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      • KCI등재

        집단미술치료가 정신지체인의 정서 및 행동에 미치는 효과

        임지향,김은경 한국특수아동학회 2003 특수아동교육연구 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구에서는 집단미술치료가 정신지체인의 정서 및 행동에 미치는 효과를 살펴보기 위해 장애3등급으로 복지관에서 생활적응훈련을 받고 있는 정신지체장애인 3명을 선정하여 미술치료 프로그램을 시행하였으며 첫째, 집단미술치료가 정신지체인의 정서에 미치는 영향은 미미하게 나타났다. 일상생활에서의 문제해결능력에 대한 변화는 크게 나타나지 않았지만 어떤 상황에서도 항상 생각하려는 모습을 보였고, 둘째, 행동에서는 많은 변화가 나타났다. 과제에 대한 집중이 높아졌으며, 끈기 있고 성실한 자세로 미술활동에 임했으며 열심히 하면서 인정받기위해 노력하였으며 몸도 청결해 지고 상스러운 표현을 많이 하던 언어습관도 많이 성숙하였으며 자신의 실수에 대해 미안해하며 사과도 하게 되었다. The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of group art therapy program on mild retardation's emotion and behavior. The design of this study is pretest-post test control group design. The independent variable was group art therapy and the dependent variable was emotion and behavior. The subjects were 3 females retardation of from special institution in D city. All of subjects, 3 females were placed in the experimental group participate in group art therapy. To perform this study the group art therapy program is carried out 1 session for a week and the whole sessions are 19. Each session being allocated 50 minutes. The instruments of measurement used in this study is behavior measurement and LMT. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1) The experimental group's emotion was increased than did after the group art therapy sessions. 2) The experimental group's behavior was significantly increased than did after the group art therapy sessions. From these conclusions, it is suggested that group art therapy is effective in improving mild retardation's emotion and behavior. I'd like to suggest the following points based on this study. First, the group art therapy program was made for the one institution with mental retardation, so we have to study many students from many institution's and to settle the program because of fitting for mental retardation in Korea. Second, The practice of the group art therapy program needs administration and financial conducts because of the positive participation of parents, pertinent, and companies.

      • KCI등재

        영양교육이 체중조절 프로그램에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구

        장은재,임경아,한용봉 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.2

        영양교육이 체중조절에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 여대생을 대상으로 영양교육을 시킨 그룹과 시키지 않은 그룹으로 나누어 8주간 체중조절 프로그램을 실시하여 체중, 체질량 지수, 체지방 비율, 표준체중 비율 등은 두 그룹 모두 유의적으로 감소하였다. 영양교육을 받은 NE group은 영양 교육을 받지 않은 DO group보다 크게 감소하였다. NE group은 8주 동안 꾸준하게 감소되는 반면, DO group은 4주 동안 감소하였지만, 스스로 조절하는 5주부터 8주 동안에는 변화가 없었다. NE group은 체중조절 프로그램이 진행되는 동안 교육의 효과로 열량 및 탄수화물, 단백질과 지방의 섭취량이 유의적으로 감소하였다. DO group은 열량 섭취량 및 탄수화물, 단백질과 지방이 처음 4주 동안 감소하였으나, 5주부터 8주 동안은 약간씩 증가하였다. 혈청 지질의 농도는 NE group이 Total-cholesterol과 LDL-cholesterol이 유의적으로 감소하였고, DP group의 triglyceride는 처음보다 유의적으로 증가되었다. 영양교육을 포함한 체중조절 프로그램은 체중, 체지방 및 혈청 지질농도를 감소시켰고, 감소 수준을 오랫동안 유지할 수 있었다. This study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition education on a weight control program. The major components of nutrition education in this program, held for 8 weekly sessions, were the general nutrition information about the diets, especially low fat, high carbohydrate hypocaloric diets, methods of increasing physical activity, strategies for the maintenance of proper body weight, and other information related to the prevention of obesity. Twenty five female college students participated in this program. All subjects were randomly assigned to the Nutrition Education(NE) group or the Diet Only(DO) group. Mean energy intake of the NE group was 1,230㎉(CHO:61%, PRO:15%, FAT:24%), DO group consumed 1,472㎉(CHO:58%, PRO:16%, FAT:26%). The NE group lost 3.3±0.7㎏ of body weight. In contrast, the DO group lost 1.8±0.6㎏. The NE group experienced a significant decrease in cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol level, however, the DO group significantly increased in triglyceride. The results of this study suggest that progressive nutrition education in a weight control program might reduce body weight and serum lipids concentration.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        당뇨병 환자에서 혈장 Thrombin-Antithrombin Ⅲ 및 Plasmin-α_2-Plasmin Inhibitor 복합체의 임상적 의의

