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        ZHANGBIN,최재영 중국학연구회 2020 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.92

        현재 근대중국어문법학계에서는 ‘着’의 각종 용법에 대한 연구가 상당히 진행되었지만, 주로 출현과 연원에 대해서 집중되어 있는 편이고, 근대중국어후반기의 지속·완료·명령의미로 사용된 ‘着’에 대한 연구는 상대적으로 부족한 편이다. 본고는 고려·조선시대의 중국어교재 10종에 출현한 조사 ‘着’의 세 가지 기능에 대하여 전수조사를 통하여 사용상황과 변천상황을 고찰하였다. 다음은 고찰 결과이다. 첫째, 지속상 조사 ‘着’는 평서문에서 ‘상태의 지속, 동작·사건의 진행방식 또는 조건, 동작의 동시 발생, 특정 장소에 상태가 존재함’ 등을 나타내고, 명령문에서 ‘상대방에게 특정 상태를 만든 후 지속할 것을 요구함, 상대방에게 사물이 특정한 상태가 나타나도록 요구함’을 나타낸다. 둘째, 완료상 조사 ‘着’는 ‘동작·사건의 완료(현대중국어의 了1에 해당함), 두 동작의 순서대로 출현, V1着V2구조에 출현하여 V2가 V1의 목적임, V1着V2구조에 출현하여 V1을 종료한 후 이러한 방식을 통해 V2를 진행함’ 등을 나타낸다. 셋째, 명령어기 조사 ‘着’는 ‘명령, 건의’ 등을 나타내며 이러한 기능은 현대중국어의 ‘吧’ 에 해당한다. 넷째, 조사 ‘着’의 지속상 용법은 元明清시기에 빈번하게 사용되었으나, 이에 비하여 완료상 조사 용법은 줄곧 매우 저조하게 사용되었다. 이는 의사소통의 명확성을 추구하기 위한 문법기능의 전문화에 따른 결과, 즉 지속상 용법은 ‘着’가 나타내고, 완료상 용법은 ‘了1’이 나타내게 된 것으로 볼 수 있다. 다섯째, 조사 ‘着’의 명령어기 용법은 元明清시기에 확연한 감소추세를 보이는데 이는 元代에 새롭게 출현한 신흥 어기조사 ‘罢(吧)’가 明代 이후 사용량이 점차 증가한 것과 관련이 있다. 이러한 변천 역시 결국에는 의사소통의 명확성을 추구하기 위한 문법기능의 전문화에 따른 결과, 즉 지속상 용법은 ‘着’가 나타내고, 명령어기 용법은 ‘罢(吧)’가 나타내게 된 것으로 볼 수 있다. Currently, the study on the expression of ‘ZHE(着)’ as continuous Aspect, complete Aspect, imperative Mood by the academic circle in the second half stage of Neoteric Chinese was not as good as expected. On this basis, ten Chinese textbooks in the Goryeo·Joseon Dynasty period are selected in this paper to carry out the exhaustive study on the functions, use and evolution of ‘ZHE(着)’ the auxiliary word. The specific study results of this paper are listed as below: First, In declarative sentences, The ‘ZHE(着)’ as the auxiliary word of continuous Aspect means ‘continuity of state; the progressing way and condition of action and event; simultaneous occurrence of several actions; existence of a certain state somewhere’. In imperative sentences,it means ‘asking the other party to enter and maintain a certain state; asking the other party to make something present a certain state’. Second, The ‘ZHE(着)’ as the auxiliary word of complete Aspect means ‘the completion of action and event, equivalent to ‘LE(了1)’ in Modern Chinese; the sequence of two actions; the purpose of V1 is V2; V2 is carried out in the way of completing V1’. Third, The ‘ZHE(着)’ as the auxiliary word of imperative mood means command, suggestion and so on, equivalent to ‘BA(吧)’ in Modern Chinese. Fourth, The ‘ZHE(着)’ as the auxiliary word of continuous Aspect was in an absolute advantage in ‘YUAN(元)’‘MING(明)’ and ‘QING(清)’ Dynasties, while its use as complete Aspect remained in an absolute disadvantage. It results from the simplification of grammatical function and the principle of language definiteness. Finally, The ‘ZHE(着)’ as the auxiliary word of imperative mood, tended to decline sharply in oral languages in ‘YUAN(元)’‘MING(明)’ and ‘QING(清)’ Dynasties. It may owe to the occurrence of ‘BA(罢(吧))’ the modal auxiliary in ‘YUAN(元)’ Dynasty and the gradual increase since ‘MING(明)’ Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        淺析現代漢語中“在X”雙音节詞的詞類和詞彙化程度 — 兼論“在望”的词彙化

