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      • KCI등재후보

        동아시아 표비(驃비)의 구조적 분석과 전개

        장윤정 ( Yoon Chung Chang ) (재)동아시아문물연구학술재단 동아시아문물연구소 2010 文物硏究 Vol.- No.18

        서아시아ㆍ중앙아시아에서 시작하여 중국, 우리나라, 일본 등 동아시아에 이르기까지 분포한 ??로 불리어지는 棒? 재갈멈추개를 주체로 하여 마구의 전개과정을 거시적인 관점에서 검토하였다. 그 과정에서 재갈멈추개와 銜의 결합방식에 주목하여 貫通式, 一體式, 結合式, 揷入式 등 4가지로 분류하였다. 먼저 貫通式은 재갈멈추개 중앙에 뚫린 구멍에 銜 본체가 통과한 후 棒狀 양쪽 끝에 銜 외환을 만든 것이고 一體式은 함 외환에 재갈멈추개를 직접 붙여 고정ㆍ제작한 것이다. 結合式은 재갈멈추개 자체에 뚫린 구멍(銜孔) 혹은 고리에 함 외환이 연결된 것이고 揷入式은 이제까지 ??로 알려진 것으로 함 외환에 棒狀의 재갈멈추개가 삽입된 것이다. 이들 ??라는 특징적인 형태를 가진 재갈은 서아시아ㆍ중앙아시아에서 전파의 종착역이라고 할 수 있는 일본까지 약 1500년의 시공을 초월하여 확인되고 있지만 그 정도와 구체적인 내용은 지역과 시대에 따라 달리하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. In the macro perspective, this study heavily focuses on the development process of the horse equipment particularly the bits and bridles which have a stick ends. These objects seemed to be introduced here in East Asia (including Korea, Japan and China) from West and Middle Asia. Especially it should be highlighted that this work divided four different types according to the combination technique of the bits and bridles. They are as such: Penetration, All-in-one, Combination and Insertion. Penetration type has a small hole in the middle of the bits and the bridle was penetrated through the hole. At the end of the stick, then, there is a outer circle which to hold the bits. In case of All-in-one, the bridle and the bits are directly combined and stuck together. A hole or circle which is attached to the bridle are connected to the bits and this is a Combination type. Finally the Insertion type is the one which is known as the general bits and bridles and so bridles were inserted to the bits. This kinds of combined bits and bridles seemed to be identified from West Asia, Middle Asia and Japan throughout more than 1500 years in history. However, this is also very interesting to point out that all those findings have distinctive and unique feature which cannot be unified into one certain type.

