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      • The Change of Skeletal Muscle Mass Is Associated with Hepatic Steatosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

        ( Do Seon Song ),( U Im Chang ),( Seong Woo Go ),( Jeong Won Jang ),( Si Hyun Bae ),( Seung Kew Yoon ),( Jin Mo Yang ) 대한간학회 2018 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2018 No.1

        Aims: We aimed to investigate the association between the change of muscle mass and change of fibrosis and steatosis in NAFLD patients. Methods: We analyzed 2,893 NAFLD subjects who had health check-up more than twice in St. Vincent’s Hospital between November 2009 and December 2017. NAFLD was diagnosed by ultrasound, and appendicular muscle mass (ASM) was assessed by Inbody 720, and Sarcopenia index was calculated as ASM divided by weight (SI%) and ASM divided by body mass index (SI-BMI). Non-invasive markers were used to evaluate the severity of hepatic fibrosis and steatosis; NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS), Fibrosis-4 (Fib-4) score, and Forn’s index for fibrosis, and hepatic steatosis index (HSI) and fatty liver index (FLI) for steatosis. Results: The mean age was 47.3±10.4 years, and 1956 subjects (67.6%) were male. Diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome were more prevalent in sarcopenic subjects (P<0.01), and non-invasive fibrosis and steatosis markers were higher in sarcopenic subjects (P< 0.01). The mean interval between two health check-up was 39.8±21.9 months. There was no significant association between the change of NFS, Fib-4, and Forn’s index and the change of SI% and SI-BMI (all P >0.1). However, the changes of HIS and FLI were significantly associated with the change of SI% and SI-BMI (all P<0.01). Multivariate logistic analysis demonstrated the independent association between the change of skeletal muscle mass and the changes of non-invasive steatosis markers after adjusting for other confounding factors (all P< 0.001). However, the changes of non-invasive fibrosis markers did not show an independent association with the change of appendicular muscle mass after adjusting for other confounders (all P >0.1) Conclusions: The change of muscle mass is strongly associated with the change of hepatic steatosis, but not the change of fibrosis.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국에서 독일어 : 과거와 현재

        홍명순,정시호,이광숙,이성만,하수권,Ammon, Ulrich 한국독일어교육학회 2002 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.10 No.-

