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      釜山白病院에서의 大腸癌의 統計 및 基質의 免疫 Globulin 生成細胞에 對한 硏究 = Statistics and Analysis of the Stromal Immunoglobulin Study of the Colon Cancer in the Pusan Paik Hospital



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      부산백병원에서 수술절제한 대장암 총 74예를 병리학적 통계와 기질조직에서의 면역 Globulin 생성세포의 출현을 PAP법으로 검사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1.가장 많은 연령층은 50대 (28...

      부산백병원에서 수술절제한 대장암 총 74예를 병리학적 통계와 기질조직에서의 면역 Globulin 생성세포의 출현을 PAP법으로 검사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.
      1.가장 많은 연령층은 50대 (28.4%)과 60대 (27%)였다. 남녀 비율은 동일하였다.
      2.40세 미만의 젊은층은 20%로서 일본이나 미국의 통계에 비해 고율이다.
      3.발생 장소는 직장이 58.1%로 가장 많고, 상행결장이 다음으로 17.6%였다.
      4.대장암의 크기는 직경 4cm대가 40.3%로 가장 많고, 5cm 미만이 60%가 된다.
      5.암의 분화가 좋은 것이 전체의 81.1%를 차지하고 있다.
      6.암이 대장의 장막까지 침범한 예가 74.3%로 많으며, 수술당시 임파절의 전이가 있는예가 발견되었다.
      7.Ig생성세포의 양성율은 미약하였고, 대장암의 생물학적 태도와 밀접한 관계를 갖고 있는 것 같지 않았다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Total 74 cases of colon cancer (adenocarcinoma) were collected from the Pusan Paik hospital during the last 7 years. They were analysed according to the pathological findings and we concluded as followings; 1) The most prevalent age group is fifties ...

      Total 74 cases of colon cancer (adenocarcinoma) were collected from the Pusan Paik hospital during the last 7 years. They were analysed according to the pathological findings and we concluded as followings;
      1) The most prevalent age group is fifties (28.4%) and followed by 60s (27%),40s (20.3%). Ma1e-female ratio is 1.1:1, and the average age is 50.6 years.
      2) Younger age group with less than 40 is consisted of 20.3% which is strikingly higher than those of Japan or America (6%)
      3) Location of the colon cancer is most frequent in rectum (58.1%), followed by ascending (17.6%), transverse (10.8%), Sigmoid and cecum each 5.4%. Rectum and Sigmoid together, the distal region comprised in 63.5%
      4) Size of the cancer (average diameter) is most prevalent in 4cm group (4-4.9cm) consisting 40.3%. Next is 6cm group which is 18.1%, then 5cm and 3cm groups (each 12.5%). Thus, less than 5cm tumor is consisted of 59.8% of the total colon cancers.
      5) For the differentiation of the cancer, there is a great majority of better differentiated forms, for well differentiated, 71.5% and moderately differentiated, 9.5%. Mucinous form is 13.5% and poorly differentiated 5.4%.
      6) There are Dukes B1 18.9%, Dukes B2, 27%, Dukes C1 6.8% and Dukes C2 47.3%, indicating that over half of the colon cancer are found having lymph node metastasis when they are initially diagnosed.
      7) Between the size of the cancer, the degree of the invasion and the freuency of the regional lymph node metastasis, there is a parallel relationship during the stage of Dukes B,, but there is no more such relationship beyond that stage of the cancer advancment.
      8) Stromal reaction of the cancer appears well related with the degree of the differentiation of the cancer, for better the differentiation, better stromal reaction is observed.
      9) Ig-producing cells are few and only a few cases are positive (IgG 10.3%, IgM 23.1%, IgA 11.8%)suggesting that identification of each Ig-producing cells in colon cancer may not be so sensitive or important.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ.序論
      • Ⅱ.材料 및 方法
      • Ⅲ.成績
      • Ⅳ.考察
      • Ⅴ.結論
      • Ⅰ.序論
      • Ⅱ.材料 및 方法
      • Ⅲ.成績
      • Ⅳ.考察
      • Ⅴ.結論














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