently, cultural arbitrary is concealed and hierarchically-inclined culture is imposed on students. Through school education, cultural domination will reproduce the unfair hierarchical structure of society and hierarchical relations.

      • F. Froebel의 유치원 교사교육에 관한 연구

        최정웅,정인숙 대구효성카돌릭대학교사회과학연구소 1999 사회과학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        The Purpose of this study; 1. To examine Foebel’s educational thought, 2. To analize his kindergarten education, 3. To apprehend his children’s educators training principles. The point of Froebel’s educational theory is united into God that is the origin and super intendent of everything. Froebel’s educational method is following creative self-activity principle which is decided by children themselves. Accordingly, he recognizes as important the value of Kindergarten education. Kindergarten is the surest means, the most correct way, the simplest method of general elevation and ennobling, clear accomplishment and beautiful representation of genuine family life in all conditions and relations, as the single, true fount of contented individual life, joyful social life, free public life, and united life of humanity. So he plan and build up children’s educator training school for kindergarten education. The view of the children’s educator, the training school for children’s educators and principles of training was that froebel’s educational thought, especially children’s educational thought.

      • Frobel의 幼兒敎育의 本質

        崔定雄 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1982 연구논문집 Vol.25 No.1

        Diese Arbeit stellt sich die Aufgabe, die Grundlage und den Hintergrund des Frobels Kindererziehungslehre und dessen Idee und System klar zu machen. Der Hintergrund seines Gedanken uber die Kindererziehungslehre bildet sich aus dem sozialgedankenen Stand und Erziehungsgeschichten. Das Streben nach Einheit bringt Frobel in der Nahe der nachkantischen Philosophie. Wir spuren einen Nachklang von Fichtes "Reden an die deutschen Nation." Das Hauptmerkmal der Erziehungslehre Fictes, die Betonung der Selbsttatigkeit, ist zugeich ein Hauptmerkmal der Frobelschen Erziehungslehre. Das Unternehmen Schellings, die Natur als Einheit zu betrachten, vermag zwar dem philosophischen Streben Frobels Befriedigung zu gewahren. Schiller faBt die Kunst selber als ein Spiel auf Frobel teilt stimmt mit Schiller uverein in der Ansicht, daB Kunst und Spiel in enger Beziehung stehen. Er wrude Pestalozzianer bbekannt. Der Gedanke der Eraiehung stand Mittelpunkt Pestalozzis Frobelschen Denkens. Frobel war durch seine Geistesart so inning mit der philosophie seiner Zeitverbunden. Das heiBt Ideenphilosophie. Bei Pestalozzi ash Frobel erst, was es hieBe, den Menschen seiner Natur nach zu erziehen und zu unterrichten, seine krafte und Anlagen nach den For derungen ihrer Natur zu entwickeln. Man spurt die Nahe von Rousseau-Im Grunde gut sind. Nach Frobel ist das Ewige das Eine, Sich-selbst-Gleiche, es ist ohne irgend eine Differenz. Frobels Metaphysik ist Einheitsphilosophie. Diese Einheit ist Gott. Gott ist der Grund aller Dinge. Das Gute, Gott als Urgrund aller Dinge wurde erkannt, weshalb sich aus alles als gut bewahrte, was aus seinem Wesen hervorging. Die Religion bringt dem Menschen vollkommende Einigkeit mit sich selbst. Die Metaphysik ist bei Frobel die Einheit und das Alle Gott und die Natur steht der Mensch zwischen beiden selbst. Gott und Natur, Natur und Gott zu vermitteln versuchte der Mensch seiner Bestimmung. Das bildet das Gesetz des stets Dreieinigen: Gott, Natur und Menschheit Allheit, Einheit und Einzelnheit Fuhlen, Denken und Handeln Wissenden und Lehrenden, Wirkenden, Schaffenden. Nach frobel ist das ziel der Erziehung dem religiosen Menschen erreichbar. Frobel betrachtet die gottlichen Ordnung, die sich in allem findet. Alle Dinge sind hervorgegangen aus Gott. In Allem ruht, wirkt, herrscht Gottliches, Gott. Alles besteht durch Gott. Alle Dinge sind dadurch, daB Gottliches in ihnen wirkt. Forbel hatte geahnt: Natur und Geist sind im Grunde dasselbe. Das Wesen des Menschen ist das im Gott wirkende Gottliche. Die Bestimmung des Menschen ist daher, daB in ihm wirkende Gottliche zur Darstellung zu bringen. Die Menschen sind also Kinder Gottes, sie tragen das Wesen ihres Schopfers, ihres Vaters, and sich und sollen das in sie gepflanzte Gottliche zur Darstellung bringen. Jeder Mensch ist das Kind Gottes zugleich zuch ein Glied der Menschheit Frobel, der der Meinung ist, daB die Erziehung des Kindes mit der Geburt beginnen und auf Stufe der Kindheit in den Handen der Mutter und des Vaters liegen mussen, erkennt deutlich. Der Zweck der Erziehung kann einzig und allein sein, den Menschen seiner Bestimmung, seinem Beruf zu zufuhren. Der Zweck der Erziehung ist die Darstellung eines berufstreuen, reinen, unverletzen und derum heiligen Lebens. Die Erziehung soll den Menschen zur Erkenntnis seiner selbst und des Menschen, zur Erkenntnis Gottes und der Natur fuhren und damit wird der Zusammenhang der Selbsterkenntnis mit dem sittlichen Handeln angedeutet. Darun ist das Ziel der Erziehung die Selbsterkenntnis Frobels Kindererziehung slehre zieht eine Folgerung aus dem Gedanken der NaturgemaBheit. Selbsttatigkeit der Kinder und diese zur Grundlage aller Erkenntnis zu machen ist das Verdienst Frobels. Durch das Spiel kann das Kind von sich aus, das Ziel der Erziehung erreichen. Das spiel tragt einen padagogischen Sinn und eine bildende Kraft in sich. Es gestattet die Darstellung des Innern. Diese Darstellung des Innern ist das Ziel der Erziebung. Das Spiel ist zugleich Wdg und Ziel. An der Hand dieser Gaben sollen sich Geist und Korper entwickeln. Frobel hat die Gaben geschaffen, die dem Kinde dargereicht werden: sie sollen einerseits dem kleinen Kinfr fir geeigneten Sinnesesindrucke bieten und ihm andererseits auch Gelegenheit zur Selbsttatigkeit verschaffen. Und dennoch haben Frobels Kindererziehungslehre einige Problem. Seine Kindererziehungslehre ist von vielen Padagogen kritisiert. Das heiBt: religiosen und Philosophischen Mystik, die Unwissenschaftlichkeit, die Spekulation.

