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        민간 CM사업 시공이전단계 CM성과 저해요인 분석

        한재훈,김한수,Han, Jae Hoon,Kim, Han Soo 한국건설관리학회 2017 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.4

        CM시장의 지속적인 발전은 CM성과에 대한 발주자의 수용을 전제로 하고 있으며, 이는 CM성과 향상을 위한 CM기업의 역량과 노력을 요구한다. 이를 위해서는 CM성과 향상을 저해하는 요인을 이해하고 이를 극복하기 위한 노력이 전제되어야 한다. 본 연구의 목적은 FMEA(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)기법을 활용하여 민간 CM사업의 시공이전단계를 중심으로 CM성과 저해요인을 발굴하여 주요 특징을 분석하고 시사점을 제시하는데 있다. 본 연구를 통해 도출된 주요 결과는 CM성과 저해요인 해소를 통한 CM성과 향상을 위해서는 발주자와 CM사업자의 개별적인 노력과 협력적인 노력이 함께 경주되어야 한다는 것을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터 기반의 건설기술 개발 트렌드 분석에 관한 연구 - 4차 산업혁명 ICT 기술 관련 건설특허를 중심으로 -

        한재훈,김한수,Han, Jae Hoon,Kim, Han Soo 한국건설관리학회 2017 한국건설관리학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.5

        As global interests in the 4th Industrial Revolution have recently increased, it becomes critical for the construction industry to pro-actively cope with it. For effective actions, the construction industry needs to make active use of 4th Industrial Revolution technologies based on the up-to-date understanding of the trends of construction technology development employing the 4th Industrial Revolution technologies. The objective of the study is to investigate and identify key trends of ICT construction technology development over the last ten years based on Big Data Analytics. The study identifies eleven key trends and discusses that ICT construction technology development has not been as active as expected and software technologies have been less developed compared to hardware technologies.

      • KCI등재

        가정용(家庭用) 가스 보일러의 보증기간내(保證期間內) 수리율(修理率)에 관(關)한 실증적(實證的) 연구(硏究)(I)

        한재훈,김봉선,Han, Jae-Hoon,Kim, Bong-Sun 대한안전경영과학회 2014 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        As Crosby notes, the most companies spend 15 to 20% of their sales dollars on quality costs. Generally the most effective way to manage quality costs is to avoid having defects in the first place. In this paper we have studied about the repair(service) problem of domestic gas boiler within warranty period. We develop a system, which man could find the cause of the problem at an early stage and could devise a countermove to the problem under supposing that the service(repair) rate follows exponential distribution and the product is manufactured lot-for-lot continually. Using the developed early sensing system. it is expected to improve the reliability of the product, to save expenses of company and to improve customer's satisfaction. And the system will be expended to incorporate information technology, which can detect the repair rate automatically.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 지배구조와 창의적 성과: 한국의 기술기반 중소기업을 중심으로

        한재훈(Jae Hoon Han),양오석(Oh Suk Yang) 피터드러커 소사이어티 2017 창조와 혁신 Vol.10 No.2

        본 연구는 활용 기반 및 탐색 기반으로 구분되는 기업의 창의적 성과를 결정하는 혁신활동 유형과 기업의 소유구조 간 관계를 탐색하였다. 기업의 혁신활동은 기업 내부적 연구개발 활동과 오픈 이노베이션으로 구분하였으며, 소유구조는 소유경영과 전문경영으로 구분하였다. 실증연구를 위해 이 글은 국내 중소기업들을 대상으로 중소기업 중앙회가 조사하는 2013년 및 2015년도 중소기업 기술통계조사 자료를 활용하였다. 고찰 결과 기업의 지배구조는 성과를 결정하는 기업의 혁신활동 경로 및 전략에 영향을 미치며, 활용과 탐색 전략을 둘러싼 기업의 전략적 선택을 결정하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소유경영은 기업내부 연구개발 활동을 강조 한채 활용 기반 혁신전략을 선호하는 반면, 전문경영은 개방형 혁신 활동을 중요시하며 탐색 기반 혁신 전략에 집중하는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 분석 결과는 기업 경영에 있어서 소유경영과 전문경영의 장단점을 기업 실무에 반영하여 기술기반, 특히 활용보다는 탐색 기술기반의 중소기업이 보다 혁신적인 경영성과를 제고한다는 시사점을 제공해준다. This study explored the relationship between firm’s government structure and innovation strategy which determines firm s creative performance. Firms’ creative performance is based on March’s exploration and exploitation. Corporate innovation strategies are classified into closed(or conventional) and open innovation. Government structure is divided into owner management and professional management. For empirical studies, this paper used data from the 『Small and Medium Enterprise Technical Statistics Survey in 2013 and 2015』in Korea Federation of SMEs. As a result, corporate governance structure influences the innovation path and strategy of firms that determine the performance, and it determines the strategic choices based on exploration and exploitation. In addition, owner management prefer closed and exploited R&D strategy, while and professional managers emphasize open innovation and focus explored R&D strategy. The results of this analysis suggests that SMEs based on exploration technology are more innovative than SMEs by reflecting the advantages and disadvantages of owner management and professional management in corporate practice.

