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      • APEC 주요 회원국들의 진립기술교육 현황 분석 및 상호 호혜적 국제협력을 위한 제안

        전주성 APEC국제교육협력원 2008 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.1 No.2

        이 글에서는 제4차 APEC 교육장관회의를 위한 사전준비 심포지엄인 2008년 1월 중국 시안회의 및 4월의 제30차 HRD WG의 EDNET 필리핀 보홀 회의 그리고 6월 페루 리마에서 개최되었던 본 회의언 제4차 APEC 교육장관회의에서 다루어졌던 의제 및 이들 관련자료,그리고 연구자의 중국 시안 회의 참여관찰 등을 바탕으로 APEC 회원국 및 우리나라의 진립기술교육현황을 살펴보고,이 분야에서의 APEC 회원국간 상호 호혜적 국제협력을 위한 시사점 및 몇가지 제안을 제시하였다. 진로/기술교육 분야에서 우리나라가 제안할 수 있는 협력 사업으로APEC HRD WG의 EDNET 진로/기술교육 분야 소그룹 회의 아래에도 특정 진로/기술교육 관련 정책에 대하여 관심이 있는 이해당사국끼리 의견 및 정보를 교환할 수 있는 온라인/오프라인 지원체제 구축과 회원국의 진로/기술교육 발전을 도모하기 위한 정기적인 진로/기술교육EXPO 개최를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of CTE/TVET area of major APEC member economies including Korea and to propose some suggestions for strengthening international cooperation among these countries. The examination for CTE/TVET status of major APEC member economies was mainly based on the policy survey for CTE/TVET undertaken by China and the Philippines and the observation of the researcher in the APEC EDNET Symposium in Xi"an, China on January 15-17, 2008. China and the Philippines launched a survey, aiming at knowing CTE/TVET systems, curriculum and assessment standard, qualification of teachers, problem and policies of the economies so as to obtain experiences and explore possibilities to promote and deepen cooperation among members. The final analysis of the survey was reported in the 4th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting held in Lima, Peru in June 2008. The researcher proposes two suggestions to strengthen international cooperation among APEC member economies. (1) Establishing on/offline support systems to communicate with each other about particular issues related to CTE/TVET among APEC member economies under APEC EDNET CTE/TVET meeting, (2) Holding CTE/TVET EXPO periodically in a different country for sharing valuable experiences of CTE/TVET policies among APEC member economies.

      • 국제교육협력을 위한 정보통신윤리교육의 제안 연구 : APECICT 모텔스쿨네트워크의 ICT 활용을 중심으로

        하병석 APEC국제교육협력원 2008 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 APECIMSN의 인터넷의 긍정적 활용을 고찰하고 윤리적 문제점을 탐색하여 그것의 해결 방안을 모색하는 것이다. 먼저 인터넷 긍정적 활용의 사례를 분석하여 그 의미를 찾는다. 인터넷의 비윤리적 활용 사례를 찾아 예방할 수 있는 대책으로써 정보통신윤리교육의 펼요성과 방안을 제안한다.인터넷자료로써 APECIMSN 의 홈페이지 및 영문홈페이지와 IACE 홈페이지를 활용하였다. 인터넷활용 실태를 파악하였으며 긍정적 영향은 미래학교 모형의 탐색 정보화 기술 능력의 향상과 자기주도적 학습능력의 배양 국제적 의사소통 능력의 향상 사회적 기술의 탐색 국제적 감각의 획득과 민간외교역할, 영어 실력의 향상으로 밝혀졌다. 이러한 정보 활용의 의미는 인터넷의 긍정적 활용의 모범이 되며교육을 통한 국제간 원격학습의 가능성 획득, 민간 외교의 실현, 영어 몰입수업이라는 의미가 있다. 문제점은 저작권 위반 이 나타났다. 대응책으로는 정보통신윤리교육를 국제교육협력의 프로젝트로써 진행하되, 교육청에서 지원하는 교육연구회나 교사 동아리 등을 활용하는 방안이 있다. 전문계 고등학교의 경우전문교과 연구회 운영을 국제교육협력활동과 연계하는 방안을 제안한다. The purpose of this study was to delve into the positive utilization of the Internet by APEC IMSN, any ethical problems with it and possible solutions for the problems. lt0 0s first meant to analyze good cases of utilizing the Internet to explore the meaning of the Internet use, and then another cases that employed the net in an unethical manner were investigated to raise awareness about the necessity and method of information ethics education as a way to prevent the unethical use of the net. The Korean and English websites of APEC IMSN and lACE website linked to the sites were utilized in this study. How the organizations took advantage of the Internet was examined, and the Internet use appeared to make it easier to do the followings, which could be called the positive effect of the Internet: exploring models for future school, furthering information literacy, fostering self-directed learning capabilities, improving international communicative competency, inquiring into social skills, acquiring an eye for the world, serving as a private diplomat, and bolstering English skills. The organizations set a good model for the positive utilization of the Internet, which showed the possibility of global distance learning, private diplomacy and English immersion instruction. And there was a problem with it: infringement of copyright. To iron out the problem, information ethics education should be offered as one of cooperative international education projects, and teacher clubs and workshops backed up by local educational authorities could be utilized to help resolve the problem as well. In the event of vocational high schools, business course workshops could be run in association with collaborative international education activities.


