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      • 노인장기요양보험제도의 효과적인 인력양성 방안

        박차상 제주간호보건전문대학 2007 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to apply about manpower trains of long-term care insurance for the aged and propose alternatives or reformative measures for manpower policy of long-term care insurance for the aged. Chapter one shall raise the necessity of the manpower trains policy of the elderly. Because it is a rapid aging speed and a high level of the elderly populations ratio to the whole ones. I shall raise the problem of the service at home of the elderly. It is necessary to introduce the manpower institution for long-term care insurance for the aged. Chapter two shall explain the long-term care insurance for the aged. Long-term care insurance for the aged has become an increasingly urgent policy issue in Korea. Debate over long-term care by policy makers and members of the public has ebbed and flowed during the past three years. At present the needs of the care work for the aged are increasing rapidly by aging, nuclear families, and female social participation. However, there is insufficient in cognition on the necessity and communication system so we are not able to satisfy the care needs and demands of the aged. Therefore, both the government and the people should enhance their understanding on the care work for the aged to provide them more diverse and professional health and work service. In addition, for this specialized service we need to expand facilities and professional human resources. In order to raise the efficiency and responsibility of the care work for the aged, it is required to diversify the service providers. Until now mostly the care work for the aged who have the chronic disease and difficulty in physical and mental health has been conducted by doctors, hospitals, public health and centers, and sanatoriums. so it costs a lot as a form of medical service and also it is fragmentary in service. From now on it should be a model of social service as a long-term care & shelter including prevention, medical care, and rehabilitation. Furthermore, it should be a model of who1e personal service. For this objective the communication system for the aged health and welfare needs to be set up by the manpower institution. Chapter three shall analyze the present situation of the of long-term care insurance for the aged. It is divided into two parts the one is the present circumstances of the manpower institution and the other is the case of the advanced countries. Chapter four shall conclude. The first is that we have to make the manpower institution for a special human capital. It is needed to specialize the care service The second is that I propose the social work practice model of case management as alternatives or reformative measures. The characteristics of the aged are diverse needs and multiple problems. The main problems of the elderly as the social problem are economic poverty. sickness. loneliness. and alienation. We have to expand the case management for the elderly at home. Because it was an effective method for solving diverse needs and multiple problems of the elderly. it means to ensure 과거에는 제도가 합리적으로 운영된다면 제도의 성과가 향상된다고 생각하여 인간적인 요소를 종속 변수시했지만 오늘날에 와서는 인간적인 요소를 독립변수시하여 제도의 성과에 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있음을 인식하여 인력의 양성과 관리에 많은 관심을 쏟고 있다. 특히,사회복지 서비스의 특성과 전달과정을 고려하면, 일선 업무담당자들의 역할은 매우 중요한위치를 차지하고 있다. 왜냐하면 사회복지 서비스에 있어서는 기술의 성격이 비일상적이고 복잡하다는 특징이 있고,서비스 소비자로서의 클라이언트들이 제기하는 욕구나 문제들이 개별화되어 다양하게 다루어져야 하기 때문이다. 이 때문에 사회복지 서비스의 핵심적인 부분은 미리 규정된 규칙이나 절차에 의존하기보다는 일선 업무담당자들의 전문적인 판단이나 기술,재량 등에 크게 의존할 수 밖에 없게 된다. 더구나 취약한 클라이언트의 복지증진을 위해 이상적인 서비스 정신이 투철하고 책임감이 강한 전문인력이 필요한 것이다. 따라서 이들 전문 인력으로서의 실무담당자들에 대한 효율적인 인력양성이 서비스 질을 향상시키기 때문에 사회복지제도는 전문인력의 양성에 각별한 관심을 가지고접근할 필요가 있다. 과거에는 케어서비스의 제공이 단순히 ‘생명체 유지’라는 수준이었으나 오늘날은 ‘일상생활의 유지'의 수준으로,더 나아가‘사회생활의 유지’의 수준으로 확대되고 있다. 따라서 케어서비스는 신체적·정신적 장애로 인하여 일상생활의 자립지원을 필요로 하는 사랍들을 위해 보다 삶의 질이 높고 자립을 목표로 한 "생활지원활동의 총체”로 이해하여 일반 인적자본을 특수 인적자본화하여 전문적 서비스를 제공하여야 한다. 그러나 우리나라에서 최근에 증가하고 있는 노인장기요양 보호 욕구에 대응하여 2007년 4월 2일 국회 본회의를 통과한 노인장기요양보험법에서는 성공적 시행의 핵심이라고 하는 전문인력 양성에 관하여 소홀하게 취급하고 있다. 따라서 노인장기요양보험제도를 개관하고 제도의 성공적인 시행에 핵심적인 전문인력 양성의 문제점 그리고 바람직한전문인력 양성 방향을 제시하고자 한다.