      • 自然主義 敎育의 理念과 方法 : Rousseau의 Emile을 中心으로

        崔定雄 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1987 연구논문집 Vol.34 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find the idea and method of naturalistic education in Rousseau's Emile. This study is divided into five parts: 1. preface 2. educational ideas: ① points of view about traditional deucation ② Meanings of education ③ goals of deucation ④ moral value as educational idea ⑤ view of teacher as practitioner of educational thoughts. 3. Educational contents 4. Educational Methods : ① general principles of method ② educational method with developmental period. - ① period of infant ② period of childhood ③ period of boyhood ④ peroid of adolescence ⑤ period of adult. 5. Conslusion. The Educational idea and method in Rousseau's Emile can be summerized as follows: Rousseau's ideas spring from idealism of Plato, empriicism and formal discipline in Locke's thoughts and sense Realism of Comenius. Rousseau's break with Rationalism or Encyclopedists was by no means a repudiation of the function of reason. He saw that the faculty of reason was selfish, cynical and contemptuous of the masses of humanity. Rousseau pointed out the changes necessary in the state, church, family life and school in order t bring them back to the fundamental principles of nature. He saw that through all centuries the theory and practice of education had been determined from the standpoint of adult interests and adult social life. Therefore he boldly assailed this basic assumption as not only false and harmful. In the place of the ideas and views of the adult, he substituted the needs and activities of the child and the natural course of development. Rousseau says that education comes to us from nature, from men and from things. He is regarding nature as equivalent ot endowment. He also says man is by nature good, God makes all things good, What is, is good. Our first impulses are always good. Naturalism aimed at the preservation of the natural goodness and virtues of the individual. The naturalist stands for a democratic and universal type of education. Naturalism emphasizes the importance of physical education and health training. The need for moral education is recognized but is to be acquired naturally. Rational moral education is tabooed. Moral education is to be a matter of experience rather than of instruction. Intellectual educationis limited to the training of the senses. Rousseau approved Robinson Crusoe as the only desirable textbook. As a child grow older, intellectual subject matter is brought into educational contents. The Naturalism to educational method lies in its emphasis upon making the child the center of the process. Nature is the keynote of his method. Rousseau demanded an deucational process which would consist of the unhampered and unrestrained growth of the native powers and capacities of the children. Ins truction based upon a study of the native equipment, the natural instincts, natural interests, self activities and natural activities of the children. The education of children is determined by the five periods of development. Each stage has its own dominant faculty which emerges and becomes the mainspring in life. Education begins at birth or before. The first period of five years is concerned primarily with the growth of the body, motor activities, sense preception and feeling. The second period is the childhood. The education of this stage is physical and sensory training. The third period is the boyhood. This stage is transition between childhood and adolescence. The period from 12 to 15 Rouseau called the age of Robinson crusoe. The fourth period is the Adolescence. The period from 15 to 20 Rouseau called the age of reason and sex. Rousseau says in Emile. This period is our second birth. We are born twice, once for existing and again for living, once for species and again for sex. Adolescent education is disigned to prepare for the moral and social order in which he must play his part. The Method which Rousseau recommends is commonly identified with the heuristic method. It is a method of discovery.