        Ester Ogena APEC국제교육협력원 2012 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.5 No.1

        교육에 있어서 각 나라와 기관들은 국제협력활동으로 그들의 핵심적인 교육정책들, 이슈 그리고 정보 공유를 통해 협력을 강화할 수 있다. 이러한 맥락 속에 APEC포럼은 핵심적인 정보, 견해, 경험을 나누기 위한 기회를 제공하며, 특히 핵섬적인 교육정책에 있어서 각 국가들의 미래교육협력을 위한 제안에 대한 논의가 이루어 질 것이다. 이번 포럼의 핵심적인 교육 정책으로는 (1) K-12프로그램, (2) 국제화, (3) 학과 및 학생들 의 교류, (4)영어 경쟁력, (5) 두뇌유출, (6) 연구능력배양:, (7) 환경악화와 재난구호가 있다. 또한 본 논문에서는 현재 시행되고 있는 필리핀과 APEC 참여 국 사이의 국제 교육 협력 프로그램들에 대해 설명하였으며 지속 가능한 성장을 위해 녹색성장과 교육협력의 4가지 권장사항을 제시하였다. 그 내용은 (1) 녹색성장을 위한 학교를 설립 (2) 교육학적으로 녹색성장 및 양질의 학습내용을 전달하기 위한 교원 양성 기관을 설립 (3) 다양한 분야에 걸쳐 녹색성장 및 능력배양 프로그램 결성 (4) 녹색 성장 계획에 대한 홍보자료를 다양한 국가에 제공 등이 있다. Global cooperation in education among economies and institutions can be better forged with proper understanding of their key educational policies, Issues and information on international cooperation activities. The APEC Forum provides for an opportunity for sharing these valuable information, views and experiences that will allow for discussions on proposals for further educational cooperation among economies especially on the important topics of the forum. The following are the key educational policies in the Philippines (1) K -12 Program (2) Internationalization (3) Mobility and Exchange of Faculty and Students (4) English as Competitive Advantage (5) Brain-Drain (6) Research Capacity Building (7) Environmental Degradation and Disaster Mitigation. The need to have a favorable environment and sustainable development cannot be overemphasized. Thus, the following recommendations for Green Growth for educational cooperation are recommended. (1) Green Growth Open School, (2) Green Growth Teacher Training Institute, (3) Green Growth Capacity Building Program, ( 4) Green Growth Promotion program.

      • 초등학교 국제이해교육의 개선을 위한 기초연구

        이선정,김영환 APEC국제교육협력원 2011 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.4 No.1

