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      • KCI등재

        원행을묘정리의궤 중 조리면에서 본 죽상 . 미음상 및 현륭원에서의 상차림고

        김상보,이성우,한복진 한국식생활문화학회 1989 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.4 No.4

        To analyze dialy meal of royal meal, studied Jook Soora Sang (Rice Gruel), Mieum Sang (Thin Gruel) and Bankwa Sang, Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won were on record Wonheng Ulmyo Jungri Euigwae (1795). Historic book "Jungri Euigwae" described the king's visit to his father's royal tomb "Hyun Neung Won", during the domain of Cheung Jo, the 22nd king of Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. Rice Gruel (Jook Soora Sang), taken before breakfast, was arranged the same as the Soora Sang. The table for thin gruel (Mieum) was arranged in three kinds of sets; one for thin gruel, the others for stewed meat (Goem) and sugared fruit (Jeong Kwa). The diet seems to have been quit scientific and restorative. Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang in Hyun Neung Won was arranged the same as the other Bankwa Sang and Soora Sang. Therefore setting the table of royal meal had a rule.

      • KCI등재

        Han as the Eschatological Pathos for Yearning the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

        Sang Min Han 한국기독교학회 2013 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.87 No.-

        한국의 독특한 정서인 ``한``은 매우 중요한 신학적 주제로 다양한 신학적 접근들을 통해 연구되어 왔다. 본 연구는 ``한``을 치유를 갈망하는 종말론적 비애감(pathos)으로 이해하고 성령 중심적 오순절 신학의 토대 위에 ``한``과 한국적 오순절 신학의 관계를 건설적으로 제시하고자 한다. 이런 연고로 우선 ``한``의 개념과 본질을 서술하고 ``한``과 민중 신학의 연결점을 통해 ``한``의 신학을 설명하고자 한다. 그리고 구체적으로 ``한``의 신학이 가지는 ``한풀이``의 신학적 특성을 ``한``어린 사람들의 치유와 해방을 위해 어떻게 한을 풀 것인가에 집중하여 신학의 시대적 사명과 나아갈 방향을 하나님의 은혜(grace)와 자유 (liberty) 안에서 조명하고자 한다. 마지막으로 어떻게 한국적 오순절 신앙과 신학이 ``한``의 영적 치유를 가져올 수 있을지에 대한 가능성을 다른 주류신학들과 비교해 구별되는 오순절 교회의 예배의식의 특징들인 간증(story-telling)과 오순절적 기도(방언)를 통해 고찰하고자 한다. 한국적 오순절 신학과 신앙적 경험들은 성령의 역사를 중심으로 이루어져 있고 성령의 역사는 역사적으로 신학적으로 이미 오순절 역사에 있어서 소외되고 개인적, 경제적, 사회-정치적, 그리고 종교적-영적인 해방과 치유가 필요한 대중을 위한 노력이 있었으며 이런 대중들의 삶의 모습을 담는 것이 매우 중요한 신학적 요소였음을 생각하면 오순절적 영적 ``한풀이``가 가능할 것이다. ``한``과 관련하여 오순절 영성(spirituality)과 신앙적 실천(practices)의 좀 더 깊고 세밀하며 조직적인 신학화(theologizing)는 ``한``어린(han-ridden) 대중에게 삶의 치유와 더불어 종말론적 희망을 제시할 수 있을 것이다. 결론적으로 말하면, 오순절 신학과 신앙의 관점에서 볼 때 ``한``과 ``한``어린 대중의 삶은 그저 인간의 고난 혹은 신학적 주제의 차원을 넘어서 성령의 능력 아래 종말론적 중요성을 강조하는 신앙인이 당위성을 가지고 실천해야 하는 영적 치유를 위한 사명이다.

