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      중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육 연구 동향 및 중재방법 고찰



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      연구목적: 본 연구는 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육과 관련된 국외 선행연구를 바탕으로 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육의 연구 동향을 분석하고 이를 토대로 국내의 중도 지적장애 학생을 ...

      연구목적: 본 연구는 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육과 관련된 국외 선행연구를 바탕으로 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육의 연구 동향을 분석하고 이를 토대로 국내의 중도 지적장애 학생을 위한 중재방법 및 향후 연구 과제를 모색하고자 하였다. 연구방법: 2000년부터 2016년까지의 중도 지적장애학생을 대상으로 한 국외 통합교육 연구 총 51편을 선정하고 연구주제에 따라 다음과 같이 6가지 연구 주제로 분류하였다: (1) 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육의 실태 및 연구동향, (2) 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육에 대한 교사, 학부모, 비장애또래의 인식, (3) 통합교육환경에서 중도 지적장애학생의 사회성 증진, (4) 통합교육환경에서 중도 지적장애학생의 문제행동 감소, (5) 중도 지적장애학생의 일반교육과정 접근(수업참여행동 및 학업성취) 증진, (6) 기타(2가지 이상 주제 중복). 각 연구 주제별로 발표연도와 연구방법에 따른 연구동향을 살펴보았으며 분석대상 논문 중 실험연구 20편을 대상으로 실험대상, 실험설계, 실험중재자, 독립변인 및 종속변인의 각 요인별로 세부 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과: 분석결과 국외의 최근 연구들은 중도 지적장애학생의 사회성 증진, 문제행동 감소, 일반교육과정 접근에 초점을 두고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 실험연구 20편에서 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육을 위해 사용한 중재방법에는 자기점검, 삽입교수, 교수적 수정, 또래 지원 및 협력적 팀이 포함되었다. 결론: 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 국내 중도 지적장애학생의 통합교육 활성화를 위한 현장 적용과 향후 연구의 방향을 위한 제언들이 제시되었다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Purpose: This study aims to investigate research trends regarding inclusive education for students with severe intellectual disabilities along with appropriate interventions for them by analyzing precedential abroad studies related to inclusive educat...

      Purpose: This study aims to investigate research trends regarding inclusive education for students with severe intellectual disabilities along with appropriate interventions for them by analyzing precedential abroad studies related to inclusive education of students with severe intellectual disabilities. Method: Of relevant articles published abroad from 2000 to 2016, a total of 51 articles were identified using specific criteria, and were categorized into six research themes as follows: (1) current situations and research trends, (2) perceptions of teachers, parents, and students without disabilities, (3) improving social interaction and skills, (4) reducing problem behaviors, (5) promoting access to the general education curriculum, and (6) others including more than two themes. This study analyzed the trends, by year, of each research theme and conducted analyses per research method (literature research, investigative research, qualitative research and experimental research). In addition, 20 experimental research themes were analyzed in detail by factor: experimental subject, experimental design, intervener, independent and dependent variables. Results: The findings show that studies abroad mainly focused on improving social intervention and skills, reducing problem behaviors, and promoting access to the general education curriculum. Several interventions were frequently used for the students including self-monitoring, peer support, curriculum modification and team teaching. Conclusion: Based on the results, this study provides practical implications and directions for future research and promoting inclusive education for students with severe intellectual disabilities.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 연구 방법
      • Ⅲ. 연구 결과
      • Ⅳ. 논의 및 제언
      • 참고문헌
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • Ⅱ. 연구 방법
      • Ⅲ. 연구 결과
      • Ⅳ. 논의 및 제언
      • 참고문헌
      • 국문초록

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 김영석, "통합환경에서의 중도장애학생 평가를 위한 국외 대안평가 연구동향 고찰 및 함의" 국립특수교육원 21 (21): 1-19, 2014

      2 이은정, "통합된 중도장애학생을 위한 기준중심 진단-책무성 체계의 실행 : 대체 진단(Alternate Assessment)을 중심으로" 한국정서·행동장애아교육학회 20 (20): 69-95, 2004

      3 교육부, "통합교육정책의 효과와 발전방안 연구(2015년 정책연구 보고서)" 교육부 2015

      4 김경양, "통합교육 실태 문헌 분석: 법적 정책요소를 중심으로" 한국특수아동학회 18 (18): 171-199, 2016

      5 이숙향, "중등 통합교육 현장의 장애학생을 위한 협력중심 자기결정 교수모델의 개발 및 적용 효과" 특수교육연구소 13 (13): 173-204, 2014

