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      • 농구 3점슛 동작에 대한 운동역학적 분석

        이근 충남대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 232239

        The purpose of the study was to make a close inquiry into kinematical factors and kinematical-dynamic factors required to the jump shoot action in three-point shoot action, an advanced technology used frequently in the basketball games, through 3D video analysis and GRF (Ground Reaction Force) analysis and to offer basic scientific data required to a successful three-point shoot by analyzing the body-centered displacement of distance, time factor by each phase, weight-centered speed factor by each event, angular speed factor by each event and GRF factor. The results of the study were as follows. 1. At the time of doing a three-point shoot action in basketball, in the body-centered displacement of distance by each event, it was a key point to reduce displacement of distance to X axis and was important that the center of the body went ahead naturally according to movement of the body’s segment. 2. Speed in the center of the gravity by each event was the fastest in the 2^(nd)event.Thespeedinthe3^(rd)eventwas0.84±0.27m/ssinceaplayerdidn’tshootaballinthehighestpeakandshootballatthemomentofgoingupvertically.Therefore,itisnecessarytofindapropertimingtoshootaball. 3. At the time of shooting a ball, the angular speed was largely increased in upper arm and forearm out of the upper-limb segments and the hands had the largest angular speed since the body is in a fixed situation and angular speed is rapidly increased by the wrist’ snap with the rapid movement of upper arm and forearm at the time of shooting a ball. 4. In GRF, it is judged that a player can shoot a ball at the accurate and high timing when the player collects power vertically to the maximum by keeping GRF to the right and the rear in a proper way and by keeping the body’s balance so that a large power may not be dispersed. The study carried out kinematical and kinematical-dynamic analysis with 6 university male student players. It is judged that it will contribute to make players perform better as well as to widen the width of understanding about shoot action if the succeeding researches carry out kinematical and kinematical-dynamic analysis with more players, analyze stabilizer with EMG test and carry out analysis in various situations as a defense situation and more.

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