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국가자격시험 응시자의 부담완화를 위한 법령정비 방안 연구
최철호 한국토지공법학회 2024 土地公法硏究 Vol.105 No.-
국문초록 국가자격제도는 직업과 영업의 수행과 관련하여 해당 직업과 영업에서 ‘양호한 서비스’를 제공하기 위하여 무자격자를 배제하기 위하여 일종의 진입장벽의 역할을 하는 것으로서 ‘면허제’ 또는 ‘자격제’로 도입되었다. 이러한 자격제도는 국가가 일정한 요건을 충족한 자에게 부여하는 국가자격제도와 민간의 해당 직업과 영업을 수행하는 자들의 단체인 협회에서 부여하는 민간자격제도로 구분되고 있다. 이 중에서 특히 국가자격제도는 관계 법령에 따라 국가가 자격제도를 주관하고 자격을 취득할 수 있는 요건을 규정하면서 무자격자에 대하여 직업이나 영업을 할 수 없도록 함으로써 자격 자체가 ‘시장진입의 장벽’에 해당하게 되었다. 현재 국가자격제도는 국가전문자격제도와 국가기술자격제도로 구분되고 있는데 국가전문자격제도는 각 자격제도를 규정한 개별법령에 근거해서 시험을 치고 합격을 한 사람들에게 자격증을 부여하고 있으며 국가기술자격은 국가기술자격법에 근거하여 시험을 치고 합격한 자에게 자격증을 부여하고 있다. 국가자격제도는 해당 자격을 취득하기 위해서는 수익자 부담원칙에 따라서 시험실시기관에 일정의 수수료를 지급하고 시험을 응시하는 것으로 하고 있다. 이러한 응시수수료는 당연히 자격을 취득하려는 사람들의 수요, 자격의 효용도 등을 고려하여 응시자가 부담할 수 있는 한도 내에서 응시수수료를 책정하고 있다. 그런데 최근에는 경제활동을 하는 청년층을 중심으로 자격증을 취득하려는 숫자가 늘어나고 있으나 경기침체와 장기간의 코로나19 펜데믹으로 인하여 자영업 등이 위축되면서 막상 청년층은 자격 취득을 위한 응시수수료도 부담이 되는 상황이 되었다. 그러나 자격제도를 규정하고 있는 관계 법령은 응시수수료의 감면이나 반환에 관한 규정이 잘 정비되어 있지 않은 상황이다. 즉 국가전문자격제도를 규정한 개별법령의 응시수수료 반환사유나 감면 규정이 통일성을 가지고 있지 않아서 자격증별로 형평성을 잃고 있으므로 청년 경제활동 촉진을 위하여 자격시험 응시자 등에게 응시수수료의 반환사유 또는 응시수수료의 감면 등 자격시험 응시자들의 부담을 완화하는 방안을 강구할 필요가 있다. 따라서 청년층이 국가자격을 취득하는 과정에서 청년층이 국가자격제도에 보다 부담없이 진입할 수 있도록 하여 청년층의 부담완화 및 국가경제에 기여할 필요가 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 필요성에서 개별법령에서 규정하고 있는 자격취득에 대한 응시수수료를 감면하거나 시험응시 신청은 하였으나 사후에 부득이하게 시험에 응시할 수 없게 된 경우 응시수수료의 반환사유와 반환율을 확대하여 응시자의 부담을 완화시키고자 하는 입법적 개선에 대해서 서술하고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 국가자격제도를 규정하고 있는 개별법령을 분석하여 응시자에게 가장 유리하게 응시수수료 감면제도와 응시수수료 반환규정이 되어 있는 법령을 기준으로 타 자격 관련 법령을 개정할 필요성을 강조하고 입법적 개선방안을 제시하고 있다. Abstract The national qualification system was introduced as a 'license system' or a 'qualification system' in order to exclude unqualified persons in order to provide 'good services' in the relevant job and business in relation to the performance of jobs and sales. This qualification system is divided into a national qualification system given by the state to those who meet certain requirements and a private qualification system granted by the association, an organization of those who perform the relevant jobs and sales of the private sector. In particular, the national qualification system has become a "barrier to market entry" by preventing unqualified people from working or operating while stipulating the requirements for the state to oversee and acquire qualifications under relevant laws and regulations. Currently, the national qualification system is divided into the national professional qualification system and the national technical qualification system, which grants certificates to those who take and pass tests based on individual laws stipulating each qualification system, and the national technical qualification is based on the National Technical Qualification Act. According to the national qualification system, in order to acquire the qualification, a certain fee is paid to the examination institution in accordance with the beneficiary burden principle and the examination is taken. These examination fees are set within the limit that the applicant can bear, taking into account the demand of those who want to acquire the qualification and the utility of the qualification. Recently, the number of young people trying to obtain a license is increasing, but as self-employment has shrunk due to the economic downturn and the long-term COVID-19 pandemic, young people are also burdened with the application fee for qualification. However, the relevant laws and regulations governing the qualification system do not have well-established regulations on the reduction or return of application fees. In other words, it is necessary to devise measures to ease the burden on qualification test takers, such as the reason