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      18세기 호적상 ‘主戶’의 존재 양태와 戶의 모습에 대한 일고찰 = 1714년 대구 조암방 호적을 중심으로



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study examined the pattern of the household heads and the actual state of households through the comparison of the 1714 Daegu Joambang Hojeok(family register) and the 1720 Daegu Joambang Yangan(government register). In order to investigate the ac...

      This study examined the pattern of the household heads and the actual state of households through the comparison of the 1714 Daegu Joambang Hojeok(family register) and the 1720 Daegu Joambang Yangan(government register). In order to investigate the actual state of households it looked into the principles to investigate households and the principles to compose a household.
      To begin with, the comparison of household heads in the Hojeok and the family heads in the Yangan found that 102 household heads in the Hojeok (54.8%) are also registered as family heads in the Yangan while the rest 84 household heads(45.2%) are not. When examined based on family heads in the Yangan, 102 family heads in the Yangan (63.4%) are registered as household heads in the Hojeok while the rest 59 heads (36.6%) are not. Although lots of household heads in the Hojeok are also registered as family heads in the Yangan, not a few heads are not. In addition, lots of family heads in the Yangan are not registered as household heads in the Hojeok.
      Among household heads in the 1714 Hojeok, 102 heads that are also registered as family heads in the 1720 Yangan had an overall good economic ability, and probably were family heads when creating the Hojeok. This sets up the proposition, ‘Household heads in the Hojeok are also family heads in the Yangan.’ The validity of the proposition can be proved through 59 family heads in the Yangan who are not identified as household heads in the Hojeok. The 84 household heads who are not registered as family heads in the Yangan had lower levels of status and economic abilities than the 102 household heads who are identified as family heads in the Yangan. Therefore, the 84 household heads are hardly considered as family heads. Instead, they are considered as the mere owner or tenant of a house. This modifies the proposition, 'Household heads in the Hojeok are also family heads in the Yangan' into the proposition, ‘Household heads in the Hojeok are also a family head or the owner or tenant of a house in the Yangan.’
      A household registered in the Hojeok is composed of a household head, the owner or tenant of a house, and his family or those who have dominance-subordination relationships with the household head. Therefore, as the owner or tenant of a house changes through the distribution of the house or selling or purchasing the house, the members of a household in the Hojeok can be removed or added. Actually, those who live separately are registered to belong to the same household while those who live together are registered to belong to different households. This is because the household in the Hojeok is composed based on the ownership or tenantship of a house. In this respect, a household in the Hojeok does not correspond to a household in reality. Nevertheless, it is not appropriate to consider a household in the Hojeok as the result of a complicated formation process in order to balance the total number of households. This is because the removal or addition to a household in the Hojeok, which seem appropriate at fist sight, appears to be a natural result attributed to changes in ownership or tenantship of a house. Therefore, according to the nation's principles to investigate households, the household in the Hojeok is considered as a legal procedure to grasp the owner or tenant of a house in reality.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 주호의 존재 양태
      • Ⅲ. 호의 모습
      • Ⅳ. 맺음말
      • 【Abstract】
      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 주호의 존재 양태
      • Ⅲ. 호의 모습
      • Ⅳ. 맺음말
      • 【Abstract】

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      3 韓榮國, "호구정책의 강화" 국사편찬위원회 34 : 1985

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      7 정진영, "조선후기 호적대장 ‘호(戶)’의 편제(編制) 양상- 제주 대정현 하모슬리 호적중초 (1843~1907)의 분석-" 한국역사연구회 45 : 245-257, 2002

      8 권내현,"조선후기 호적, "조선후기 호적, 호구의 성격과 새로운 전망" 한국사연구회 135 : 2006

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      45 정지영, "17?18세기 단성호적에 기재된 호의 성격" 경제사학회 39 : 2001


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