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한국 서원 의례의 종류와 의의: 강학례, 향사례 그리고 향음주례
한재훈 ( Han¸ Jae-hoon ) 한국서원학회 2020 한국서원학보 Vol.11 No.-
First, Korean Seowon ritualized the lecture at a personal or collective level in order to effectively perform the 'Gungri(窮理: explore the law)' required in the learning process to make human behavior conform to the law of nature. The Ganghak ritual can be divided into the Hoegang (會講: gather together to study) and the Ganghoe(講會: gather to demonstrate one's study), and they were again composed of rituals that were divided into two parts: a Gaejeop(開接: start a study group), a Geojeop(居接: live in a study group) and a Pajeop(罷接: complete a study group). Next, the Korean Seowon has improved the ritual of 'Hyangsa' in order to clarify the standard of 'Dotong(道統: Succession of the Way)' raised in the perception that the scholar, the authority of the Way, is the subject leading the world. To this end, the coordinates of Seowon Hyangsa were set in the middle of the Munmyo(文廟: national official shrine) and Hyangsa(鄕祠: a local shrine), and the target was also selected according to the achievement of Taoism. To this end, Seowon first set his coordinates in the middle ofthe Munmyo(文廟: national official shrine) and Hyangsa(鄕祠: a local shrine), and set the criteria for selecting the sacrifice objects according to the contribution of the Dotong. And according to these standards, they have improved all kinds of rituals such as the time of sacrifice and the food to be sacrificed. Finally, according to the Jurye(周禮), there are two main purposes for establishing Hyangeumjurye(鄕飲酒禮), ie a drinking ceremony held in the local village. One is to recommend good talent, and the other is to respect older people. Another thing to pay attention to in this ceremony is the fact that the venue for the ceremony is school. China's previous dynasties used this ceremony with the aim of making its people submissive. In Joseon, however, the state did not lead this ceremony and the place where it was implemented was changed to a school. Seowon, which emerged in the 16th century when it criticized the actual state of the Hyanggyo, naturally implemented this ceremony on its own.