      6 박은혜, "중도장애 학생의 교육에 관한 특수학교 교사의 인식 조사" 36 (36): 29-51, 2001

      7 박은혜, "중도·중복장애 학생의 특수교육 지원체계에 대한 요구조사" 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 53 (53): 31-58, 2010

      8 이미선, "일반학교에 통합된 중등도 및 중도장애학생의 개인별 교육과정 개발 방안" 1 : 141-162, 2000

      9 김남순, "일반교육과 특수교육의 통합정책 분석 연구" 한국교육행정학회 23 (23): 255-278, 2005

      10 이미숙, "유아교육현장에서의 중도장애유아 통합교육 실천을 위한 이론적 고찰 및 시사점 모색" 한국보육지원학회 8 (8): 5-26, 2012

      1 김영석, "통합환경에서의 중도장애학생 평가를 위한 국외 대안평가 연구동향 고찰 및 함의" 국립특수교육원 21 (21): 1-19, 2014

      2 이은정, "통합된 중도장애학생을 위한 기준중심 진단-책무성 체계의 실행 : 대체 진단(Alternate Assessment)을 중심으로" 한국정서·행동장애아교육학회 20 (20): 69-95, 2004

      3 교육부, "통합교육정책의 효과와 발전방안 연구(2015년 정책연구 보고서)" 교육부 2015

      4 김경양, "통합교육 실태 문헌 분석: 법적 정책요소를 중심으로" 한국특수아동학회 18 (18): 171-199, 2016

      5 이숙향, "중등 통합교육 현장의 장애학생을 위한 협력중심 자기결정 교수모델의 개발 및 적용 효과" 특수교육연구소 13 (13): 173-204, 2014

      6 박은혜, "중도장애 학생의 교육에 관한 특수학교 교사의 인식 조사" 36 (36): 29-51, 2001

      7 박은혜, "중도·중복장애 학생의 특수교육 지원체계에 대한 요구조사" 한국지체.중복.건강장애교육학회 53 (53): 31-58, 2010

      8 이미선, "일반학교에 통합된 중등도 및 중도장애학생의 개인별 교육과정 개발 방안" 1 : 141-162, 2000

      9 김남순, "일반교육과 특수교육의 통합정책 분석 연구" 한국교육행정학회 23 (23): 255-278, 2005

      10 이미숙, "유아교육현장에서의 중도장애유아 통합교육 실천을 위한 이론적 고찰 및 시사점 모색" 한국보육지원학회 8 (8): 5-26, 2012

      11 이대식, "성공적인 통합교육에 필요한 일반교육의 조건" 한국통합교육학회 2 (2): 1-27, 2007

      12 박경옥, "부모가 인식하는 개별화교육 지원팀 회의 운영 실태 및 변인에 따른 만족도 차이 분석" 한국지적장애교육학회 17 (17): 177-203, 2015

      13 정광조, "국내 통합교육 효과 연구에 대한 메타 분석" 한국특수아동학회 17 (17): 203-231, 2015

      14 이숙향, "국내 중등 통합교육 연구의 동향 및 향후 과제 고찰" 한국특수교육문제연구소 11 (11): 339-369, 2010

      15 Kleinert, H., "Where students with the most significant cognitive disabilities are taught : Implications for general curriculum access" 81 (81): 312-328, 2015

      16 Agran, M., "Using self-Monitoring to increase following-direction skills of students with moderate to severe disabilities in general education" 40 (40): 3-13, 2005

      17 Jackson, L., "Useful practices in inclusive education : A preliminary view of what experts in moderate to severe disabilities are saying" 25 (25): 129-141, 2000

      18 O’Reilly, M., "Use of self-monitoring and delayed feedback to increase on-task behavior in a post-institutionalized child within regular classroom settings" 25 (25): 91-102, 2002

      19 Jorgensen, C., "The least dangerous assumption : A challenge to create a new paradigm" 6 (6): 5-9, 2005

      20 Johnson, J. W., "The efficacy of embedded instruction for students with developmental disabilities enrolled in general education classes" 6 (6): 214-227, 2004