      • KCI등재후보

        三國時代 新羅石城의 體城 外壁 角度에 대한 考察 : 體城의 面石을 中心으로

        이형재 동아시아문물연구소 2007 文物硏究 Vol.- No.11

        According to the Cultural Heritage Administration's statistics, about three hundred(300) various castles are scattered all over the country. This study is to fractionize the typical style for country with the Stone Castle of the Period of Silla selected by this study as the central subject and to classify its characteristics, which will be useful research material for applying it as another verification material in addition to the chronological recording of the excavated relics in judging the early days of originating the stone castle, etc. First, our Stone Castle was originated from Goguryeo Dynasty in the ancient times and it's appeared in the early days the ways of building the Baekje Dynasty-lined and Goguryeo Dynasty-lined stone castles are nearly the same. In the later days, the Goguryeo-lined stone castle began to use the similar way of constructing the castles with Silla Dynasty-lined castle based upon wooden castle construction Second, Goguryeo-lined castle was built on the basis of mud castle construction like Guknae-sung(castle) and, it's appeared, in its later days it was changed to Silla-lined stone castle. In early days of Baekje Dynasty the castle was built in the basis of mud castle construction and in its later days their castle was developed to ston overray mud castle. Third, as the result of analysing the angle of constructing more than one hundred (100) castles, the castle whose construction angle is less than 10°was identified as Silla-lined and 10~19°as Goguryeo-lined and more than 20°as Baekje-lined. Fourth, this study with executing its related research selected, recorded & introduced only places which the time of the peculiar construction of the Three States appeared on a part of the researched places is identified based upon the archeological specimens. This study is to file and describe the findings researched as the aboves, and some raise objections of Guyhyungsung of plate-stone building for special castles and Yogo style castle construction. Judging that by visual building technique instead of its structure, the conclusion of the pending question was left for future settlement. As far as the Korean castles all about are concerned, the fact that all the stone castles were remodelled & repaired into Silla-lined castles according as the Three States in the ancient times were unified and led to the Unified Silla might make the conclusion of the pending question obscure. If, however, we excavate and research the whole of the castles concerned all-inclusively by division, as far as its simplicity is concerned, any different factors such as building technique for each division, etc. were discovered and, therefore, it's considered that this study will be useful and of a great help to derive out wider and more reliable judgment of chronicle discrimination of their initial construction and improvement, etc. 우리나라에는 문화재청 통계로 확인하면 현재 남한에 약 300여개의 다양한성곽이 산재하고 있다고 한다. 이번 연구에서 설정한 신라시대 석성을 중심으로고대에 건설된 각 국가별 전형적인 유형을 세분화하고, 그 특성을 분류하여 석성의 초축시기 등을 판단함에 있어 발굴 조사된 유물 편년에 이어 또 다른 제3의검증자료로 활용하기 위한 유익한 연구 자료일 것이다. 첫째, 고대로부터 우리나라 석성의 기원은 고구려로부터 시작이 되었으며, 초기에는 백제계와 고구려계의 석성 구축방법이 거의 동질로 나타나고 있다. 후기에 이르면 고구려계는 신라계와 같이 목책을 근간으로 내포된 서로 유사한 축성 방법을 사용하게 된다. 둘째, 고구려계도 국내성과 같이 토성에 근간을 두고 있었으나, 후기에 신라계와 비슷한 석성으로 변모되어 간다. 초기 백제계 성에서도 토성을 근간으로하여 축성하였으나, 후기에 접어들면서 점차 석축 피복석 토성으로 변모되어 감을 알 수 있다. 셋째, 약 100개 이상의 석성을 택하여 체성 축조 각도를 분석하여보니 성곽의 체성 외벽 축조 각도가 신라계 석성 체성 외벽 각도는 2˚~15˚로 나타나고있어 각도가 10˚ 이하는 확실한 신라 성곽계로 판단한다. 그리고 고구려계는 10 ~19°, 백제계는 20° 이상으로 분류되는 결과가 도출되어 나타났다. 넷째, 본 연구를 수행하면서 조사지 일원에 나타난 신라계 성을 선택하여고찰하고 공반유물 편년에 의해 시기가 판단된 곳만을 선정하여 기록, 분석하였다. 이상 본 연구에서 조사된 바를 정리 기술하고 있으나 석성과 체성 외벽 각도는 측정에 있어서 특수한 성곽 면석쌓기 방법인 규형성, 요고형쌓기성 등에 대한학계에서 일부의 이견이 있다. 이것은 구조쪽으로 이해하기보다는 시각적인 쌓기모양으로 판단하고 그 맺음말을 후일로 남겨 두었다. 또한 우리나라 석성은 고대삼국이 통일되어 통일신라로 이어짐에 따라 모든 석성들이 신라계 성과 조선계성으로 개․보수하여 사용된 점 등이 현안의 결론을 흐리게 할 수도 있다. 그러나당해 성곽 전체를 구간별로 수축 총괄하여 발굴 조사한다면 단일성에 있어서도구간별 쌓기 방법 등 총체적인 이력이 노출될 것이다. 따라서 이에 대한 폭넓은(석성의 초축, 수축 등 시기 구분) 판단을 끌어내는데 본 논지는 유익하고 많은도움이 될 것으로 사료한다.