      • 漢江下流部 水害輕減을 爲한 調査 硏究

        金漢星,高在雄,李相鎔,玄義泰,柳興根 건국대학교 1974 學術誌 Vol.17 No.1

        The effect of reducing flood magnitudes, flood stages, and flood damage by upstream reservoir regulation are investigated in this study. The analytical procedures which has been established newly, are treated through this study for 7 index stations and same numbr of reaches. The method of this study could be expressed briefly as following procedures. Using stage-frequency relations and the potential damage survey data, damage-frequency relations are established, and from this, average annual flood damages computed. By holding out portions of the floods with various amounts of flood control storage in 6 reservoirs in the basin, routing were made to establish modified stage-frequency relations. From damage frequency relation, average annual damages are computed with and without condition of each control volume. The study result are concluded as follows; (1) The relationtship of corresponding water level between nearby stations are useful tools to adjust error of the data due to observation error and change of the gaging location. (2) The number of records about 10 years could not be applied for the statistical methods of flood frequency analysis. (3) The regional skew factors are recommended to apply flood frequency study by the log-Pearson Type III method. (4) The effect of damage reductions are greatly affectedin accordance with the routed flood. Therefore application of the Typical Tributary Contribution Flood are reasonable for this type of study. (5) In the North Han, effect of damage reduction due to the lacation of control point are gradually increased from upstream to downward until the confluence of North and South Han. (6) In the South Han, control effect are increased from Chungju to Yeoju where the maximum effect are analyzed and then decrease gradually until the confluence. (7) Better hydrologic and topographic combinations for the flood control are existed in South Han to compare with North Han in this study results.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 한옥 생산성 향상을 위한 설계지원 방안에 관한 연구 실무 -부재가공 프로세스 분석을 중심으로-

        이현우 ( Hyun Woo Lee ),정성원 ( Sung Won Jung ),전한종 ( Han Jong Jun ) 디자인융복합학회 2012 디자인융복합연구 Vol.11 No.5

        기존 한옥의 계승을 위한 관련 연구가 진행되고 있으나, 한옥 보급에는 실용성을 띄지 못하고 있다. 이는 한옥 시공기술의 복잡성과 자재 생산기술 부족으로 인한 제한적 범위 내에서 공사가 진행됨에 따라 높은 공사비를 원인으로 꼽을 수 있다. 이에 따라 현재 전통 한옥이 가진 정체성을 살리고 현시대에 보급될 수 있는 신 한옥으로의 진화를 위해 부재간의 연관을 분석하고 조립하는 방식을 지식으로 구성하고 디지털 모델링을 함으로써 공사비 절감이 가능케 하는 방법 등이 연구되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 한옥 설계자를 고려한 효율적인 부재 가공 정보 지원을 목표로 한옥 부재 실무 가공 분석을 통해 경제성, 시공성을 파악하고 최적화 방안을 위한 한옥 부재 제작 CNC 시뮬레이션을 통해 효율적인 가공 프로세스의 발전 가능성을 예측하여 최적화된 부재가공 정보를 제안하고 이를 기반으로 한옥 수요자들을 위한 설계지원 방법에 대한 구체적인 방안을 제시함으로써 한옥의 생상성 향상에 기여하고자 한다. There have been a lot of studies about the Han-ok, the Korean-style house, in perspective of the inheritage of existing ones, but there are no practicality in the supply of Han-ok. The cause is considered to exist in the complexity of Han-ok and the techniques required to manufacture its components and in the relatively higher construction expenses in the process which is within restricted range. On the contrary, in order to preserve the identity of traditional Han-ok and encourage the evolution to create a new Han-ok that can be supplied to the present period, there has been studies that analyzes the connection between sub-components and assemble them into a digital model which can possibly decrease the expenses spent on construction. The research`s objective is to provide valuable information for Han-ok designers, which contains methods on manufacturing sub-components effectively. Furthermore, by analyzing the current manufacturing method`s workability and economic feasibility, the research can obtain an optimum alternative for improving Han-ok`s production. Also by using CNC simulation, the possibility of an effective production can be predicted, as well as the information that can lead to the optimum method for an efficient sub-component manufacturing and suggest a specific resolution which can also affect on the improvement of Han-ok productivity.

      • KCI등재

        영화미술가 윤상열 연구

        한상언 ( Sang Eon Han ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2013 현대영화연구 Vol.9 No.2

        Yoon Sang-yeol defected to North Korea for political reasons, where he was branded as a fractionalist. So his life was unknown to the world. He began his career as a painter, and after worked as a set designer in theater and a production designer in a movie studio. Also he was a activist of the proletarian art movement who struggled against rule of Japanese imperialism. After liberation he was the central figure of film movement which was led by lefties. In 1948, he defected to North Korea. he was elected to representative of the North Korea`s supreme command, but he was purged when North Korea purged Workers` Party of South Korea at Korean War. Yoon Sang-yeol was a fauve in Korea. He used a contrast of color, shape and space. He cut details and emphasized on the spatial feature at his stage.