        ZHANGBIN,박흥수 중국문화연구학회 2019 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.44

        ‘在望’ used to describe ‘physical nearness’ became vocabulary in Song(宋) and Jin(金) Period, while first appearance of ‘在望’ used to describe ‘chronological nearness’ seems to be near Minguo(民國) Period or after Minguo(民國)Period. In modern Chinese ‘在望’ is more frequently used to describe ‘chronological nearness’ than ‘physical nearness’. When it is used to depict ‘chronological nearness’ it has substance of substantive or predicative in its front. The vocabulary that is used in such cases are ‘豐收, 勝利’. When used to describe ‘physical nearness’, it has substance of substantive in its front which refers to ‘location’. Based on process of ‘Metaphorical transition’, 在望 used to depict physical nearness can also refer to chronological nearness through grammaticalization. In such case, the latter can be considered auxiliary word used in aspect and can be interpreted as ‘就要~了’. 表示“空间距离近”的“在望”成词於宋金时期;表示“时间距离近”的“在望”出现时期最早不会早於民国初年。“在望”在現代漢語中表示“时间距离近”的功能远远高於表示“空间距离近”的功能。表示“时间距离近”的“在望”前面既可以出现體词性成分,也可以出现谓词性成分。主要出現的词彙為“豐收、勝利”;表示“空间距离近”的“在望”前面出现的全都是體词性成分,它们表示“场所”。依據“隐喻的转移”的过程可见,表示“空间距离近”的“在望”可以语法化为“时间距离近”的“在望”,後者可以看作是一種“即將體”的准體助词,表示“就要~了”。

      • KCI등재후보

        高丽·朝鲜时期汉语教材中的词汇补释 -以“旋、從頭、濫賤、乾淨、莫甚、川換、錯咧、 該倒、老鴚、一頭~一頭~”为中心-

        ZHANGBIN 중한연구학회 2022 중한연구학간 Vol.0 No.29

        本文对高丽朝鲜时期的10本汉语教材中的“旋、從頭、濫賤、乾淨、莫甚、川換、錯咧、該倒、老鴚、一頭~一頭~”这十个词(组)作了考察。它们有的虽在前人研究成果或词典中已作了注释,但是我们觉得还需商榷,有的是前人研究或者词典中未见的。笔者结合自身方言背景,同时借助《汉语大词典》、《汉语方言大词典》等词典,以及这些教科书中的韩语标音和韩语谚解文对这些词(组)的意义进一步作出解释说明。这十个词 (组)的解释分别如下:①旋:倒、斟;现、临时。②從頭:先、首先。③滥贱:便宜地、非常便宜地。④干净:完、完全、彻底,比喻丝毫不剩。⑤莫甚:非常、极其。⑥川换:交易、出纳、存钱、取钱,亦或“借钱”。⑦錯咧:除非。⑧該倒:还倒、倒还。表示让步,即认为程度上勉强过得去。⑨老鴚:乌鸦。⑩一頭~一頭~:一边~,一边~,表示一个动作跟另一个动作同时进行。这些词(组)的考察除了对前人研究作了补充之外,部分解释还可以补充词典中未提及到的义项和内容。

