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    RISS 인기검색어

      자치경찰제도입에 대한 경찰공무원의 인식연구



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The introduction of local police system is an urgent problem and the main current as a systematic method for police officers abiding by the rapidly changing situation in public peace, their being respected by the people and their becoming incorruptibl...

      The introduction of local police system is an urgent problem and the main current as a systematic method for police officers abiding by the rapidly changing situation in public peace, their being respected by the people and their becoming incorruptible, friendly and reliable towards the people.
      After the establishment of president Rohs participatory government at the right moment, the introduction of the local police system has been strongly promoted as a part of the policy towards decentralization; therefore, Presidential Committee on Government Innovation & Decentralization and National Police Agency has been seriously investigating its introduction appropriate to the reality of our country.
      Nevertheless, it might be possible for the majority of police officers to be excluded in the process of its study and investigation even if they are those who would perform their duties in the frame of the local police system, while the majority of the police officers do not become a subject but an object in its introduction, only by reflecting the opinions of a few persons in charge or top executives and experts; as a consequence, it is apprehended that the police officers might be cynical and indifferent to its introduction.
      Therefore, it is considered important how the police officers think of its introduction so that this study will focus on the internal aspects rather than external circumstances surrounding police. In this aspect, the following questionnaires were answered and collected: the receptive attitudes towards its introduction by the function of the place, by the government office and by the origin of entering the office of the police officers; the range of its introduction; the location of the local police organizations; and the conversion of the ranks into local police officers. Based on these questionnaires, I have suggested some important issues relating to its introduction.
      Firstly, 64.4 percents of the police officers who responded to the questionnaires were in favor of the introduction of the local police system so that it could be noticed that their receptive attitudes towards its introduction have changed a lot more positive than those in the past.
      Secondly, as already mentioned in the road map in regard of the decentralization of the participatory government, it is seemingly possible not to have any frictions internally even with the swift enforcement of the local police system because more than 60 percents of the police officers favors its introduction in 2006 or 2007 through the presumable study & investigation and its process of legalizing from 2004 to 2005.
      Thirdly, one needs to study and investigate the standards that would be the most appropriate to the purpose of its introduction in its zero-base, not only thinking of its application in the level of metropolitan autonomous entities, but also keeping it in mind that almost 30 percents of the respondents is in favor of its introduction in the sphere of local autonomous entities.
      Fourthly, with regards to the location of the local police organizations functioned as a sub-agency or an immediate agency, 85.3 percents of the respondents, which is the absolute majority, demanded its installation independent of the local autonomous entity because of the possible corruption wrought by the interruption of local politicians.
      Fifthly, 30.4 percents of the respondents thought that all police officers should become local civil servants in order to let the justification of its introduction come true more completely with regards to the conversion of the ranks of local police officers into local civil servants in its introduction; therefore, one has to consider that special ranks should be kept as national civil servants.
      Sixthly, the majority of the police officers think of the local police system as public satisfaction and peace and the development of the entire organizations; however, others tend to evaluate it on behalf of individual interests or groundless and ambiguous suppositions. Therefore, there should be proper and objective education on the justification and management of the local police system.
      Seventhly, there should be some policy towards stirring up the morale through the restoration of the identity of the police officers triggered by the introduction of the local police system.
      As already mentioned above, the introduction of the local police system is an inevitable main current. It has come to a conclusion that the recognition of incumbent police officers has greatly become mature with regards to the local police system seen from the questionnaires answered by them.
      Therefore, there should be systematic methods to reflect the opinions of the police officers equipped with many experiences and know-how in terms of public peace from the step of its study and investigation of the most appropriate model to that of its settlement; in addition to this, politicians, local autonomous entities and all relevant groups including the police organizations should not think of their own hegemony but think of the people first in this country.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 목차
      • Abstract
      • 제1장 서론 = 1
      • 제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
      • 제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 = 5
      • 목차
      • Abstract
      • 제1장 서론 = 1
      • 제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
      • 제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 = 5
      • 제2장 자치경찰제에 관한 이론적 고찰 = 6
      • 제1절 자치경찰제의 개념 = 6
      • 1. 경찰제도의 유형 = 6
      • 2. 자치경찰의 개념 = 9
      • 제2절 자치경찰제 도입의 필요성 = 12
      • 1. 주민에 의한 경찰행정의 통제 = 12
      • 2. 경찰의 정치적 중립성 = 13
      • 3. 서비스기능의 강화 = 13
      • 제3절 자치경찰제의 장·단점 = 14
      • 제4절 자치경찰제도입의 제약요인 = 18
      • 1. 기능배분의 측면 = 18
      • 2. 정치적 저항의 측면 = 19
      • 3. 자치경찰의 재정의존 심화 = 19
      • 4. 자원운용의 자율성 측면 = 20
      • 5. 범죄의 광역화와 기동화 = 20
      • 제5절 주요각국의 경찰제도 = 20
      • 1. 영국 = 21
      • 2. 미국 = 24
      • 3. 프랑스 = 26
      • 4. 독일 = 26
      • 5. 일본 = 28
      • 제3장 한국에서의 자치경찰제 도입논의 및 중단경위 = 30
      • 제1절 1980년 이후 자치경찰제도에 대한 구상과 논의들 = 30
      • 1. 경찰청의 『경찰법 개정 법률안』 (경찰청, 1999년) = 31
      • 2. 노무현 대통령 당선자와 대통령직 인수위원회의 구상 = 32
      • 3. 최근 학계의 논의 = 33
      • 4. 정부혁신지방분권위원회의 구상 = 37
      • 제2절 자치경찰제 논의의 중단과 갈등 = 40
      • 1. 경찰과 검찰간의 갈등 = 40
      • 2. 지방자치단체의 반발 = 42
      • 3. 중앙정부와 정치권의 추진의욕 상실 = 43
      • 4. 경찰내부의 추진의지 약화 = 44
      • 제4장 자치경찰제에 대한 경찰공무원의 인식에 관한 분석 = 45
      • 제1절 조사방법 = 45
      • 1.조사대상 및 표본추출 = 45
      • 2.자료수집 및 분석 = 46
      • 3.조사대상자의 기본배경 분포 = 47
      • 제2절 자치경찰제에 대한 경찰공무원의 인식 분석 = 49
      • 1.자치경찰제도의 수용태도 = 49
      • 2.자치경찰제의 찬성 및 반대이유 = 52
      • 3.자치경찰제 도입시기 및 도입범위 = 54
      • 4.자치경찰조직의 설립위치 = 56
      • 5.자치경찰제 도입시 지방경찰로의 전환계급 범위 = 57
      • 6.자치경찰제 도입시 경찰공무원의 사기진작여부 및 승진적체 해소여부 = 58
      • 7. 자치경찰제 수용여부(찬·반)에 따른 비교분석 = 61
      • 제3절 자치경찰제에 대한 경찰공무원 인식분석에 따른 시사점 = 64
      • 1.자치경찰제 도입에 대한 경찰공무원의 긍정적인 수용태도 = 64
      • 2.자치경찰제 조기 실시 가능 = 65
      • 3.Zero-Base에서의 자치경찰제 도입범위 검토 = 66
      • 4.자치단체장으로부터 독립된 자치경찰조직 설치 = 67
      • 5.자치경찰소속 전 경찰공무원의 지방공무원화 = 68
      • 6.자치경찰제의 당위성 및 운영 등에 관한 교육 강화 = 70
      • 7.자치경찰제 도입에 따른 경찰공무원의 사기진작책 강구 = 71
      • 제5장 결론 = 73
      • 참고문헌 = 76
      • 부록 설문지 = 80














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