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        답전윤환(畓田輪換) 체계(體系)에 따른 토양(土壤)의 층위별(層位別) 양분분포(養分分布) 및 양분수지(養分收支)

        안상배,본송휘구,이상은,Ahn, Sang-Bae,Motomatsu, T.,Lee, Sang-Eun 한국토양비료학회 1994 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        Effects of paddy-upland rotation system on nutrients distribution in soil profile and nutrient balance were studied in paddy fields from 1989 to 1993. The obtained results are summarized as follows. 1. $NO_3{^-}-N$, Av.$P_2O_5$, Ex.-K, and EC were high by small extent in surface layer of 0~20cm soil depth without the sign of salt movement to deeper layers. On the contrary Ex.-ca, Ex.-Mg, and pH became high with increase of soil depths. 2. $NO_3{^-}-N$, Av.$P_2O_5$, Ex.-K, and EC in surface soil were high in the order of Converted, Paddy-Upland Rotation, Potato-Chinese Cabbage>2 Year, Rotation, Potato-Chinese Cabbage>Converted, Paddy-Upland Rotation, Soybean>Continous Paddy, which responded well to fertilizer application rates. On the other hand Ex.-Ca, Ex.-Mg, and pH in whole layers were high in the order of Converted, Paddy-Upland Rotation, Soybean>Converted, Paddy-Upland Rptation, Potato-Chinese Cabbage>2 Year, Rotation, Potato-Chinese Cabbage>Continuous Paddy, which largely depended on plant absorption. 3. Nutrient balance in upland cropping system cultivating potato and Chinese cabbage showed that the input of chemical fertilizer of nitrogen and potassium was less than the plant uptake, while it was reverse for phosphorus with much gap between fertilizer input and plant uptake. Therefore, phosporous was expected to be accumulated by 27kg/10a every year. 4. Nutrient balance in upland cropping system cultivating soybean showed that nitrogen was not deficient to soybean crops even the chemical fertilizer input was less than plant uptake because of nitrogen fixation by rhizobia. However, there was about 1kg/10a deficit of potassium, which resulted dificiency symptom in the middle stage of soybean growth. For phosphorous there was excess of 4kg/10a, which was expected to be short for maintaining phosphorous fertility of upland soils. 1989~'93년(年)까지 5년(年)동안 답전수환시(畓田輸換時) 작부체계(作付體系)에 따른 토양(土壤) 층위별(層位別) 양분분포(養分分布)와 양분수지(養分收支)를 검토(檢討)한 결과(結果)는 아래와 같았다. 1. 질산태질소(窒酸態室素), 치환성가리(置換性加里) 및 유효인산(有效燐酸) 함량(含量)과 EC는 표층(表層) 0~20cm에서 약간 높았을뿐 토층하부(土層下部)로 이동집적(移動集積)이 적었고, 작부체계(作付體系)에 따른 표토중(表土中) 함량은 전이환(田轉換) 감자-배추>2년 수환(輸換) 감자-배추>전전환(田轉換) 대두(大豆)>수도연작구(水稻連作區) 순(順)으로 높아 처리별(處理別) 시비량을 반영(反影)하였다. 2. 치환성(置換性) 석회(石灰)와 고토(苦土) 함량 및 pH는 심토(深土)로 갈수록 높아졌고, 이러한 경향은 특히, 수도연작구(水稻連作區)에서 현저(顯著)하였다. 작부체계(作付體系)에 따라서는 전(全) 토층(土層)에서 전전환(田轉換) 대두(大豆)>전전환(田轉換) 감자배추>2년(年) 윤환(輪換) 감자-배추>수도연작구(水稻連作區) 순(順)이었고 처리별 식물체 흡수량(吸收量) 차이가 크게 영향하였다. 3. 전전환(田轉換) 감자-배추구(區)에서 질소(窒素), 인산(燐酸), 가리(加里)의 양분수지(養分收支)는 투입량(投入量)보다 탈취량(奪取量)(흡수량)이 각각(各各) 21.5, 26.8, 9.2kg/10a 많았으나 투입량(投入量)중 화학비료량(化學肥料量)은 질소(室素)와 가리(加里)의 경우 탈취량(奪取量)에 비해 적었던 반면 인산(燐酸)은 많았다. 4. 전전환(田轉換) 대두구(大豆區)의 양분수지(養分收支)는 질소(窒素), 인산(燐酸), 가리(加里) 각각(各各) -12.8, 4.1, -1.0kg/10a로 질소(窒素)와 가리(加里)의 투입량(投入量)이 탈취량(奪取量)보다 적었으나 질소(窒素)는 근류균(根瘤菌)의 질소고정(窒素固定)으로 결핍되지 않았던 반면 가리(加里)는 생육중기(生育中期)에 결핍증상(缺乏症狀)을 나타내었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        답전윤환토양(沓田輪換土壤)에서 질소무기화(窒素無機化)의 특성(特性)에 관(關)한 연구

        안상배,모타마쯔 테르시아,연병렬,육창수,Ahn, Sang-Bae,Motomatsu, T.,Yeon, Beong-Yeal,Yuk, Chang-Soo 한국토양비료학회 1992 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        답전윤환포장(沓田輪換圃場)에서 토양질소(土壤窒素) 무기화양상(無機化樣相)의 몇가지 특성(特性)을 구명(究明)하여 얻어진 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 담수배양(湛水培養)한 질소무기화량(窒素無機化量)은 '90년(年)(2년차(年次))에서는 감자-배추구(區)>대두구(大豆區)>벼연작구(連作區)이었으나 '91년(年)(3년차(年次))에는 감자-배추구(區)>벼연작구(連作區)>대두구(大豆區)의 순(順)이었다. 2. 3년차(年次)('91년(年) 밭 상태조건(狀態條件)에서 생성(生成)된 토양질소무기화량(土壤窒素無機化量)은 감자-배추구(區)에서는 매년윤환구(每年輪換區)<전윤환(田輪換)이지만 대두구(大豆區)에서는 반대(反對)로 매년윤환구(每年輪換區)>전윤환(田輪換)이었다. 3. 토양(土壤)의 전질소(全窒素) 및 전탄소함량(全炭素含量)은 수도연작구(水稻連作區)에 비(比)하여 윤환구(輪換區)에서 낮아졌는데 특(特)히 대두윤환구(大豆輪換區)에서 현저히 낮아졌다. 4. 지력질소(地力窒素)의 판정기준법(判定基準法)으로 이용(利用)되는 인산완충용액법(憐酸緩衝溶液法)에 의한 가급태질소함량(可給態窒素含量)과 담수토양법(湛水土壤法)에 의한 $NH_4-N$ 생성량(生成量)과는 정(正)의 상관관계(相關關係)가 있었다. The rate and pattern of soil nitrogen mineralization were investigated under conditions of a paddy-upland switching cultivation system. Experimental results obtained are as follows 1. Amounts of soil nitrogen mineralized were different in the order of potato-cabbage>soybean>continuous paddy plot for the first year, but potato-cabbage>continuous paddy>soybean plot for the second year, respectively. 2. In the third year cropping under upland condition a higher amount of soil nitrogen was found mineralized at the plot of continuous upland cultivation than at the alternate paddy-upland switching plot in the case of potato-cabbage, on the contrary, however, the higher amount was found at the alternate paddy-upland switching plot in the case of soybean cultivation. 3. The amounts of total soil nitrogen and carbon were lower in paddy-upland switching plots than in continuous paddy plots. This trend is significant in soybean plots. 4. A positive correlationship was found between phosphate buffer solution method for available nitrogen and submerged soil method for $NH_4-N$, both being utilized for the estimation of soil fertility.

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