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      • 陳春生基督敎譯述小說《五更鐘》硏究 : 좌유강

        좌유강 숭실대학교 대학원 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247803

        최근 중문기독교소설은 왕성하게 연구되면서, 많은 학자들의 관심을 불러일으키고 있다. 본 논문의 연구 대상인 소설《五更鐘》은 수많은 중문기독교소설들 중에서도 가장 중요한 소설이라 할 수 있다. 이 작품은 번안소설로써 원작은 러시아 작가 톨스토이의 중편소설 Ходите въ свѣтѣ пока есть свѣт : Беседы язычника и христианина : Повѣсть изъ временъ древнихъ христiанъ графа 이다 .1902년부터 미국 감리회 여선교사 라우라 화이트(Laura White,1867-1937년)와 중국인 陳春生(1867-1941?)이 함께 작업하여 본 소설을 장편 章回小說인 《五更鍾》으로 번역 출판하였다. 이 소설은 총 24회 약 10만자로 구성되어 있다. 《五更鍾》은 淸末民國시기 가장 영향력이 큰 기독교 신문 《通问报》에 처음으로 연재되었다. 1906년 말까지 연재되는 동안 《五更鍾》은 독자들에게 폭 넓은 사랑과 호평을 받았다. 1907년에는 단행본으로 발행되었는데, 매우 큰 인기를 누림과 동시에 많은 독자들이 이 소설을 읽고 기독교를 믿게 되었다고 한다. 그리하여 《五更鍾》은 중국의 “天路歷程”이라는 호칭을 받음과 동시에 기독교 사회에서는 “중국인들에게 기독교를 전파하는 유일한 무기”라는 평가를 받게 되었다. 그 이후 이삼십년 동안 이 소설은 15차례나 재판되었고 현재 중국뿐만 아니라 대만,영국,미국의 유명 도서관에 소장되어 있다. 1930,40년대에 중국에서 항일운동과 내전이 일어나면서, 기독교 문서에 대한 사회적 관심이 멀어졌다. 20세기 중후반기 문화대혁명 등의 특별한 역사적 사건을 거치면서, 기독교 관련 연구는 점점 더 등한시 되었으며, 《五更鍾》에 관련된 자료 역시 찾기가 힘들었다. 그래서 이 소설이 출판 된지 거의 백 년 동안 이 소설에 대한 연구는 진행되지 않았다. 21세기 초에 이르러 귀중한 문헌들이 계속 발견되었으며, 이로 인해 《五更鍾》에 대한 연구는 다시 연구자들의 관심을 받게 되었다. 필자는 우선《五更鍾》의 판본에 대해 전반적인 고증작업을 진행하였다. 고증과정은 중국 도서관을 포함하여 타이완, 홍콩, 미국, 영국 등의 도서관에 소장되어 있는 《五更鍾》을 조사하여 30년 동안 출판된 15종의 판본을 정리 분석하였고 이 과정에서 새로운 판본들을 발견하게 되었다.이는 곧 《五更鍾》이라고 하는 소설이 얼마나 광범위한 인기를 누렸는지 알 수 있는 부분이다. 《五更鍾》는 亮樂月와 陳春生의 합작으로 번역된 소설이다. 그 중에서도 中國人인 陳春生이 주도적인 역할을 하였는데, 이는 19세기 중문 기독교소설이 오로지 서양 선교사가 집필하던 과정에서 벗어났음을 상징하고 있다. 하지만 陳春生에 관한 연구는 거의 진행되지 않은 상태에서 필자는 淸末과 民國시기의 많은 원시 자료들을 활용함으로써 보다 완전한 陈春生의 일생사적을 조사하였다. 즉 필자는 陳春生의 출생배경, 신문사의 主筆 경력과 기독교사회에서의 활동사항, 陈春生의 주요 소설관과 문학작품활동에 대하여 연구하였는데 이는 이전에 연구가 진행되지 않았던 부분이다. 번역의 시각에서 보면 《五更鍾》을 연구하는 것은 러시아문학과 톨스토이의 작품이 중국에 언제부터 번역 유입되었는지를 연구함에 있어서 중요한 의의를 갖고 있다. 郭延禮선생의 고증에 의하면 톨스토이의 소설이 최초로 중국에 유입된 것은 1905년에 번역된 《枕戈記》라고 한다. 하지만 필자의 고증에 의하면 《五更鍾》의 저작과정 및 《通问报》에 기재된 시간(1904년~1906년 9월)을 전제로 할 때, 《五更鍾》은 톨스토이 작품 중 중국에 최초로 유입된 번역 소설이라고 판단된다. 그리고 《五更鍾》을 통하여 清末 中國翻譯史의 달라진 면모를 살펴볼 수 있겠다. 청나라 말기에는 외국문헌을 번역함에 있어서 중국독자의 문화배경과 독서습관에 적응하기 위하여 노력하였는데, 이는 보다 중국화 된 번역을 추구함으로써 외국 작품이라는 것을 알 수 없을 정도로 번역수준이 높아지게 되었다. 따라서 필자는 원작과 《五更鍾》을 비교하여 소설의 제목, 인물묘사, 스토리 전개 등의 시각에서 구체적인陳春生의 토착화 번역전략을 분석해 보았다. 《五更鍾》의 토착화 번역전략은 중국 근대번역사에서 매우 중요한 의의를 갖는다. 또한 《五更鍾》》의 문학성에 대해 살펴보면, 중문기독교소설로서 성숙한 章回體 構造와 파란만장한 스토리 구성은 早期의 기독교장회소설들에 비해 훨씬 성숙해졌음을 알 수 있다. 필자는 장회체 서술방식과 “救贖”서사구조의 측면에서 《五更鍾》의 서사특징을 연구하였다. 또한 《五更鍾》은 “改良社會小說”로서 소설이라는 통속적인 읽을거리로 사회의 여러 문제를 반영하고 비판함으로써 민중을 계몽시키고 교육시킴으로서 이렇게 사회의 변혁을 불러일으켰고 사회의 각종 폐단을 없애기도 하였다. 이렇게 小說의 敎化 機能을 강조하는 것은 淸末 小說界革命의 社會改革思想과 일치하는 것으로 매우 강력한 현실적 의의를 갖고 있다 본 논문은 총 7장으로 구성되어 있다. 제1장에서는 본 논문의 연구대상과 연구의의 및 연구방법을 소개하였다. 제2장에서는 문헌학적 방법으로 《五更鍾》의 번역과정을 분석하였다. 