        Es handelt sich bei dieser Arbeit um die Frage, welche Rolle die deutsche Sprache und Kultur in der koreanischen Gesellschaft bis heute gespielt haben und noch in Zukunft spielen werden, wobei die folgenden verschiedenen Bereiche in Betrachtung genommen wurden: Wissenschaft, Kunst, Wirtschaft und Werbesprache. Außerdem wurde einen U¨berblick u¨ber die Geschichte der Fremdsprachenausbildung in Korea gegeben. Bis in die 1950er war die deutsche Sprache in Korea in denmeisten wissenschaftlichen Bereichen von großer Bedeutung vor allem in der Philosophie, Sozialwissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft, Medizin und Musik. Danach verlor die deutsche Sprache allma¨hlich ihre Bedeutung, wa¨hrend Englisch und Japanisch eine zunehmend dominierende Rolle spielten. Die deutsche Medizin und die deutsche Sprache haben zur entwicklung der westlichen Medizin in Korea einen großen Beitrag geleistet. Zum Beispiel hat Deutsch in den Curricula der Soul und der Kyungpook Medizinschule bis 1945 fast eine gleich starke Stellung wie Englisch oder zeitweise noch sta¨rkere Stellung gehabt. Aber das Jahr 1945, besonders der Korea Krieg(1950-1953) war ein entscheidender Wendepunkt. Seitdem sind die deutsche Medizin und Deutsch verdra¨ngt worden. Es hat heute vo¨llig an Boden verloren. Und um die Beeinflußung der deutschen Musik in Korea fest zustellen, wurden in Korea erschienene Musiklehrbu¨cher und wissenschaftliche Bescha¨ftgung in der Musikwissenschaft untersucht. Nach der Analyse der Musiklehrbu¨cher ist folgendes zubemerken: Im ersten Schuljahr werden u¨berwiegend Komponisten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum behandelt. Auf dem Hochschulbereich u¨ben sie einen gro¨ßeren Einfluss aua. Bei der Untersuchung der Magisterarbeiten auf dem Gebiet Vokal-, Klavier-, Kammer- und Instrumentalmusik zwischen 1958 und 1987 fa¨llt auf, dass ca. 60-70% der arbeiten Komponisten des deutschsprachigen Raums behandeln. Anders als in den oben erwa¨hnten Bereichen ist die Einstellung koreanischer Firmen zur deutschen Sprache extrem negativ. Seitens der koreanischen Firmen wird der deutschen Sprache fu¨r ihre gescha¨ftlichen Aktivita¨ten keinerlei Bedeutung beigemessen, in vielen Fa¨llen wurde auch das negative Image der deutschen Sprache erwa¨hnt. So kommt es nicht von ungefa¨hr, wenn Absolventen eines Studienganges in Germanistik ihre deutsche Sprachkenntnis in Bewerbungsschreiben erst gar nicht erwa¨hnen, sondern stattdessen nur ihre in den Englischzertifikaten TOEIC und TOEFL erlangten Punktzahlen angeben. Neben solchen Bereichen wurde in dieser Arbeit auch die Frage untersucht, ob und welche Bezeichnungen von Gescha¨ften und Geba¨uden aus der deutschen Sprache und Kultur stammen. Auch in diesem Untersuchungsbereich dominiert Englisch und wird Deutsch selten verwendet. Allerdings sind bei Kaffee-, Bierha¨usern und Konditoreien deutsche Benennungen nicht selten zu beobachten. Viele Kaffeeha¨user tragen die Namen der in Korea beliebten Komponisten aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum : Mozart, Schubert, Brahms und Beethoven, oder auch ihrer Werke. Fu¨r Bierha¨user beborzugt man Stadt- bzw. Ortsbezeichnungen wie Mu¨nchen, Bern, Berlin, Heidelberg, Schwabing und Mosel. Außer solchen Gesichtspunkten wurde hier auch die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Fremdsprachenausblidung in Korea untersucht. Diese Entwicklungsgeschichte hat eine enge Beziehung mit der politischen Geschichte. Chinesisch galt bis Ende des 19. Jahr hunderts als Bildungssprache, und zwar nur fu¨r ho¨here Schichten der Bevo¨lkerung. Der Fremdsprachenunterricht als allgemeine Bildung an Schulen hat seinen Ursprung in den spezifischen Fremdsprachenschulen, die Ende des 19. Jahrhundert gegru¨ndet wurden, in dem der Modernisierungsprozess Koreas begann: Englisch, Deutsch, Franzo¨sisch, Russisch, Chinesisch und Japanisch konnte man dort bei Muttersprachlern lernen. In der koreanischen Fremdsprachenausbildung haven aber heutzutage Englisch und Japanisch erste Priorita¨t vor allen anderen Sprachen. Deutsch wird zwar an den Schulen unterrichtet, findet aber daru¨ber hinaus, etwa im Berufsleben, so gut wie keine praktische Verwendung. Die Untersuchung zeigt auch in anderen Bereichen einen Wandel, na¨mlich bei der Benennung der Fremdsprachen, der Zahl der Fremdsprachen und den Unterrichtsinstitutionen. Es ist dabei festzustellen, dass die Unterrichtsmethoden und Lerngewohnheiten am wenigsten mobil sind. Wenn man solche Untersuchungsergebnisse zur Rechnung tra¨gt, scheint der Ru¨ckgang des Bedarfs der deutschen Sprache in Korea unvermeidbar sowohl in der Schule und als auch in der Universita¨t zu sein, obwohl auch in Zukunft Koreaner Interesse and de Kultur der deutschsprachigen La¨nder-im großen Abstand nach den USA, Japan und China-zeigen werden. Das ko¨nnte eine negative Kettenreaktion auslo¨sen : die Anzahl von Deutsch Experten geht zuru¨ck, ihre Berufschanchen verschlechtern sich weiter, viele Institutionen mu¨ssen zwangsweise geschlossen, Forschungaktivita¨ten beschra¨nkt werden usew. Wie vorher festgestellt, gru¨ndet sich das bestehende Lehrangebot an Deutsch in Korea weniger auf einem wirklich existierenden gesellschaftlichen Bedarf, sondem auf der Macht, u¨ber die Institutionen und Strukturen verfu¨gen. Eine am Anbieter orientierte Schulpolitik hat lange Zeit den Bedarf an Deutsch in Schulen und Universita¨ten garantiert. Mit dem nun stattfindenden Wandel hin zu einer nachfrageorientierten Schulpolitik verliert das Schulfach Deutsch sein bisheriges Fundament. Quantitativ gesehen hat der Markt fu¨r Deutsch als Fremdsprache in Korea eine Phase des Wachstums hinter sich und erlebt nun einen vielerorts deutlichen Abschwung. Die Krise, in der sich Deutsch als Frmdsprache in Korea zur Zeit befindet, wird sich vermutlich angesichts der gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen, des herrschenden Zeitgeists und der ungu¨nstigen Schulpolitik fu¨s Erste fortsetzen. Geht man von einem Ungleichgewicht zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage aus, wird dieser Abwa¨rtstrenderst zum Stillstand kommen, wenn ein Gleichgewicht hergestellt ist. Selbstversta¨ndlich sind solche Tendenzen im Zusammenhang mit der umfassenden Restrukturierung zu sehen, in der sich die koreanische Gesellschaft momentan befindet.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Zinc stearate의 첨가가 $UO_{2}$분말의 겉보기밀도, 혼합 및 성형에 미치는 효과

