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      • Leisure ethics in Korea as it differ to western countries

        Jeon,Ik Ki 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1994 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.7

        노동과 더불어 현대사회의 인간생활을 구성하는 양대 요소의 하나로써 그 중요성이 급속히 강조되고 있고 현대산업사회의 산물이라는 여가(사회체육)에 대한 문제가 논의되기 시작한 것은 극히 최근의 일로서 우리나라의 경우도 그러하다. 따라서 여가(사회체육)에 대한 적절하거나 일반화된 개념정리가 분명치 않으며 놀이, 스포츠, 관광, 오락 등의 유사 개념들과의 뚜렷한 경계도 확립이 없다. 우리나라는 70년대 이후부터 공업화, 도시화가 진행됨에 따라 사회변동을 가져오게 되었다. 이러한 사회변동은 국민생활 부문에서 자유시간의 증가, 교육기회의 확대, 소득수준의 증대로 여가(사회체육) 부문에 다양한 형태로 요구가 증대되고 있다. 그러나 급속한 사회변동으로 여가(사회체육)에 대한 가치관 미정립과 증대되는 여가(사회체육)욕구에 상응하는 여가(사회체육) 공급대책에 미흡한 실정이다. 우리나라 사람들의 여가(사회체육)에 대한 가치, 인지도, 만족도, 태도 등은 아직 수동적이고 소극적인 면이 강하고 일과 관련지어 생각하는 점이 높게 나타났지만 연령이 적고 교육수준이 높을수록 적극적이고 활동적인 태도를 지니는 경형이 증대하고 있다.

      • The Students' Scale of Physical Activity : Development and Evalution

        Won, Eun-kyung 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1998 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.11

        현대의 발달된 산업사회가 국민생활 여건을 편리해지게 한 반면에 국민체력수준을 현저하게 저하시켜 성인병에 의한 사망률이 나날이 증가하는 부작용을 초래하고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 신체활동과 운동의 중요성을 크게 부각시킴으로써 치료보다는 예방적 차원을 강조하고 방향을 설정하는데 도움을 주고자 했다. 최근 정부시책도 날로 증가하고 있는 성인병의 확산을 최소화하기 위하여 우수선수 중심의 소수엘리트 스포츠 정책에서 탈피하여 복지사회구현의 일환으로 생활체육을 통한 체육의 대중화 정책을 발표하기에 이르렀다. 이 계획에서 질병의 근원적인 예방은 건전한 스포츠 문화의 정착이 최상이라는 인식하에서 삶의 질 향상과 건강사회 구현을 위한 방향으로 체육정책을 전환하도록 하는데 주안점을 두고 있다. 이에 따라 건강관련요인에 대하여 직접 공부하는 체육학을 전공하는 학생들의 신체활동에 대한 역학적 조사와 올바른 운동 프로그램으로 활성화되어 있는지에 대한 연구가 다양한 결과와 함께 설명이 제공되고 있다. 효과적인 운동방법과 건강관리 정보를 제공하는 체계를 마련하고자 이 연구를 실시하게 되었으며, 아직까지도 대다수 국민들은 체육이 특수계층에서만 실시하는 것으로 잘못 인식하여 스스로가 참여하는 스포츠 활동의 필요성을 크게 인식하지 못하고 있는 것이 생활체육보급에 큰 장애요인이 되고 있는 것이다. 체육전공학생들을 대상으로 신체활동지수에 대한 분석을 위해 질문지를 이용하여 지수에 대한 분석과 가장 영향을 주는 요인에 대한 비교분석을 하였다. 체육전공학생들의 학과별 학년별 지수에 대한 비교를 보면 5% 수준에서 의의있는 차를 보여주는 항목은 없었으며, 지수에 영향을 주는 요인별 분석에서 유의한 차를 보여주는 항목으로는 걷기, 뛰기, 집안운동, 수영으로 나타났다. 여기에 대한 질문에 대한 응답으로는 운동을 같이 하는 대상으로는 친구와 함께, 시간은 주중에, 하루 중 오후에 한다는 응답자가 가장 많이 나왔다.