for the return of application fees or the reduction of application fees to promote youth economic activities, such as the reason for the return of application fees or the reduction of application fees, to promote youth economic activities. Therefore, it is necessary to contribute to easing the burden on young people and the national economy by allowing young people to enter the national qualification system more easily in the process of acquiring national qualifications. In this need, this study aims to describe the reasons for the return of the examination fee and the legislative improvement to alleviate the burden on candidates by expanding the return rate of the examination fee if the examination fee is reduced or applied for by individual laws and regulations on the return of the examination fee. This study analyzes individual laws that stipulate the national qualification system and emphasizes the need to revise other qualification-related laws and regulations based on the examination fee reduction system and examination fee return regulations that are most advantageous to candidates and suggests legislative improvement measures.
김용섭(Kim Yong Sup) 한국법학원 2016 저스티스 Vol.- No.153
로스쿨제도는 종전의 법조양성시스템으로는 21세기 새로운 변화된 환경에 맞는 덕성 있는 양질의 법률가를 양성하는데 한계가 있다는 점에 대한 반성적 고려하에서 2009년에 도입되었다. 사법시험이 2017년까지만 시행되고 그 이후에 폐지될 것인지 아니면 지난 연말 법무부에서 제시한 바와 같이 일정기간 동안 변호사시험과 사법시험을 병치하도록 할 것인지 로스쿨 시행 7년이 경과하면서 법무부의 사법시험 4년간 연장방침을 둘러싼 국민적 갈등을 조화롭게 해결하고 법조인 양성제도에 관하여 바람직한 방향을 결정해야 하는 과제를 안고 있다. 변호사시험과 사법시험을 병행⋅존치시켜 빈부, 학력, 배경과 관계없이 국민 누구나 법조인이 될 수 있는 공정한 기회를 부여하려는 사법시험의 존치를 내용으로 하는 변호사시험법 개정 법률안이 통과될 것인지 예비시험의 도입을 내용으로 하는 박영선의원 대표발의(2014. 1. 23.)의 변호사시험법 개정 법률안이 통과될 것인지 이는 입법부인 국회가 종국적으로 결정해야 할 사항이다. 이 논문에서는 변호사시험 예비시험제도 도입의 문제점을 중점적으로 분석하였으며, 제3의 대안을 모색하였다. 향후 국무총리 산하에 로스쿨 대책을 위한 범정부 기구를 마련하여 합리적 방향을 마련해 나갈 필요가 있다. 아울러 변호사시험 예비시험제도의 도입이나 사법시험의 존치 여부가 사회적 관심사로 대두되어 논란이 계속되고 있으나, 국민에 대한 양질의 사법서비스의 제공이라는 관점과 우수한 법조 인력의 안정적 공급이라는 관점을 고려하여 국가적 차원에서 합리적인 결론을 도출할 필요가 있다. The Korean law school system was introduced in 2009 as a solution for the demerits of the former lawyer training system(judicial examination system) especially in 21st century brand-new environments. The traditional judicial examination system was scheduled to exist until 2017 and be abolished thereafter. At the end of the last year, however, the Korean Ministry of Justice has suggested that the traditional examination system exist for 4 more years in parallel with the new bar examination system. Now, 7 years after the beginning of new law school system, the Korean government is obliged to make a decision on its policy concerning extension of the traditional judicial examination for 4 years to resolve the national conflict on the desirable lawyer cultivation system. The legislature should decide whether to adopt the proposed amendment to the National Bar Examination Act to maintain the traditional judicial examination to give equal opportunities to citizens regardless of wealth, education and other backgrounds and whether to adopt the amendment to the National Bar Examination Act proposed by Congressman Youngsun Park (dated January 23, 2014) focusing on introduction of the preliminary examination system. This paper focuses on analysis of problems of the preliminary bar examination system and seeks the third alternatives. It is considered necessary to develop a government-wide consultative group under the Prime Minister to tackle the law school measures. In addition, even though introduction of the preliminary bar examination system and co-existence of traditional judicial examination and new bar examination systems have emerged as social issues, it is required to draw a reasonable public conclusion for better legal service for citizens and stable supply of good lawyers.
