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약물에 의한 전신성 피부 발진과 연관된 항이뇨호르몬 분비이상 증후군 1예
이광우,손호영,유순집,강성구,박진노,송호진,허동,차봉연,최주연 대한내분비학회 1998 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.13 No.2
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiutetic hormone(SIADH) secretion is the most common cause of hyponatremia in clinical medicine. Before diagnosis of the SIADH is made, other causes for a decreased diluting capacity and nonosmotic stimuli for AVP release need to be rule out. Disorders associated with SIADH can be divided into 4 major etiologic groups: malignancies, pulmonary diseases, central nervous disorders, and drugs. A 45-year-old woman was admitted due to maculopapular skin eruption and fever after taking medications for fever and myalgia. Generalized tonic clonic seizure was developed nine days later, and laboratory results showed marked hyponatremia. During the evaluation, treatment, and subsequent follow-up, the diagnosis of SIADH was confirmed, but the definitive cause was obscure. With fluid restriction, sodium replacement and demeclocycline therapy, she recovered completely 6 months later. We suggest that the SIADH might be related to drug-induced generalized maculopapular rash via menmgitis-like reaction in CSF as one of systemic adverse side effects to drugs rather than direct effect of related drugs (J Kor Soc Endocrmol 13:240~246, 1998).
이광우,손호영,유순집,강성구,정명희,최범순,차봉연 대한내분비학회 1997 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.12 No.2
Diabetic insipidus may first present before, during or immediately after pregnancy. Pregnancy serves as a physiologic provocation test that unmasks latent diabetes insipidus. It may explain the very rare first occurrence of diabetes insipidus in the pureperium. Central diabetes insipidus occurring after delivery associated with a catastrophic delivery and postpartum hypopituitarism is more frequent entity. We recently experienced central diabetes insipidus patient, aggrevated polyuria and polydipsia after total hysterectomy due to cervical carcinoma, who had interesting past history of severe polyuria and polydipsia developed during puerperium of 1st pregnancy, 14 years ago. She have had quiet normal pregnancy and there was no definite postpartum complication of pregnancy at that time. There were no change of polyuria and polydipsia during and after second pregnancy and 2 another pregnancy terminated artificially compare to puerperium of 1st delivery. She has intact anterior pituitary gland functinally and anatomically, but the posterior pituitary hyperintense signal with pre-enhance Tl-weighted imaging was absent on MRI. (J Kor Soc Endocrinol 12:315-320, 1997)