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      • 중국 호텔기업의 ESG 활동이 기업이미지, 소비자-기업 동일시(consumer-company identification), 고객 충성도에 미치는 영향 - 디지텔 전환의 조절 효과를 중심으로 -

        DUAN ZHENG 충북대학교 일반대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of sustainability and social responsibility for hotel companies. Adopting ESG (environmental, social and governance) practices can help hotels rebuild trust with customers, investors and local communities. Measures like reducing energy and water consumption, ensuring ethical labor practices, and supporting community development demonstrate corporate responsibility. This can improve brand reputation and customer loyalty. Digital transformation has also become crucial for hotels to remain competitive. The pandemic accelerated trends like contactless services, mobile apps and cloud computing. Hotels must digitize operations, services and experiences to meet shifting consumer preferences. Focusing on ESG and digital capabilities allows hotels to operate sustainably, responsibly and efficiently in a post-COVID world. It enhances competitiveness, drives innovation and builds resilience against future crises. Hotels that neglect these business imperatives risk falling behind consumer expectations and industry standards. The pandemic provides an opportunity to transform hotel operations to be future-ready. Therefore, based on previous studies, this study aims to empirically analyze the relationship between ESG activities, corporate image. consumer-company identification and customer loyalty, focusing on the hotel industry. At the same time, we would like to explore the role of digital transformation. In other words, this study examined the impact of ESG on loyalty, and the mediating roles of corporate image and consumer-company identification. Additionally, it investigated the moderating effect of digital transformation. The results can be briefly summarized as follows: First, ESG was found to influence corporate image, consumer-company identification and loyalty. Second, corporate image and consumer-company identification were confirmed to partially mediate the relationship between ESG and loyalty. Finally, digital transformation was shown to moderate the relationship between consumer-company identification and loyalty.

      • Tuning the Damping of Spin Wave Modes by Spin Hall Current in Permalloy/Platinum Wires

        Duan, Zheng University of California, Irvine 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        A spin current in solids is the flow of electron spin angular momentum without electric charge flow in the same direction. Since its theoretical prediction, tremendous efforts were put into realizing it in bulk materials and heterostructures. The spin can apply a spin transfer torque to magnetization of a magnetic material without any charge current flowing through this material and thus can be used for manipulation of magnetization of both magnetic conductors and insulators. The recent discovery of spin Hall effect (SHE) has drawn significant attention because it not only provides simple method for generation of pure spin currents in spin-orbit materials. In this dissertation, measurements of the spectral properties of bulk and edge spin wave modes in Permalloy/ Platinum (Py/Pt) bilayer wires in the presence of high current densities are reported. The charge current in the Pt layer (spin-orbit material) induces a pure spin current via SHE that flows from Pt into Py, applies a spin torque, and tunes its magnetization dynamics. We find that the damping parameters of all spin wave modes in the Py wire can be reduced by the spin torque arising from the spin Hall current in Pt. However, the damping reduction is strongest for the quasi-uniform mode and weakest for the edge mode. Our work demonstrates that the spin Hall torque does not uniformly affect all spin wave modes and reveals the importance of extrinsic contributions to the spin wave damping for manipulation of the magnetization by spin Hall current.

      • Investigations of plasma instabilities in a spray torch

        Duan, Zheng University of Minnesota 2000 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 231983

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Plasma spray technology has been widely applied in industry. Unfortunately, the sprayed coating quality is not always perfect and predictable. Plasma jet instability is one of major causes for the inconsistent coating quality. This research has focused on investigating the causes of plasma jet instability, especially the arc instability in a spray torch. With combinations of electrical measurements, optical measurements and acoustic measurements, this research is designed to provide a complete picture of this arc instability. The approach has been to determine the effects of the instability on the in-flight particle properties and the coating quality. The arc instability has been characterized by the arc voltage waveform. High-speed video imaging has been used to capture the arc dynamical behavior. A simple analytical model has been developed to quantitatively estimate the arc column diameter. The velocity of the plasma jet has been measured based on the arc fluctuation propagation. The anode deterioration has been found having strong influences on the arc instability. These influences have been quantitatively described in terms of the boundary layer thickness and the arc operation mode. Fuzzy logic models have been used to diagnose the anode condition on-line and provide control strategies for constant particle heating. Effects of anode erosion on the jet turbulence have also been observed with a heating helium gas that simulates the jet. The heating and cooling processes of a substrate exposed to a plasma jet have been measured, and the influence of the substrate temperature on the coating porosity has been investigated. The results of this research contribute to the understanding of the details of the plasma spray process and help to lay a solid foundation for process optimization and development of feedback control yielding a consistent coating quality.

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