      • KCI등재

        ‘유교계’ 종교운동의 역사적 전개와 갱정유도의 ‘유도시대’

        한재훈(Han Jae Hoon) 원광대학교 종교문제연구소 2014 한국종교 Vol.37 No.-

        Confucianism, which had taken roles as a guidance ideology and a value system in Joseon Dynasty for 500 years, had to face challenges during western colonial time in the late 19th century. The various forms of Confucianism reformation plan were suggested and the religious movements of Confucianism were driven as it’s extension. The religious movements of Confucianism at the time had two aspects. One aspect was to resist against the modernity, the other one was to adapt to the modernity. The representative Confucianism religious movements for reformation are Park, Eun - Shik (朴殷植: 1859-1925)’ Daedonggyo(大同敎) and Lee, Seung-Hee(李承熙: 1847-1916) & Lee, Byeung-Hwan(李炳?: 1870-1940)’s Confusian(孔敎). However, these Confucianism religious movement was destroyed in Japanese colonial period. Meanwhile, ‘Gaengjungyoodo(更定儒道)’ in new religion research community has been classified as a Confucianism-affiliate new religion, which is not appropriate in the light of it’s religious identity. Above all, ‘Gaengjungyoodo(更定儒道)’ showed unique religious ideals which was composed with Rudao Shidai(儒道時代) and Daode Jieyyuan(道德解?). ‘Gaengjungyoodo(更定儒道)’ also has a original subject of belief called ‘Xiantanggong(仙堂?)’, a great collection of 365 bibles, and its own religious rituals and symbols. ‘Gaengjungyoodo(更定儒道)’ has to classified not as Confucianism-affiliation but ‘Gaengjungyoodo(更定儒道)’affiliation with its’ own unique religious identity,

      • KCI등재

        충렬서원에서의 포은 정몽주 숭모활동

        한재훈(Han, Jae-Hoon) 포은학회 2017 포은학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        고려왕조의 충절이자 동방 이학의 비조로 숭앙되어 온 포은 정몽주의 묘 정 근역에 건립된 충렬서원은 1576년(선조 9) 죽전서원으로 창건되었으나 임진왜란(1592년)의 전란으로 인해 완전히 소실되었다. 그러던 것이 월사 이정구의 열성적이고 헌신적인 주선으로 1608년(선조 41) 중건될 수 있었고, 1609년(광해군 1)에는 비로소 ‘충렬서원’으로 사액되었다. 처음 죽전서원으로 창건될 때는 정암 조광조를 배향하였으나, 중건되는과정에서 정암 조광조는 심곡서원으로 옮겨 모시게 됨으로써 충렬서원에서는 더 이상 배향하지 않게 되었다. 그 뒤 1791년(정조 15)에 이르러 포은정몽주의 손자인 설곡 정보가 배향되었다. ‘그 할아버지에 그 손자’라는 명성에 부합하는 절의정신을 실천적으로 보여줌으로써 정조로부터 ‘죽지 않은 사육신’이라는 평가를 받은 설곡 정보를 충렬서원에 배향한 것 역시 포은정몽주에 대한 숭모 활동의 일환으로 이해할 수 있다. 이후에 추가 배향된 죽창(竹窓) 이시직(李時稷)과 추담(秋潭) 오달제(吳達濟) 역시 뛰어난 절의정신을 발휘한 인물들이라는 점에서 포은 정몽주의 충절을 더욱 빛나게한다고 평가할 수 있다. 포은 정몽주에 대한 국가적 차원의 은전은 다양한 형태로 시행되었다. 고려시대에 이미 ‘입각도형’의 은전을 입어 화상이 제작되었고, 조선시대에는 폭넓은 방식의 은전들이 지속적으로 이루어졌다. 우선 조선은 그에게 최고의 관작을 추증하였으나 위패에는 이를 기재하지 못하게 함으로써 그의 충절을 숭모하는 예우를 다했다. 또한 그에게 바치는 제문에도 이름을 쓰지 못하게 하는 존경심을 보여주었다. 뿐만 아니라 그의 후손들에게는 지속적 으로 음사를 제공함으로써 생활을 보장해주고자 했다. 심지어 그의 화상에까지도 숭모하는 예우가 행해졌다는 것은 그에 대한 조선왕조의 숭모의 정이 어떠했는지를 단적으로 보여준다. 이러한 은전은 포은의 묘역에 위치하고 포은의 진본 화상이 봉안된 충렬서원에 대한 경제적 지원으로 이어졌다. Choongryul Seowon that enshrine Poeun(Jeong, Mong-Ju) who was revered as the last loyalty in Goryeo dynasty and the founder in Korean Neo-Confucianism had builded under the name Jukjeon Seowon in 1576. But it was completely destroyed due to the war during the Japanese invasion of 1592. It was in 1608 that it could be rebuilt with enthusiastic and dedicated arrangements of Wolsa Lee Jung-gu and in 1609, it was approved as Choongryul Seowon . When it was first established as Jukjeon Seowon , hold a memorial service for two persons, Poeun(Jeong, Mong-Ju) and Jeongam(Jo, Gwang-jo). In the process, however, Jeongam(Jo, Gwang-jo) was no longer bound by Choongryul Seowon , who moved to the Simgok Seowon . Then, in 1791, Seolgok(Jeong Bo) who is Poeun(Jeong, Mong-Ju) s grandson was granted permission to perform ancestral rites together his grandfather in Choongryul Seowon by King Jeong-jo. King Jeong-jo praised praised his loyalty, referring to him as a Six loyalties that did not die. It is understandable that King Jeong-jo enshrined Seolgok(Jeong Bo) at Choongryul Seowon as a memorial to Poeun(Jeong, Mong-Ju). Later on, the loyalty of Jukchang(Lee, Si-Jik) and Chudam(Oh, Dal-Je), together with the additional encirclement of it, also made the Poeun(Jeong, Mong-Ju) loyalty brighter. A national privilege of Poeun(Jeong, Mong-Ju) was conducted in various forms. In addition to the obligation to paint portraits in the Goryeo Dynasty, a special favor continued to be provided in the Joseon Dynasty. First of all, the Joseon Dynasty dedicated him with the highest government office after death. However, the Joseon Dynasty did honors his loyalty to him by preventing Joseon government s office from entering his mortuary tablet and him from writing his real name to the memorial service dedicated to him. In addition, the Joseon Dynasty tried to guarantee his descendants s life by providing permanent posts. Even respecting respectful tributes to his portraits demonstrates how much respect the Joseon Dynasty respected him.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        사이버 대학에서 학습자 특성 및 학습 활동이 학업성취도에 미치는 영향: 3P 모형을 활용한 학습분석적 접근