      • KCI등재


        ZHANGBIN,나민구 중국학연구회 2019 중국학연구 Vol.- No.90

        This paper firstly describes the vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of Rizhao dialect in Shandong province, China from the perspective of general linguistics. Then, from the perspective of sociolinguistics, it discusses history from three aspects: natural disaster, war and sea defense. The reasons for the immigration of the Rizhao area were discussed. The results of the investigation are as follows: First, there are not only some dialect words commonly found in modern Chinese, but also some dialect vocabulary is quite different from Mandarin, and there are fewer areas used in the northern dialect. Second, through historical data, it can be seen that the reason for the population decline in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties in the Rizhao area was natural disasters and wars. Third, because of natural disasters, wars, and coastal defenses, population movements have occurred. These immigrants mainly come from Shanxi and Jiangsu. Fourth, the promotion of Putonghua has accelerated the disappearance of dialects. In addition, reform and opening up has promoted economic development and population mobility. Fifth, Putonghua is slowly replacing the Rizhao dialect. Although the Rizhao area is still in a “linguistic environment of bilingualism”, it is not impossible to use the dialect in the near future.

      • Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer in Rural Areas of Wuhan China: a Matched Case-control Study

        Zhang, Bin,Zhou, Ai-Fen,Zhu, Chang-Cai,Zhang, Ling,Xiang, Bing,Chen, Zhong,Hu, Rong-Hua,Zhang, Ya-Qi,Qiu, Lin,Zhang, Yi-Ming,Xiong, Chao-Du,Du, Yu-Kai,Shi, Yu-Qin Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.14 No.12

        Cervical cancer is a serious public health problem in developing countries. We investigated possible risk factors for cervical cancer in rural areas of Wuhan China using a matched case-control study with 33 women diagnosed with cervical cancer and 132 healthy women selected from the same area as matched controls. A questionnaire, which included questions about general demography conditions, environmental and genetic factors, the first sexual intercourse, first marriage age, age at first pregnancy, pregnancy first child's age, female personal health history, social psychological factors, dietary habits, smoking and alcohol status and other living habits was presented to all participants. At the same time, HPV infection of every participant was examined in laboratory testing. Results showed HPV infection (P<0.000, OR=23.4) and pregnancy first child's age (P<0.000, OR=13.1) to be risk factors for cervical cancer. Menopause (P=0.003, OR=0.073) was a protective factor against cervical cancer. However, there was no indication of associations of environmental (drinking water, insecticide, disinfectant) genetic (cancer family history), or life-style factors (smoking status, alcohol status, physical training, sleep quality), including dietary habits (intake of fruit and vegetable, meat, fried food, bean products and pickled food) or social psychological factors with cervical cancer. The results suggest that the risk of cervical cancer in Chinese rural women may be associated with HPV infection, menopause and the pregnancy first child's age.



        Zhang, Bin Korean Mathematical Society 2014 대한수학회보 Vol.51 No.4

        Let ${\Phi}_n(x)={\sum}^{{\phi}(n)}_{k=0}a(n,k)x^k$ denote the n-th cyclotomic polynomial. In this note, let p < q < r be odd primes, where $q{\not{\equiv}}1$ (mod p) and $r{\equiv}-2$ (mod pq), we construct an explicit k such that a(pqr, k) = -2.

      • KCI등재

        Performance evaluation of Accident Tolerant Fuel under station blackout accident in PWR nuclear power plant by improved ISAA code

        Zhang Bin,Gao Pengcheng,Xu Tao,Gui Miao,Shan Jianqiang 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.7

        The Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) is a new concept of fuel, which can not only withstand the consequences of the accident for a longer time, but also maintain or improve the performance under operating conditions. ISAA is a self-developed severe accident analysis code, which uses modular structures to simulate the development processes of severe accidents in nuclear plants. The basic version of ISAA is developed based on UO2eZr fuel. To study the potential safety gain of ATF cladding, an improved version of ISAA, referred to as ISAA-ATF, is introduced to analyze the station blackout accident of PWR using ATF cladding. The results show that ATF cladding enable the core to maintain a longer time compared to zirconium alloy cladding, thereby enhancing the accident mitigation capability. Meanwhile, the generation of hydrogen is significantly reduced and delayed, which proves that ATF can improve the safety characteristics of the nuclear reactor.

