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      • An investigation of the relationships among mathematical beliefs, self-regulation, and achievement for university-level mathematics students

        Briley, Jason Scott The University of Alabama 2007 해외공개박사

        RANK : 247343

        This study investigated the relationships among mathematical beliefs, sources of self-regulation, and achievement for university-level remedial mathematics students. Most self-regulation models put emphasis on active self-regulation, including the use of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies, as the only internal source of self-regulation that impacts learning processes. However, the biofunctional model proposes that learning is multisource in nature, affected by both external and internal sources. This model includes, as a second internal source of self-regulation, dynamic (or biofunctional) self-regulation processes as the immediate source of curiosity and interest. Furthermore, epistemological and mathematical beliefs have been shown to be related to self-regulation and achievement. Therefore, both beliefs and self-regulation may be seen as contributors to student learning. This is especially important for remedial students, whose possibly nonavailing beliefs about mathematics and/or poor self-regulation may adversely affect their learning for understanding. In this study, 94 mathematics students completed two surveys to measure mathematical beliefs and active self-regulation, dynamic self-regulation, and multiple-source self-regulation. The results showed that students who reported more availing beliefs about the nature of mathematics, the doing, validating, and learning of mathematics, and the usefulness of mathematics were more likely to report greater frequency of all three types of self-regulation. The belief about the usefulness of mathematics and multiple-source self-regulation positively predicted mathematics achievement, whereas active self-regulation negatively predicted mathematics achievement. Multiple-source self-regulation was a positive predictor of academic achievement as well. Most of the findings were consistent with biofunctional theory. The implication of this study is that mathematics educators need to recognize the importance of availing mathematical beliefs as well as multiple-source or wholetheme self-regulation for possibly better learning outcomes for students.

      • Investigation and Manipulation of the Local Microenvironment of Spherical Nucleic Acid Nanoconjugates

        Briley, William Edward Northwestern University ProQuest Dissertations & T 2016 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        For the past several decades, tremendous efforts have been made by many to battle cancer,one of the leading causes of death in the United States and around the world. Unfortunately, the diagnosis and treatment of many genetically-based disorders such as cancer remains very difficult to this day. This is due to the fact that current technologies are unable to adequately differentiate between healthy and diseased cells. In many cases, state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutics for genetic disorders rely on targeting downstream effects that may be related to, or influenced by aberrations in gene expression, rather than targeting the up- or down-regulated transcripts themselves. This type of targeting can lead to significant off-target effects, which can translate to false positives for diagnostics, and systemic toxicity for therapeutics. This thesis discusses a nanoparticle-based conjugate which aims to increase the specificity of diagnostics, therapeutics, and biological research platforms by targeting RNA transcripts directly. This nanoconjugate, known as the spherical nucleic acid (SNA) is capable of entering live cells with negligible cytotoxicity and immunogenicity, and binding onto targeted RNA transcripts. Chapter one details the properties and synthesis of the SNA, and discusses how the cell entry/transcript binding capabilities of the SNA can be translated into therapeutic and diagnostic platforms. Chapter two then moves into the therapeutic applications of the SNA, discussing a novel platform known as the Sticky-flare, which is capable of detecting and fluorescently labeling target transcripts for real time analysis. Chapter three then investigates the function of the SNA in a therapeutic application. Specifically, the route that topically applied SNAs take to penetrate through skin is elucidated, and is contextualized by comparing the penetration of SNAs with equivalent linear DNA sequences. Linear nucleic acids are typically not capable of effecting gene regulation via topical application in the way that SNAs have been shown to, and the reasons for this are identified and examined. Finally, chapter five investigates whether super-porous materials such as metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are applicable as SNA cores, specifically I analyze if SNAs with a MOF core maintain the ability to enter cells in a way similar to gold core SNAs. It further investigates the complications of analyzing SNAs with high sedimentation rates (S) in cell culture, and the development of a novel method with which to analyze high-S nanoparticle structures. The conclusion of the thesis then mentions future applications of diagnostic and therapeutic SNAs, and how such nanostructures may play a role in molecular biology, as well as cancer diagnostics and therapeutics.

      • The Normative Justifications of Regret

        Briley, Aaron ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Cali 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Regret is a negative emotion that we generally experience after acting in ways contrary to our normative standards. Many scholars argue that this emotion has little, if any, practical or moral justification. As a result, it is on-balance unwarranted. Some scholars argue that regret is simply adding an additional pain to the first pain (when the regretful action was made) and is therefore impractical and unreasonable (Bittner 1992). Others argue that most of the regret we experience is inappropriate. If we regret what happens in the past from our current psychological and normative framework, it is inappropriate because we are no longer the same person, in the relevant way, who transgressed (McQueen 2017). However, little research has directly addressed the normative and practical justification of regret from the standpoint of one's current value system. My project considers how regret should be viewed and why it is valuable. It also reorients the literature toward a more straightforward understanding of regret and regretting that most people appear to experience. In Chapter 1, I consider the regret skeptic and the common objections to regret. In Chapter 2, I consider how regret has been misunderstood and seek to consolidate a coherent and consistent definition. In Chapter 3, I defend regret on the grounds that there is value in acknowledging the regretful act because of the way it activates and reorients us to what we value. I also show that there is value in learning from regret. This not only applies to making better choices in the future but also to improving our character as a result. In Chapter 4, I defend the view that being able to display regret is a social commodity because of its regulative and symbolic functions. The regulative and symbolic effects of regret are useful in our social and legal practices. It is only when we are in a position to consider the normative and practical benefits of regret that we are able to consider whether or not it is worth the pain.

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