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      • 존 오스본의 『연예인』에서 대중문화의 발흥과 불안

        정유진 부산대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2607

        본 논문은 존 오스본(John Osborne)의 『연예인』을 영국의 문화적 변동기의 정점에 선 작품으로 간주하고 20세기 중반 영국의 시대상을 조명한다. 대중문화가 등장하면서 홀대 받는 뮤직홀의 코미디라는 예술양식을 전면에 내세워 번영과 풍요 속에 혼란과 불안을 경험했던 당시 영국의 사회적 분위기와 그 원인을 분석하고 그로인해 개인이 갖는 존재적 불안에 대해서 탐구한다. 영국 현대극을 대표하는 분노의 극작가인 존 오스본의 등장은 연극계뿐만 아니라 영국 문화전체에 새로운 활력을 불러일으켰다. 불안과 분노는 오스본의 작품을 가장 잘 표현할 수 있는 상징적인 감정이다. 본 연구는 존 오스본의 󰡔연예인󰡕에 나타나는 불안에 대해 논의한다. 이 작품에서 나타나는 불안은 단순하게 느껴지는 인간의 수동적인 감정이 아니라 당시 영국의 시대상을 읽어내는 데 가장 중요한 감정이다. 왜냐하면 그러한 감정은 작품 속의 주인공들이 현실적인 사회문제와 갈등으로 심리적으로 강하게 위협받는 결과로 나타나기 때문이다. 존 오스본의 극 속에서는 현실에서 강하게 위협받고 있는 불안의 감정을 느끼는 인물들을 발견할 수 있다. 오스본 작품의 많은 주인공들은 주어진 상황에 좌절하고 현실과 자신에 대해 분노하고 변화를 거부하며 회피하는 성향이 강하게 나타난다. 이것은 당대 불안한 사회 환경이 개인의 삶과 실존의 문제에 끼치는 영향을 고발하고자 하는 작가의 의도라고 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 ‘불안’을 오스본의 작품 세계를 관통하는 하나의 주제로 상정하고 『연예인』에 나타난 불안의 양상을 탐구한다. 존 오스본의 『연예인』을 ‘불안’이라는 키워드로 해석할 수 있는 이유는 이 작품이 다른 오스본의 작품들의 비해 가족이라는 구성체 속의 주인공들 개개인에게 처한 비극적 현실에서 복잡한 심경 문제를 잘 드러내고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 본 논문은 이 작품의 관계성을 가족 간 인물들을 중심으로 논의해 봄으로써 전체 사회에 작동하고 있는 억압, 불안의 구조를 조명해보고자 한다. 그리고 현실에서 오는 억압과 위협의 원인을 통해 주인공들의 느끼는 존재론적 고독과 불안을 분석하고자 한다. 불안은 크게 외부적 불안과 내부적 불안으로 나눌 수 있다. 이 외부로부터 오는 불안의 요소를 다시 전쟁으로 인한 국가적 불안과 정부의 실패한 정책으로 인한 정치적 불안, 그리고 이러한 것들이 야기하는 남성과 여성의 역할과 위치 변화에 따른 가정적 불안으로 다시 분류된다. 시대가 변함에 따라 대중문화가 발달하면서 과거의 민중문화는 그 모습이 사라지거나 변모되었다. 노동자계급을 대표하는 알치의 가족을 통해 그 속에서 느끼는 불안의 모습을 살펴볼 수 있다. 세대가 다른 만큼 불안의 형태와 세상과 관계하는 방식이 다르기 때문에 가족 내에서 세대 간 갈등의 부딪힘을 발견할 수 있다. 또한 점점 쇠퇴해가는 뮤직홀의 현실을 연예인인 주인공의 겪는 고통과 어려움을 통해 분석한다. 무엇보다 대중문화의 발흥은 외적인 요소들뿐만 아니라 내적인 주체의 존재적 불안에도 영향을 끼친다. 본 연구는 존재론적인 차원에 중점을 두고 작품을 분석하고자 한다. 인간이 느끼는 불안 감정은 결국 자신의 존재에 대해 문제 삼는 단계로까지 나아간다. 인간 감정은 비록 바깥의 요소에서부터 시작한다고 해도 결국은 내부적인 불안을 야기한다. 인기 없는 코미디언 알치는 시대가 변함에 따라 그리고 뮤직홀에 대한 관객들의 인식과 웃음의 양식이 변해감에 따라 좌절을 거듭한다. 본 논문은 이 극의 핵심인 예술의 양식과 그의 변화에 따른 주인공의 존재적 불안에 대해서 분석한다. 가장 핵심적 불안은 대상을 상실하고 그 의미를 잃어버렸을 때 일어난다. 주인공은 마지막 희망을 가지고 주체로서 탈출을 시도한다. 하지만 세상과 시대의 사회의 현실은 그에게 불안을 가중시키고 좌절하게 만든다. 본 연구는 존 오스본이 처한 시대적 위기의식을 『연예인』에 나타난 불안양상과 예술양식의 변화를 통해 조명함으로써 작가가 담고 싶은 메시지를 이해함과 동시에 오스본의 잘 알려지지 않은 작품을 발견하여 현대 문학사에 이해의 폭을 넓힐 수 있을 것이다.