그리고 《五更鍾》의 러시아 원작과 영문 번역본을 조사 고찰 하였고 《五更鍾》을 번역할 때 어떤 판본을 저본으로 번역했는지도 연구하였으며, 원작 저자와 역자의 기본적인 상황을 소개하였다. 제3장에서는 주로 중국인 譯述者 陳春生의 일생, 대표적인 작품, 그리고 그의 소설론을 중심으로 陳春生의 일생사적과 문헌학세계에 대한 전인격적인 연구를 진행하였다. 제4장에서는 번역학의 시각으로 원작과 《五更鍾》》의 텍스트 비교를 통해 작품 주제, 환경배경, 인물묘사, 스토리 등의 방면에서 《五更鍾》》의 중국 토착화 번안방법에 대해 연구하였다. 제5장에서는 서사학의 시각으로 《五更鍾》의 텍스트를 분석하였는데, 《五更鍾》의 编写構造,장회체 네러티브 모드,救贖敘事構造의 두 가지 측면에서 《五更鍾》敘事方式을 논의하였다. 제6장에서는 警世와 救世의 두 가지 주제를 연구하였으며, 마지막으로 제7장은 결론 부분으로 본 논문의 《五更鍾》에 대한 연구 내용과 의의를 종합적으로 평가해 보았다. The novel Five Calls 《五更鍾》 was the first Chinese christian novel published in the initiative of a Chinese author. Also it is the first Chinese translated novel published in the 20th century. The original is a short novel Ходите въ свѣтѣ пока есть свѣт : Беседы язычника и христианина : Повѣсть изъ временъ древнихъ христiанъ графа , written by a Russian author, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Comprising about 70 pages with 10 chapters. Later on Laura White(1867-1937), an American Methodist Missionary collaborated with Chen Chun Sheng(陳春生), a Chinese author, translated it into a long Zhanghui style(章回體) novel Five Calls. The Chinese original novel of Five Calls amplified extensively so it divided into two volumes, comprising 24 chapters. Even the number of letters runs into a hundred thousand. The translator Chen Chun Sheng sharply did an adaption work to advance a theory for all directions of the Chinese and Five Calls fully propagated to the Chinese to be a written novel. Therefore the Chinese original of Five Calls is more full of "creativity of labour" of the translator's masterpiece than the original. Five Calls intially made it to the public by being serialized in the monthly magazine 《Tongwen Bao 通問報》, which was the most viewed Christian magazine in the Late Qing Dynasty. The series was completed in the end of 1906 (光緒 32年). It received raving responses from the readers. Quite a few began following Christianity reading this novel, consequently giving this work a name “A Chinese version of the Pilgrim’s Progress.” In the Christian circles, the novel was deemed as “the most effective and the only literary work to preach the gospel to the Chinese.” Until 1936 the work was reprinted 15 times. The writer of this dissertation has discovered many new versions of Five Calls in the libraries aroung the world: Taiwan, Hongkong, The U.S.A., England, Australia. This again proves that the book has claimed much praise and admiration. This article also proved the leading role of the Chinese writer Chen Chun Sheng in writing the book. The fact that Chen Chun Sheng had played a big part in publishing the work indicates that there had been a major