      • KCI등재

        양산 신기리산성에 대한 소고

        이일갑 동아시아문물연구소 2014 文物硏究 Vol.- No.26

        Yangsan city, Gyeongsangnam-do Singiri acidic mountain town Singiri 20, bukjeongdong acid 20, which is located in San hogyeri 112,260 Street, is situated in the province and its adjacent areas in normal sulfuric 157,074㎡ area. January 21, 1963 has been designated as Historic Site 97. Were identified before and after the Unified Silla period in Singiri acid dongbyeok identity is part chochuk walls. Building a proper layer of conducting 品 shaped exterior walls have been installed and the air mass bochuk this was confirmed conducted ethnic brought about by 5㎝ distance from the proximal end toward the inside wall height 1.7m (total 3.2m) about this. According to the status of the remaining walls is estimated to be composed of at least three times over the outside shot, but can differ depending on the period since the chochuk reconstruction. Thus, as early as the time chochuk itgetda can be estimated in the mid to late 05 century to 07 century. In addition, it is estimated that maintaining the functionality of the castle until the Joseon period, when viewed as being presumed to be retroactive to rectify togipyeon Silla and Unified Silla period in the province of giwapyeon artifacts, and the minutes of the Goryeo Dynasty giwapyeon cheongsagi pieces, porcelain pieces, including a large amount of and is identified as consisting of at least three times the number of renovations since chochuk. Therefore, it is estimated to have been used by the captain continued, Ulsan, ipbo of Eonyang Longshan county property (入堡用山城) through shipbuilding and electricity, as well as the Unified Silla period considered, including the production period is used to geumjeongsan castle built Singiri acid production is. It was found that occupies a very important position to identify the remains Singiri acid based between Silla, go, the Nakdong River basin of bleach fight sahoesang time when the review process and comprehensive view more details. Itgetda can also note that the non sapryang occupied an important position in the value fired in defense and attack south of Silla go Singiri Acid production. 신기리산성은 경상남도 양산시 양산읍 신기리 산 20, 북정동 산 20, 호계리산 112,260번지에 위치하고 있는데, 면적은 157,074㎡로 성황산 정상과 그 인접한 지역에 자리잡고 있다. 1963년 1월 21일 사적 제97호로 지정되었다. 신기리산성 동벽 체성부에서 통일신라시대를 전후한 초축성벽이 확인되었다. 이 성벽에는외벽기단보축이 설치되어 있고 品자형의 바른층쌓기를 실시하고 기단부에서부터 내벽쪽으로 약 5㎝ 간격으로 들여쌓기를 실시한 높이 1.7m(전체 3.2m) 가량이 확인되었다. 잔존 성벽의 현황에 따르면 초축 이후 수개축이 구간에 따라 차이는 있으나 적어도 총 3차례 내외에 걸쳐 이루어진 것으로 추정된다. 따라서 초축시기가 빠르면 5세기 중후반에서 7세기로 추정할 수 있겠다. 또한 성내에서 신라토기편과 통일신라시대까지 소급되는 것으로 추정되는 기와편, 고려시대의 기와편과 분청사기편, 다량의 백자편 등의 유물이 수습되는 것으로 볼 때 조선시대까지 성곽의 기능이 유지되었을 것으로 추정되며, 초축 이후 최소 3차례 이상의수개축이 이루어진 것으로 파악된다. 따라서 양산 신기리산성은 통일신라와 고려시대를 비롯하여 조선 전기를 거쳐 금정산성이 축조 사용되는 기간까지 양산을 비롯하여 기장, 울산, 언양 군민의 입보용산성(入堡用山城)으로 계속 사용되었던 것으로 추정된다. 이상의 내용을 종합적으로 검토하여 볼 때 신라, 가야, 백제의 낙동강유역을 사이에 둔 투쟁과정과 당시 사회상을 파악하는데 신기리산성이 매우 중요한 위치를 차지하는 유적임을 알 수 있었다. 또한 양산 신기리산성은 신라의 남쪽 방어와 가야 공격에 있어 중요한 위치를 차지하던 삽량주의 치소성으로 비정된다고 할 수 있겠다.