        국제이해교육은 직접적인 체험과 사람과의 교류를 통해 공감하는 마음을 갖는 지구촌 가족, 나와 세계인이 연결되어 있음을 인식하고 공동의 과제를 함께 해결하면서 더불어살아가고자 노력하는 국제인을 지향하는 교육이다. 최근 세계화와 함께 지구촌의 심리적거리는 매우 좁아지고 있으며 이처럼 변화하는 현실적 요구에 맞추어 초등학교 시기부터국제이해교육의 필요성이 부각되고 있다.본 연구는 서울, 부산, 광주의 초등학생과 교사를 대상으로 한 설문지를 통해 국제이해교육의 실태와 요구를 조사하고 분석하였다. 설문지를 분석한 결과 국제이해교육의 본질에대한 인식보다는 교과교육과정의 내용을 답습하는 형태의 수업이 이루어지고 있었다. 대도시를 중심으로 교사와 학생의 해외 체험의 횟수가 증가하고 있으나 국제이해교육의 태도에대한 측면은 지역별, 교사의 교직경력별, 교사의 해외경험에 따라 큰 차이를 보인다. Following the 2009, 7th education curriculum, which mainly focus on integration of 5 territory including th original discretionary activity and a special activity. From 2011, the 1st and 2nd grades of elementary school begin to operated the self-control, group activity, service activity and course activity. Education for International Understanding is included in the 38 studying subject which operates a original experience activity. This research has the goal to investigate and analysis of request the Education for International Understanding which based on the elementary student and teacher of Seoul, Busan and Kwangju. According to advance interview and result of survey analyzes, there is a difficult to operate the international understanding education for work excess, insufficiency of class time, professor studying method, lack of data and etc. Because of curriculum reconstitution of teacher leading, Education for International Understanding is not programed so the subordinate elements of the Education for International Understanding which is inside of curriculum delivered to the student as general subject class form. First, currently the international understanding education of the elementary school is accomplished by class teacher in the subject the society and morality. But it is reconstituted to separate the subordinate element or is not become accomplished evenly in all over the elementary school. The class time is not secured with event of school unit and administrative valence and because class is operated on busy subject education, it is difficult to built the curriculum embodiment and teaching material research of subordinate elements of Education for International Understanding Second, the interest, relation, confidence, sense of satisfaction, effectiveness, and value of teacher and student that all were analyzed affirmatively important on Education for International Understanding. And there is a visible statistical difference for background of teacher and student, teacher's career and overseas experience of teacher. There is no difference for gender of teacher and student, grade, overseas experience of student. Third, there are a different aspect about international understanding education between the demand of teacher and the student. Both teacher and student agree to operate the international understanding education on regular class time and discretionary special activity time however, ratio was that teacher answered the class teacher should response the Education for International Understanding and student answered exclusive teacher should response the Education for International Understanding. Teacher wanted the remote research study form about Education for International Understanding training program. From demanding professor studying method, teacher requested in order of multimedia watching, project studying, discussion study and etc. and student was a experience studying, interpretation professor, multimedia watching and etc.

      • Key educational policies in the Mexican Economy

        Guillermo Pable Lopez Andrade APEC국제교육협력원 2012 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.5 No.1

        멕시코는 2007년부터 2012년 까지 핵심 국가교육정책으로 (1) 교육의 질 향상, (2) 교육의 불평등 감소, (3) TIC’s 사용의 발전, (4) 포괄적인 교육 제공, (5) 전문교육을 통한 지속적 발전, (6) 학교 및 교육적 학술기관의 조성 이라는 6가지 목표를 가지고 있다. 그리고 핵심적인 교육이슈에서는 (1) 의무교육 (2) 커리큘럼의 효율성 (3) 공정성 (4) 고급교사 채택 (5) 질 높은 커리큘럼과 학생의 성취도 (6) 안전과 기타 문제 등이 었다. 또한 멕시코는 APEC 참가국으로 여러 해 동안 활동하였고, 다른 많은 국제적 교육 협력 프로젝트에 다수 참가했다. 이제 멕시코는 이전에 존재하였던 대내외적 분란을 잠재우면서 더욱 안정적이고 활동적으로 참여하는 것이 요구된다. 마지막으로 멕시코는 APEC 참여국의 무역 및 투자의 자유를 위한 인적 자본의 구축을 지속시키기 위해 (1)APEC Academic Bureau(AAB) 설립을 통한 정보 공유 (2) Academic Credit Bank System(AACBS)도입 (3)중등교육의 선행학습 향상을 위한 업무 및 조직 결성을 제안하였다. The 2007-2012 National Educational Program (PROSEDU) set forth s1x general objectives for regulating educational action and priorities. For instance, (1) Increase the quality of the education; (2) diminish inequalities (3) development and use of TIC's, (4) Provide a comprehensive education, (5) relevant and pertinent education to promote sustainable development, (6) Foster school and institutional management. Key educational issues in Mexico is (1) Coverage, (2) Efficiency, (3) Efficiency, (4) Equity, (5) Quality of Teachers, (6) Quality of Curriculum I Student achievement. The Mexican Economy joint APEC in November 1993 and it has been participating since that year m different international educational cooperation projects, exchanging information and people. Still, it is evident that if the Mexican economy aims to enhance educational cooperation in the APEC region, there is a need to improve coordination between the different Mexican governmental and non-governmental actors that participate permanently or occasionally in APEC activities. In order to continue building human capital for trade and investment liberalization m the APEC region, the following recommendations and suggestions might be made in the area of "regional economic integration": (1) hold APEC Academic Bureau (AAB), (2) introduce APEC Academic Credit Bank System(AACBS), (3) Best Practices to Recognize Prior Learning in Secondary Education.