      • KCI등재

        고구려의 건국과 현도군

        김성한 ( Kim Sung-han ) 호남사학회 2021 역사학연구 Vol.84 No.-

        前漢 武帝는 고조선을 멸망시키고 1년 뒤인 기원전 107년에 沃沮城을 치소로 하여 玄菟郡을 설치하고, (제1현도군), 沃沮와 濊貊 지역을 그 영역으로 했다. 기원전 75년 직전 遼東의 烏桓이 반란을 일으키자, 前漢은 三輔 및 郡國의 불량소년과 죄지은 관리를 징발하여 遼東에 주둔하게 하고 遼東에 玄菟城을 쌓고 현도군을 옮겨와 (제2현도군) 烏桓의 침입에 대비했다. 제2현도군은 토착세력인 句驪가 위치한 지역에 자리했기 때문에 句驪의 이름을 따서 그 지역을 句驪縣이라 하고 郡의 治所로 삼았다. 토착세력인 句驪는 前 漢으로부터 처음에는 縣級인 ‘侯’로 대우받았다가, 桓帝 때 烏桓이 투항하자 그 공로를 인정받아 桓帝의 뒤를 이은 元帝 建昭 2년(B.C. 37)에 郡級인 ‘王’으로 승격된 것으로 보인다. 『三國史記』에서 고구려가 기원전 37년에 건국된 것으로 표방한 것도 이 때문이었을 것이다. 이때 句驪는 前漢으로부터 ‘高’를 姓으로 사여 받아 국호를 句驪에서 高句驪로 변경했을 것이며, 前漢은 高句驪王에게 그 신분에 걸맞게 鼓吹伎人과 朝服을 사여했던 것이다. 이때 玄菟郡의 句驪縣도 高句 驪縣으로 명칭이 변경되어, 전한 말기의 상황을 전하는 『漢書』 地理志에 高句驪로 기재되었던 것이다. 그 뒤 고구려는 新나라를 건국한 王莽이 자신을 징발하여 匈奴를 정벌하려 하자, 기원후 12년 무렵 이에 반항하여 제2현도군의 경계를 벗어나 자립했다. 新나라의 뒤를 이은 後漢은 자립한 高句驪와 관계를 유지하기 위해 ‘王’의 호칭을 인정하고 제2현도군의 동쪽 경계에 幘溝漊라는 작은 城을 쌓아 高句驪로 하여금 歲時에 朝服과 衣幘을 가져가게 했던 것이다. e year after destroying Gojoseon, in 107 BC, Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty, established Hyeondo (Xuantu) Commandery (First Hyeondo Commandery) with Okjeo Fortress as its ruling place, and put Okjeo and Yemaek under its jurisdiction. Shortly before 75 BC, when the Wuhuan of Liaodong revolted, the Western Han drafted delinquent youths and criminal officials from the metropolitan and provincial areas into the army and stationed them in Liaodong. It also relocated Hyeondo Commandery to Liadong (Second Hyeondo Commandery), with the construction of Hyeondo Fortress there to prepare against the invasion of the Wuhuan. As the Second Hyeondo Commandery was located in the area where the Guryeo, the indigenous tribe, resided, the area was named Guryeo County after this tribe and made the ruling place of the commandery. Guryeo was initially treated as a “hu,” which was equivalent to a county, by the Western Han, but as the Wuhuan surrendered during the reign of Emperor Huan, it was promoted to a “wang” (principality) that corresponded to a commandery in recognition of its contribution to the victory in 37 BC (second year of Jianzhao) during the reign of Emperor Yuan who succeeded Emperor Huan. This may be the reason why it is recorded in Samguk Sagi (History of the Three Kingdoms) that Goguryeo was founded in 37 BC. Around this time, the Guryeo was given “Go as their surname from the Western Han and changed their country’s name from Guryeo to Goguryeo, with musicians and performers granted by the emperor in celebration or its elevated status. At this time, the name of Guryeo County in Hyeondo Commandery was also changed to Goguryeo County, which appears in the “Treatise on Geography of the Book of Han that describes the situation of the late Western Han. Then, when Wang Mang, the founder of the Xin Dynasty, tried to subjugate the Xiongnu by mobilizing the people of Goguryeo, it rose up against the policy around 12 AD and became independent outside the boundaries of the Second Hyeondo Commandery. The Later Han Dynasty that succeeded the Xin Dynasty, recognized the title of wang” to maintain relations with the independent Goguryeo, and built a small fortress called Chaekguro Fortress on the eastern border of the Second Hyeondo Commandery where it bestowed o&cial uniforms, clothes and headwears on the people of Goguryeo at special occasions.

