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        전장으로의 강제동원: 조선인 지원병이 경험한 아시아 태평양 전쟁

        안자코유카 ( Anzako¸ Yuka ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2021 역사학연구 Vol.81 No.-

        본고는 일본군 군인으로 제2차 세계대전을 치른 조선인 병사들을 주 분석대상으로 하였다. 중일전쟁의 전면화(1937년 7월)를 계기로 식민지배하의 조선인들에 대한 병력동원이 급작스럽게 결정된 이래, 일제의 패전까지 약 10만 명이 넘는 조선인이 일본군에 동원되었다. 이 조선인 병사들의 전쟁경험은 동원시기나 방법, 배속군대에 따라 크게 달랐다. 조선인이 일본군으로 동원된 방법은 각양각색이었지만 대개 직업군인(장교), 지원병, 징병 등의 범위 내에서 이루어졌다. 그리고 이중에서도 지원병은 징병보다 장기 종군을 하면서 가장 가혹한 전선(前線)으로 보내졌다. 그들 대부분은 조선군에 배속되었는데, 조선군 예하 보병연대의 주력부대는 전황이 일층 가혹해지고 있던 1943년 이후로 동부 뉴기니아 전선이나 필리핀 전선으로 전출되어 패전 때까지 계속 머물렀다. 본고에서는 오스트레일리아 전쟁기념관에 소장된 신자료를 통해 3인의 조선인 지원병의 경험을 분석하였다. 한 사람은 전사한 금광재면(金光載冕)이고, 나머지 두 사람은 살아 돌아온 유기화(劉琦華)와 C(장병묵(張炳默)으로 추정)이다. 이 3인은 같은 조선군 제78연대에 소속되어 1943년에 뉴기니아 전선에 보내졌는데, 뉴기니아 전선에서 제78연대 병사의 생존률은 9%에 불과하였다. 金光載冕은 전투에서의 부상으로 입은 상처로 전사하였는데, 그가 소속했던 제1포병소대의 57명 가운데 살아 돌아온 사람은 단 한 사람뿐이었다. 유기화는 제2중대 소속으로 조선인 조장(曹長, 한국군의 ‘상사’에 해당)이었던바, 전후에는 한국전쟁때 한국군에 입대하였다가 1974년에 준장으로 제대하였다. 그가 남긴 구술기록에는 뉴기니아 전선의 비참한 상황이 묘사되어 있다. C는 오스트레일리아군의포로가 되어 심문기록을 남겼다. 이상의 3인의 경험을 통해 우리는, 식량이 떨어져 인육을 먹기까지 한 뉴기니아 전선의 끔찍한 상황을 목도하게 된다. 아시아태평양전쟁 중, 일제의 패전 직전의 소련 국경 근처 일부 지역을 제외하고는 한반도가 공습을 받는다든지 전쟁터가 된다든지 하는 일은 없었다. 많은 조선인에게 ‘전쟁체험’이라 하면 차라리 한국전쟁을 의미한다. 이에 비해 지배민족인 일본인들 틈에 끼어 죽음 직면의 쓰라린 경험을 했던 조선인 지원병들은, 징병이나 노동력 강제동원 등의 동원 피해에 비해 주목을 받지 않았다. ‘지원’이라는 명칭으로부터 식민지하에서 일본에 대한 협력자라고 인식되는 경우도 있었다. 전후에는 ‘일본군에 지원한 매국노’로서의 친일파 딱지가 붙어 끊임없이 비판을 받았다. 또한 국적문제 때문에 일본정부의 전후보상 대상에서도 제외되어 왔다. 조선인 지원병들은, 친일과 항일 사이의 깊은 골짜기로 추방된 존재였던 것이다. 한편, 류기화나 C 등 지원병의 경험과 전사한 전우들의 기념비의 일본 건립을 청원한 이들의 행동은, 단순한 틀로 평가하거나 분석할 수 없다. This article explored Koreans as a member of Japanese Army in the second World War. More than 100,000 Koreans were mobilized from July 1937 when the Sino-Japanese War came to an all over to August 1945 when Japan was defeated. The war experiences of the Korean soldiers varied in the way how to mobilize them, their enlistment period and attached force. Korean soldiers were made up professional soldiers such as officers, volunteers and soldiers requisited by conscription. Among them, volunteers, were sent to the severest front; most of them were assigned in Japanese Army in Korea, and the main-forced units of an infantry regiment under the Army continuously stayed in the Eastern New Guinea front or Philippine front from 1943 to 1945. This article analyzed the experiences of three Korean volunteers with historical records kept in Australian War Memorial; They were Geumgwang-Myeonjae[金光載冕], Yu-Gihwa[劉琦華] and C assumed at Jang-Byeongmuk[張炳默]. These three volunteers were in the 78th regiment of Japanese Army in Korea and sent to the New Guinea front in 1943. Geumgwang died from a wound in the battle; just one of 57 soldiers in the 1st artillery which he belonged to was alive. Yu-Gihwa was affiliated with the 2nd company and a master sergeant; then, he joined the Korea military in the period of Korean War and was discharged as a brigadier general in 1974. He dictated deplorable conditions of the New Guinea front. C became the captive of Australian Army and remained his examination of a witness. From these three stories, we can understand the terrible conditions of the New Guinea front where people ate human flesh because of lack of food. Actualy, the Korean Peninsula was excluded from battlefield except some areas near Soviet Union’s border during the Asian Pacific War; therefore, war has meant the experiences of the Korean War to Koreans. Also, the war damage of Korean volunteers has less attracted attention than drafted soldiers and workers forced to labor; in addition, they have been sometimes considered as Japanese cooperators or ‘traitors to apply to join Japanese Army’. They were excluded from Japanese government compensation in postwar years because of the matter of their nationality, as well. Koreans volunteers have fallen into an abysmal ravine between pro-Japanese and anti-Japanese. However, we should be careful not to dichotomously judge the experiences of volunteers such as Yu-Gihwa and C and a petition for erecting a monument of died comrades in arms in Japan.