      • 21세기 핵심역량 개발을 위한 APEC 회원국의 교육협력 방안과 국내 대응 전략

        최성우,김영환,차중찬 APEC국제교육협력원 2008 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.1 No.2

        21 세기의 사회변화는 인류 구성원들에게 자기주도적 학습능력, 창의적 문제해결력 및 테크놀로지 활용 능력 등과 같이 새로운 핵심역량을 요구하고 있다.APEC 회원국의 교육관련 전문가들은 21 세기 핵심역량으로서 평생학습(life longlearning), 문제 해 결 력 (problem solving), 자기 관리 (self-management) , 팀 워 크(teamwork) 등으로 정의하였다. 본 연구는 회원국의 차세대들이 성공적인 삶을영위하기 위해 필요한 핵심적인 능력이 무엇이고 또 그 능력을 어떻게 개발할 수있는가에 대한 교육공동체 차원의 고민과 논의를 정리하여 제시하였다. 특히 교육협력체로서의 회원국들이 교육과제들을 함께 해결하고 협력하는 방안에 대해고찰하였다. 21 세기 접어들면서 APEC 교육협력사업을 통해 선도적 역할을 수행해 온 우리나라의 활동 현황과 21 세기 핵심역량 개발을 위해 회원국과 협력하고또 이에 대한 국내의 대응 전략 등을 탐색해 보았다. A broad consensus is emergmg about the critical need for students to have 21st century competencies such as self-directed learning, problem solving and technological sense, nearly a decade into the 21st Century. The paper attempts to demonstrate the educational experts' common considerations about what the competencies are and the collaborative strategies how to help students to develop them for the successful life in the century. In preparation survey for the 4th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) in 2008, many APEC Member Economies identified four overarching competencies: lifelong learning, problem solving, self-management, and teamwork. Specific competencies to be developed within the EDNET priority areas were also acknowledged by APEC economies: a) Mathematics: competencies and skills related to problem solving, development of abstract thinking and decision making; b) Science: following the framework presented by Brunei Darussalam, Science teaching comprises: scientific knowledge and concepts within the different disciplines or areas (physics, chemistry, natural sciences, etc.); scientific process skills like research skills; and science attitudes and values, like curiosity, environmental awareness, ""concern for living things"", among others.; c) Language learning: communication skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing; d) CTE (Technical education): in general, employability, entrepreneurship, teamwork and lifelong learning skills; however, most cases competencies depend on each specific career; e) Information and communication Technologies (ICT): using technologies as a tool for communication, and lifelong learning.. The study focuses on the member economies' collaborative approaches and sharing strategies as an educational cooperation for APEC prosperity. APEC projects can help guide Economies'' in reexamining their education systems in the 21st Century priority areas by identifying projects in the following systemic topics: 1) standards and assessments; Standards should identify what students ought to know in core content areas and ensure that students are demonstrating the development of 21st Century competencies over time. Open-ended assessment items that measure content mastery and the application of knowledge learned to real world contexts through problem solving should be incorporated. 2) Teachers and instruction; Teacher recruitment, preparation, certification and ongoing professional development should include instruction on how to embed opportunities for students to develop 21st Century competencies in the core curriculum. Teachers should also be trained to implement and capitalize on ICT solutions that will, in the long-term, facilitate systemic reform. 3) Policies and Research; Research on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values most highly correlated with student success in the 21st Century economy should inform Member Economies" domestic policies related to standards, assessment, teacher quality and instruction, and inform the direction of EDNET projects. 4). Resources and Tools; ICT, in particular, provides the opportunity for teachers and students to gain access to expanded knowledge, personalized instruction, and learn by ""doing"" through on-line simulations. Virtual and online exchanges are also useful for building learning communities and share best practices. It also includes the historical and current activities of Korea as a leader of educational collaboration and suggested some specific planning ideas for future development.