        나상호,김시형,이영우,양명승,손동성,Na, Sang-Ho,Kim, Si-Hyeong,Lee, Yeong-U,Yang, Myeong-Seung,Son, Dong-Seong 한국재료학회 1995 한국재료학회지 Vol.5 No.4

        윤활제인 zinc stearate의 첨가량 (0~4wt%)을 변화시켜 U$O_{2}$분말의 겉보기밀도, 성형시의 분말입자간 마찰과 입자/다이벽 마찰간의 상관관계를 조사하였다. 소량의 윤활제 첨가시에는 U$O_{2}$분말입자간 박막의 윤활제 도포층이 형성되어 겉보기밀도가 증가한 반면 다량의 윤활제를 첨가한 경우에는 U$O_{2}$ 분말입자에 두꺼운 윤활제 도포층이 형성되고 미혼합된 윤활제가 존재하여 겉보기밀도는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 윤활제를 첨가혼합한 상태에서 다이벽 윤활도포 유무에 따라 구한 U$O_{2}$ 성형체의 성형압력/성형밀도 자료로부터 분말입자간 마찰, 입자/다이벽 마찰 그리고 성형시 lubrication/inhibition등의 상대적 중요성을 조사하였다. 입자/다이벽 마찰에 의한 압력손실은 입자간 마찰에 의한 압력손실보다 크게 나타났다. 입자/다이벽 마찰에 의한 압력손실은 다이벽 윤활제 도포에 의해 최소화될 수 있지만 상대적으로 바람직하지 않은 성형시의 inhibition이 야기되는 것으로 나타났다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        원거리 플라즈마 화학증착법으로 증착된 이산화규소박막의 물성

        박영배,강진규,이시우,Park, Yeong-Bae,Gang, Jin-Gyu,Lee, Si-U 한국재료학회 1995 한국재료학회지 Vol.5 No.6

        원거리 플라즈마 화학증착법을 이용하여 저온에서 이산화규소박막을 제조하였다. 본 연구 에서는 공정변수인 기판의 온도, 반응기체의 조성 및 분압과 플라즈마 전력에 따른 산화막의 재료적인 물성을 평가하였다. XPS결과에서 산화막은 양론비(O/Si=2)보다 약간 적어 실리콘이 많이 함유된 막으로 나타났다. 이 경우 굴절율과 ESR분석에 의해 미결합된 실리콘의 양이 증가함을 알 수 있었다. SIMS분석에 의해 미량의 질소성분이 계면에 존재하는 것과 실리콘 미결함을 관찰하였다. FT-IR로부터 막내 수소량을 정량화하였으며 결합각 분포는 20$0^{\circ}C$이상에서 열산화막과 비슷한 값을 얻었다. 하지만 열산화막에 비해 높은 식각율을 보여 계면 스트레스에 의해 막내의 결합력이 약해진 것으로 생각된다. Silicon oxide thin films were deposited by remote plasma chemical vapor deposition (RPCYD). The effect of the operating variables, such as plasma power, deposition temperature and partial pressure of reactant on the material Properties of the silicon oxide film was investigated. By XPS, it was found out that the film was suboxide (O/Si<2) and small amount of nitrogen due to the plasma excitation was accumulated at the Si/SiO$_2$interface. The amount of dangling bonds at the Si/SiO$_2$interfaces were measured by ESR and the concentration of hydrogen bond was obtained by SIMS and FT-IR. The bond angle distribution(d$\theta$/$\theta$) was shown to be similiar to thermal oxide above 20$0^{\circ}C$ but the etch rate was higher than that of the thermal oxides due to the structural difference and the stress between silicon substrate and silicon oxide film.