      • Neuropsychological and psychosocial predictors of children's depression

        Osborne, Lori Ninette University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The role of regional brain activity, children's perceptions of mother-child relationships, perceptions of interparental conflict, and reports of family-related stress in predicting symptoms of depression, aggression, and anxiety were examined in 624 5<super>th</super> and 6<super>th</super> graders. Perceptual asymmetry on a free vision test (Chimeric Faces Test; Levy, et al., 1983) was used as an index of regional brain activity. One goal was to identify specific predictors of depressive versus aggressive symptoms. Co-occurring symptoms were statistically controlled to increase specificity. Concurrent and short-term longitudinal associations were examined. Low perceived maternal acceptance of individuation (PMAI) specifically predicted depressive symptoms concurrently and longitudinally. Perceived maternal inconsistent discipline specifically predicted aggressive symptoms concurrently. Perceived maternal rejection and family stress were non-specific. High PMAI predicted aggressive symptoms, dependent on levels of rejection and inconsistent discipline. For perceptions of interparental conflict, self-blame predicted depressive and aggressive symptoms concurrently and longitudinally; high perceived threat (PT) predicted concurrent depressive symptoms; low PT, longitudinal aggressive symptoms; and conflict properties, concurrent aggressive symptoms. No sex differences were found for psychosocial predictors of aggressive symptoms; perceptions of maternal rejection, and self-blame and high PT regarding interparental conflict were associated with depressive symptoms for girls only. A second goal was to examine models integrating neuropsychological and psychosocial predictors of depressive symptoms. Low Right Hemisphere Bias (RHB) predicted depressive symptoms in boys (extending the Heller model of emotion; see Heller & Nitschke, 1998), but not in girls. High RHB did not predict anxiety symptoms. In exploratory analyses, for girls, high RHB predicted aggression items reflecting excitation, thus supporting the Heller model linking high RHB to arousal. Moderating, but not mediating models were supported. The association between RHB and depressive symptoms was dependent on PMAI. For boys, this dependency was consistent with a diathesis-stress model. In contrast, for girls with low stress, depressive symptoms were associated with low RHB, and for girls with high stress, with high RBA. Girls' results were discussed in terms of high RHB reflecting increased processing of non-verbal social information, thus intensifying the effects of interpersonal discord.

      • Judgmental activity and putative awareness in Kant's second analogy of experience (Immanuel Kant)

        Osborne, Gregg David The University of Chicago 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation centers on a prominent but generally neglected line of argument in Kant's second analogy of experience. It differs from most other recent treatments of this section of the <italic>Critique of Pure Reason</italic> in taking Kant to be concerned there with conditions of representation or putative awareness rather than mere conditions of verification or confirmation. This difference in conception has profound implications for the interpretation not only of the section itself but also of the transcendental deduction of the categories and other crucial parts of Kant's theoretical philosophy. The dissertation does not maintain that recognition of the line of argument in question allows for the solution of all problems in regard to the second analogy. This line of argument—like those ascribed to Kant on all other interpretations with which the author is familiar—may not lead to the conclusion that there cannot be an event which does not have a cause. It does, however, still appear to be sound in important respects. This, the author tries to show, has intriguing implications and allows us to see Kant as having his finger on something of true originality and philosophical importance in the second analogy. It also suggests an unexpected, subtle, and richly nuanced relation between Kant and his great awakener Hume. This relation is traced in detail in the final chapter of the dissertation. Other chapters include detailed analysis not only of the text of the second analogy itself but also of numerous commentators upon it.

      • Female bullying behaviors and perceived social support in single-sex and coeducational schools: Do bullying and social support differ by school gender composition?