Young-Hyun Chang 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2018 Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Vol.7 No.4
This paper develops and builds an Integrated Assessment System for National Competency Standard Professional Basic. The integrated evaluation system for basic job competency in the National Competency Standards is developed to conduct examination by means of computers, smartphones and tablet PCs. The system can be used for the basic job competency test, examination for online cyber universities, job competency examination for enterprises, and the listening, reading, and speaking test in the foreign language proficiency examination and is even better in terms of facility investment and saved operating costs as well as efficient use of spaces in comparison with conventional evaluation schemes. Even greater synergy effects can be achieved by providing support for the integrated evaluation system for basic job competency in connection with the NCS qualification system. The evaluation system has been tested and practiced at a specialized high school and can be applied to the NCS education evaluation of the college and four-year college and to the selection examination of new employees of the company.
박현순 ( Park Hyun-soon ) 조선시대사학회 2019 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.89 No.0
The Regular Palace Oral Examination(Ilchajeon’gang) was an oral examination by the king at the palace to test students from National Confucian Academy and Four National Affiliated Schools. Since 17<sup>th</sup> century it was regularized to hold the exam 6 times a year, but in reality it was barely operated. Having adopted the Chogyemunsin system, king Jeongjo restored the Regular Palace Oral Examination and newly introduced the palace oral examination for student representatives and a writing test for students from National Confucian Academy. The Regular Palace Oral Examination was the exam he most devoted himself to among various exams of the National Confucian Academy. Then what particularly did he expect from this examination? The Regular Palace Oral Examination during the reign of King Jeongjo was in appearance a restoration of the previous system, but actually it was none other than a creation of a new system. While the palace oral examination in the past was for irregular students of National Confucian Academy and students from Four National Affiliated Schools, King Jeongjo held the exam mainly for students who passed the Classics and Literary Licentiate Examination and student representatives of Four National Affiliated Schools. During the period when students for oral test and students for literary composition were largely separated, this Regular Palace Oral Examination was implemented as an oral test for capital elites who were students for literary composition. Through this examination, King Jeongjo aimed to cultivate those capital elites as talented people who possess the ability of both oral and writing and appoint them in office. The Regular Palace Oral Examination during King Jeongjo’s reign was an exam that went hand in hand with the Chogyemunsin system.
박현순 조선시대사학회 2019 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.- No.89
The Regular Palace Oral Examination(Ilchajeon’gang) was an oral examination by the king at the palace to test students from National Confucian Academy and Four National Affiliated Schools. Since 17th century it was regularized to hold the exam 6 times a year, but in reality it was barely operated. Having adopted the Chogyemunsin system, king Jeongjo restored the Regular Palace Oral Examination and newly introduced the palace oral examination for student representatives and a writing test for students from National Confucian Academy. The Regular Palace Oral Examination