change of the leading actor of Chinese Christian novel. The process of publishing Christian Chinese novel in the 19th century was mostly headed by western missionary. Even if a Chinese writer was stated as co-writer, Chinese writers only served as a mere assistant. But that wasn’t the case for Five Calls. Chen Chun Sheng took the initiative to work on the whole process of publishing the book from recording, editing, publishing in a series in Tongwen Bao to publishing in a book form (1907). From the perspective of translation, the research of Five Calls has a profound meaning in comprehending Russian literature, especially Tolsoy’s translated works in Chinese. According to Guo Yan Li’s textual criticism, Tolsoy’s earliest novel that was translated into Chinese in 1905 is 《枕戈記》. However, the writer combined the writing process of Five Calls and proved that Five Calls was weekly published in Tong Wen Bao during 1904 to 1906, which moved up the time for Tolsoy’s translating literary works in Chinese. Moreover, by including Five Calls into the translation scope of the late Qing Dynasty, its specific translation characteristics represent a common phenomenon. The translator took domesticating Translation in order to make the story feel more natural for Chinese readers. This domesticating Translation allows for an interpretation better adapted to Chinese readers’ cultural background and reading habits. The comparison of the original work and Five Calls allows the author to discuss the title of the novel, the characterizations, the plot of the story, and the narrative mode. Besides, Five Calls advances the story of a person, the occurrence of background story, the plot of the story and also one at the same time preserving the consistency of the original mass of the reconstruction for the original and the modified work as a massive epical style in the system of Zhanghui style(章回體) novel and showed the characteristics of China Domesticating Translation. At the same time, as a novel for social improvement, Five Calls has a strong practical significance in that it reflects various social problems, affects society, wakes up people, suggests reforms of the shortcomings of society, and even emphasize the educational capacity of the novel. All of this has the same conclusion as the social ideological trend in the late Qing Dynasty. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter describes the object, purpose, and methods of the dissertation. Chapter 2 analyzes the process of translating Five Calls by using the interpretation of historical documents, discusses the original Russian translation and the original English translation which are referred to by the translator, and introduces the basic situation of the original author and translator. Chapter 3 makes a detailed textual research on Chinese translator Chen Chun Sheng, including his experiences, works, and viewpoints on novels.The comparison of the original work and Five Calls allows the author to discuss the title of the novel, the characterizations, the plot of the story. Chapter 5 explores the system of zhanghui style, the plot of the story and the narrative structure of “U type” to discuss the narrative art of Five Calls. Chapter 6 gives an account of Five Calls’s dual theme from the point of the novel’s research theme. Tolstoy's work is a piece of a pure religious novel. Nevertheless Five Calls imparted a new meaning in novel, besides the purpose of propagation. The dissertation is concluded in chapter 7. 最近对中文基督教小说的研究发展迅速,并引起了很多学者的关注。本文研究的研究对象《五更钟》,也是众多中文基督教小说中的重要一部,它是一部译述小说,原著是俄罗斯作家列夫‧托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy,1828-1910年)1886年创作的中篇小说 Ходите въ свѣтѣ пока есть свѣт : Беседы язычника и христианина : Повѣсть изъ временъ древнихъ христiанъ графа。从1902年開始,美国女传教士亮乐月(Laura White,1867-1937年)和陈春生(1867-1941?年)合作,将该小说译述成长篇章回体小说《五更钟》,共二十四回,约十万字。 《五更钟》首次连载于晚清民国时期基督教报刊中影响力最大的报刊《通问报》,1906年底已经连载完毕,1907年首次单行本发行,之后二、三十年间再版多达十五次,享誉海内外。小说采用了纯熟的本土化译述策略,对原著的题目、故事背景、故事情节等方面,都进行了改编,以至于《五更钟》已看不出来外国小说的影子,并借助章回小说的形式,展现了很高的文学价值。不少读者因此书皈依基督教,这也使得它赢得了“中国的《天路历程》”的称号,尤其是基督教内部,被认为“传道于华人唯一之利器”。 进入二十世纪三、四十年代后,随着中国抗日运动和内战的进行,社会对基督教读物的关注下降。新中国建立后的很长一段时间内,由于文化大革命等特殊的历史环境,基督教关联研究也处于保守的环境之下,且《五更钟》的原著资料散失严重,因此,对该小说的研究,在其出版后近百年的时间内都是空白。直到本世纪初,随着宝贵的文献资料的不断被发现,《五更钟》的研究再次被引起研究者的关注。 笔者首先对《五更钟》的版本进行了考证,不仅对中国大陆图书馆的藏本作了调查,对现存于台湾、香港、美国、英国等地图书馆所藏的《五更钟》也进行了考查,整理分析了单行本首版后的近三十年间出版的十五个版本的《五更钟》,并发现了一些新的版本,这也再次证明了《五更钟》这部小说持续而广泛的受欢迎度。 《五更钟》为亮乐月和陈春生共同合作完成,然而华人陈春生在《五更钟》的写作过程中占据了主导地位,这使得十九世纪基督教中文小说以传教士为主导的特点得以改变。陈春生在当时的基督教社会地位很高,且编辑出版了大量的文学书籍。然后,对陈春生其人的研究一直很欠缺,笔者从晚清民国报刊等大量材料中,勾画出一个更加完整的陈春生。其中对其出生年月、从中文教师到报刊主笔的主要经历、当时基督教社会的领袖地位、主要观点及其作品世界的介绍,都是对前人研究的补充。 从翻译的角度而言,《五更钟》翻译特点代表了当时普遍的译述现象,且在译述过程中,为适应中国读者的文化背景和阅读习惯,对原著进行了大量改编。笔者结合原著与《五更钟》两个文本具體探讨了译述者是如何體现其本土化译述策略,这对增加对中国近代翻译史的了解很有意义。 另外,就《五更钟》的文学性而言,作为一部长篇中文基督教章回体小说,无论是其成熟章回体的结构,还是曲折的故事情节性,都较早期中文基督教章回体小说更加成熟。笔者从叙事学角度,从《五更钟》叙事结构、及叙事模式两个方面探讨了《五更钟》的叙事特点。与此同时,《五更钟》作为一部“改良社会小说”,利用小说这种通俗读物的形式反映各种问题,并尝试以作品影响社会,唤醒民众,甚至改革社会的种种弊端,强调小说的教化功能,与晚清小说界革命的社会改革思潮可谓同出一撤,具有很强的现实意义。 论文共分为七章。第一章首先介绍论文研究的对象、目的及方法;第二章,笔者主要采用文献考证的方法,对《五更钟》译述过程进行了分析,同时还对《五更钟》俄语原著、英文译本进行考證,探讨译述者可能参考的译本,并介绍了原著作者、中译本译者的基本情况;第三章,主要对华人译者陈春生考证进行详细考证,包括主要经历、作品世界及小说观;第四章,笔者从翻译学的角度,结合原著与《五更钟》两个文本从小说题目和主旨、环境背景和人物塑造、故事情节等角度,具體探讨小说的本土化译述策略;第五章,笔者从叙事学角度,结合文本,对《五更钟》的编写结构、章回体结构、“救赎”叙事模式等方面探讨了《五更钟》的叙事艺术;第六章笔者从小说主旨研究的角度,对小说的警世与救世的双重主旨进行了探讨;第七章为结论部分。