        Osborne-Oliver, Kristina M State University of New York at Albany 2008 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The identification of mitigating factors, such as the frequency and sources of social support available to youth, have been found to influence student involvement in bullying. Students' personal characteristics are suggested to influence their roles in bullying and their perceptions of social support; however, research exploring the influence of school contextual factors on these variables is limited. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine whether female students' involvement in the bullying process and their perceptions of social support would differ based on their school gender compositions. Additionally, the extent to which social support was related to female victimization and bullying behaviors within these school settings was explored. This study surveyed 104 female elementary students, enrolled in coeducational and single-sex private schools in upstate New York, regarding their bullying and victimization experiences and their perceptions of social support. Results indicated that a greater proportion of female coeducational students identified being a "victim" and a "bully" than female single-sex students when asked specifically if they had been bullied or had bullied others at school. Other analyses, however, revealed no significant group differences for frequency or types of victimization and bullying when students' composite scores for these respective scales were compared. This finding suggests that students' reports of their involvement in the bullying process varied as a function of the assessment method, that is, whether a single-item or multiple items were utilized to assess their experiences. Group differences were not apparent among students' reports of frequency, importance, or sources of social support. Decreased social support was found to be a significant predictor of victimization and bullying within the current sample; lower levels of teacher and classmate support were significant predictors of victimization, while lower levels of parent support was a significant predictor of bullying. Results of the present study highlight the importance of considering the assessment procedure when assessing students' victimization and bullying behaviors, and identify particular sources of support that are influential in female students' involvement in the bullying process within private school settings. Implications for practice, the limitations of this study, and the directions for future research are discussed.

      • Routine adjustments: Re-viewing women's TV comedy genres, 1950--1969

        Osborne-Thompson, Heather Kathryn University of Southern California 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation is a recuperative history of women's participation in several popular TV comedy genres of the 1950s and 1960s. More specifically, it employs theories of gender, comedy, and authorship to consider the way American television comedy has functioned historically as a space that encourages and limits women's ability both to express themselves and to experiment with different modes of feminine performance. In this way, the study seeks to draw out the connections between early television history, which typically emphasizes the "domestic" nature of women's comedy programming, and accounts of the more "liberated" moment of early 1970s television in which comedic programs starring women reportedly involved a wider, more progressive range of representations. By examining the possibilities for authorship in the early 1950s sitcom work of Lucille Ball and Joan Davis; the performative "mobility" of 1950s single girl sitcom stars Eve Arden and Ann Sothern; the preoccupation with "personal" humor of 1960s stand-up comedy stars Phyllis Diller, Totie Fields and Joan Rivers; and the insistence on the "rearticulation" of out-of-control performance by 1960s female variety stars Carol Burnett and the female cast of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, the dissertation suggests that women's TV comedy of the 1950s and 1960s provided the "roots" for the more overtly "feminist" strategies of 1970s comedies like Maude and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. As such, it proposes a model of feminist television history that works to account for images and voices that existed in tension with the dominant mode of female representation in much of American television comedy prior to 1970.

      • The acquisition of fine phonetic detail in a foreign language: Perception and production of stops in L2 English and L1 Portuguese

        Osborne, Denise Maria The University of Arizona 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This study investigated the perception and production of L2 English and L1 Portuguese stops in initial position by analyzing the acquisition of voice onset time (VOT) categories. 36 Brazilian Portuguese (BP) learners of English and 36 monolingual BP speakers, all of them living in Brazil, participated in this study. There were two language sessions, English and Portuguese (monolinguals took part in the Portuguese session only). In each language session, participants took part in a production and a perception task in the respective language (the tasks were mirror-images of each other). To elicit the production data, participants took part in a delayed repetition task. To elicit the perception data, participants took part in a two-alternative forced-choice identification test. The analysis of the data showed that improvement in L2 may entail improvement in L2 perception of stops. On the other hand, the lack of effects of proficiency in L2 production of stops may suggest occurrence of learning stabilization of L2 VOT categories. L1 phonetic drift was observed in the production of the Portuguese /b/, /k/, and /g/ (but not for /p/). However, no effects of L2 learning on L1 was observed for the perception of Portuguese /b/-/p/. L2 learners who had learned English in their L1 country and in formal settings demonstrated that they were able to form new phonetic categories for the production of /p/, /b/, and /g/. The higher-proficiency group (but not the lower-proficiency group) demonstrated that they developed language-specific phonetic strategies for /p/-/b/ since they were able to process the same set of sounds on a continuum from /b/ to /p/ as either L1 or L2 stops as a function of language mode. The perception study showed that language-specific phonetic strategies, which had been observed among highly fluent bilinguals, could also be possible for this population.