      • KCI등재후보

        Resources for assigning MeSH IDs to Japanese medical terms

        Yuka Tateisi 한국유전체학회 2019 Genomics & informatics Vol.17 No.2

        Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), a medical thesaurus created by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), is a useful resource for natural language processing (NLP). In this article, the current status of the Japanese version of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) is reviewed. Online investigation found that Japanese-English dictionaries, which assign MeSH information to applicable terms, but use them for NLP, were found to be difficult to access, due to license restrictions. Here, we investigate an open-source Japanese-English glossary as an alternative method for assigning MeSH IDs to Japanese terms, to obtain preliminary data for NLP proof-of-concept.

      • KCI등재

        Earwax of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa: A retrospective study

        Yuka Shibuya,Daichi Morioka,Misako Nomura,Zhuo Zhang,Hiroki Utsunomiya 대한성형외과학회 2019 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.46 No.6

        Background In Western nations, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) typically affects the apocrinegland-bearing skin of people of African origin, women, smokers, and individuals with obesity. The clinical characteristics of HS in Korea and Japan, however, are reportedly different fromthose in the West. We therefore hypothesized that wet earwax is associated with HS becausemost East Asian people are genetically predisposed to produce dry earwax. Methods The medical charts of 53 Japanese patients with HS were reviewed retrospectively. Results Unlike the results of surveys conducted in Western nations, most of our patientswere men (72%), whose buttocks were the most commonly affected site. Apocrine glandbearingareas, such as the axilla, were affected less often. The proportion of HS patients withwet earwax was 51%, which was substantially higher than that found in the general Japanesepopulation. Moreover, when patients with gluteal HS were excluded, the proportion ofpatients with wet earwax became even higher (68%). Conclusions Although the etiology of HS is unknown, our survey indicated that HS in apocrinegland-bearing skin, such as the axillary and anogenital areas, may be associated withwet earwax. As this study was conducted in a limited clinical setting, a nationwide, multicentersurvey is warranted to clarify the clinical characteristics of HS in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        Time to Chemotherapy for Patients With Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer and Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 and 6 Inhibitor Use

        Yuka Endo,Akiyo Yoshimura,Masataka Sawaki,Masaya Hattori,Haruru Kotani,Ayumi Kataoka,Nanae Horisawa,Yuri Ozaki,Kazuki Nozawa,Daiki Takatsuka,Ayaka Isogai,Hiroji Iwata 한국유방암학회 2022 Journal of breast cancer Vol.25 No.4

