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      • Elucidating the transcriptional regulation of zebrafish odorant receptor genes

        Kratz, Erica University of California, Berkeley 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        A large family of G-protein coupled receptors are responsible for the detection of odorants at the periphery. Previous work in mouse and zebrafish indicates that each olfactory receptor neuron expresses only one of a large repertoire of these odorant receptor genes. In addition, those neurons expressing the same receptor project to common glomeruli in the olfactory bulb in mouse, and this precise pattern of projection requires the expression of a functional odorant receptor protein. Thus, the choice of receptor is important to both receptor neuron identity and neuronal connectivity. In view of the observation that OR genes are tightly clustered in the genomes of all organisms examined, examination of these clusters may reveal regulatory motifs required for OR gene expression. Our lab has previously characterized 140 kb of zebrafish sequence containing 20 OR genes. Expanding this contig to ∼210 kb revealed four additional olfactory receptor genes, three of which belong to a previously uncharacterized subfamily. An additional 60 kb unlinked BAC clone containing a single OR gene was also analyzed. A 13 bp imperfect palindromic cis-acting motif correlated with the early onset of receptor expression, identified in the analysis of the original 140 kb contig, may be located upstream of this additional unlinked gene. Interestingly, this motif overlaps a known sequence similar to an olfactory-specific transcription factor binding site, and may be involved in the transcriptional regulation of these genes. A one hybrid screen was initiated to identify proteins that could potentially bind to this 13 bp motif yielded three false positives; this screen is currently in progress. Other studies focused on transgenic approaches to identify the cis-acting regions required to recapitulate the endogenous expression pattern of an OR gene. Each of these approaches aim to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the exquisite transcriptional regulation of odorant receptor genes.

      • Patterns: A monodrama for soprano, string quartet, percussion, and recorded sound

        Kratz, Girard Temple University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Patterns is a one-act monodrama in nine scenes for soprano, string quartet, percussionist, and recorded sound. The text is the 1915 poem of the same name by American Imagist poet Amy Lowell. Seven scenes are comprised of the text of the seven stanzas of the poem; two additional scenes are instrumental interludes. The piece is accompanied by an essay relating to the completed piece. It recounts the compositional process and offers a theoretical analysis. The essay also briefly discusses the life and work of Amy Lowell. It looks specifically at the writing, publication, and significance of "Patterns" both historically and in regard to Lowell's career and total poetic output.

      • The effectiveness of post-tenure review practices in Texas graduate institutions as perceived by academic deans

        Kratz, Abby Robinson Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this study was to identify and compare the effectiveness of practices related to post-tenure review that are implemented in Texas graduate universities and to determine the level of satisfaction with post-tenure review in their universities currently experienced by Texas academic deans. The focus was on two approaches to professional development: providing a follow-up professional development program for negative post-tenure reviews and making funds available for remediation of problems identified in post-tenure reviews so that faculty may obtain training or coaching to improve performance or gain new skills. Data were collected and analyzed using an interactive online survey instrument. The target population consisted of academic deans in 48 Texas graduate universities. Data were gathered from 135 deans. A combination of descriptive and causal-comparative research designs was employed for the study. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics for frequencies, and cross-tabulation. Parametric analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedures and non-parametric Mann-Whitney U tests and chi-square analyses were used to determine statistically significant differences, and a Cochran test was employed to investigate relative preferences. The following conclusions were drawn from the findings of this investigation. The universities were more likely to provide professional development programs than funding, but most Texas universities provided neither professional development programs nor funds to assist faculty. There were statistically significant differences in the perception by the deans that post-tenure review was successful when professional development programs were available than when such programs were not provided. There were also significant differences in the perception of success when institutional funding for post-tenure review follow-up was, or was not, made available, but there were no significant differences when the relationship with college or school level funding was evaluated. The availability of funds for post-tenure review follow-up did not result in observable improvement in teaching or research when professional development programs were available. A statistically significant relationship was found between improvement in service and the availability of institutional funding, but the number of institutions with any funding at all was very small (n = 57). No comparable statistically significant relationship was found between service improvement and availability of college or school funds to support remediation. The deans believe funds should be used to assist faculty in their efforts to improve performance after negative post-tenure review, and the differences in their preferences for the use of funds were found to be statistically significant. The deans preferred to use funds for teaching more than research and for research more than service improvement.

      • Encouraging health behaviors among pregnant substance users in treatment: Does motivational enhancement therapy promote readiness to change?

        Denton, Lisa Kratz Indiana University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        The present study tests whether the concept of "Readiness to Change" mediates the impact of a therapeutic approach (Motivational Enhancement Therapy) on pregnancy-related health behaviors among pregnant women receiving treatment for substance abuse. The study consists of secondary data analysis utilizing a sample of 200 pregnant women receiving outpatient treatment for alcohol and other drug abuse in four geographically-diverse community-based clinics in the United States. Results from Structural Equation Modeling analyses indicated that Readiness to Change did not significantly mediate the relationship between treatment type and pregnancy health behaviors. Results contribute to the literature on casual mechanisms by demonstrating that Readiness to Change may not be the mechanism by which treatment creates therapeutic outcomes in this population. Implications for counseling and future research and provided.

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