      • Rousseau의 家庭敎育論

        崔定雄 대구효성 가톨릭 대학교 1988 연구논문집 Vol.36 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find the home education in Rousseau's thoughts. This study is divided into five parts: 1. Preface. 2. Home and Home education. 3. Female and the education of women. 4. The method of home education. 5. Conclusion.

      • 그람양성구균에 대한 Teicoplanin과 Vancomycin의 시험관내 항균력

        최태열,김경숙,전용관,서일혜,김정욱,이웅수,안정열,김홍석,정재용,최효선,김덕언,유진우 대한감염학회 1994 감염 Vol.26 No.1

        An increasing frequency of methicillin resistant S. aureus(MRSA), methicillin resistant coagulase negative staphylococci(MRCNS) and Enterococcal infection have been observed in recent years. Teicoplanin is a new glycopeptide antibiotic obstained from the Actinoplanes teicomycetius. The molecular structure and spectrum of antimicrobial activity of teicoplanin is simillar to those of vancomycin, and has been reported to have an excellent in vitro and in vivo effect against various gram-positive infections. Therefore, we evaluated the in vitor susceptibility of gram positive cocci, such as, S. aureus, coagulase negative Staphylococci(CNS), and Enterococci to teicoplanin and vancomycin. The total 253 strains consisted of MSSA(40), MRSA(53), MSCNS(47), MRCNS(48), and Enterococci(65). They were assayed by disc diffusion and agar dilution. During the study, 57% of S. aureus and 49% of CNS showed resistance to methicillin. The inhibitory diameter of teicoplanin was 15-20mm in MSSA, 12-19mm in MRSA, 13-24mm in MSCNS, 11-23mm in MRCNS, and 15-22mm in Enterococci respectively, and showed sensitivity in all but 8 strains(3.2%). The range of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of teicoplanin to MSSA, MRSA, MSCNS, MRCNS and Enterococci were 9.12-2.0㎍/ml, 0.25-2.0㎍/ml, & 0.25-32㎍/ml, 0.12-1.0㎍/ml respectively. One case of S. haemolyticus was resistant to teicoplanin (32㎍/ml) by the agar dilution method. Eight minor (3.2%) and one major(0.4%) error was observed when the MIC and disk diffusion data were correlated with teicoplanin. As for vancomycin the inhibitory diameter was 17-21mm in MSSA, 15-21mm in MRSA, 18-26mm in MSCNS, 18-25mm in MRCNS, and 16-22mm in Enterococci respectively. The range of the MIC of vancomycin to MSSA, MRSA, MSCNS, MRCNS, and Enterococci were 0.25-1.0㎍/ml, 0.25-4.0㎍/ml, 0.5-2.0㎍/ml and 0.5-2.0㎍/ml respectively. One minor error (0.4%) was seen with the vancomycin disk. The MIC90 of MSSA and MRSA exhibited the same results in teicoplanin (1.0㎍/ml, 1.0㎍/ml), and vancomycin(2.0㎍/ml, 2.0㎍/ml). MSCNS and MRCNS exhibited greater MIC90 with teicoplanin(4.0㎍/ml, 8.0㎍/ml) than vancomycin(2.0㎍/ml, 2.0㎍/ml). Incontrase Enterococci were more susceptible to teicoplanin(0.5㎍/ml) than to vancomucin (2.0㎍/ml). Results from this analysis indicated that both teicoplanin and vancomycin were very excellent for gram positive infections, especially those resistant to methicillin.

      • 京畿道의 植物相 : 태화산, 화야산, 대부도, 칠현산, 철마산, 검단산

        崔道烈,張珍成,金正猷,全正壹,金輝,閔雄基,姜佑昌 서울대학교 수목원 2001 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.21