      • On geometric control design for holonomic and nonholonomic mechanical systems

        Osborne, Jason M North Carolina State University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        An overarching and unifying theme for this document is that viewing mechanical systems through a geometric lens opens up an extensive set of tools that can be brought to bear upon energy, mass, and system---conscious control design for constrained mechanical systems. To demonstrate this thesis we consider the dynamics and control for several mechanical systems. The moving mass Chaplygin sleigh, a rigid platform and moving mass system with attached blade imposing nonholonomic (velocity) constraints, when viewed through a geometric lens presents a nonholonomic momentum equation. Analysis of this momentum equation reveals natural (uncontrolled) motions of the sleigh system that play a central role in our control design to steer the sleigh to any point in the plane using a moving mass. We develop a geodesic-based, proportional-derivative (PD) control logic for tracking on a class of Riemannian manifolds. As a specific application of this general control logic, we consider the double gimbal system, a mechanical system comprised of a base, an outer gimbal attached to the base through a revolute joint, and an inner gimbal also attached to the outer gimbal through a revolute joint. Simply stated, our specific application is to develop a control logic for pointing a telescope from an initial pointing direction to a desired pointing direction. In an n-symplectic (generalized Hamiltonian) setting, kinetic energy dynamics are formulated on the frame bundle of the configuration manifold for a mechanical systems. By adapting the frame bundle dynamics to the constraint distribution (that is, by an appropriate choice of moving frame) a portion of the constrained generalized momenta dynamics are an n-symplectic version of the nonholonomic momentum equation. These general dynamics have been carried out for the simple examples of the vertical rolling hoop and a nonholonomic constrained particle. Preliminary work along the n-symplectic line of thought indicates the possiblity of potential shaping and momenta based control design for nonholonomic mechanical systems.

      • Methodological Improvements in the Determination of Galaxy Physical Parameters for the Study of Galaxy Evolution

        Osborne, Chandler T Indiana University ProQuest Dissertations & Theses 2023 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Robust methods for estimating galaxy morphology and star formation rates (SFRs) at a range of redshifts are needed to obtain a reliable picture of how galaxies evolve throughout cosmic history. This dissertation employs a variety of methods and archival datasets to improve the estimation of morphologies and SFRs in various regimes. Using a methodological framework for morphological classification and SFR estimation which accounts for redshift systematics, we find that the role of disk galaxies with giant star-forming regions (clumps) may be significantly understated at low redshifts, and rest-frame UV imaging may be needed for a complete census of lowredshift clumpy galaxies. GALEX UV images suffer from relatively crude resolution (∼ 4 − 5 ′′) and many z ∼ 0.1 galaxies suffer from blending and inaccurate UV fluxes, impairing our ability to infer accurate SFRs. The optical Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) possesses superior resolution to GALEX, so we use SDSS source positions and models to perform forced photometry on the GALEX images and create a public catalog of improved UV fluxes for ∼ 700, 000 galaxies. On the other hand, groundbased optical surveys are themselves limited in resolving power (to ∼ 1 ′′), so we use serendipitous HST imaging (∼ 0.1 ′′ resolution) of ∼ 2, 000 SDSS galaxies to evaluate the reliability of low-redshift morphologies. For low-redshift galaxies we find that ground-based optical imaging produces biased estimates of the morphology for bulge-dominated galaxies and, in particular, is unable to constrain the properties of the galaxy bulges. Finally, we use a sample of high-redshift star-forming galaxies from the CANDELS survey with robust IR photometry from Spitzer to test various SED modeling assumptions and identify several good practices which can improve the accuracy of SFR estimates even if IR constraints are unavailable. In particular, assuming a fixed stellar metallicity and a set of star formation histories which disallow drops in the recent (< 100 Myr) SFR helps avoid model degeneracy and improve constraints on physical parameters from SED fitting.

      • Investigating family structure and mothering behaviors as pathways to child well-being

        Osborne, Cynthia Anne Princeton University 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        I use data from the Fragile Families Study to investigate the links between family structure, mothering behaviors, and child well-being. I take into consideration the considerable diversity of unmarried family forms involving children, and disentangle the effects of family structure from the effects of family instability. Each chapter is written in journal article format. Chapter one investigates whether the factors associated with marriage and separation are similar for all unmarried parents. I examine the extent to which human capital, relationship quality, and attitudes about marriage and gender are associated with union transitions for cohabiting parents and visiting parents, defined as romantically involved couples, who do not co-reside. The results suggest that the predictors differ for each group. Cohabitors place more emphasis on relationship quality in their transition to marriage, whereas visitors place more importance on human capital. Moreover, visitors are more likely to separate from a potentially stressful relationship. Chapter two compares mothering behaviors in four types of stable family structures one year after the birth of a child. I also examine differences in mothering behaviors between stable and unstable families. The findings show that differences in mothering behaviors are largely explained by differences in mother's age, race, and education. Importantly, separation from marriage has more of a negative impact on mothering behaviors than does separation from an unmarried relationship. Chapter three uses preliminary data from the Fragile Families Study to examine whether there is an advantage to children born to married versus cohabiting parents. This chapter is co-authored with Sara McLanahan and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. We consider how differences in mothers' demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, mental and physical health, parents' relationship quality, mothering behaviors, and family instability explain differences in child behavioral problems at age three. The results show that children born to married parents have fewer reported behavioral problems. About half of the marriage advantage is explained by characteristics of the mother that pre-date family structure. However, we cannot fully account for the marriage advantage associated with withdrawn, anxious/depressive, and overall behavioral problems.

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