was the exam he most devoted himself to among various exams of the National Confucian Academy. Then what particularly did he expect from this examination? The Regular Palace Oral Examination during the reign of King Jeongjo was in appearance a restoration of the previous system, but actually it was none other than a creation of a new system. While the palace oral examination in the past was for irregular students of National Confucian Academy and students from Four National Affiliated Schools, King Jeongjo held the exam mainly for students who passed the Classics and Literary Licentiate Examination and student representatives of Four National Affiliated Schools. During the period when students for oral test and students for literary composition were largely separated, this Regular Palace Oral Examination was implemented as an oral test for capital elites who were students for literary composition. Through this examination, King Jeongjo aimed to cultivate those capital elites as talented people who possess the ability of both oral and writing and appoint them in office. The Regular Palace Oral Examination during King Jeongjo’s reign was an exam that went hand in hand with the Chogyemunsin system. 日次殿講은 국왕이 성균관과 사학의 유생들을 궁궐로 불러 시행하던 講經 시험이다. 17세기부터 연 6차례 시행이 정례화되었지만 실제로는 그 명맥만을 유지해 왔을 뿐이다. 정조는 抄啓文臣制를 도입한 후 일차전강을 복구하는 한편 새로 齋任殿講과 上齋生應製를 도입하며 운영의 변화를 꾀하였다. 일차전강은 성균관 課試 중에서도 정조가 특별히 심혈을 기울인 시험이기도 하였다. 그렇다면 정조는 이 시험을 통해 어떤 효과를 기대하였던 것일까? 정조대 일차전강은 외형상 이전의 제도를 복구한 것이지만 실제로는 새로운 제도를 창안한 것이나 다름없었다. 이전에는 성균관 下齋生과 사학의 齋生을 주대상으로 하였지만 정조는 上齋生과 사학의 齋任을 주대상으로 삼았다. 정조대 일차전강은 講經生과 製述生이 이원화된 가운데, 제술생인 경화 엘리트를 대상으로 시행한 강경시험이었다. 정조는 이 시험을 통해 경화 엘리트들을 강경과 제술을 겸비한 인재로 배양하여 등용하고자 하였다. 정조대 일차전강은 초계문신제와 짝을 이루는 시험이었다.
1951~1954년 중학교 입학 국가고사의 실시와 중단
김상훈 한국민족운동사학회 2020 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.102
해방 후 대부분의 한국인들에게 학력은 지위상승의 거의 유일한 통로였다. 따라서 학력 상승의 첫 관문이라 할 수 있는 중학교 입시는 한국인들에게 주요 관심사가 될 수밖에 없었다. 그러나 상급학교의 수용인원보다 지원자가 많을 경우 입학자 선발 과정은 불가피하다. 이 때 선발 방식과 관련하여서는 일반적으로 시험제도가 사용되었다. 일제강점기 때부터 해방 후 한국전쟁이 발발하기 이전인 1950학년도 중학교 입학과 관련된 선발 시험은 각 학교별로 학교장의 책임 하에 관리되었다. 그런데 이 과정에서 입시부정이 만연했고, 국가가 입시부정을 막을 수 있는 입시제도를 운영해야 한다는 요구가 계속되었다. 그런 상황 속에서 한국전쟁 중이던 1951년 국가가 주관하는 전국단위 중학교 입학 국가고사가 실시되었다. 하지만 국가고사의 성적을 바탕으로 한 중학교 입시제도는 1953학년도까지 3년간만 실시되었고, 1954학년도 입학지원 마감을 하루 앞두고 이승만 대통령의 특별유시를 통해 중단되었다. 본고에서는 중학교 입학 국가고사가 도입되고 매년 수정되며 운영되던 모습과, 대통령의 지시로 이미 치러진 학력고사마저 무용지물이 되었던 과정과 그 원인에 대해서 살펴보았다. 초등학교 측에서는 내신을 중심으로 한 입시제도를 요구하였고, 중학교 측에서는 「교육법시행령」을 근거로 학교장의 선발권을 보장할 수 있는 학교별 시험을 강력히 주장하였다. 경제적 능력과 권력을 가진 학부모들은 중학교 입학의 자유경쟁을 요구하였고, 국가고사에 따른 선발 과정에서도 지원횟수의 확대를 요구하였다. 반면 일반 학부모들은 공정한 평가와 입시부정을 막을 수 있다고 생각했던 국가고사를 반기며 유지될 것을 기대하였다. 국가고사 실시로 전시 상황을 극복하고 공정한 입시제도를 운영하고자 했던 문교 당국은 학교 운영에 필요한 재정적 지원을 전혀 해주지 못하는 상황에서 중학교 입시는 자유경쟁으로 실시하라는 대통령의 지시에 따라 이를 중단하였다. 학력주의가 여전히 강력하게 작동하고 있는 한국에서 입시제도의 변화를 둘러싼 양상을 살펴봄으로서 한국 현대사를 좀 더 폭넓게 이해할 수 있을 것이다. For most Koreans after liberation, academic ability was almost the only channel of status increase. Therefore, entrance examination for middle school, which is the first gateway to the advancement of educational background, had to be a major concern for Koreans. But, If there are more applicants than the upper school's capacity, the selection process is inevitable. At this time, a written examination was generally used in relation to the selection method. From the Japanese colonial period until the Korean War broke out, the selection examinations related to middle school admissions were managed by the principal of each middle school. In the process, however, admission fraud was widespread, and there was a continuing demand for the government to operate the entrance examination system to prevent it. Under these circumstances, the national examination for admission to middle schools was conducted in 1951 during the Korean