      • 一般 成人 南ㆍ女의 스포츠 社會化에 關한 硏究 : Comparison between the members' sexes of the sports in the Capital area 首都圈 地域 스포츠 센타 會員의 性別 比較를 中心으로

        柳在忠,金東勳 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1994 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.7

        It can not be completed to socialize in the sports activities, and it is the process affected by variable. Changeable factors that is endlessly proceeded on the assumption of possibility of change. The problem of the socialization process to the sports activities is approached in the viewpoint of the socialization and the post-socialization process to the sports. This study analyzed the sports socialization process of male and female adults with the survey. And the result is as follows. 1. It was shown that the most of the motivations of the sports activities were "health improvement" in both male and female adults, which was the most factors by 68.90%, 319 of whole respondents. 2. It was that the participants of the sports activities were in order by the others(29.14%), spouses(25.83%), and friends(23.84%), and it was same order in the female repodents. Principal was the most of "the others". 3. It was shown that the assistance of family members to the participants of sports activities were very active both male and female. 4. It was shown that the degree of understanding the sports was different between male and female. 5. It was shown that the male were more interested and preferred that the female in the articles and the program about the sports from the mass communications. 6. It was shown that more female respondants expressed about the negative function of the sports than the male. 7. It was shown that the reason of cutting out the sports activities are that "the matter of time" was 61.59% in the male which was higher than female, and "the financial matter" was 8.01% in the female higher than the male.

      • 武道의 스포츠社會化에 關한 考察

        김홍석,이진 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1997 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.10

        This study was to analyze sports socialization of martial arts. The conclusion of this study are as the following: 1) The prominent characteristics of sports socialization of martial arts were:martial arts became the sport by wearing a fiction than the essential quality to build up one's mind or attain spiritual enlightenment and gradually became by wearing unproductivity by way of the training of meaningless motions and techniques to gain score rather than having substantial aim to do self-protection and become the sport by wearing the rule-governedness by way of the subdivision and intrication and strictness and regulation of game rules and strictness and became the sports by wearing the separation by way of the distinction of sex, age, and weight, the structure of a gymnasium, the standardization of time, and the justice of results. 2) By the appointed rule, that is same condition, chance, and production of tool:martial arts became the sport by wearing the competitiveness by way of the quantitative increasment of athletic meet, the succession of weight, \and the rule to raise competitive power. 3) Martial arts gradually became the sport by wearing to by putting the emphasis on the outcome by physical techniques and tactics rather than accident of the result of game. 4) Martial arts was accounted much of mind gradually became by putting the emphasis on the development and training of skills and physical skills.

      • Inquiry Into Contemporary Perspectives of Physical Education and Sport Leaders in Asia

        Gwok,Eun Chong,Chang,Ju Ho 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1994 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.7

        본 연구의 목적은 현재 아시아 국가의 스포츠 및 체육지도자들이 갖고 있는 체육과 스포츠 전반에 걸친 다양한 의식분석과 현재의 상황을 파악하여 미래의 아시아 체육과 스포츠의 발전방향을 설정하는데 도움을 주고자 하는 것이다. 국제포럼에 참여한 아시아 각나라의 체육과 스포츠의 지도층 인사들을 대상으로 의견분석을 한 다양한 결과가 설명과 함께 제공되고 있다. ' 첫째로 각 국가와 체육지도층 인사들이 추구하고 있는 국가적 혹은 협회적 차원의 목표를 살펴보았으며 체육진흥정책이 어떠한 방향으로 진행되고 있는지, 어느 부문에 많은 관심들이 모여 있는지 등을 밝히고 있다. 둘째, 현재 각 국가가 당면하고 있는 바람직한 혹은 바람직하지 알은 상황과 조건들이 제시되었으며, 세째로는, 포럼이나 학술회의와 같은 활동이 어떠한 방향으로든지 참여자의 성장에 도움이 되고 있는지 등의 다양한 정보가 이 글을 통해서 제공되고 있다. 이 글을 통하여 미래의 아시아 체육과 스포츠의 발전방향을 위한 몇가지의 제안들이 재시되고 있다