      • Exploring the intersections and implications of pedagogies of empowerment and critical par through youth research on racism in schools

        Call-Cummings, Meagan Indiana University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        This dissertation, based on an 18-month critical participatory action research (PAR) project conducted with a group of Latino/a high school students and their teacher, explores the concept of empowerment in a multimodal format. The digital portion of the dissertation can be found at www.researchforempowerment.com. The paper-based portion of this dissertation is comprised of three articles. The first of these articles explores the concept of school-sponsored silencing of students in K-12 contexts in the United States. The article suggests that practices of silencing have the potential to be so institutionalized that they may be considered policies, and argues that identifying these policies of silencing as such and then challenging them through participatory approaches may lay the groundwork for breaking down a status quo of inequity in U.S. schools and society. The second article focuses on methodological questions about the intersection of ethics and validity in qualitative research and investigates the relationship between validity and ethics by identifying and exploring the meaning of key moments during this project when both validity and ethics were called into question. I conclude that it is the relative level of participation in such moments that can shed light on how ethical and valid research is. The third article draws from the main project highlighted in this dissertation as well as another to tie questions of policy and methodology together. The studies help to inform each other as well as the fields of inquiry methodology and education policy, concluding that when we infuse the practical world of classrooms and schools and education with the methodological and epistemological insights of PAR there is great potential for critical understandings that can lead to enhanced feelings of worth and value among teachers and students. Taken together, these articles and website illustrate that the expertise of everyone involved in the research process is valuable and should be honored in the production of authentic knowledge, and that this process of producing authentic knowledge in an inclusive way leads to the empowerment of those involved in it.

      • El Show de Cristina: Representing Hispanics in Spanish language television

        Calles-Santillana, Jorge Alberto The University of Iowa 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        Informed by cultural studies and based on a structuralist semiotic methodology, this dissertation analyzes the work of representations of El Show de Cristina, one of the most important Spanish language talk shows broadcast in the U.S. This study contributes to a new trend of analysis regarding Spanish language media, a trend concerned with the study of the media role in the creation of an imagined Hispanic community in the U.S. Using Douglas Kellner's approach to media culture and Stuart Hall's theory of representation, this work assumes media culture as a site of ideological and meaning struggle, and this specific public forum as a cultural text where social discourses shape meanings and cultural representations of Hispanics, the fastest growing U.S. ethnic minority. The syntagmatic and paradigmatic analyses of 162 hours of El Show broadcast between 1997 and 2000 demonstrate that the verbal exchange in this forum is far from a democratic dialogue where the social problems of a highly discriminated population are exposed in search of solutions. Rather, the conversation becomes an educational process where some voices---Cristina's and her expert guests'---establish hierarchies and set value frames. In doing so, El Show contributes to creating a sense of community based on a hybrid identity forged from a mix of what is presumed to be the positive values of the American culture and the so-called Hispanic culture. Thus, Hispanics are represented as a group that is a victim of cultural shortcomings and lack of willingness to succeed. Their involvement with the U.S. cultural environment is explained on an individual basis; references to social structures and actors and historical factors affecting their lives and integration processes are omitted. The structure of voices on El Show and the discursive strategies framing issues such as violence, discrimination and sexuality are the primary focuses of this dissertation.

