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      • When constitutions collide: North American free trade, economic globalization and transnational integration (Canada, United States)

        Spitz, Laura M Cornell University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        While much has been written about the effects of economic integration on social and political institutions in Europe, very little has been written about whether it is possible, necessary or advisable to protect and maintain national differences---or even 'nations' as we presently understand that term---in the face of economic integration within North America. Almost nothing has been written about the possibility for supra-national governance or North American citizenship. This dissertation aims to move that conversation to the foreground, arguing that it is timely and necessary. In Chapter 1, the collapse of Enron is positioned as a promising opening in the debate about economic globalization and the regulation of capitalism among the NAFTA member-states. Two aspects of advanced capitalism are identified as requiring coordinated intra-, inter- and supranational response and regulation. First, advanced capitalism is increasingly transnational, operating without regard to national borders; this brings unique regulatory challenges to the fore. Second, the regulation of capitalism can be usefully understood as a substantive equality issue (as that concept in understood in Canadian law). These two aspects of advanced capitalism make international and supranational law increasingly relevant to the regulation of what were previously considered domestic issues. One especially promising possibility is a North American Charter of Fundamental Rights, which might act as a guide and measure as we move forward within the context of economic globalization. In Chapter 2, same-sex marriage is used as a presently salient site of cultural struggle in order to ask whether the U.S. can expect economic integration with Canada---on the scale envisioned by NAFTA---without feeling the influence of Canadian culture and Canadian norms. Recent legal, economic, social and technological developments are presented, explored, and used to argue that it is nearly impossible for the United States to maintain its historic stance of political and cultural isolationism---at least vis-a-vis Canada---in the face of economic globalization. As an integrationist project, NAFTA---like the economy more generally---cannot be neatly separated from other aspects of human life.

      • Neighbors or Strangers: Racial Diversity without Racial Integration in a Milwaukee Neighborhood

        Spitz, Gina A The University of Wisconsin - Madison 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation distinguishes between two types of racial residential integration: 1) technical integration, in which residents of different racial groups live in close proximity within a neighborhood (this is the typical conceptualization of integration used by sociologists), and 2) social integration, in which residents of different racial groups interact and form meaningful social ties with one another (this is typically understood by sociologists as social capital or social networks). To investigate this question, I analyze data from a year of ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews with 30 neighborhood residents, workers, and business owners residing in a racially diverse neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin called Riverwest. Paper one finds that, despite the racial diversity present within many neighborhood spaces, spatial and temporal micro-segregation significantly limits cross-racial social interactions. The paper also demonstrates how residents' regular traversing of racial-spatial boundaries in the neighborhood can actually reify social distance between people from different racial groups. Paper two examines the different reasons for valuing diversity among Riverwest residents. Specifically, I found that white residents valued diversity as a symbolic good, while black neighbors valued diversity for more practical safety and tolerance concerns. Paper three shows that neighborhood residents perceive threats to both the value of the neighborhood and their own physical safety as a direct result of technical racial integration. The paper also reveals that residents view social integration as a natural process without any need for personal intervention. Taken together, these findings show that neighborhood racial diversity, even at the scale of a discrete space like a bar or community meeting is insufficient for fostering cross-racial interaction. Additionally, the broader context of structural inequality contributes to racial differences in seeking diverse neighborhoods. Finally, these findings imply that residents' perspectives and understandings of racial integration dis-incentivize action towards the achievement of social racial integration in the neighborhood.

      • Size measurement of humpback whales using underwater videogrammetry

        Spitz, Scott S University of Hawaii 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        I describe a new, inexpensive technique, underwater videogrammetry, to measure sizes of individual whales while simultaneously obtaining data on identity, behavior, sex, and social role. A snorkeler uses an underwater digital video camera and a portable sonar device to record full-body views of a whale and to determine camera-whale distance. Standard computer hardware and software are used subsequently to capture individual frames of full-body images and to measure whale length relative to the camera's calibrated field of view at the measured distance. Calibration tests with objects of known size produced mean coefficients of variation (CVs) ranging from 0.82% to 4.32% and error values ranging from 0.5% to 4.6%. The technique was applied to humpback whales (<italic>Megaptera novaeangliae</italic>) in Hawaii. The mean CVs for repeated independently-measured lengths of individual humpback whales were 3.08% for mothers (mean length (ML) = 12.49 m) and 2.57% for single escorts (ML = 11.76 m). These error values compare favorably with those of other photogrammetric techniques. A sex ratio biased toward males was evident among both immature (69.5%) and mature whales (58.7%). Overall the mean length of non-calf whales increased across the season as a result of migratory patterns. Whales of immature length frequently occupied the following social roles: secondary escorts, partners in dyads, single escorts, singers, singletons, and whales in larger non-competitive groups. In dyads, immature males associated most frequently with immature females. Larger nuclear animals were documented with more and larger escorts. Larger males were most likely to be principal escorts, suggesting that body size is an important factor in determining male dominance and reproductive success. Generally principal escorts (ML = 12.30 m) were larger than males occupying all other social roles, supporting physical competition as the primary male mating strategy. The smaller sizes of singers (ML = 11.60 m), single escorts, and male partners (ML = 11.37 m) suggest that these roles are secondary strategies utilized by subordinate males. Larger mothers had larger calves. A growth rate of 60–75 cm/mo was estimated for neonate calves. Parturition and conception appear to span several months, begin during the southbound migration, and peak during January.

      • Diversity, deception, and discernment in the late sixteenth century: A comparative study of Li Zhi's "Book to Burn" and Montaigne's "Essays"

        Handler-Spitz, Rebecca The University of Chicago 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2590

        This dissertation begins with the observation that although Li Zhi and Montaigne verbally denounce duplicity, their short prose writings abound with contradictions reminiscent of those they abjure. In each case, culturally specific factors motivate these contemporary authors' disgust with unstable signification: Montaigne builds upon Biblical theories of a perfect Edenic language, while Li Zhi grounds his thought in the Confucian notion of the rectification of names (zhengming). Despite the diverse, local origins of their views, both authors discursively promote transparent signification. What then accounts for the prevalence of contradiction in their works? Surely the authors' elaborate process of writing, editing, rewriting, and republishing generated some of these inconsistencies. But larger social factors also played a role. I examine ways in which the unreliable signification apparent in the texts resembles instabilities in three semiotic codes in sixteenth century China and France: clothing, money, and books. Like Montaigne's Essays, and Li Zhi's Book to Burn, signification in each of these domains was complicated by the proliferation of signs, fluctuations in their meaning, and deliberate falsification. These disturbances in signification resulted in similar effects: they awakened readers to the contingency of the texts before their eyes. Thus just as social actors had to stay alert to the dangers of counterfeit coins and impostors dressed in finery, so, I argue, must readers of Li Zhi and Montaigne's texts learn to discern for themselves when to trust and when to doubt the authors' words. Developing personal judgment becomes a central focus not only of the texts themselves---as evidenced in the authors' iconoclastie rereadings of classical texts---but also of contemporary readers' responses to these books. Indeed, in the late sixteenth century, readers of many genres began to diverge from traditional, "pious" modes of reading and actively appropriate texts. By fostering these skills in readers and by wrestling with the timeless and trans-cultural epistemological issues of representation and misrepresentation, Li Zhi and Montaigne's texts both mirror and magnify problems of signification acutely relevant to developing early modern societies both East and West.

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