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      • 順天鄕校와 순천지방의 중세문학

        林成雲 순천대학교 어학연구소 2000 어학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        이 글은 중세시기 순천지역이 얼마만한 문학 생산력을 지니고 있었는가를 알아보고자 기획된 것이다. 연구대상은 순천 향교와 17세기에 출간된 순천의 지리지 『昇平誌』, 史詩集 "江南樂府』에 실린 작가와 작품들로 한정하였다. 향교는 문묘제향을 올리는 한편 양반자제들에게 유교를 제도적으로 교육시켰다. 그 교육내용은 『소학』이나 『중용』 등 윤리서를 공부하는 것이었지만, 문장을 통한 교육이어서 결국 중세의 관학교육은 문학교육이 중심이 되었던 것이다. 문학교육의 전범은 『문선』 『고문진보』 등에 실린 문장들이었다. 『승평지』에서 문학과 직접적으로 관련된 편목은 『文學』과 『題詠』 등 두 항목인데, 여기에 299명의 시인이 쓴 제영시 463수가 수록되어 있다. 시들은 풍류적인 시편들과 사실적인 경향의 시로 크게 나누어진다.『승평지』가 문학사적으로 의의가 있다면, 用事 중심의 송시풍이 휩쓸던 시기에 상당량의 시편들이 현실주의적이고 주관주의적 정신에 기초하고 있는 점이다. 이는 이수광의 실학정신의 영향하에서 생긴 새로운 문학의 기운이었던 것이다. 『강남악부』는 조선후기 순천지역의 인물과 풍물을 소재로 한 악부시집이다. 악부시가 본질적으로 예찬하고 상찬하는 것을 기본으로 삼는다는 점에 비추어볼 때, 『강남악부』의 내용 가운데 특기할 만한 점은, 공납이 과중해서 귤나무를 베어버린 사건을 노래한 「작귤행(作橘行)」과 같은 사회비판의 작품들이 실려 있다는 점이다. 한편 『강남악부』의 형식 가운데 특기할 만한 점은 우선 그 체제가 편목을 나열하는 방식, 즉 열서식 방식을 취하고 있다는 점이다. 그런데 각 편목은 먼저 대상에 대하여 ‘附註’라 하여 줄거리를 이야기 방식으로 짧게 소개한 다음 시를 읊는다. 말하자면 『강남악부』는 이야기와 시로 구성되어 있는 것이다. 이처럼 『강남악부』에서 상찬과 비판을 논리적 방식이 아닌 문학적인 이야기와 노래의 방식을 취하고 있다는 사실은 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 그와 같은 방식은 상상을 통해서 어떤 것을 체험적으로 깨닫는 데 도움을 주기 때문이다

      • Paralleism between Listening and Reading Lmplications on the Lmprovement of Listening Comprehension

        Lee, Hwa-Ja 순천대학교 어학연구소 1991 어학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        언어지각에 관한 최근이론은 top-down 과정인가 bottom-up과정인가, 또 자동적 처리를 지나는가 상호작용처리 과정을 지나는가로 논점이 모아졌다. 본 논문의 목적은 듣기도 읽기와 마찬가지로 음운론적, 어휘적, 문법적, 의미적 그리고 화용론적 요인이 상호작용을 이루어 내는 능동적이며 총체적인 언어처리 과정이라는 전제하에 모국어 학습자와 외국어 학습자가 청해과정에서 top-down 혹은 bottom-up처리 과정을 거치는가를 문헌조사를 통해 규명한 후 외국어학습자에게 효율적인 청해력증진 학습법을 실험연구결과를 토대로 모색해 보는 것이었다. 문헌조사결과 읽기와 듣기는 학습자가 일단 각각 문자부호와 청각신호를 익힌후면 비슷한 과정을 거쳐가며 세분화된 언어체계인 음소어휘, 통사, 의미와 비언어체계인 상황 맥락등의 모든 정보가 상호영향을 끼쳐 독해와 청해가 이루어지는 것으로 드러나 Top-down 과정의 유력함을 암시했다. 이 읽기와 듣기의 병행관계와 Top-down 과정의 유용성에 대한 선험적 실험증거를 제공하기 위해 순천대학신입생 한학과와 영어교육과 3,4학년 학생들을 초급반과 중급반으로 나누어 5가지 텍스트 종류를 똑같은 시간내에 듣기와 읽기테스트를 해 본 결과 독해능력과 청해능력은 상관관계에 있으며 외국어 학습자는 언어의 최하위단계인 음소단계부터 자동적으로 동기가 이루어지는 것이 아니라 모든 언어적 그리고 언어외적 요인들이 상호작용을 하여 듣기가 이루어짐이 드러났다. 끝으로 이 실험결과를 토대로 읽기 능력과 듣기 능력을 통합하여 학습책략을 개발하도록 실제적인 듣기학습방법이 제시 되었다.