      • KCI등재

        고령 지산동고분군 출토 철제농구에 대한 연구 -석곽묘를 중심으로-

        강석범 ( Seok Beom Kang ) (재)동아시아문물연구학술재단 동아시아문물연구소 2011 文物硏究 Vol.- No.19

        고대에 있어서 철이라는 소재는 일반적으로 권력과 부를 상징하는 주요한 요소 중 하나로 인식되어 왔으며 사회변동의 동인(動因) 중 하나로 큰 역할을 해왔다. 본 글에서는 이러한 철을 소재로 제작된 농구 중 대가야의 중심지로 생각되는 고령 지산동고분군 자료를 대상으로 그 부장양상을 검토하고 기존연구에서 대가야권역에서만 확인되는 축소모형농구의 부장현상을 살피고자 한다. 자료의 검토결과 지산동고분군의 철제농구 부장은 대가야권역이라는 지역적 특성에 부합하듯 다른 지역과는 달리 축소모형농구가 다량 부장되고 있다. 일반농구와는 다른 인식하에 제작되고 부장된 축소모형농구의 부장양상을 살펴보았을 때 이는 백제지역과 관련한 전통적인 부장습속으로 5세기 중엽을 전후로 대가야 세력의 팽창과 관련해 발전한 것으로 보여진다. 대가야가 활발히 세력을 확대해나가던 5세기 중엽 집중적으로 부장되는 축소모형농구는 6세기 중엽 신라에 의한 병합을 전후로 한 시기까지 그 명맥은 유지되었다. Iron has been always in the centre of the social power and wealth in the ancient time. But iron also plays such an important role to change the society. In this work, therefore, iron agricultural wares found from Jisan-Dong Tombs sites were chosen to be analysed in order to understand the ways of burial and findings of small-sized tools. As a result, small-sized tools were found in this tomb site whereas no other areas found in these kind of tools. When it comes to think about the small-sized tools, they were traditional way of burial and also normal agricultural tools were also buried together. This tradition in connection with Beakje seemed to be oriented from the strong influence of Dae-Gaya in the middle 5th century. After Dae-Gaya was dominated by Silla in the middle 6th century, small-sized tools were still buried but the entire numbers were fallen compared to the 5th century.

      • KCI등재후보

        연천 대전리산성의 성격 연구

        안성현,최광훈 동아시아문물연구소 2018 文物硏究 Vol.- No.34

        After organization of the excavation investigation result about Yeoncheon Daejeon-ri mountain fortress, this study is considered the construct method and the excavated relics of mountain fortresses made by stones, and the excavated relics of ancient tombs in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do area. As a result, Daejeon-ri mountain fortress was built in the middle or late of 6thC, and, after the occupation, Silla and Goguryeo got through to a basin of Imjingang River and Hantangang River. And when considering the earliest relics found in the fortresses and ancient tombs are applicable to the middle and the late 6thC, they were built intensively during a short time. However, taking account of the relics in this period are excavated small amount in each fortresses, the occupied territory was ruled over not a stable govern but privoted on a iodgement area. To analyzing the hard tiles, excavated in a rod tamoing layer of a water catchment facilities inside of Horogoru, and the charcoal atratum in the outside of fortress of Mudeungri 2nd fort. not only brush fires passed off along the boundary line, but also various occupation forms are existed. 이글은 연천 대전리산성에 대한 발굴조사 결과를 정리한 후 서울·경기지역 석축산성의 축조수법과 유물, 고분에서 출토된 유물을 검토하였다. 그 결과 대전리산성은 6세기 중·후반경에 축조되었으며, 신라 복속 이후 신라와 고구려의 국경선은 한탄강·임진강을 잇는 선임을 밝혔다. 그리고 이 지역 산성과 고분군에서 출토된 가장 이른 시기의 유물들은 대부분 6세기 중반에서 후반경에 해당하므로 짧은 기간 동안 집중적으로 축성이 이루어졌음을 확인하였다. 다만 이 시기 유물은 각 산성마다 소량으로 출토되었다는 점을 감안할 때 점령지의 안정적인 지배보다 거점지역을 중심으로 이루어졌을 가능성이 높다. 한편, 호로고루 내부 집수시설-지하건물지-내 출토 기와편과 무등리 2보루의 성벽 외부 목탄층을 분석한 결과 국경선을 따라 소규모의 전투가 이루어졌을 뿐 아니라 점유 형태 역시 다양하였음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        동래읍성 해자 출토 인골에서 보여진 병리적 특성과 상흔