      • KCI등재

        별의 분광형과 Johnson UBV 측광계의 온도효과

        박홍서,김희수,이시우,Park, Hong-Seo,Kim, Hui-Su,Lee, Si-U 한국천문학회 1990 天文學論叢 Vol.5 No.1

        The temperature effects of the KNU UBV photometric system are investigated, using the HAMAMATSU 1P21 data. The variation of the passband width of V-band with temperature is about $5{\AA}/^{\circ}C$ while those of B-band and U-band are negligible. This large effect of V-band causes a significant variation of V-mag. and (B-V)-color with temperature such as ${\sim}0.02mag/^{\circ}C$ in both cases. This result strongly suggests that in the photometric observations of binary stars, the temperature effects of the response of photomultiplier and the passband of filters must be considered to avoid the systematic variation in magnitude and color particularly at the minimum of light curve.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 복합 유성기어를 이용한 듀얼모드 하이브리드 자동차의 가속성능 최적화

        양시우(Yang, Si-U),김남욱(Kim, Nam-Wook),양호림(Yang, Ho-Rim),박영일(Park, Yoeng-Il),차석원(Cha, Suk-Won) 한국신재생에너지학회 2006 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.11

        Accelerating ability is one of the most important performance of the vehicle. Unlike conventional internal combustion vehicles and power-assist hybrid vehicles, the maximized acceleration of dual mode hybrid vehicles is not simply. achieved by maximizing engine or motor torque Because of the dynamic stability of planetary gear, speeds and torques control of engine, motor 1 and motor 2 is essential and according to control value, acceleration performance is changed There are two control values which are velocity and torque for each component totalling six. These six values can be variables for an objective function. However, because three velocity variables can be regarded as only one variable speed ratio and the remaining three torque variables can be solved analytically, without complicated numerical algorithm the solution for the objective function can be obtained. This optimized solution shows the best performance possible to the specified dual mode system.