      • 지역사회 체육시설의 현황과 확충 방안 연구

        이사겸,김명진,김창섭,김대진 경희대학교 사회체육연구소 1996 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.9

        This Study attempted to seek a method for revitalizing the community sports for al related to the sports facilities in order to encourage sports activity according with the regional property. In order to make al well-balanced distribution and untilization of sports for all facilities in Korea a comprehensive evaluation for the demand and trend in the future should be carried out. The expansion of sport facilities for the pubilc, private and one's place of work should be induced and a joint system with sport facilities for schools should be settled. The continuous investment and interacting is more important for the harmonious develolpment in each community than that of unbalanced investment.

      • 韓國 體育行政 運營實態 및 體育振興方案에 관한 硏究

        강동원,정병기 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1994 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.7

        1. Conclusion 1) Makeshift of administration structures erased the boundaries of government control of the Korean athletic association 2) Administration structures are preventing the growth of a lucrative business. 3) KOC's authority and roles should be extended for a lucrative business. 4) KOC needs to be the legal supporting for the leading organization for all amateur sports. 5) KOC and KSC should be independent of the government and fully controlled by the Korean athletic association. When the three above conditions are solved, the direction of athletic business should be as the following. 1) The experts of sports marketing should be secured and new sections established. 2) By dint of requesting advanced and Professional foreign companies which deal with sports marketing, continuous training should be carried out, The marketing of the present athletic committee is virtually only a basic step. 3) Each KNGB(Korea National Government Body) needs steady inquiring attitude from the audience's point of view. The potential possibility of each KNGB is, in fact, so important that it can determine the maintenance or abolition of the athletic committee. However, KNGB has failed many times in mobilizing the audience only in popular events. The reason has been analyzeed that the level of the audience, who has watched world-wide sporting events through the mass media, have increased, but the contents of sports couldn't catch up with it 4) The professional broadcasting sports company should be established, These are the most efficient ways to spread several elements which can make the athletic committee independent financially and to make the highest profits. Looking at the effects of the professional broadcasting sports company if these suggestion are implemented. ① Athletic committee could cope with the pressure from the three Korean broadcasting stations, and raise their payments which was lower than expected. ② Can broadcast the extremely popular events, but also unpopular ones which have action. ③ Can equally cope with exploiting and securing of a sponsor market, ④ Can help people better understood the olympic structure by continuous broadcasting of olympic impressions, which is like the aim of KOC bussinesses. ⑤ Can always promptly transfer the exact information of a sporting event to the people regardless of the assigned broadcasting time. 5) Being on the axis of KOC, an over issue of licensing for each KNGB should be prevented and more qualified licences issued. Like above, the problems of managermant in the past and the propositions for the advancement of the athletic committee, should be reviewed, revised and improved with special care. As a final emphasis(I'd like to take), the successful development will depend on the great effort of all the persons corparties concermed with the athletic committee with a futuristic point of view and without any individual interest.

      • 청소년 사회체육의 활성화 방안 : 비행 예방을 중심으로

        이석원 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1998 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.11

        This study developed of contents that divide application of sport for all to prevent juvenile delinquency through records consideration. These contents arrived at the conclusion like that, throughout first, the function and the part of sport for all, second, the present condition of Korean teenagers, third, the actual condition of juvenile delinquency, forth, the meaning of teenagers sports activity, fifth, the part that sport for all have effect on teenagers, sixth the preventation of juvenile delinquency an the analysis of device through sport for all. An adolescent period is the most important time that make sure physical strength for life and base of health like an aspect of mental and physical development. It cannot expect such a strong physical desire to only activity of school physical education. It is very desirable that practice sound physical education for mental and physical development. Therefore, they can arrange the foundation that carry on rich life and feeling diversion-throughout solution of lack of exercise, improvement of physical strength, strengthening of relationships among human beings, cultivation of positive and progressive attitude, social participation as taking part in physical activityspontaneously. Therefore, these are preventation of juvenile delinquency and plan of guiding aright through sports activity of sport for all.