        이성미,김재현 동아시아문물연구소 2023 文物硏究 Vol.- No.43

        본 연구는 동래읍성 해자에서 출토된 인골에 관한 병리적 특성과 상흔(전쟁흔)을 파악하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 동래읍성 해자에서 출토된 인골은 모두 해자에 투기된 것으로, 그리드별로 산발적으로 수습되었고 개체수를 개별적으로 추정한 결과 최소 약 56개체로 확인되었다. 인골의 병리적 특성 분석 결과, 당시 동래에서 살았던 사람들에게서 선천적인 요인과 후천적인 요인 모두 다양하게 나타났다. 특히 노동이나 노쇠에 의한 요인들이 다소 관찰되었으며, 우식증(충치)보다 높은 비율로 관찰된 치석을 통해서 당시 이 집단들은 탄수화물에 전적으로 의존하여 생활하던 환경이 아니였음을 알 수 있다. 또한 사망 무렵 당시 희생자들에서 나타난 상흔은 동래부순절도와 임진왜란 당시 왜군의 무기체계 및 전법을 통한 상관관계를 확인할 수 있었으며, 실제로 인골에서 총상흔과 자상흔으로 구분하여 파악할 수 있었다. 종합적으로 동래부 전투 당시 사망한 사람들은 전부 군인집단으로 볼 수 있는 남성들만이 아닌, 남녀노소로 이루어진 민간인의 집단적 희생도 존재했음을 알 수 있었다. This study aimed to understand the pathological characteristics and scars (war scars) of human bones excavated from the moat of Dong-Nae City Walls. All human bones excavated from the moat of Dong-Nae City Walls were speculated in the moat, and were collected sporadically by grid, and as a result of individual estimation, at least 56 were identified. As a result of analyzing the pathological characteristics of human bones, both innate and acquired factors were found in people who lived in Dong-Nae at the time. In particular, some factors due to labor or senility were observed, and through the high proportion of plaque, it was found that these groups ate protein-rich foods such as fish obtained from fishing activities at that time. In addition, the scars that appeared in the victims at the time of death were found to be correlated through the weapon system and tactics of the Japanese army during the Dongraebusoonjeldo and the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, and in fact, they were classified into gunshot wounds and stab wounds in human bones. Overall, it was found that not only men who died during the Battle of Dongnae-bu, but also civilians made up of various men and women of all ages.

      • KCI등재

        巨濟 巨林里 유적의 재검토

        심봉근 동아시아문물연구소 2022 文物硏究 Vol.- No.41

        In April 1996, Dong-A University Museum excavated the Georim-ri site located in Dundeok-myeon, Geoje-si. Since the archaeological artifacts were accidentally found during the readjustment of rice field, the investigation was urgently made. About 10years later, excavation surveys on the Dundeokgiseong Fortress located near the Georim-ri site were conducted several times, and the correlation between two sites was revealed, making it inevitable to reconsider the historical meaning of the existing Georim-ri site. At first, most of the archaeological remains identified in the survey were foundations, fences, trenches, and cornerstones related to the building site. It is believed to be a building built and planned thoroughly. moreover, it can be assumed that large scale of site and Gwimokmun roof tiles excavated in the site shows that the building had been used as temples and government offices. What is noteworthy is that the building was built during the middle of the Goryeo Dynasty and is very close to the period of exile of Goryeo Uijong (A.D.1170), which appears in the historic records. Therefore, it is presumed that the building site has the same characteristics as Haenggung, which was built to prepare a place during the exile of King Uijong. Considering artifacts, most of the them are of the Goryeo Dynasty, including earthenware, celadon pieces, roof tiles, and the roof tiles with inscriptions in Sangsa-ri. A small amount of Buncheong ware is from the early Joseon Dynasty, which is not directly related to the building site. Since high quality celadon pieces and roof tiles engraving Gwimokmun excavated from the site make up most of the excavated artifacts, it is thought that the building site was used as Buddhist temples. The archaeological chronology of artifacts is same as the exile period of the Goryeo Uijong, and it is understood that the use of celadon, roof tiles is closely related to the temples rather than private buildings. In terms of roof tiles with inscription “Sangsari”, the roof tiles are dated to the Goryeo Dynasty based on their production features. The same roof tiles were also excavated from the east gate of Dundeokgiseong Fortress located near the Georim-ri. The excavation results shows that the east gate of Dundeokgiseong Fortress was reconstructed during the Goryeo Dynasty from the Hyeonmunji of the Silla period. Perhaps, it is understood that the same materials were used as the construction of the historic building in Georim-ri and the reconstruction of Dundeokgiseong Fortress during the exile of Geoje island of Uijong. Considering the manufacture and transportation system of roof tiles, the location of ‘Sangsari’ can be seen near Georim-ri and Dundeokgiseong Fortress. In the process of reviewing the artifacts of Georim-ri, administrative center of Sang-Gun is believed to be in Dundeokgiseong Fortress. Prior to the excavation of Dundeokgiseong Fortress, Georim-ri site where inscription roof tiles were excavated was thought to be a center of Sang-Gun. But Georim-ri site had been built during the Goryeo Dynasty, while Dundeokgiseong Fortress had been started from the Silla Dynasty . According to the historical records, Sang-Gun was installed during the reign of King Munmu of Silla dynasty and renamed Geoje-gun during the reign of King Gyeongdeok, so it is hard to think of Georim-ri built in Goryeo period as Sang-Gun. In particular, analyzing the shape of building site, type of reservoirs and the method of building walls, Dundeokgiseong Fortress can be seen as being constructed in the mid 7th century. This can be regarded that Dundeokgiseong Fortress and Sang-Gun were built around the same time. It is also the same as the process of establishing administrative base in other regions of the Silla Dynasty. There have been many theories about the location of Dokroguk of Samhan period and administrative base of Geoje Island during the Silla and Goryeo periods. However, discovery of inscription ro...