      • 입제의 수면처리에 의한 주요수도해충의 동시방제

        최승윤,배상희,송유한,Choi Seung Yoon,Bae Sang Hee,Song Yoo Han 한국응용곤충학회 1970 한국식물보호학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        본 시험은 유기인계 살충제인 Terracur P입제 및 Lebaycid 입제와 유기염소계 살충제인 상감마입제$(\gamma-BHC 입제)$를 수면시용 하였을때 수도요해충인 이화명충, 끝 동매미충, 애멸구 및 흰둥멸구에 대한 동시방제가능성과 방제적기를 구명하고 약제간의 방제효과를 비교코저 실시하였다. 얻어진 시험결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 약제처리후 부화직후 이화명충 접종 시험에 있어서 상감마와 Terracur P는 높은 살충율을 보였으나 Lebaycid의 살충율은 낮았다. 約 $50\%$ 살충력 잔효일수에 있어서 상감마는 8-14日이었고 Terracur P는 6일간이었다. 2) 당초 계획된 방제적기에 관한 정보는 얻을 수 없었다. 즉 주어진 일간격이 좁아 유의한 차를 얻을 수 없었다. 3) 1,2화기 이화명충에 대한 방제효과는 Terracur P=상감마>Lebaycid의 순이었다. 4) Terracur P와 Lebaycid 입제의 처리는 끝동매미충의 방제효과가 좋았으나 상감마$(\gamma-BHC 입제)$의 방제효과는 기대할 수 없었다. 끝동매미충에 대한 Terracur P와 Lebaycid입제의 잔효력은 30일 이상이었다. 5) 애멸구와 흰등별구에 대한 시험은 충의 서식밀도가 낮기 때문에 약제간 방제효과를 얻을 수 없었다. 6) 공시약제중 Terracur P와 Lebaycidd입제는 이화명충과 끌동매미충의 동시방제제로서 사용할 수 있을 것 같다. This experiment was conducted to find out the simultaneous control effect of granulated insecticides on the several major rice insect pests in Korea. The granulated insecticides used were Terracur P$5\%$ (one of the phosphoric insecticides), Lebaycid $5\%$, and Sang-gamma (gamma-BHC) $6\%$. Those insecticides were broadcasted by hand on the paddy field at the ratio of 3kg. in June and 4kg. in August per 10 a, and the date of insecticidal application was based on the maximum moth occurrence of the rice stem borer in 1969. The rice insect pests tested in this study were rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis W.), green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix bipunctatus cincticeps U.), smiller brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus F.), and white back planthopper (Sogotella furcifera H.). For the study of residual effectiveness of the insecticides, the rice stem borer larvae just hatched from the eggs were installed on the sheath of rice plants collected from the paddy field after insecticidal treatment, and the mortality was made at 48 hours after installation. High mortality was observed in Terracur P and Sang-gamma treatments and low mortality in Lebaycid treatment. The duration of residual effects giving about 50% mortality was about 14 days in Sang-gamma and about 6 days in Terracur P treatments. The study on the effectiveness of the insecticides to the rice stem borer in the paddy field was made by the number of dead blades and white heads of the rice plants injured by the larvae, and the number of survival larvae in the straws after crop harvest. The order of insecticidal effectiveness to the rice stem borer was Terracur P=Sang-gamm>Lebaycid. The study on the effectiveness of the insecticides to the leafhoppers and planthoppers in the paddy field was made by the population density by sweeping (5 times) at the given day intervals after treatments. Terracur P was highly effective for the control of the green rice leafhoppers and Lebaycid was moderately effective, but Sang-gamma seemed not to be effective. The effectiveness of the insecticides tested to the planthoppers was not clear, and it seemed to related with the low insect population density. Study on the determination of proper timing of insecticidal application was not also made clear, and it seemed to be short in the range of day intervals in the insecticidal application. For the study on the control effects of the rice insect pests, rice yield per 100 hills per plot was observed. There was no statistically significant difference among the treatments in rice yields, but the order of yield (Terracur P>Sang-gamma>Lebaycid>Control) was paralleled with the tends of control effects above mentioned. In a view point of simultaneous control of the rice stem borers and green rice leafhoppers by the application of granulated insecticides, Terracur P and Lebaycid were more effective than Sang-gamma which have been used.

      • 비최소 위상 시스템에 대한 적응 선형 2차 가우시안 제어기

        한만춘,고재원,지승도 연세대학교 대학원 1985 延世論叢 Vol.21 No.4

        This paper deals with the design of an adaptive linear-quadratic Gaussian controller to achieve regulation and tracking for non-minimum phase systems represented by a discrete single input-output stochastic state equation including white noise with a Gaussian distribution function. The parallel adaptive structure proposed by Landau has been adopted and an identification algorithm is used to obtain an unbiased estimation of the parameters. Applicability of an adaptive linear-quadratic Gaussian controller and the influence of each of the constants needed in the adaptation algorithm have been investigated. It is shown that the adaptive linear-quadratic Gaussian controller can achieve the fast adaptive control, when the system has the reference signal with a short period and abruptly varing parameters. With respect to white noise, this paper can be considered an extents of adaptive linear-quadratic controller proposed by Samson.