      • 南北韓 體育政策의 比較 硏究

        김승일 慶熙大學校 社會體育硏究所 1994 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.7

        This study concentrated on that of of literature through which the physical education's policies of South Korea(from now on is called S.K.) and North Korea(N.K.) were compared and analized by way of an educational approach with the limited materials to research their mutual physical educations. Thus it resulted in the passage which is summarized as follows. 1. South and North Korean educations 1) The aim of education N.K. thinks it the basic aim of education with Marx-Leninism that people should be trained to be the man the party and its leader see right, that is, communist one. S.K. chooses the spirit of the Charter of National Education, make it go into life, so that S.K. tries to foster honest Korean contributing to national development and regeneration. 2) The indication of education In N.K., cramming education fixing on the thought is practised from the point of view that much knowledge, skills, and sound physical strength are of no use if one is lacking in the spint of loyalty and blind obedience to the leader, In S.K., the educated are brought up to be owners of character who are from all side developed, and inducted to do good a natural development and regeneration through individual's good and happy life. In addition, the idea and aim of education in N.K. are to foster the descendants by revolutionizing, labor-classifying, and making them communist, and the principles of education are ; 1) party character and reality of labor-classification, 2) the lecture of "Chuche"(identity), and 3) the combination of education and revolutionary practice 2. The Physical Education's of S.K. and N.K. 1) The Physical Education's idea Physical Education of N.K. is provided for example of citizen's cultures of thought and the increase of military power. Both Koreas emphasice the knowledge, the good, and the body. Only because of the difference of system, in S.K. their harmonious growth is means of individual's entire formation, while in N.K. they are accepted as that of construction of communist regime. In the end, it is clear that S.K. makes highly of individual, member of society, but N.K. looks up to its own system more. Also N.K. defines the Physical Education as follows; it develops the body variously, forces the national defence by bringing up. noble thought and moral personality such as the spirit of totalitarianism, revolutionary friendship, strong will, and recognition and responsibility for observance of rules, and is effective to accomplish the construction of socialism and communism successfully. So N.K. consider it only a means. 2) The Physical Education's policies S.K. grounds the Physical Education's policy on the idea of the Charter of National Education, and thinks people must have the sincere mind and healthy body, whereas N.K. bases it on Kim il-sung's "thought of identity" and has Physical Education exist for the external attainment of aim and for labor and national defence. The policies of making people healthy in two Koreas are similar each other, but in S.K. individual's stability is regarded as important as the productivity, while in N.K. the latter is the most. Main contents of the Physical Education's policies in S.K. are 1) Pan-Public expansion of social physical education, 2) continuous upbrining of elite physical education, 3) enhancement of intermational cooperation of it, 4) promotion of science of it. 5) replacement of administration system of it. In N.K. are prgressed 1) popularization of physical education of national defence, 2) combination of product-labor and activity of it, 3) idolization of Kim il-sung through it, and 4) active pursuit of sports diplomacy. The Physical Education's policies are based on contribution to labor and national defence through popularization of physical education and making it into life, specialization of it in school and possession of one sport per individual, and inserting 「thought, fighting will, speed, and skill-war」 into it.

      • 20대 남·녀의 체지방률에 대한 분석

        전병관,김홍석 경희대학교 사회체육연구소 1995 體育科學論叢 Vol.- No.8

        The results Wereas follows: 1) The ratio of bady fat by subenta neous fat thickness was more high than under water weighting method 2) To have the most effect oc densimetry was triceps muscle and humerus in his case, was armpit and calf in her case 3) To have the most effect on densimetrp was waist girth and waist breadth among physique factors in his case it was chest girth, femur breadth in her case

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