        This study was conducted in order to explore general flora of the Gyounggi-do Province and to clarify the distribution of some specificated taxa of the Korea. Daebu-do Island, Mt. Taewha, Mt. Hwaya, Mt. Gumdan, Mt. Chilhyun and Mt. Chulma among eighth grade-area of the Degree of Green Naturality (DGN) within the boundary of the Gyounggi-do Province were visited to investigate local flora. The number of identified vascular plant species were as follow; Mt. Hwaya: 120 species (99 genera of 67 families), Mt. Teawha: 132 species (103 genera of 56 families), Daebu-do Island: 124 species (103 genera of 50 families), Mt. Chulma: 129 species (99 genera of 67 families), Mt. Gumdan: 121 species (96 genera of 52 families), Mt. Chilyun: 90 species (74 genera of 42 families). The endemic Clematis brachyura Maxim. was found to distribute Daeby-do. It seemed that plantation was occupying large area in forest of the Gyounggi-do Province. Forty two specificated taxa were identified and 3 taxa, 10 taxa, 5 taxa, and 24 taxa were sorted into forth grade, third grade, second grade, and first grade respectively. Mt. Taewha showed the highest record (16 taxa) in the number of specificated taxa, Mt. Hwaya was the next with 13 taxa. Mt, Chulma (12 taxa), Mt. Gumdan (11 taxa), Daebu-do Island (7 taxi), and Mt, Chylma (4 taxi) followed. Mt. Taewa and Mt. Whaya were found to be relatively higher in the score calculated front the specificated taxa distribution, while Daebu-do Island and Mt. Chilyun were lower, that difference was probably due in part to consequences of severe disturbance of human activities. With respect to the consequences of severe disturbance of human activities. With respect to the geographical proximity to the Gangwon Province, Mt. Hwaya showed higher similarity of the species composition to that of the Mt. Jumbong.

      • 進步主義 敎育에 關한 一硏究 : 그 背景을 中心으로

        崔定雄 新羅大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        Progressive education awakes one night with a new vision of the America school. From the beginning of its movement in 1987 to the death of the Progressive education Association in 1955, which marked the end of an era in American pedagogy, it was a movement that had for half a century enlisted the enthusiasm, the loyality; the imagination and the energy of large segments of the American public and the teaching profession. Actuallly, progressive education began as part of a vast humanitarian effort to apply the promise of American life the ideals of Government by, of and for the people-to the puzzling new urban-industrial civilization that come into being during the latter half of the nineteenth century. The word progressive provides the clue to what it really was. In effort, progressive education began as progressivism in education and resulted in a many-sided effort to use the schools to improve the lives of Individuals. To study the background of progressive education. First, examined its philosophical idealistic side. I reviewed classical Empiricism in England and th philosophies of Charles Peirce, W. James and John Dewey in America. Second, I have noted the effect of scientific education. The influence of science in general and Darwinism which profoundly affected the fields of physics, chemistry and biology. Third, the psychological side has been examined Freudianism and Jame's principles of psychology made a direct impact upon the progressive education movement. Fourth, the social, cultural sides has been investigated. Fifth, its background has been reviewed from the History of education. The story of the progressive education movement; its genesis in Greece with Socrates, Platon and Aristoteles and its development through Horace Mann, John Dewey and Kilpatrick during decade before 1957, the year of the sputnik shock. Finally, I have been investigated John Dewey's educational ideals.

      • M. Montessori 幼兒敎育思想에 關한 序說的 硏究

        崔定雄 대구효성가톨릭 대학교 1983 연구논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        I have studied on early-childhood educational Ideas of Maria Montessori. The aims of this monograph are to examine generally the educational doctrines practised y Montessori, so as, first, to find on the foundation of her educational, special educational and ideal background. Second, to ascertain basic viewpoint of Montessori education Third to see 1) the theories of children 2) theories of child development 3) theories of education A) The essence of education B) Curriculum of education C) Montessori's education method. 4) theories of teacher As a Italien educator, Doctor of Medicine and Physician, Montessori's Work brought her into contact with children who were regarded as mentally handicapped. Also, Montessori is regarded as one of the most brilliant and original educators of the 19th and 20th Centuries. The educational background of her education is influenced by Cecil Redie , Domolin's, Herman Lietz, Ellen Key. And she is influenced also by Itard and Seguin for the educational idiots in special education. Montessori accomplished her educational theory under the influence of various thoughts. she is influenced by Comenius, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Frobel and she is influenced by Naturalism, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegels rationalism, traditionalism and progressivism of education positivism of Saint-Simon, Comte, liberalism, Darwinism and life-philosophy of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Bergson, Dilthey, Spranger. Especially she is influenced by Wilhelm Wundt's psychology and Freud's Psychiatry. The essence of her educational theories and practice is marked as a whole by Ntur, God, Man, Freedom and environment. Montessori's curriculum includes several major types of activities and experiences: practical life sensory education and formal skills and studies The formal skills and subjects included reading, writing arithmetic and verbal learning. And the centered subjects are music, painting, design, manual arts, history, geography and natural studies. Montessori's Method is based on a number of pedagogical insights that she developed from school practice at Casa dei Bambini. She regarded very iportant specially prepared environment, education materials and learning exercises developed sensory and muscular coordination. And she regarded self-education, auto education and motor education by spontaneous discipline and self-activity. Montessori teacher become a assistant and guardian for children. All education centered a child teacher is not so much a director but a follower. Teacher relies heavily on the principles of free choice.

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