      • C형 간염바이러스 보유자에서 발생한 거대세포바이러스성 장염(증례)

        한상표 외 중앙대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2005 中央醫大誌 Vol.30 No.3·4

        Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections are commonly reported in immunocompromised patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, malignant disease, steroid therapy and chemotherapy. CMV infection can produce localized ulcerations in the gastrointestinal tract. The common site involved by CMV infection in the gastrointestinal tract is the colon. We report a case of cytomegalovirus colitis in a 71 years old woman with symptom of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. She was a carrier of hepatitis C and has been recovered from hepatic dysfunction probably induced by hepatitis C reactivation. Colonoscopy revealed multiple shallow geographic ulcers on the rectosigmoid colon. At follow-up, she was improved without any anti-viral therapy for the colitis.

      • 우리나라 국민체육 진흥방안 성인근로자 체력실태에 관한 측정 연구[Ⅱ] : 서울 지역을 中心으로

        韓成一,林美子 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1978 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        서울지역을 중심ㅇ로 성인근로자의 체력 실태를 Energy system에 입각하여 직종별·성별 진단 test를 실시하고 경기지역과 비교 고찰한 것은 다음과 같다. 구조특성에서 긴장과 체중은 서울의 사무직 종사자가 높고 컸으며, 여자도 서울의 주부가 높고 컸다. 기능특성에서는 다음과 같았다. (1) 전신지구력인 순환기능 지수에서 노무직, 경기지역, 사무직의 순이며 개체가 가지고 있는 차의 폭이 컸다. (2) 유연성 중 신전력은 사무직이 높고 굴곡력은 노무직, 경기지역, 사무직으로 특수운동능의 조성이었다. (3) 근력 중 배근력은 경기지역이 전연령에 걸쳐 높고, 특히 35∼40세군은 월등히 높았고 노무지그 사무직순이며, 여자에서도 경기지역이 높았다. 그러나 악력은 남자 각 직종간의 差도 없고 연령증가에 의한 저하현상이 미약했다. (4) 순발력은 25∼35세군의 저하현상은 적으나 45세 이후는 크게 둔화되었고, 수평순발력은 사무, 노무, 경기지역순이었다. (5) 민첩성은 교사, 사무, 노무순이었고, 미약한 둔화현상을 보였다. 즉 성인체력이란 요인별 발달단계의 정점에서 유지되고 저하를 둔화시키는 개체 자체의 일반운동능이 전문적 또는 특수한 운동 등의 동적 활동을 가하여 둔화를 지연시키며 형성되는 것이라 하겠다. Adult worker's physical through energy system in area. Structure and functional spe-cificity of various job and sex by diagnosis test were surveyed and compared with Kyun-ggi subjects were total 350 (74 of office worker, 113 of manual worker, and 173 of house wife). The results were as follows: (1) Office worker in Seoul area was higher than manual worker in value of structural factor in height and weight. (2) Active worker was higher than Kyunggi area and office worker in value of circu-latory function of whole body endurance. (3) Manual worker was higher than Kyunggi area office worker. Also, office worker was higher in extension ability. (4) Kyunggi area was higher than office worker and manual worker throughout the strength in Seoul area. (5) A moderate decrease phenomenon was showed in men of whole age group in factor of grip strength. (6) There were no change in 25-39 age group. But it was rapidly decreased after 45 olds in value of vertical jump in factor of power. The active worker was higher than office worker of Seoul area was higher in factors of in height, weight, flexibility and ver-tical jump. Manual worker was higher in factor of standing long jump, flexibility, back strength, body endurance in subjects of Seoul area. (7) Height of the structural factor was higher in whole age group. But weight of 35-40 age group in Seoul higher than value of Kyunggi area. (8) Whole body endurance of functional factor of Seoul area was higher in 25 and 40 age groups. There was no specificity between factors of age and area. (9) Flexibility was gradually decreased in extension ability. There were rapid decreasing phenomenon from 25 age. (10) Back strength of Seoul area lower than Kyunggi area from age 30. Grip strength of Seoul area also was lower than Kyunggi area. (11) Vertical jump was higher in Seoul. (12) There were no difference in ability between each age group. Women is lower. It was gradually decreased.

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