      • 서게르만어 중첩음화 : 최적성이론의 분석 An Optimality-Theoretic Analysis

        양선기 순천대학교 어학연구소 2000 어학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        This paper provides an analysis of West Germanic Gemination (WGG) within the framework of Optimality Theory. I first examine the environments where WGG occurred and review both linear and nonlinear rule based approaches to point out their problems. Then, I posit some constraints and discuss how WGG can be accounted for by their interaction. During the discussion, I argue that an OT analysis can give a better account WGG than previous rule-based analyese. In this paper, I only examine WGG before j which was the most prevalent and effective conditioning factor, though w, r, and l also triggered WGG. It is assumed here that before causing the gemination the thematic element j was lost before i and vocalized before consonants.

      • Nathaniel Hawthorne의 윤리적 상상력

        윤영식 순천대학교 어학연구소 1993 어학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Nathaniel Hawthorne provided most of his works with moral theme. He had a habit of finding moral meanings in even the trifles of his world. Hawthorne also possessed powerful intuition, and his fiction remains still valuable chiefly because of his moral imagination through which his fiction was made. As he lived in Salem where the nortorious witch trials had taken place centuries before, and his direct ancestor Judge William Hathorne had been deeply involved in them, Hawthorne found it easy to become completely absorbed in the history of Puritanism and in the lives of the early Puritans. The fact that with the Puritans sin was a fearful reality while with him it was only a psychological obeseeion made them the perfect tools to cerify his speculations. Calvin's tenets determined Hawthorne's artistic conscience so that his characters sin, like Chillingworth, by 'iron necessity' and wander ineffectively in the bewildering complex of their minds, as do Hester and Dimmesdale. Hawthorne's hidden Calvinism, Which prescribes the irony of his best writings, is rooted in Calvin's ??, the only systematic theology of the Reformation. Calvin's major tenets were deep - rooted in Hawthorne through his inheritance, his obsession with New Enhland's Puritan history, his eager reading of the lives and sermons of Puritan clergy men, and his childhood church - going. Hawthorne needed a set of theological concepts which might serve him as the framework for his allegorical and symbolic presentation of moral imagination. Such a set of concepts, he did find in the Puritan theology. This is not to say that he blindly accepted the entire structure of the Puritan theology and Puritan polity. The Christian system of Heaven and Hell, which to a true Puritan is an imperative reality, was for Hawthorne the artist a system of admitted symbols through which to describe the dilemma of nineteenth century man. A true Calvinist seeks conviction of sin as a preparation for a promised salvation, while Hawthorne sees it as an admission to the brotherhood of man.

      • The House of the Seven Gables에 관한 연구

        尹永植 순천대학교 어학연구소 1992 어학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The story of The house of the Seven Gables is the history of retribution for the sin over long and many generations. The theme of this romance has to do with inherited sin, the sin of aristocratic claims against an order which calls for a truer and higher evaluation of man, The sin of Colonel Pyncheon was greed for wealth, connected with a false and wrongful desire to live through his posterity. He intended to enrich his family, but on the contrary he brought a curse on them. The Maules' curse loses its strength only after Clifford and Hepzibah Pyncheon, two innocent persons, separated by many generations from Pyncheon Colonel, have bitterly suffered for the great part of their lives. The Pyncheons are fighting to keep up a seat of isolated superiority over their fellows in the society. The Family of the Maules, which survives in Holgrave, is an obvious contrast to the Pyncheons. While the Pyncheons are aristocrats, the Maules persistently plebian: carpenters, artisans, sailors before the mast. Matthew Maul's posterity " was supposed now to be extinct." Nevertheless, the Maules managed to take their revenges on the Pyncheos by means of mesmerism; a carpenter Maul mesmerized Alice Pyncheon to death, for one thing. The time of termination of the curse of old Mattew Maule was when at last one young Poebe from the Pyncheon family and another young Holgrave from the Maule family united in marriage against all adversity of their own and ancestors. One of his fruitful subjects in this work is the problem of moral growth. Holgrave is a character who achieves his moral growth, but Judge Pyncheon is not.

      • 담화분석의 필요성과 담화조직

        張東植 순천대학교 어학연구소 1991 어학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        When we study language, not only its content but its function must be considered. Unfortunately however modern theoretic linguistics is much more interested in the former than the latter, which causes great unvalence in language research. This paper is attempted to show that systematic functional approach is necessary and possible. In chapter Ⅱ the dogma of generative transformational grammar is criticized. It is as follows : the arbitrary curtailment of the data base, the rise of formalism as theory and the neglect of the notion explanation. It is also criticized that generative transformational linguists limit many explanatory parameters which are indispensible for language research and focus mainly on propositional contents. In chapter Ⅲ, to give the evidence for chapter : Ⅱ English free variational suentences, possessive forms and subcategorization rule are examined. As the result it is proved that sentence level approach is not appropriate for language research and discourse must be considered for the comprehensive study. In Chapter Ⅳ, it is shown that discourse is a structural organizstion. And many explanation on the connection of the discourse such as Halliday and Hasan(1976), Rumelhart(1977) and Thorn-dyke(1977) are introduced. But all of these are not sufficent to explain complex discourse organization which consists of linguistic and non-linguistic features. I hope that these kinds of approaches will contribute to make a more global macro-structure which can explain langage phenomena adequately and sufficently.

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