War. However, the entrance examination system based on the results of the national exams was held for only three years until the 1953, and was stopped by President Syngman Rhee just one day before the deadline for admission in 1954. This paper looked at the introduction of the national examination for middle school, how it was operated with little modification each year, the process of testing already taken under the direction of the president was useless, and its cause. The elementary school demanded the entrance examination system centered on school records, and the middle school strongly insisted on a school-specific exam that can guarantee the right to select the principal based on the law. Parents with economic abilities and power demanded free competition for admission to middle school, and the number of applications was also increased in the selection process following the national examination. On the other hand, the general parents welcomed the national exam and expected it to be maintained. The Ministry of Education wanted to overcome the wartime situation and operate a fair entrance examination system through national examination. The Ministry of Education, however, did not provide any financial support to run the school, and the middle school entrance examination was suspended under the president's instructions to conduct free competition. Credentialism is still working strongly in Korea. Therefore, by looking at the aspects surrounding the changes in the entrance examination system, Korean modern history can be understood more broadly.
Sang-Hyun Kim,Sung-Soo Kang,Hyun-Suk Shim,Jun-Beom Shim 대한시과학회 2017 대한시과학회지 Vol.19 No.2
목 적: 국내 및 해외 안경사의 직무범위와 국가시험 제도를 비교 분석하여, 국가시험 개선방향에 지표로 삼을 수 있도록 하고자 한다. 방 법: 국가시험관련 자료를 분석하여 국내 안경사의 직무범위와 시험제도를 해외 안경사와 비교분석해 보았으며, 실기시험 도입의 효과에 대해 안경사를 상대로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 결 과: 미국, 일본, 독일, 호주 등 안경사 면허제도가 체계화된 외국의 경우 다양한 형태로 임상실기시험 이 치러지고 있었다. 그러나 국내 안경사제도는 외국의 조제안경사(dispensing optician)와 검안사 (optometrist)의 직무를 포괄하는 제도로 운영되고 있으며, 국가시험에서는 실기과목을 30년째 이론시험으 로 대체하고 있어 실무능력을 제대로 평가하지 못하고 있다. 전국 안경사 설문조사 결과에 의하면 이러한 문 제로 발생한 신입안경사의 낮은 실무능력을 자체적으로 향상시키기 위해 재교육을 실시하고 있었다. 결 론: 시험제도는 교육현장의 질적 향상을 견인한다는 의미에서 시험제도의 체계적인 검토와 논의를 통 한 개선점 도출이 안경사 교육의 질 관리에 간접적으로 기여할 것으로 기대한다. Purpose:The purpose of this study is to make comparative analysis of the work capability and national licensing examination system between Korean opticians and other International opticians and provide an index for the improvement of national licensing examination.Method:A survey was conducted to the optometrists on the effectiveness of the introduction of clinical performance tests. We made comparative analysis of the job scope and national licensing examination system of korean opticians with those of international opticians by analyzing the data related to the national licensing examination.Result:In the case of foreign countries with systematic optician's license such as the United States, Japan, Germany, Australia, etc.,clinical and practical examinations of various forms have been conducted. Korean opticians system is operated as a system that covers the jobs of foreign dispensing optician‘s and optometries, but in the national licensing examination the practical subject is replaced with the theoretical examination for 30 years, and the practical ability is not properly evaluated. The results of the questionnaire showed that in the case of new optician, training was being conducted to improve the efficiency of the new work.Conclusions:It is expected that improvement through the systematic review and discussion of the examination system will contribute indirectly to the quality management of education for opticians in the sense that the examination system leads to the qualitative improvement of education field.