      • From soldiers to cops: "War transitions" and the demilitarization of policing in Latin America and the Caribbean (El Salvador, Haiti)

        Call, Charles T Stanford University 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247359

        This dissertation argues that democratization alone is insufficient to yield major civilianizing police reforms in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition to regime transition, a significant weakening of the military is also a necessary condition for the reconceptualization and restructuring of policing. Weakening of the military most often occurs through the end of armed conflict, including foreign intervention and occupation. Combinations of the end of armed conflict with regime transition from authoritarianism are here called “war transitions.” Classification of all major police reforms in the region since World War II reveals that “war transitions” coincide with all but one such reforms, and that competing arguments cannot account for internal security reforms. This dissertation uses case studies of the civilianizing police reform negotiated as part of the peace accord that ended civil war in El Salvador in 1992, and of the civilianization of policing which occurred in post-intervention Haiti in 1994. It is based upon over 300 interviews between 1995 and 1997. The dissertation findings indicate that the relationship between state and society in post-authoritarian societies is heavily influenced not just by democratization, but by changes at the level of the state. It also suggests that how wars end has important consequences for the character and structure of demilitarized policing systems in Latin America and the Caribbean.



        RANK : 247343

        The goal of this research was to identify the genetic and biological basis for specific features of Down Syndrome phenotypes in transgenic mice through the use of segments of HSA21 cloned as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). A 250kb YAC mapped to HSA21q22.1 was thought to contain the human AML1 gene, which is involved in translocations associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The study of AML1 overexpression could elucidate its role in the increased risk of leukemias and myeloproliferative disorders seen in DS individuals. Four independent transgenic lines were produced and studied for expression of AML1. Through the generation of additional reagents to detect gene expression, it was discovered that the YAC did not contain the entire AML1 gene. Expressed sequence tags mapped to the region were studied to discover unknown genes that may be present on the YAC. Behavioral defects were discovered in two lines, specifically defects in spontaneous activity. Such studies allow for the identification of genes involved in development and will give insight into the cause of some of the disabilities observed in DS individuals. Introduction of different transgenes into single, defined sites within the mammalian genome that provide a favorable chromosomal environment for transgene expression will permit the direct comparison of many transgenes against an identical background. The research presented here describes a Cre-<italic> lox</italic> targeting system to introduce circularized YACs into defined locations within the mouse genome. <italic>Lox</italic> embryonic stem cell (LES) lines were generated by the introduction of a novel vector containing one <italic>lox</italic> site into the ES genome. LES lines were characterized to ensure the integration of a single, functional <italic>lox</italic> site. Two YACs containing overlapping DNA from HSA21 were circularized with a second novel vector containing a single <italic>lox</italic> site. Circular YACs were introduced into LES cells by lipofection, resulting in colonies with integrated cYAC. The possibility of introducing circular YACs by spheroplast fusion of yeast with LES cells was also explored. This system will be beneficial for comparing the effects of different transgenes against an identical mouse background, and will allow for the comparison of integration efficiency of targeted versus random integration events.

      • Meta-Analysis of the Healthcare Facility Management Workforce: A Learning Framework to Address the 2030 Succession Challenge