      21 Gilberts, G. H., "The effects of peer delivered self-monitoring strategies on the participation of students with severe disabilities in general education classrooms" 26 (26): 25-36, 2001

      22 McDonnell, J., "The effects of partner learning during spelling for students with severe disabilities and their peers" 10 (10): 107-121, 2000

      23 Collins, B. C., "Teaching secondary students with moderate disabilities in an inclusive academic classroom setting" 13 : 41-59, 2001

      24 Snell, M. E., "Teachers’ problem-solving about children with moderate and severe disabilities in elementary classrooms" 66 (66): 472-490, 2000

      25 Lee, A., "Teacher evaluation of resources designed for adapting mathematics for students with significant cognitive disabilities" 41 (41): 132-137, 2016

      26 McDonnell, J., "Supporting the inclusion of students with moderate and severe disabilities in junior high school general education classes : The effects of classwide peer tutoring, multi-element curriculum, and accommodations" 24 (24): 141-160, 2001

      27 Kurth, J. A., "Supporting students with severe disabilities in inclusive schools : A descriptive account from schools implementing inclusive practices" 40 (40): 261-274, 2015

      28 Lee, S., "Student and teacher variables contributing to access to the general and adaptation strategies to promote access to the general curriculum for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities" 41 (41): 199-212, 2008

      29 Hudson, M. E., "Review of experimental research on academic learning by students with moderate and severe intellectual disability in general education" 38 (38): 17-29, 2013

      30 Carter, E. W., "Randomized evaluation of peer support arrangements to support the inclusion of high school students with severe disabilities" 82 (82): 209-233, 2016

      31 Carter, E. W., "Promoting inclusion, social connections, and learning through peer support arrangements" 48 (48): 9-18, 2015

      32 Carter, E. W., "Promoting access to the general curriculum using peer support strategies" 31 (31): 284-292, 2006

      33 Feldman, R., "Presence, proximity, and peer interactions of adolescents with severe disabilities in general education classrooms" 82 (82): 192-208, 2016

      34 Rainforth, B., "Preparing teachers to educate students with severe disabilities in inclusive settings despite contextual constraints" 25 (25): 83-91, 2000

      35 Petersen, A., "Perspectives of special education teachers on general education curriculum access : Preliminary results" 41 (41): 19-35, 2016

      36 Carter, E. W., "Peer supports as an alternative to individually assigned paraprofessionals in inclusive high school classrooms" 32 (32): 213-227, 2007

      37 Mu, K., "Peer interactions and sociometric status of high school students with moderate or severe disabilities in general education classrooms" 25 (25): 142-152, 2000

      38 Downing, J. E., "Paraeducators in inclusive classrooms their own perceptions" 21 (21): 171-181, 2000

      39 Chopra, R. V., "Paraeducator relationships with parents of students with significant disabilities" 25 (25): 240-251, 2004

      40 Ryndak, D. L., "One family’s perspective of their experiences with school and district personnel over time related to inclusive educational services for a family member with significant disabilities" 4 (4): 29-51, 2008

      41 Matzen, K., "Middle school teams increasing access to general education for students with significant disabilities" 31 (31): 287-304, 2010

      42 Hyatt, K. J., "LRE re-examined : Misinterpretations and unintended consequences" 15 (15): 1031-1045, 2011

      43 Spooner, F., "Introduction to special issue on accessing the general curriculum what we know and need to know about accessing the general curriculum for students with significant cognitive disabilities" 31 (31): 277-283, 2006

      44 Jahnukainen, M., "Integration of students with severe and profound intellectual disabilities into the comprehensive school system : Teachers’ perceptions of the education reform in Finland. International Journal of Disability" 50 (50): 169-180, 2003

      45 Roberts, C. A., "Integrating functional and academic goals into literacy instruction for adolescents with significant cognitive disabilities through shared story reading" 38 (38): 157-172, 2013

      46 Copeland, S. R., "Increasing access to general education : Perspectives of participants in a high school peer support program" 25 (25): 342-352, 2004

      47 Jimenez, B. A., "Inclusive inquiry science using peer-mediated embedded instruction for students with a moderate intellectual disability" 78 (78): 301-317, 2012

      48 Downing, J. E., "Inclusive education : What makes it a good education for students with moderate to severe disabilities?" 32 (32): 16-30, 2007

