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      • 생태계 모델을 이용한 황해의 환경용량 산정

        김광수 목포해양대학교 서해해양환경연구소 1998 서해 해양환경연구소 학술세미나 Vol.1 No.1

        The distributions of residual currents and dissolved oxygen concentration in the Yellow Sea were simulated and reproduced by an eco-hydrodynamic model which is composed of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and an ecosystem model. In order to estimate the environmental capacity of the Yellow SEa, the simulations for predicting the situation of unfavorable environment such as the formation of oxygen-deficient water mass in bottom layer were performed by controlling quantitatively the pollution loads of rivers flowing into the Yellow Sea. The field surveys and the seawater analyses were conducted over the Yellow sea in summers, 1993 and 1994. The computed residual currents showed the counter-clockwise water circulation to exist in the surface and middle levels and no evident water circulation in the bottom level of the Yellow Sea. In the simulation of water quality with an ecosystem model, the more the pollution loads of 14 major rivers flowing into model region increase, the more evident appear the reductions of dissolved oxygen concentrations around the adjacent areas of estuaries receiving pollutants. In case the pollution loads of all 14 rivers become 7~10 times as high as the present loads, the concentration of dissolved oxygen appears to be reduced to 5.0㎎/ℓor less in the bottom level of the water area located eastward 60~120km away from the Changjiang estuary. Therefore , in order to keep the concentration of dissolved oxygen being 5.0㎎O₂/ℓand above, which is the Korean criterion of the third class seawater quality, the environmental capacity of the Yellow Sea may be estimated to be 7~10 times as high as the present pollution loads.

      • 파괴된 활성탄에서 미량유기오염물질의 제거특성

        김우항 목포해양대학교 서해해양환경연구소 1998 서해 해양환경연구소 학술세미나 Vol.1 No.1

        The removal of intermittently applied micropollutants in biological activated carbon(BAC) and sand filter saturated by natural organic matter (NOM) removal was examined. bromophenol and phenol were used as target compounds for the removal of micropollutants such as pesticides. 200μg/1 of bromophenol and phenol were independently applied to the BAC columns which have previously been used for 6-months and 20-months and sand filter being used for 6-months. The 20-month-used BAC has reached breakthrough levels already. The used BAC columns could removal almost all of the added bromophenol by adsorption. Sand filter could remove micropollutants by biodegradation, but could not remove bromophenol applied. Phenol with lower adsorbability than bromophenol was also removed completely by BAC used for 20-months. These results suggest that intermittently applied pesticides with similar absorbabilities as phenol Bromophenol may removed by used BAC which has reached breakthrough levels.

      • 갯벌 보호와 이용(갯벌의 자정능력 평가) : 갯벌의 자정능력 평가 Estimate the capacity of a tidal flats for self purificationing

        김도희 목포해양대학교 서해해양환경연구소 1998 서해 해양환경연구소 학술세미나 Vol.1 No.1

        1997년 9월과 12월 2회에 걸쳐 전남 해남군 북평면 해남리 갯벌(6820 ㎡ )을 대상으로 입도조성 분석 결과 모래와 자갈이 4.68%, 모래가 33.56%, 진흙(silt)이 59.71%을 함유하고 있었고, IL은 평균 6.14%, 저질 COD도 평균 5930㎎/1로 다소 낮게 나타나고 있었다. 조석에 의한 DIN, DIP 및 SS는 언제나 정화되지는 않았으나 COD의 경우 모두 창조시보다 낙조시에 낮게 나타나 대상 갯벌이 COD의 정화 능력이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이와같은 천연적인 갯벌의 오염물질의 정화는 다른 처리 기술보다 건설, 운전유지비가 소요되지 않고 영구적이며, 2차 오염물질의 발생이 없다는 점에서 갯벌의릐보전과 관리는 더욱 중요한 의미를 지니겠다. 또한, 지금까지 갯벌의 개발과 이용에 너무 큰 비중을 두어 왔으나 갯벌이 가진 생태적, 경제적, 사회, 문화적 가치 평가와 함께 간척 사업에 치중된 제도나 재원에 걸맞게 갯벌의 보호와 관리를 위한 기구와 제도, 재원 및 연구가 이루어져야 하겠다. 나아가서는 갯벌의 기능과 가치가 감소되는 것을 방지하기 위하여 대체지의 조성 및 자연환경에의 완화 조치가 적극적으로 강구되어야 하겠고, 갯벌이 상실될 경우에는 새로운 갯벌을 창출하고 그 복원에 노력하는 대체 기술을 모색하여야겠다.

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