      • KCI등재

        기장 장안리 상장안 자기요지의 편년 연구

        허선영 ( Sun Young Hur ) (재)동아시아문물연구학술재단 동아시아문물연구소 2010 文物硏究 Vol.- No.18

        부산광역시 동북쪽에 위치한 기장군에서 도예촌 조성과 관련하여 2007년 2월부터 7월까지 지표조사가 이루어졌다. 이 조사에서 장안읍 일대를 중심으로 모두 7개 지점에서 도요지 관련유적을 확인하는 성과를 거두었다. 그중 기장군 장안읍에 위치한 장안리 상장안 자기요지는 ‘蔚山長興庫’, ‘耕負祭’ 등의 명문이 있는 분청사기와 炙??희준?보?고족배와 같은 제기가 발견되어, ??경상도속찬지리지?? 울산군에 기록된 도기소?자기소에서 하품을 생산하던 장안리현으로 추정된다. 요지는 후대의 인위적인 훼손으로 가마 유구의 현상 파악은 어려우나 지표조사에서 수습된 다량의 도자편 분석을 통해 이들 유적에 대한 편년연구가 가능하며, 부산?경남지역 도자사 연구에 기여하는 바가 높다고 판단하였다. 본 논문에서는 장안리 상장안 자기 요지의 제작시기를 살펴보기 위해 먼저, 요지 도자편의 기종과 기형, 문양, 제작수법을 검토해 보았다. 가장 많이 수습된 기종은 대접과 접시이며, 그 외 기타 도자편과 요도구 등도 확인하였다. 문양은 확인된 도자편의 크기가 대체로 작아 전체적인 문양구성을 살피는 데 한계가 있으나 일반적인 문양 구성과 위치에 근거하여 주문양과 종속문양으로 나누어 분류하였다. 제작수법에서는 유태와 굽의 깎음새, 번조수법의 양상은 갑번인지 포개구이 번조인지에 대한 여부와 받침은 어떠한 것이 사용되었는지 살펴보았다. 장안리 상장안 자기요지는 광주광역시 충효동 요지의 안정된 6개 층위에서 확인된 유물의 양상, 그리고 제기형태의 변화를 통해 제작시기를 판단하였고, 또한 ??경상도속찬지리지??의 울산군조의 도기소와 자기소 기록에서 중요한 단서를 제공 받았다. 장안리 상장안 자기요지는 1450~1470년대 사이가 요업의 중심시기인 것으로 판단하였다. A research of earth surface was conducted by me from February to July 2007 on the subject of ancient formation of ceramic art villages at Gijang county, Busan. The research, though it was just a survey of earth surface, is a significant work since no research has been conducted till now concerning pottery at Gijang area and reported officially to the learned circles. From the pottery located at Janganri village was discovered ‘Buncheong ware’ that retains inscriptions such as ‘Ulsan Jangheung Go(warehouse)’ and ‘Gyeongbu Je (festival).’ In addition, utensils used in religious services such as ‘Jajeop,’ ‘Hijun,’ ‘Bo’ and ‘Gojokbae’ were confirmed through the Janganri pottery. The place seems identical to ‘Janganri-hyeon’ of Ulsan recorded in ??Gyeongsang-doSokchanJiriji??(geographical book published in Gyeongsang province) where low grade chinaware were produced. The mentioned pottery was marred by posterity, so observation of its remained structure has become difficult. However, I decided that with the recovered slices, chronological research of the three remains is worth trying, so I brought it up as the object of my study. To determine the production period of the potteries, I first reviewed the kinds and techniques of production, together with patterns and abnormalities of the slices. Bowls and dishes were focal points of my survey as they are kinds that have been recovered most so far. Other items such as ceramic slices and kiln tools were also investigated. However, I have encountered limitation in studying the whole composition of pattern since most of the excavated slices were small sized. Nonetheless, I have classified them into main pattern and subordinate pattern based on general composition of patterns and their locations as well as their appearing ratio. As for production skill, I observed cutting shape of ‘Yutae’ (special oil painting) and bottom of the slices, their firing technique, whether they are ‘Gapbeon’ (high-grade product) or ‘Pogae Gui’ fired one, and what material was used as prop. As a result of my observing the ceramic slices from Gijang area, I came to know that the most prominent features of the three potteries lie in ‘Yeondang Chomun’ celadon porcelains from Sinri and Daeryong potteries, the ‘Buncheong’ chinaware (with inscription of authorities) from Janganri pottery, and the utensil production for religious service. Through the above analysis, along with study of documentary records and comparison with other remains that were recovered from stable stratum or bearing dates, I could surmise the specific production period of each pottery. As for the pottery at Janganri, I have surmised its production period through shapes of the remains recovered from 6 stable strata of pottery at Chunghyo-dong, Gwangju city, together with changed forms of religious utensils. I was also given important hint from the records on chinaware potteries at Ulsan county described in ??Gyeongsang- doSokchanJiriji??. As the result of my research I conclude that the pottery at Janganri started ceramic production somewhere between 1450?1470.