      49 Karten, T. J., "Inclusion strategies that work!: Research-based method for the class room" Corwin Press 2010

      50 Ryndak, D. L., "Including students with severe disabilities" Allyn & Beacon 51-56, 2004

      51 Carter, E. W., "Including high school students With severe disabilities in general education classes : Perspectives of general and special educators, paraprofessionals, and administrators" 31 (31): 174-185, 2006

      52 Brock, M. E., "Implementation and generalization of peer support arrangements for students with severe disabilities in inclusive classrooms" 49 (49): 221-232, 2016

      53 Kurth, J., "Grading Students with Significant Disabilities in Inclusive Settings : Teacher Perspectives" 12 (12): 41-57, 2012

      54 Alquraini, A. T., "Factors related to teachers' attitudes towards the inclusive education of students with severe intellectual disabilities in Riyadh, Saudi" 12 (12): 170-182, 2012

      55 Hanline, M. F., "Experiences of preschoolers with severe disabilities in an inclusive early education setting : A qualitative study" 47 (47): 109-121, 2012

      56 Jameson, J. M., "Embedded, constant time delay instruction by peers without disabilities in general education classrooms" 46 : 346-363, 2008

      57 Carter, E. W., "Efficacy and social validity of peer support arrangements for adolescents with disabilities" 78 (78): 107-125, 2011

      58 Carter, E. W., "Effects of peer support interventions on students' access to the general curriculum and social interactions" 30 (30): 15-25, 2005

      59 Ryndak, D. L., "Defining school inclusion for students with moderate to severe disabilities : What do experts say?" 8 (8): 101-116, 2000

      60 Cook, B. G., "Defining access to the general curriculum for high school students with significant cognitive disabilities" 32 (32): 1-15, 2001

      61 Dymond, S. K., "Defining access to the general curriculum for high school students with significant cognitive disabilities" 32 (32): 1-15, 2007

      62 Pugach, M. C., "Curriculum matters : Raising expectations for students with disabilities" 22 (22): 194-198, 2001

      63 Alquraini, T., "Critical components of successful inclusion of students with severe disabilities : Literature review" 27 (27): 42-59, 2012

      64 Collins, B. C., "Comparison of the acquisition and main-tendance of teaching functional and core content sight words in special and general education settings" 22 (22): 220-233, 2007

      65 McDonnell, J., "Comparison of one-to-one embedded instruction in general education classes with small group instruction in special education classes" 41 (41): 125-138, 2006

      66 Hunt, P., "Collaborative teaming to support students at risk and students with severe disabilities in general education classrooms" 69 (69): 315-332, 2003

      67 Freeman, R., "Building inclusive school cultures using school-wide positive behavior support : Designing effective individual support systems for students with significant disabilities" 31 (31): 4-17, 2006

      68 Ring, E., "Barriers to inclusion : A case study of a pupil with severe learning difficulties in Ireland" 20 (20): 41-56, 2005

      69 Lyons, G. L., "Assessing the social skills and problem behaviors of adolescents with severe disabilities enrolled in general education classes" 121 (121): 327-345, 2016

      70 Browder, D. M., "Aligning instruction with academic content standards : Finding the link" 31 (31): 309-321, 2006

      71 Ryndak, D. L., "Access to the general curriculum : The mandate and role of context in research-based practices for students with extensive support needs" 33 (33): 199-213, 2009

      72 Fisher, D., "Access to the core curriculum" 22 (22): 148-157, 2001

      73 Jameson, J. M., "A comparison of one-to-one embedded instruction in the general education classroom and one-to-one massed practice instruction in the special education classroom" 30 (30): 23-44, 2007

      74 Riesen, T., "A comparison of constant time delay and simultaneous prompting within embedded instruction in general education classes with students with moderate to severe disabilities" 12 (12): 241-259, 2013

      75 교육부, "2016 특수교육통계" 교육부 2016

      76 교육과학기술부, "2011 특수교육통계" 교육과학기술부 2011

      77 교육인적자원부, "2006 특수교육통계" 교육인적자원부 2006


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      학술지 인용정보

      학술지 인용정보
      기준연도 WOS-KCI 통합IF(2년) KCIF(2년) KCIF(3년)
      2016 1.77 1.77 1.6
      KCIF(4년) KCIF(5년) 중심성지수(3년) 즉시성지수
      1.59 1.64 1.895 0.27

      이 자료와 함께 이용한 RISS 자료

      나만을 위한 추천자료