        Call, Steven ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Arizona State Univ 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This research seeks to better understand the current state of US healthcare FM industry hiring practices from colleges and universities to identify potential employment barriers into healthcare FM and interventions to help overcome them. Two national surveys were distributed to healthcare facility managers and directors to collect quantifiable information on healthcare organizations, hiring practices from FM academic programs, individual demographics, and opinions of FM college graduates. Designated survey respondents were also contacted for phone interviews. Additionally, a Delphi method was used for this research to draw upon the collective knowledge and experience of 13 experts over three iterative rounds of input. Results indicate that the healthcare FM industry is hiring very few college interns and new college graduates for entry-level management jobs. Strong homogeneousness demographics, backgrounds, and paths of entry among existing healthcare FM professionals has created an industry bias against candidates attempting to enter healthcare FM from non-traditional sources. The healthcare FM industry's principal source for new talent comes from building trade succession within healthcare organizations. However, continuing to rely on building tradespersons as the main path of entry into the healthcare FM industry may prove problematic. Most existing healthcare facility managers and directors will be retiring within 10 years, yet it is taking more than 17 years of full-time work experience to prepare building tradespersons to assume these roles. New college graduates from FM academic programs are a viable recruitment source for new talent into healthcare FM as younger professionals are commonly entering the healthcare FM through the path of higher education. Although few new college graduates enter the healthcare FM industry, they are experiencing similar promotion timeframes compared to other candidate with many years of full-time work experience. Unfamiliarity with FM academic programs, work experience requirements, limited entry-level jobs within small organizations, low pay, and a limited exposure to healthcare industry topics present challenges for new FM college graduates attempting to enter the healthcare FM industry. This study shows that gaps indeed exist in student learning outcomes for a comprehensive healthcare FM education.

      • A Case Study of the Driven 2 Teach Program: Site-Based Experiential Professional Development for History Teachers

        Call, Hadyn Bowen Utah State University ProQuest Dissertations & The 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Driven 2 Teach is a privately funded program for history teachers in the state of Utah. The program emphasizes the importance of teacher travel to educate history teachers in the places where history happened. This study investigated the program's influence on participant gains in learning about history and how to best teach about the past, social studies professional development, teacher beliefs, and changes in instructional practices. This study utilized a case study methodology, autoethnography, and six interconnected frameworks: Professional development, experiential education, site-based learning, pedagogical content knowledge, teacher beliefs, and professional learning communities. This study helps demonstrate the effectiveness of travel as a teaching method. Data from this study were used to answer the following questions: How do history teachers perceive their pedagogical content knowledge as changing as a result of participating in the Driven 2 Teach program? How do the experiences with Driven 2 Teach differ from other professional development experiences? How do history teacher beliefs about social studies education contribute to the changes in pedagogical content knowledge and instructional practice? How do these history teachers plan on changing instructional practices based on their new pedagogical content knowledge? The results of this study show that participants' knowledge of historical content and how to best teach that content increased significantly. This study also found that more social studies professional development is needed in the state of Utah. Teachers' confidence levels increased because of their experience with this program in regard to teaching history and social studies skills to their students. Participants, as a result of participation with Driven 2 Teach, are more likely to teach students' skills using social studies content rather than merely teaching social studies through rote memorization. Participants want to incorporate more hands-on learning experiences for students, and use more primary source documents in their lessons. Traveling together to historical sites and other important places with other social studies teachers enhanced the learning of all involved and increased the retention of what was learned. Participants benefited from both planned and unplanned events, and had experiences that made them realize even more, the importance of social studies education and incorporating multiple perspectives when learning about the past.

      • An analysis of ice storm impacts, warnings, and emergency management response

        Call, David A Syracuse University 2007 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        From 1949 through 2000, ice storm disasters cost United States businesses, municipalities, and individuals more than $80 billion, only a fifth of which was covered by insurance. These disasters primarily affected areas from New England to the Deep South. Although freezing rain is most common in northern United States, ice storms can wreak havoc in regions unprepared for slick roads during the event and the prolonged power outages that follow. This dissertation presents the results of an impact assessment of ice storms, a review of National Weather Service warnings and communications relating to ice storms, and an analysis of the perceptions and actions of county emergency managers. The greatest effect of ice storms is power outages, which last for up to a month in the most severe cases. The risk of outage could be reduced with stronger, more consistent tree-trimming standards. Meteorologists with the National Weather Service generally issue timely messages warning about impending ice storms, and many contact government officials in advance. Even so, the quality and quantity of warnings varies greatly and common standards should be implemented. Although emergency managers are well aware of the potential for disruption from ice storms and take appropriate actions in response, more widespread use of drills should improve the managers' effectiveness. Geographically, ice storms cause longer-lasting disruption for rural areas, which also are more likely to lack resources sufficient to plan and respond to ice storms. State emergency management agencies should provide extra assistance to rural counties before, during, and after ice storms. More generally, this dissertation extends knowledge about the benefits of risk-based versus vulnerability-based approaches to reducing the effects of hazards. Ice storms demonstrate that both approaches are necessary and valuable. While utilities, forecasters, and emergency managers can reduce the risks of problems associated with ice storms, individuals and governments must take steps to reduce societal vulnerability. While these steps are inherently more difficult (such as reducing reliance on transportation systems) or heavy-handed (such as mandating non-electrical backup systems for furnaces), they are necessary if society wants to reduce the economic losses and other disruptions that result from ice storms.