      • 간호과 학생의 죽음의식, 호스피스 인지도, 태도 및 간호요구도 비교

        강기선 제주간호보건전문대학 2006 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.29 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of study was to identify the death orientation and cognition, attitude and nursing needs in hospice care according to training of Ng students. Method : Data was collected using a structured questionnaire which included characteristics, death orientation and cognition, attitude and nursing needs in hospice care. Data collection was done between February 20th and 23th,2006 The participants in the study were the 120 trained hopice Nursing Students and 177 non-trainge hospice. The data was analyzed using the SPSS/PC+ program Result : The results are as folllows: There was a significant difference in the average for nursing needs in hospice care between Ng students with higher responses being given by School 비her grade and club member group. conclusion: This study showed that training in hospice care was effective in nursing needs in hospice care. 본 연구는 간호과생 장7명의 호스피스 전공동아리 회원 및 일반 간호과생을 대상으로 하여 그들의 특성과죽음의식 및 호스피스 인지도와 태도 간호요구도를 파악하기 위해 시도된 서술적 연구이다. 조사기간은 2006년년 2월26일부터 3월 2일까지 이다. 연구도구는 대상자의 일반적 특성을 확인할 수 있는9문항과,죽음의식을 조사하기 위한 13문항과 호스피스의 인지도1 호스피스 태도, 호스피스 간호요구도를 알아 보기 위한 40문항 등 총 60문항으로 구성되어 있다. 연구결과에 대한 분석은 SPSS/pc+ 프로그램을 이용하여 전산처리 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 일반적 특성에 따른 죽음의식의 정도에서는 모든 변수에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 일반적 특성에 따른 호스피스 인지도 및 태도의 결과에서도 모든 변수에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 일반적 특성에 따른 호스피스의 간호요구도 결과에 서는 학년 및 호스피스 동아리 가입여부에 따른 비교에서만 통계적으로 유의하게 나왔다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 제언을 하고자 한다. 호스피스 전공 동아리 회원학생들이 비회원 학생들보다 호스피스 간호요구도가 높게 나온 것은 자원봉사를 통해 호스피스 간호가 절실히 필요하고,어떤 간호행위가 더욱 대상자에게 도움이 되었었는지 느끼고 있기 때문이며, 이는 전공동아리를 통한 자원봉사가 학생들에게 간호의 필요성을 느끼게 하고 간호요구도를 항목별로 자세히 깨닫게 하여 현재 학생이기 때문에 필요하나 도와주지 못하는 간호행위의 한계성을 깨닫게 함으로써 장차 간호사가 되었을 때 간호사로서의 정체성올 구축 하는데 도움이 되고 간호봉사자가 될 수 있는 동기가 되므로 간호과생 을 대상으로 죽음의식 및 호스피스 간호에 대한 교육을 활성화 하는 것이 학생들의 간호사로써 정체성을 갖고,자부심을 갖는데 도움이 되리라 사료된다.

      • Study of Density Functionals for Conformational Energy Calculations of Ala-dipeptide

        Park, Hae Sook 제주간호보건전문대학 2010 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.33 No.-

        alanine dipeptide의 입체구조를 연구하기 위하여 LC ωPBE, ωB97X -D, M06-2X, B2PLYP-D, 그리고 mPW2PLYP-D와 같은 density functional 을 이용하여 구조의 안정성을 계산 분석하였다. 6-311 ++G basis set에서conformational energy의mean absolute deviation(MAD) 은0.22-0.40 kcal/mol 이고, torsion angle의 경우는2.0-3.2°였다. 분석 결과 alanine 디펠타이드의 입체구조 안정성을 연구하기에는 double hybrid functional 인 B2PLYP-D와 mPW2PLYP-D가 가장 적절하고,그 다음으로 ωB97X-D와 M06-2X functional이 적절하다고 분석된다 그리고 그 다음으로 MP2,LC ωPBE, B3LYP의 순서로 타당하다고 추정된다. M06-2X/6-31G+(d) level에서 SMD 방법으로 계산된 solvation free energy는 12개의 중성 화합물과 5개 5의이온화물질에서 0.47과 4.3 kcal/mol의 MAD를 보여 실험치와 좋은일치를 보이고 있다. alanine dipeptide의 backbone population에 있어서B2PLYP-D/6-311 ++G1 ISMD M062X/6-31 +G(d) level도 실험결과와 일치하여 수화상태에서 펠타이드의 입체구조를 구하기에 적절하다고 분석된다.