        Purpose: Safely postponing the use of chemotherapy is important for quality of life maintenance in patients with hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer. In previous studies, a combination of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and 6 inhibitors (CDK4/6i) and fulvestrant prolonged the time to chemotherapy (TTC). In this study, we used real-world data to evaluate TTC in the context of CDK4/6i therapy. Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of women with estrogen receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative advanced breast cancer treated at the Aichi Cancer Center Hospital. The patients were categorized into having received CDK4/6i therapy first (n = 41), second (n = 33), and none at all (n = 67). The change in TTC among the groups was examined. Results: The median follow-up time was 13.8, 27.5, and 30.3 months in the CDK4/6i (first), CDK4/6i (second), and non-CDK4/6i groups, respectively. The median progression-free survival (PFS) with first-line therapy for metastasis was 30.0, 11.9, and 13.0 months, respectively (CDK4/6i [first] vs. non-CDK4/6i; p = 0.018, CDK4/6i [second] vs. non-CDK4/6i; p = 0.383). The median TTC was not reached in the CDK4/6i (first) group, was 39.1 months in the CDK4/6i (second) group, and was 44.2 months in the non-CDK4/6i group (CDK4/6i [first] vs. non-CDK4/6i; p = 0.880; CDK4/6i [second] vs. non-CDK4/6i; p = 0.407). The non-CDK4/6i group with TTC ≥ 60 months included more cases of secondary endocrine therapy resistance (p = 0.017), no perioperative chemotherapy (p = 0.021), and a longer disease-free interval (p = 0.093). Conclusion: Although PFS was significantly longer in the CDK4/6i (first) group than in the non-CDK4/6i group, TTC did not significantly differ among the three groups in real-world data. The non-CDK4/6i group showed a long TTC in patients with late recurrence and low risk at the primary lesion site, who benefited greatly from hormone monotherapy.

      • KCI등재

        Microscale Surface Patterning of Zirconia by Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Irradiation

        Yuka Yamamuro,Tomotaka Shimoyama,Jiwang Yan 한국정밀공학회 2022 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.9 No.2

        Irradiation of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) was performed by a femtosecond pulsed laser to investigate the feasibility of V-shaped groove microstructure fabrication. Firstly, fundamental characteristics of microgroove fabrication was investigated by varying scanning speed of laser and number of scans. Higher scanning speed resulted in a smooth surface without any debris adhesion. By increasing number of scans, the cross-sectional profile of the microgroove became a well-defined V shape, and the taper angle of the V-shaped groove can be precisely controlled by laser scanning speed. Moreover, the laserinduced phase transformation of YSZ was characterized, and it was found that the monoclinic ratio after irradiation decreased in comparison with original YSZ surface, indicating improved strength and toughness. TEM cross-sectional observation of the microgrooves was performed and tetragonal phase was detected independent of locations. Finally, micro pyramid structures were created on the YSZ surface by perpendicularly crossing the laser scan directions. The resulting surface showed a drastic change in surface wettability. These findings demonstrated the possibility of generating precise complex microstructures on YSZ surface with high functionality and low subsurface damage, presenting great potential of wide applications in industry.

      • Robust Kansei Design Based on Taguchi Method

        Yuka Kawamura,Hideki Aoyama,Tetso Oya (사)한국CDE학회 2013 한국CAD/CAM학회 국제학술발표 논문집 Vol.2010 No.8

        During the design planning process in product development, aesthetic designs that can provide the desired impression are sought. For this reason, many scientific analysis methods for adjusting product designs closer to consumer preferences have been proposed. However, the creation of product designs that match consumer sensitivity, which varies extensively by individual, involves many problems. Using floral patterns as an example, this research proposes a control method to generate designs which meet individual consumer sensitivity based on the Taguchi method. First, floral patterns were constructed using a L36 orthogonal table. Next, the Kansei data of consumers was extracted using the SD method and Kansei words, and the Kansei SN ratio was calculated. The relationship between the design parameters and consumer sensitivity were then analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis and quantification theory 1. Finally, the floral patterns were reconstructed. The basic system for the proposed technique was built, and its usefulness was verified through experiments.

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