      • Studies on Resistance to Downy Mildew in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis

        Call, Adam Dean North Carolina State University 2012 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Downy mildew, caused by the oomycete pathogen <italic>Pseudoperonospora cubensis</italic> (Berk. And Curt) Rostov, is a major foliar disease of cucumber (<italic>Cucumis sativus</italic> L.) Currently, high yield and quality in the presence of downy mildew is achieved with multiple fungicide applications. Most of the currently grown cultivars have some resistance to downy mildew. Prior to a 2004 outbreak in the United States, host resistance was sufficient to control the disease, and downy mildew was only a minor problem on cucumber. There are currently no cultivars that show resistance at a level equal to that seen prior to 2004. However, differences in resistance among cultivars exist, ranging from moderately resistant to highly susceptible. Both host resistance and fungicides contribute to control of downy mildew for growers. Experiments were conducted to identify resistant and high yielding cultigens and to determine the contribution of resistance and fungicides to overall control of downy mildew. There were three major experiments. All experiments rated disease using a 0 to 9 scale (0=none, 1-2=trace, 3-4=slight, 5-6=moderate, 7-8=severe, 9=dead). The objective of experiment 1 was to identify new sources of resistance to downy mildew among plant introduction accessions from the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System, elite cultivars, and breeding lines of cucumber. The 1300 cultigens were tested at Clinton NC, USA, and Skierniewice, Poland during 2005-2007 under natural field epidemics of the disease in unreplicated trials. Mean ratings for downy mildew leaf damage in the germplasm screening ranged from 1.0 to 7.3 in North Carolina and from 0.3 to 9.0 in Poland. The 40 most resistant and 10 most susceptible cultigens, along with 22 check cultivars were further evaluated in replicated field and greenhouse experiments in North Carolina and India in 2007 to 2009 for a total of eight environments (year by location). A fungicide component was added in 2008 and 2009 in that one environment each year was a field treated weekly with applications of Previcur Flex and Mancozeb alternating with Bravo and Tanos. Results from the retest study in NC confirmed the results of the initial screening study. The most resistant and most susceptible cultigens in the screening study were also the most resistant and most susceptible cultigens in the field retest. Cultigens were found that significantly outperform checks. High yielding and tolerant cultigens were also been identified, which could be used in developing improved cultivars. The objective of experiment 2 was to identify cultivars having high yield and resistance to the new downy mildew. The experiment had 86 cultigens, three locations (Clinton and Castle Hayne, NC, and Bath, MI), three years (2007 to 2009) and 4 replications per location. None of the cultigens tested in this study showed a high level of resistance, although differences in resistance and yield among cultigens do exist. The objective of experiment 3 was to evaluate different fungicide treatments, chosen to represent different levels of efficacy, combined with different levels of resistance (resistant - M 21, moderate - 'Sumter', susceptible - 'Wisconsin SMR-18') among cultigens for the effect on disease severity and yield. There were six and twelve replications in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Cultigen had a large effect in both years. As expected, using a resistant cultivar significantly improved resistance and most yield traits compared to a susceptible cultivar. Fungicide has a smaller effect on resistance traits and larger effect on total yield and percent marketable yield. To achieve maximum yield both a resistant cultivar and fungicide spray program should be used.

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