        한재훈 ( Jae Hoon Han ),권숙진 ( Suk Jin Kwon ),박종선 ( Jong Sun Park ) 한국교육정보미디어학회 2015 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.21 No.2

        This study investigates the relationships among the presage, process, and product factors drawn from Biggs’ 3P model in one cyber university. Although previous studies thoroughly and clearly found the interrelationships among one or two student characteristics factors and learning outcomes, the current study aimed at extending those findings into holistically understanding the relationship among those factors by using learning analytics (educational data mining) approaches. The framework was drawn from Biggs’ 3P model; each P factor was examined to comprehend the relationship among the presage, process, and product factors. A total of 14,105 aggregated student data were collected to investigate the factors relating to student learning outcomes during the last two semesters-Fall, 2013, and Spring, 2014. Logit model from logistic sequential regression showed a sound predictability and model fit. The results showed that six student characteristics-academic discipline, gender, age, level of education, jobs, and year-and two learning process factors-content-to-access ratio and the numbers of participation in the course bulletins-were closely related to student learning outcomes. Specifically, student learning process factors were identified as the ones that mostly affected student learning outcomes. These findings implied that student learning outcomes were not simply predicted by one or two characteristics and learning processes, but rather were the complicated interaction of factors in a cyber university.

      • KCI등재후보

        기술수용모델을 이용한 의료공급자들의 U-헬스케어시스템 수용결정요인에 대한 연구

        한재훈 ( Jae Hoon Han ),김헌성 ( Hun Sung Kim ),최윤형 ( Yoon Hyoung Choi ),윤건호 ( Kun Ho Yoon ),조재형 ( Jae Hyoung Cho ) 경희대학교 경영연구원 2012 의료경영학연구 Vol.6 No.2

        Due to the development of medical technology, people`s average life expectancy is lengthening. As a result, chronic diseases are increasing. Methods for the management of chronic diseases, U-Healthcare is expected. But health care providers awareness about U-Healthcare is low. This study attempts to address this issue through Technology Acceptance Model by taking into consideration U-Health care and investigates the causal relationship among 8 factors. The result indicated that Output quality, Subjective norm and provider`s attitude had a direct effect on perceived ease of use. And perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use had a significant effect on behavioral intention. But perceived ease of use had a significant effect on perceived usefulness. The proposed model provides a means to understand which factors determine behavioral intention of healthcare providers to use U-Healthcare and how this may affect future use.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        변속기 효율을 고려한 자동변속기 변속선도의 설계

        한재훈(Jae-Hoon Han),정호운(Ho-Un Jeong),황성호(Sung-Ho Hwang) 한국자동차공학회 2019 한국 자동차공학회논문집 Vol.27 No.8

        In accordance with strict fuel efficiency regulations, automobile manufacturers are currently focusing on research and development methods, such as shift map design, for the improvement of fuel efficiency. Traditional eco-shift maps mainly consider only the engine operation efficiency, but mostly ignore the power loss of the transmission. In the case of automatic transmissions, losses in the transmission have a significant impact on fuel economy. This paper suggests a gear shift map design method that considers the effectiveness of an automatic transmission for an enhanced fuel efficiency. A simulator using a parallel hybrid vehicle model and an automatic transmission efficiency analysis model were developed in order to examine the effect of the new eco-shift map. When applying the newly proposed shift map in urban and highway driving cycles, the overall fuel efficiency was improved by 3~4 % as compared to the traditional eco-shift map.

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