      • APEC 교육 협력과 21 세기 수학·과학 핵심역량 연구

        박만구,장신호 APEC국제교육협력원 2008 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.1 No.2

        2008년에 개최되었던 APEC EDNET 에서는 제 4차 교육장관회의에서 다룰 의제로 ' 21 세기 핵심역량과 기술 성취’로 정하고, 회원국들의 공통적인 의견을 모아 앞으로 관심을 가지고 진행하여야 할 교육 의제에 대하여 심도 있는 논의를 진행하였다. 수학과 과학 영역은 APEC 회원국들이 관심을 가지고 국가적 차원에서 투자하고 교육 정책을 지속적으로 강화해야 한다는 측면에서 가장 중요하게 논의되고 있는 영역 중 하나로,APEC 회원국들 간에도 수학과 과학 영역의 중요성에 대해서는 일치된 견해를 가지고있다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 첫째, APEC 교육 협력과 관련하여 우리나라 수학·과학 영역에서 중점 추진하고 있는 분야를 제시하고,둘째,APEC 에서 논의 된 사항을 중심으로향후 수학·과학 영역에서 추진하여야 할 주요 과제에 대하여 구체적으로 논의하였으며,셋째,APEC 교육 협력을 위한 최근의 수학·과학 교육 정책 방향을 제시하였다. 마지막으로,우리나라의 교육 현황을 비추어 앞으로 우리나라에서 취할 수 있는 전략과 대책을제시하고,특별히 APEC 수학·과학 교육 정책의 향후 방향에 대한 논의와 시사점을 제안하였다. The purpose of this paper was to suggest our future responses in mathematics and science policies in the stream of the APEC collaborative strategies. The APEC EDNET decided the discussant theme as the 'Achieving 21st Century Competencies and Skills' for the 4th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) in 2008. A broad consensus was emerging about the critical need for students to have 21st century competencies in mathematics and science. The APEC economies have a consistent agreement on the importance of mathematics and science and discussed them as key areas for investigating funds and strengthening coherent educational policies. In this study, we investigated the followings for studying 21st century key competencies in Korean mathematics and science policies. First, we identified key policies in the areas of mathematics and science related with APEC economies' educational collaboration. Second, we concretely discussed on the future main policies in the areas of mathematics and science along with the discussant issues in the meeting. Third, we proposed the future educational directions of policies in mathematics and science areas. Finally, we suggested our future action plans and strategies in light with our educational circumstances and, in particular, discussed future APEC economies' educational policies in the areas of mathematics and science and suggested implications for those in Korea.

      • 개발도상국의 교육정보화를 위한 국제교육협력의 모델 개발을 위한 기초 연구 : Holistic Systemic Change Model을 중심으로

        민병엽,김병근 APEC국제교육협력원 2012 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.5 No.2

        지식기반의 사회에서 ICT를 활용한 교육 체제의 변화에 대한 개발도상국의 요청이 늘어남에 따라 Holistic Educational Systemic Change Model의 필요성이 날로 대두되고있다.따라서 본 연구의 목적은 기초연구로써 개발도상국의 교육정보화를 통한 교육체제의 변화에 대한 효과적이고 효율적인 정착과 확산을 위한 Holistic Educational Systemic ChangeModel의 개념화를 위한 방향이 무엇인가를 탐색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 교육 분야에서 대표적으로 다루어지고 있는 체제적 변화에 대한 논의를 통해 교육정보화를 통한 개발도상국의교육 체제의 변화를 위한 시사점을 도출하였다. 또한 이를 토대로 국제교육협력에서의 개발도상국의 교육정보화를 위해 고려되어야 할 요소와의 관련성을 분석하여 Holistic EducationalSystemic Change Model의 개념화를 위한 방향을 제시하고자 하였다.분석 결과 관련 연구물들에서 나타나고 있는 교육체제의 변화는 사회 패러다임의 전환에 기인하며, 이를 위해서는 체제적 접근을 통한 교육 체제의 설계가 필요하다. 또한국제교육협력에서의 교육정보화에 관한 사업을 위해서는 교육정보화 관련 정책과 리더십, 그리고 전략뿐만 아니라 교육정보화를 위한 인프라 구축, 인적자원의 개발 및 훈련등을 거시적인 관점에서 고려해야만 한다.이를 토대로 Holistic Educational Systemic Change Model의 개념화를 위해 필요한방향과 원리가 도출되었다. In knowledge based society, needs for educational systemic change that is based on informatization are increased by developing countries for its development. So it is necessary to conceptualize the model that can describe and prescribe infromatization for the educational systemic change. The purpose of this paper is to provide discussion for the conceptualization of Holistic Educational Systemic Change Model for informatization in developing countries. In order to achieve the purpose, we firstly examined published articles related to systemic educational change model in education. Especially, we examined Reigeluth and Banathy's arguments. And we found factors that should be concerned with informatization in developing countries through analyzing related documents. After that, we found direction for conceptualizing Holistic Educational Systemic Change Model over two working. According to the results of the analysis, existing articles of systemic change model reviewed that design of educational systemic change should be needed by change of paradigm. Educational Systemic Change Model could describe and prescribe direction and principle of being transformed educational system by changing paradigm of society. So, it is necessary to designing and performing Educational Systemic Change that we should consider systemic approaches. And in another analysis, many project for informatization in developing county were not concerned about macro level like political, economic and cultural conditions, and had lacks of leadership for supporting informatization, infrastructure, and way for decision-making so these are make hard to achieve the goals. Based on the results, it is possible to make principles for conceptualizing Holistic Systemic Educational Change Model and applicable model for informatization in developing country. In conclusion, the principles of Holistic Educational Systemic Change Model in informatization for developing countries are below. First is to develop gradually community for making common vision, using phases. The community is comprised of academics, businesses and government. Second is to approach with holistic view for learning experiences and know-how. Third is to develop core human resource for leading Holistic Educational Systemic Change through building community. Moreover it is important to develop human resource that is to teach experience and attitude about why they use informatization. And last is to progress effectively and efficiently diffusion of innovation with using ICT.