      • KCI등재후보

        근대 신중도에 보이는 예적금강 도상 변화에 대한 시론

        김재영 ( Kim Jae-young ) (재)동아시아문물연구학술재단 동아시아문물연구소 2018 文物硏究 Vol.- No.33

        신중도는 의식집을 기반으로 하여 제작된 불화지만 시대가 흐르면서 새로운 도상들이 추가되기 시작한다. 현존하는 대부분의 신중도는 19세기 중반부터 20세기 전반에 집중적으로 제작되었다. 보수적인 성격의 다른 불화들과 달리 구성이나 표현 방식이 자유로워 여러 가지 유형의 신중도가 조성되었다. 그 중에서도 특히 주변국가의 영향을 많이 받게 되었는데 일본의 영향이 컸다고 할 수 있다. 개항 이후 일본 불교 포교소가 국내에 세워져 일본 불교의 영향력이 증가하게 되었고 그에 따라 자연스럽게 밀교 도상이 유입되어 이전에 보이지 않던 부동명왕과 예적금강이 불화에 등장하게 되었다. 본 논고에서는 그 가운데 근대기 예적금강을 중심으로 도상변화의 양상을 살펴보고자 한다. 근대기 신중도에서 예적금강이 확인되는 작품은 약 25점 가량이다. 특히 예적금강이 표현된 신중도는 20세기부터 활발하게 제작되었는데 영남, 서울·경기, 전라, 충청 순으로 수량이 확인된다. 이러한 근대기 예적금강 도상은 일본과 밀접한 관련이 있을 것으로 생각되는데, 인도와 중국의 영향을 받아 토착화된 일본 도상이 국내에 유입되었을 가능성이 제기된다. 한편, 한국 신중도에서 보이는 예적금강은 대부분 3목 3면 8비 도상을 하고 있어 유입된 이후 한국적인 모습으로 변모하였다고 사료된다. Sinjungdo (paintings of the guardian deities) are Buddhist paintings made based on ritual guides, but new icons were added as time passed. In particular, those paintings were greatly influenced by surrounding countries, especially Japan. Buddhist mission work stations from Japan were established in Korea after opening the ports, which increased the influence of Esoteric Buddhism. Naturally, Japanese Buddhist icons entered Korea, and Buddhist paintings began to feature Acala (Budong Mingwang) and Ucchusma (Yejeok-geumgang) that had not been found before. There are 24 pieces featuring Japanese Buddhist icons in modern Sinjungdo, and 2 of them portrayed both Acala and Ucchusma, while 22 pieces portray only Ucchusma. Ucchusma is a Japanese Buddhist icon that is relatively more emphasized, showing new patterns of layouts, attires and features in the 20<sup>th</sup> century in addition to the many-sided cremation form. These changes are to lay more stress on Ucchusma. Sinjungdo featuring Acala and Ucchusma had been made actively since the 20<sup>th</sup> century all over the nation regardless of region. Most Ucchusma featured in Korean Sinjungdo are many faces and many arms icons, seemingly changed into a more Korean style after the inflow. However, as a result of examining Ucchusma of Sinjungdo in the Daegwangjeon Hall of Pyochungsa Temple built in 1930, it was discovered that they were depicted almost in the same way as Mahakala of esoteric Buddhism in Tibet.

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