      • 간호사 보수교육의 현황분석

        강문정,송영아 제주간호보건전문대학 2008 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.31 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyzed the status of in -service education for nurses and discuss ways to increase the efficiency of in -service education. Method: A questionnaire was revised based on priorliterature and research which was used to collect data. The participants from the this study Nov 26 to 30, 2007. were 299 nurses, in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province of Korea, The methodology was a descriptive study. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS Win 12.0. Results: The results of this study were as follows. the satisfaction of in -service education was17.1%. The educational content average was 2.78, that of effect after education average is 2.76, that of educational method average was 2.90, and that of in -service education problem average was 3.31. Conclusion: As for the conclusion to synthesize the above, the systematic and continuous in service education that their demand was reflected will have to be enforced for the role performance of the nurses, and the future plan of in -service education should be made according to the needs of nurses who would be educated.

      • 제주지역 특급관광호텔의 아웃소싱 실태에 관한 연구

        송성진 제주간호보건전문대학 2006 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.29 No.-

        As it is apparenta that the accommodation facilities in Jeju are oversupplied, the accommodation enterprise that had played an important role, languishes in deficit operation. 'The number of guests who use five star hotels has decreased every year. so hotel. managers have begun to use the labor forces of outsourcing companies to reduce costs. They focused on the area controlled most easily; the exterior cleaning of a building, security, room-maid,facilities management sterilization mmagement, laundyr service, entertainment and performance. Outsourcing at five star hotels in Jeju, has caused several problems. They are lowering service qualities, irresponsibility in problems is rising, inconsistency in management strategy, loss of the mastery of outsourcing enterprise, loss of full-time employee's will to work and divulgence of company's information or know-how. My suggestions to outsource successively at Jeju five star hotels. First, the matter is to choose and manage outsourcing companies properly. Second, the management of service quality provided by an outsourcing company is important. Third,staff from outsourcing companies should cooperate with the labor union. Fourth, chief executive officers should be concemed about and support the staff from outsourcing companies, Fifth, consistent management strategies should be made.

      • 학교폭력 예방을 위한 학교사회복지의 활성화 방안

        박차상 제주간호보건전문대학 2006 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to apply the school social welfare practice for school,violence and propose alternatives or reformative measures. Chapter one shall raise the necessity of school social welfare at school. Because of the rapid growth and serial level of school violence, I shall raise the problem of school violence at school. It is necessary to introduce a new practical method, the school social welfare. Chapter two shall explain the theory of the school violence, that is the concept and cause and effect of it. At present, the needs of school social welfare for the students were increased rapidly by students, families, and the community. However, there is insufficient understanding on the necessity and communication system so we are not able to satisfy the needs and demands of the student. As a result, there are urgent demands of systematic and integrated approaches as to deal with school violence, to take care of them continuously. and to reduce the burden of the school teacher. Chapter three shall introduce the social welfare of the school. I defined the concept of school social welfare and explained the goal. function. I shall analize the cause and the countermeasures of school violence in terms of teacher and parents. It was divided into four parts. The main content is as are follows ① analysis of the countermeasures of school, violence in terms of teachers ② analysis of the countermeasures of school violence in terms of parents ③ analysis of the countermeasures of school violence in terms of teachers and parents ④ the social welfare of the school as countermeasures of school violence. Chapter four shall conclude that we have to expand school social welfare and have police officers in schools. Because it was an effective method for solving the problem of school violence. It mens to ensure an instruments for preventing the school violence. Therefore the government has to institutionalize facilities and professional human resources in order to raise the efficiency and responsibility of the school social welfare for the students. From now on it should be the social welfare of the school as a long-term care & shelter, including prevention and rehabilitation. Furthermore, it should be a model of whole personal service. In short, we will try to maintain the evaluation of the effective method for solving the problem of school violence more deeply. It is granted to prevent school violence.