정쾌영(Koae-Young Jung) 한국기업법학회 2014 企業法硏究 Vol.28 No.2
중국은 2006년의 「외국투자자 국내기업 인수합병 규정」에서 국가안전심사제도를 도입하고, 2011년의 「국무원 외국투자자 국내기업 인수합병에 관한 안전심사제도 신설에 관한 통지」와 「상무부 시행 외국투자자의 국내기업 인수합병 안전심사제도 규정」에서 국가안전 심사의 대상과 구체적인 절차를 정하고 있다. 외국투자자가 국가안전심사의 범위에 속하는 중국 기업을 인수합병하거나 외상투자기업의 설립 또는 변경을 목적으로 지분을 출자하는 경우에는 외국투자자의 신청 또는 인수합병 대상기업이나 국무원 관련부서 등의 건의에 의하여, ‘외국투자자 국내기업 인수합병 안전심사 부서간 연석회의’에서 일반심사와 특별심사를 통해 국가안전심사를 하며, 당해 인수합병이 중국의 국가안전에 영향을 미치거나 그 가능성이 있는 때에는 중국 상무부가 관련 부서와 협의하여 국가안전에 미치는 영향을 제거하는 제도이다. 중국의 이 국가안전심사제도는 우리나라 외국인투자촉진법과 그 시행령에서 정하고 있는 국가안보위해심사제도와 유사하다. 그러나 중국의 국가안전심사에 있어서 국가안전은 국방과 경제안전, 사회안전, 기술안전을 포함하며, 심사 대상이 광범위하고, 심사기준이 애매하며, 심사기관의 구성과 심사 절차에도 차이가 있다. 본고는 이 중국의 국가안전심사제도를 살펴보고, 그 심사대상과 심사기관의 구성, 심사절차등에 관하여 우리나라 국가안보위해심사제도와 비교하여 기술한다. This paper probes the China"s national security examination system for M&As of Chinese enterprises by foreign investors, and compares with Korea"s national security examination system. The concept of China"s national security is a term of very wide comprehension, includes military safety, national economic stability, social basic orders and technological security. China"s National security examination comes into operation at the security examination joint meeting which is installed in the China"s Department of Commerce. The examination consists of two steps, general examination and special examination and each examination is passed through unanimously at the meeting, if it is different view in the meeting, the State Council of the People"s Republic of China makes an ultimate decision on the national security. The China"s national security examination is much more broad in the subjects and is much more strict in process than those of Korea"s national security examination which is limited on military security for foreign investor"s M&As.
정덕조(Deogjo Jung) 대한운동학회 2023 아시아 운동학 학술지 Vol.25 No.1
PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to find a way to develop into the valid and reliable national examination standards that reflects field practical competency through comparative analysis with the national examination standards for licensed nutritionists, and also to find problems and future directions of the national examination standards for certified sports leader. BODY In the national examination for certified sports leader, it is important to evaluate the basic ability of physical education instructors to perform their duties in the field. In order to select sports instructors with basic job competencies required in the field, it is necessary to increase the validity of the national examination standards for sports instructors. A virtuous cycle structure must be created by appropriately measuring practical competency in the field, updating the examination criteria based on these results, and increasing the relevance and accuracy of the criteria and practical competency in the field. In addition, it is necessary to periodically re-examine and evaluate the practical competencies of the field according to the changes of the times and environment, actively change the examination criteria and reflect them in the national examination. CONCLUSIONS The validity and reliability of the national examination standards for certified sports leader must be improved in order to nurture competent exercise experts equipped with academic, professionalism, and job performance skills required in the field of physical education and sports. As a way to increase validity, problem-solving standards and item development standards should be prepared, and job performance competency evaluation should be conducted in order to nurture competent sports leaders with practical capabilities.
장영현 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2018 Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence Vol.7 No.4
This paper develops and builds an Integrated Assessment System for National Competency Standard Professional Basic. The integrated evaluation system for basic job competency in the National Competency Standards is developed to conduct examination by means of computers, smartphones and tablet PCs. The system can be used for the basic job competency test, examination for online cyber universities, job competency examination for enterprises, and the listening, reading, and speaking test in the foreign language proficiency examination and is even better in terms of facility investment and saved operating costs as well as efficient use of spaces in comparison with conventional evaluation schemes. Even greater synergy effects can be achieved by providing support for the integrated evaluation system for basic job competency in connection with the NCS qualification system. The evaluation system has been tested and practiced at a specialized high school and can be applied to the NCS education evaluation of the college and four-year college and to the selection examination of new employees of the company.