      • KCI등재

        An integrated method of flammable cloud size prediction for offshore platforms

        Zhang Bin,Zhang Jinnan,Yu Jiahang,Wang Boqiao,Li Zhuoran,Xia Yuanchen,Chen Li 대한조선학회 2021 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.13 No.1

        Response Surface Method (RSM) has been widely used for flammable cloud size prediction as it can reduce computational intensity for further Explosion Risk Analysis (ERA) especially during the early design phase of offshore platforms. However, RSM encounters the overfitting problem under very limited simulations. In order to overcome the disadvantage of RSM, Bayesian Regularization Artificial Neural (BRANN)-based model has been recently developed and its robustness and efficiency have been widely verified. However, for ERA during the early design phase, there seems to be room to further reduce the computational intensity while ensuring the model's acceptable accuracy. This study aims to develop an integrated method, namely the combination of Center Composite Design (CCD) method with Bayesian Regularization Artificial Neural Network (BRANN), for flammable cloud size prediction. A case study with constant and transient leakages is conducted to illustrate the feasibility and advantage of this hybrid method. Additionally, the performance of CCD-BRANN is compared with that of RSM. It is concluded that the newly developed hybrid method is more robust and computational efficient for ERAs during early design phase.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental study on the combined effects of obstacles and local water mist on gas explosion for maritime safety

        Zhang Bin,Li Zhuoran,Xia Yuanchen,Shi Jihao,Zhang Jinnan,Wang Boqiao,Yu Jiahang,Qu Yanxu,Chen Li,Lin Yejin,Wu Wanqing 대한조선학회 2022 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Oc Vol.14 No.1

        A variety of experimental configurations including different water mist obstacles, are used to investigate the combined effects of obstacles and water mist upon the gas explosion. The results demonstrate the 8 mm water mist can significantly inhibit the deflagration, while both 45 mm and 80 mm water mists exhibit the opposite effect under all the locally distributed positions of water spray nozzle without obstacles inside the vessel. When considering the obstacles, the 45 mm water mist starts to mitigate the deflagration and its mitigation effect is more significant than that induced by the 8 mm water mist. What's more, the 80 mm water mist can slow down the flame propagation speed while it would still lead to the gas explosion. Additionally, there remains unchanged about the effect of locally spraying 8 mm water mist upon deflagration at the initial stage of flame development as varying the position of obstacles, while the effects of mitigating deflagration by 45 mm and 80 mm water mist are decreased. The results will make contributions to design the arrangement of equipment and water mist configuration on the offshore platform or NG-fueled ship's engine room so as to mitigate the gas explosion accident.

      • KCI등재

        The Efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 in Addition to Standard Helicobacter pylori Eradication Treatment in Children

        Zhang, Bin,Xu, Ya-Zheng,Deng, Zhao-Hui,Chu, Bo,Jiang, Li-Rong,Vandenplas, Yvan The Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology 2015 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.18 No.1

        Purpose: This study aims to investigate Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745 during Helicobacter pylori eradication in children. Methods: One hundred ninety-four H. pylori positive children were randomized in two groups. Therapy (omeprazole+ clarithromycin+amoxicillin or omeprazole+clarithromycin+metronidazole in case of penicillin allergy) was given to both groups during two weeks. In the treatment group (n: 102) S. boulardii was added to the triple therapy, while the control group (n: 92) only received triple therapy. The incidence, onset, duration and severity of diarrhea and compliance to the eradication treatment were compared. A $^{13}C$ urea breath test was done 4 weeks after the end of eradication therapy in two groups of 21 patients aged 12 years and older to test the H. pylori eradication rate. Results: In the treatment group, diarrhea occurred in 12 cases (11.76%), starting after $6.25{\pm}1.24days$, lasting $3.17{\pm}1.08days$, and compliance to eradication treatment was 100%. In the control group, diarrhea occurred in 26 cases (28.26%), starting after $4.05{\pm}1.11days$, lasting $4.02{\pm}0.87days$, and in six cases eradication treatment was stopped prematurely (p<0.05). The $^{13}C$ urea breath test showed successful H. pylori eradication in 71.4% of the patients in the treatment and in 61.9 % in the control group (not significant). Conclusion: S. boulardii has a beneficial effect on the prevention and treatment of diarrhea during H. pylori eradication in children. Although S. boulardii did only slightly increase H. pylori eradication rate, compliance to eradication treatment was improved.

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