        김경욱,김은숙,정상수,윤수지,박우일,이준희,남수연,안철우,문병수,김경래,차봉수,송영득,임승길,이현철,허갑범 대한당뇨병학회 2002 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.25 No.5

        연구배경:당뇨병 환자에서 혈액응고 및 섬유소용해 체계의 이상경향이 있어 그 결과로 여러 혈관합병증의 발생위험이 높다는 사실은 널리 알려져 있다. 그 기전은 아직 확실히 밝혀지지 않았으나, 고혈당으로 인한 혈장 단백질들의 비효소성 당화작용이나 산화성 스트레스로 인한 유리 라티칼 작용으로 응고항진이나 섬유소용해 활성의 저하를 유발하는 것으로 생각되고 있다. 최근 응고 및 용해인자와 그 억제자의 복합체들의 증가가 이 상태를 비교적 예민하게 반영한다고 알려져 있다. 방법:본 연구에서는 당뇨병 환자 101명과 정상 대조군 20명에서 혈장내 thrombin­antithrombin complex(TAT)와 plasmin­α₂­plasmin inhibitor complex(PIC)를 측정하여 비교하고, 당뇨병 환자에서 미세혈관 합병증과 대혈관합병증의 유무에 따른 차이와, 이미 혈관 질환의 위험인자로 알려져 있는 인자들간의 상관성을 알아보고자 하였다. 결과:1. 환자의 분포를 살펴보면 혈관합병증이 있는 군은 85명, 혈관합병증이 없는 군은 16명이었고, 평균연령은 각각 57.9±14.1세, 49.9±16.6세로 혈관 합병증이 있는 군에서 더 나이가 많았고, 체질량지수는 23.2±3.4㎏/㎡, 24.1±3.4㎏/㎡로 두 군간 유의한 차이는 없었다. 또 두 군간의 혈압 및 HbA1c, 공복혈당 및 인슐린과 C­peptide, 총 콜레스테롤, 중성지방, HDL­콜레스테롤, Lp⒜는 유의한 차이가 없었고, 미세혈관합병증이 있는 군에서 당뇨병의 유병기간이 길었다. 2. TAT 및 PIC의 농도는 정상 대조군에서는 2.8±1.2 ng/mL, 240.4±69.7 ng/mL이었고, 당뇨병 환자군에서는 9.5±22.6 ng/mL, 472.2±258.7 ng/mL이었다. TAT와 PIC 모두 당뇨병 환자군에서 정상 대조군에 비해 유의하게 증가되어 있었고(p<0.001), TAT/PIC ratio는 두 군간 차이가 없었다. 3. 당뇨병 환자의 혈관합병증에 따른 TAT 및 PIC, fibrinogen 농도는 합병증이 없는 군은 각각 4.1±2.4ng/mL, 362.2±272.0ng/mL, 322.7±102.4mg/mL으로 PIC와 fibrinogen의 증가를 보였으나, 연령을 보정한 후에는 통계학적 유의성은 없었다. 또 대혈관 합병증군에서는 각각 6.0±4.9 ng/mL, 507.4±321.6 ng/mL, 427.1±194.7 mg/dL이었으며 미세·대혈관 합병증군에서는 10.4±6.4 ng/mL, 484.8±269.7 ng/mL, 388.4±132.4 mg/dL으로 TAT의 증가를 보였으나 역시 연령을 보정한 후에는 통계학적 유의성은 없었다. 4. 미세혈관합병증군에서 HbA1c(>8%)가 높은 군의 PIC 농도가 유의하게 높았고(p=0.049), 대혈관합병증군에서 HbA1c(>8%)가 높은 군의 총 콜레스테롤 농도가 유의하게 높았다(p=0.042). 5. 총 당뇨병 환자군에서 PIC는 fibrinogen과 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를, BMI와 음의 상관관계를 보였으며(r=0.47, 0.31,-0.25), 혈관 합병증이 없는 당뇨병 환자군에서만 TAT는 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를 보였다(r=0.67). 결론:이상의 결과에서 혈장 TAT 및 PIC 농도는 당뇨병 환자에서 정상 대조군에 비해 의미있게 증가되어 있었고, 당뇨병 환자군에서는 연령의 증가와 유병기간이 혈액응고항진 및 용해의 장애에 큰 역할을 함을 알 수 있었으며, 총 당뇨병 환자군에 PIC와 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를, BMI와 음의 상관관계를 보였으며 혈관 합병증이 없는 당뇨병 환자군에서만 TAT는 HbA1c와 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 따라서 당뇨병 환자에서 혈액응고 및 용해의 장애가 동반되어 있다고 볼 수 있으며, 혈장 TAT 및 PIC는 혈관합병증으로의 진행을 예측하는 지표로서 유용하리라 생각된다. 또 혈당조절정도와 상관성이 있으므로 혈당조절후에 추적검사를 시행하여 합병증의 예방이 가능한지 추후 연구가 필요하리라 생각된다. Background : Abnormality of coagulation and fibrinolystic system is known as a predisposing factor of vascular complication in diabetes. Although the pathogenesis is not well known, non-enzymatic glycation reaction and the increase in production of free radicals due to an increased oxidative stress may be linked to the hypercoagulibility and hypofibrinolytic activity. As indices of abnormality in coagulation and firinolysis in peripheral blood, plasma thrombin-antithrombin Ⅲ complex (TAT) and plasmin-α_2-plasmin inhibitor complex (PIC) were measured. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether hypercoagulability exists in diabetic patients with or without vascular complication. Methods : In our study, we measured plasma thrombin-antithrombin Ⅲ compelx (TAT) and plasmin-α_2-plasmin inhibit or complex (PIC) in 101 diabetic subjects and 20 controls. Comparing TAT and PIC levels in diabetic microvascular complication group, diabetic macrovascular complication group and controls, we examined correlation between risk factors associated with diabetic vascular complication. Results : 1. The group with diabetic vascular complication was older than group without complication. There was no significant difference in BMI, blood pressure, HbA_ic, blood sugar level, insulin, C-peptide, serum creatinine, total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, Lp (a) between two groups. The group with diabetic microvascular complication had longer duration of diabetes. 2. Concentration of TAT and PIC were 2.8±1.2 ng/ mL, 240.4±69.7 ng/ mL in controls and 9.5±22.6 ng/ mL, 472.2±258.7 ng/ mL in diabetic patients, respectively. TAT and PIC were significantly higher in diabetic patients than in control (p<0.001). But TAT/PIC ratio was no significant difference between two groups. 3. In diabetic patients, concentration of TAT and PIC and fibrinogen were respectively 4.1±2.4 ng/ mL, 362.2±272.0 ng/ mL, 322.7±102.4 mg/ dL in group without vascular complication and 5.3±4.1 ng/ mL, 529.5±258.7 ng/ mL, 374.9±106.2 mg/ dL in group with microvascular complication, which group had increase in PIC and Fibrinogen but no significance after correction of age. Concentration of TAT and PIC and Fibrinogen were 60.±4.9 ng/ mL, 507.4±321.6 ng/ mL, 427.1±194.7 mg/ dL in macrovascular complication, and 10.4±6.7 mg/ mL, 484.8±269.7 ng/ mL, 388.4±132.4 mg/ dL in combined vascular complication which group showed increase of TAT but also had no significant increase after correction of age. 4. In diabetic microvascular complication patients, group of high HbA_1c (>8%) (p=0.049) had significant high PIC concentration. In diabetic macrovascular complication patients, group of high HbA_1c (>8%) (p=0.042) had significant high total cholesterol concentration. 5. In all diabetic patients, PIC was positively correlated with fibrinogen and HbA_1c and negatively correlated BMI (r=0.47, 0.31, -0.25). Only in daibetic patients without angiopathy, TAT was positively correlated with HbA_1c (r=0.67). Conclusion : In this study, plasma TAT and PIC concentration significantly increased in diabetic patients compared with controls, and PIC was increased in group with microvascular complication, TAT were increased in group with combined micro macrovascular complication. However, there was no significance relationship existed when correctinf for age. PIC was correlated with HbA_1c. TAT was correlated with HbA_1c only in the group without angiopathy. Abnormality of coagulation and fibrinolysis were combined in diabetes, plasma TAT and PIC can be used as an index of vascular complication. Also we found the correlation with the degree of the blood glucose control. Therefore we need follow up study for the possibility of prevention of vascular complication after controlling the blood glucose to age-matched patients (J Kor Diaabetes Asso 25:354~363, 2001).