      • KCI등재후보

        CAPD 환자에서 복강대식세포의 탐식능과 살균능에 관한 연구

        남철우 ( Nam Cheol U ),최영식 ( Choe Yeong Sig ),차태준 ( Cha Tae Jun ),안수열 ( An Su Yeol ),양상호 ( Yang Sang Ho ),박상은 ( Park Sang Eun ),이시래 ( Lee Si Lae ),유경식 ( Yu Gyeong Sig ),장명웅 ( Jang Myeong Ung ),주운수 ( Ju U 대한내과학회 1992 대한내과학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        연구배경 : 지속성 복막투석 환자에서 복막방어 기전인 복강내의 opsonin 활성도 및 복강대식세포이 탐식능과 살균능의 저하가 복막염의 발생빈도를 높이는데 영향을 줄 것이다. 방법: 복막염 발생빈도가 높은 환자 9명과 복막염 발생빈도가 낮은 환자 9명을 대상으로 혈청 및 복강내의 IgG 농도를 측정하였고, 복강대식세포의 C. albicans에 대한 탐식능과 세포내 살균능 및 IgG 투여후에 탐식능과 살균능을 측정하였다. 결과 : 1) 대상환자의 평균연령, 평균복막투석 기간은 양군 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었고, 1인당 년간 복막염의 발생빈도는 HPI군이 5.2회, LPI군이 1.3회로 HPI군에서 유의하게 높았다(p<0.005). 2) 혈청 총단백의 값은 LPI군이 6.5g/dl로 HPI군의 5.9g/dl 보다 유의하게 높았으나(p<0.05), albumin, IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C4 및 말초 백혈구수와 백혈구 백분율수의 값은 양군 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 3) 복강세포수와 그것의 생존력은 양군 사이에 비스하였고 IgG값은 HP군의 6.3 ㎎/dl에 비해 LPI군은 7.4㎎/dl로 LPI군에서 더 높은 경향이 있었다. 4) 복강대식세포가 C. albicans와 접촉후 30분, 1시간, 2시간째의 탐식율은 HPI군이 각각 46.0, 55.6, 55.9%였으며 LPI군은 각각 47.7, 56.2. 62.6%로 LPI군이 HPI군에 비해 높은 경향이 있어고, 30분에서 2시간째까지 양군 모두에서 계속 증가하였다. 5) 복강대식세포의 C.albicans에 대한 세포내 살균율은 30분, 1시간, 2시간째에 HPI군이 가각 11.6, 17.5, 22.8 %였으며, LPI군은 각각 16.1, 22.6, 29.6%로 LPI군이 HPI군에 비해 유의하게 높았고 (p<0.05), 30분에서 2시간째까지 양군 모두에서 계속 증가하였다. 6) HPI군에서 IgG 0.025㎎을 혼합액에 첨가한 후 30분, 1시간, 2시간째의 탐식율은 각각 56.1, 61.3, 64.6%였고 살균율은 각각 15.3, 22.0, 24.9%로 2시간째의 살균율을 제외하고 투여전에 비해 유의하게 증가하였고(p<0.05), 30분에서 2시간째까지 계속 증가하였다. 7) LPI군에서 IgG 0.025㎎을 혼합액에 첨가한 후 30분, 1시간, 2시간째에 탐식율은 각각 57.4, 64.1, 65.5%였고 살균율은 각각 18.7, 28.9, 33.1%로 2시간째의 살균율을 제외하고 투여전에 비해 유의하게 증가하였고(p<0.05), 30부에서 2시간째가지 계속 증가하였다. 결론 : CAPD 환자에서 복강대식?W의 C. albicans에 대한 탐식능과 살균능은 hrakrdua이 많이 발생하는데 환자와 적게 발생하는 환자 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었으나, 더 많은 예에서 연구 검토되어야 할 것이고, IgG를 투여함으로써 탐식능과 살균능을 증가시킬 수 있었다. Background : Impairment of peritoneal defense mechanisms; i.e. opsonization, phagocytosis and intracellular killing would correlate with the high peritonitis rate in a subgroup of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients. Methods : Serum and peritoneal IgG concentration, the phagocytosis and intracellular killing of Candida albicans (C. albicans) by peritoneal macrophages were measured in 9 patients with high peritonitis incidence (HPI: more than 3 episodes in 6 months) and 9 patients with low peritonitis incidence (LPI: less than 2 episodes in 12 months) on CAPD. Also, after addition of IgG, the phagocytosis and intracellular killing were measured. Results : 1) The average incidence of peritonitis was 5.2 ep./pt./yr. in HPI group and 1.3 ep./pt./yr. in LPI group(p<0.05). 2) Serum albumin, IgG, IgA, IgM, C3 and C4 levels and peripheral blood leukocyte counts with differentials were similar in both groups. 3) The IgG levels in peritoneal effluent was 6.3 ㎎/㎗ in HPI group and 7.4 ㎎/㎗ in LPI group. The numbers and viability of peritoneal cells were similar in both groups. 4) Percentages of uptake of C. albicans by peritoneal macrophages at 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours after incubation were 46.0, 55.6 and 55.9, respectively, in HPI group and 47.7, 56.2 and 62.6, respectively, in LPI group. Percentages of intracellular killing at 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours were 11.6, 17.5 and 22.8, respectively, in HPI group and 16.1, 22.6 and 29.6, respectively, in LPI group. The percentage of uptake in HPI group was slightly lower as compared with LPI group althougth the difference was not significant. However, the percentage of intracellular killing in HPI group was significantly lower than that in LPI group(p<0.05). 5) After IgG was administered, percentages of both uptake and intracellular killing increased significantly in both groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: The concentration of serum and peritoneal IgG and the rates of in vitro uptake and intracellular killing of Candida albicans by peritoneal macrophages were not different significantly between HPI group and LPI group. The uptake and intracellular killing rates could be improved by immunoglobulin administrations in both groups.

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