      • 제주도내 일부 대학생들의 혈중 cholesterol과 HDL cholesterol 농도에 관한 연구

        문인경 제주간호보건전문대학 2006 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.29 No.-

        The present study was performed to investigate the status of blood cholesterol and HDL -cholesterol in college students from Jeju, Korea. Fifty two healthy college students(19 males and 33 females) were randomly selected as subjects for this study during July, 2005. The experimental results can be summarized as follows: (1) All subjects showed the normal value of total cholesterol level by including the reference range in the distribution. The mean cholesterol levels were 169.5mg/dL for females and 161.3mg/dL for males, although the mean value for females was higher by about 8mg/dL than the value for males. (2) The mean value of HDL -cholesterol for females and males was 44.4mg/dL and 41.9mg/dL, respectively. Eight females(24%) and 4 males(21%) showed a low level of HDL-cholesterol in comparison with the reference value. (3) Subjects showing an above average risk level of the ratio of total cholesterol and HDL -cholesterol were 36.4%(16) for females and 21%(4) for males The mean values of the ratio of total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were 4.9mg/dL and 6.7mg/dL, respectively.

      • 유방촬영용X선장치의 성능관리

        신동용 제주간호보건전문대학 2009 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.32 No.-

        It is difficult to get useful information through mammography because of the anatomical structure of breasts. The anatomical structure of patients’' breasts, professional photography techniques, doctors' ability to provide diagnosis of film images and quality control for related equipment all affect diagnosis. Therefore, mammography in which X -ray is used is the field where total management of skilled techniques and diagnostic systems is demanded. Mammographic X -ray equipment is different from general X -ray equipment because when the breast is photographed the contrast of the image does not occur on a large scale. Mammographic X -ray equipment is manufactured to use the target material of an X -ray tube in Mo and added filtration in Mo, Rh, Pd for radiating low beam quality for high contrast. The focus size, automatic exposure control (AEC) , SID, screen, film and other aspects are manufactured in order to be suitable in mammography. If the equipment' s performance is decreased through usage and quality control for the equipment is not performed, useful diagnostic information and the minimization of radiation exposure of patients cannot be guaranteed. In this paper, we describe methods for selfperformed quality control of mammographic Xray equipment, focused on the national inspection regulations. For the quality control of marnmographic x-ray equipment, the theoretical background, national standards and testing methods are introduced. Moreover, overall and useful processes for self-performed quality control are presented. Therefore, self-performed quality control at hospitals is needed to improve inspection systems and to continuously ensure proper performance of the equipment year round. The advantages of this self-performed activity are as follows: increased concern for the relation of equipment to the user - reduced downtime through breakdownpredictions - accumulation of know-how for quality control through the introduction of new inspection items.

      • A Study on the Life Experience of Patients with Stroke

        고금자,강희경 제주간호보건전문대학 2009 論文集-논문집편집위원회 Vol.32 No.-

        이 연구는 Colaizzi의 현상학적 연구방법을 이용 하여 뇌졸중 환자의 삶을 이해하고 이를 통하여 뇌졸중 환자의 간호문제를 알아내고 중재하는 방안을 마련할 수 있도록 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이 연구를 위하여 4명의 환자와 심층면접을 하였고, 환자들의 진술한 자료를 분석 한 결과 17개의 주제와 8개의 주제모음 그리고 4개의 범주를 도출하였다. 여기에서 도출된 뇌졸중 환자의 경험은 “뇌졸증 환자들이 뇌졸중으로 초래되는 증상과 여러가지 다양한 걱정과 근심이 있음에도 불구하고 환자에게 희망과 할 수 있다는 자신감과 힘을 북돋아주고 지지하는 권능부여 (empowerment) 를 통하여 건강관리를 하고 건강한 삶을 추구하기 위하여 헌신한다”는 것이다. 따라서 환자의 힘을 북돋아주고 지지하는 권능부여 (empowerment) 를 강화하는 중재 방안을 마련하여 뇌졸중 환자와 가족의 삶의 질을 높일 수 있는 지속적인 연구가 필요하다고 제언한다.

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