      • The 17th APEC Future Education Forum (AFEF) and the 19th International ALCoB Conference—Current Status of Lifelong Learning in the Asia-Pacific region and Future Directions for APEC member economies

        Dong Sun Park,Dasom Kim APEC국제교육협력원 2021 Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal Vol.17 No.2

        The 17th APEC Future Education Forum (AFEF) and the 19th International ALCoB Conference were held from 28 September (Tuesday) to 1 October (Friday) in a virtual manner. The annual forum and conference serve as an invaluable opportunity to discuss future directions of education and human resources development in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 2005, the forum and conference have served their role as the largest and longest thematic meeting in the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG). The 2021 forum and conference have gathered 780 participants from 20 APEC member economies, guest economies and international institutions. Under the theme “Strengthening lifelong competencies and skills development for individuals’ career, education, training, and life cycles”, the forum and conference reflected the current educational agenda from 21 APEC member economies and other international organizations such as G20, UNESCO. As a way forward, the forum and conference speakers recommend APEC to 1) consider individual and industrial needs for curriculum development, 2) expand lifelong learning policies and practices at both domestic and international level and 3) develop a public-private partnership to prepare its future talents with adequate competencies. This review explains the 17th AFEF and the 19th International ALCoB Conference background, summary and outcomes. The review also briefs on collective actions member economies can take as future steps to continue the forum and conference discussions.

      • 오픈 이노베이션을 통한 국제개발협력 방법론 탐색 연구 : 교육분야(알콥, ALCoB1)) 사례를 중심으로

        이승진 APEC국제교육협력원 2012 국제교육협력연구지 Vol.5 No.2

        개방화, 세계화의 심화로 국제사회 및 국가간의 상호의존성이 확대되고 있으며, 이에 따라 국제개발협력의 역할과 중요성도 커지고 있다. 또한 글로벌 시장의 개방과 경쟁이날로 심화되고 선진국 위주의 시장확대, 성장이 한계에 다다름은 물론 OECD DAC 가입등 외교적 국격향상에 따라 대개도국 국제개발협력 확대에 대한 내외부의 수요가 증가하고 있다.이러한 대외환경의 빠른 변화는 정책 및 국제공조의 강화 등 거시적 수준의 변화뿐만 아니라 국제개발협력의 방법론의 미시적 수준의 변화를 동시에 요구한다. 이에본 연구는 국제개발협력의 방법론에 대한 새로운 접근법으로서 오픈 이노베이션의 가치를 검토 하였고, 특히 교육분야에서 오픈 이노베이션의 운영사례인 ALCoB을 분석하여 향후 국제개발협력 방법론의 대안을 제시하고자 하였다. The intensification of globalization has led to the expansion of mutual dependencies among international communities and countries. Therefore, the role and importance of international development cooperation has gained more and more prominence in recent times. Additionally, the opening and competition of the global market has been growing fiercer by the day. The growth of the global market is centered on advanced countries. There are many efforts to improve the international status by joining OECD DAC(Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Development Assistance Committee), whereas limitations to growth in the local market still exist Amidst such an environment, the demand for the expansion of international development cooperation with developing countries has been increasing both in Korea and abroad. Such rapid changes in international environment require both 1) changes at the macro level such as strengthening of policies and international cooperation and 2) changes at the micro level such as a methodology for international development cooperation. Therefore, this study has investigated open innovation as a new approach for international development cooperation adapting to changes. More specifically, this study has analyzed ALCoB as a case study of open innovation in the education field to propose an alternative methodology for international development cooperation in the future.

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