The 2015 President’s Cup was held in New Songdo City in October of 2015. This tournament represented the town’s first opportunity to host an international televised sporting event which offered the precious opportunity for the city to build upon i...
The 2015 President’s Cup was held in New Songdo City in October of 2015. This tournament represented the town’s first opportunity to host an international televised sporting event which offered the precious opportunity for the city to build upon its heavily promoted goals of obtaining international recognition. The aesthetic Songdo scenes and ubiquitous city attributes are features of a concept city model designed the Korean government for international exportation. This study researches the effective promotion of the city during the 2015 President’s Cup. Where past studies have focused on analyzing the airtime of city scapes during telecasts, on-air city references, and survey methods of analyzing visitor opinions, this study uses Google search engine data to analysis interest in the event, city, and other Songdo themes to identify the heightened level of interest in city using the world’s more widely utilized search engine as a research tool. This study concludes that through the hosting of this international sporting event interest in Songdo did increase; however, due to limitations with Google Trends as an academic tool the desired quantitative analysis was not achievable.