      • 태양열 온수의 효과적 이용에 관한 시뮬레이션

        박이동,정운철,임종오 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1992 論文集 Vol.42 No.2

        The benefits of thermal stratification in sensible heat storage systems have been considered and studying by several investigators. In this paper, the basic data which is hard to obtain normally through experiments were obtainable through the computer simulation. The major objectives of the study were to assess the benefits of stratified storage in residential solar water heating application and to suggest the optimum design parameters. From the above computer simulation, following results were obtained. 1) The solar load fraction increases with increasing the number of tank segments. In these simulation, the magnitude of the improvement was about 10%. 2) The solar load fraction increases when the ratio of diameter to height of the tank(H/D) increases to 3, but H/D exceed 3 then, the solar load fraction decreases. In these simulation, the magnitude of the improvement was about 3 %. 3) Increasing the collector flow rate slightly improved the performance of the mixed storage system (Node = 1). Also, for the stratified storage system(Node = N), the solar load fraction increases with decreasing flow rate until the point is reached at which the collector outlet temperature reaches the boiloff limit of 100℃ over some portion of the simulation period.

      • 한국어 대용량 음성인식에서의 효율적인 시간 감축에 관한 연구

        장춘서,이기수,신윤식,임은기,김병만,김현수 금오공과대학교 산업기술개발연구원 2000 産業技術開發硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        In this paper a time reduction algorithm for large vocabulary speech recognition system has been studied. TDNN(Time Delay Neural Network) was used to classify vowel using phonetical fetures. To increase performance of vowel classification, modular TDNN architecture associated with 2 states input layer has been suggested.

      • HL-60 세포주를 이용한 결핵균항원의 세포성면역반응의 분석

        박정규,강윤중,김운옥,임재현,송창화,조은경,김화중 충남대학교 의학연구소 2001 충남의대잡지 Vol.28 No.2

        Most persons who become infected with M. tuberculosis mount a protective immune response and remain clinically well, the only evidence of infection being development of a positive tuberculin skin test. Five to 10% develop tuberculosis disease within the first 2 years after infection (primary tuberculosis) or thereafter (reactivation tuberculosis). Acquired resistance against tuberculosis paradigmatically rests on cell-mediated immunity, with the major factors being mononuclear phagocytes and T Lymphocytes. While the former cells act as the principal effectors, the latter ones serve as the predominant inducers of protection. The usefulness of the single dose of BCG routinely given in childhood in many developing countries in preventing far more commonly occurring tuberculosis in adults is in doubt. An effective and safe vaccine against tuberculosis is sorely needed. A subunit vaccine are capable of inducing protective immunity and could have substantial advantages over BCG or other whole-bacterium vaccines. The human promyelocytic cell line HL-60 adopted characteristic macrophage-like properties, including adherence and CD14 expression after a period of continuous culture at high ambient CO_(2) concentration. When HL-60 cells were cultured with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D_(3) for 4 days, the cells acquired the activity to potentiate T cell proliferation by the 30 kDa or 38 kDa antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv Therefore, vitamin D-treated HL-60 cells showed the function of the antigen presenting cells.

      • 임신중 산전 초음파로 진단된 자궁근종의 임상적 고찰

        서정호,김윤숙,김대원,이동운,최규연,이정재,이임순 순천향의학연구소 2003 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.9 No.1

        Objectives: To study the clinical manifestations; time, mode of delivery, size of myomas and outcome of pregnancy in cases of myomas that were detected prior to pregnancy or during the antenatal care and after delivery. Methods: We statistically analyzed 76 patients with uterine myomas in pregnancy admitted to Soonchunhyang Seoul Hospital during the period of Jan. 1999 and Dec. 2001. Results: The results are as follows. 1. The mean age of patients in the detected group and undetected group were 32.9 years and 32.3 years, respectively. There was no difference in the proportion of primarity between the detected group(98.2%) and the undetected group(79.6%) 2. The most common type of uterine myoma in both groups was intramural myoma (detected group 94.1% vs undetected group 81.3%). The uterine myomas were most commonly located in the anterior portion and fundus(detected group 52.9% and 23.5% respectively vs undetected group 47.4% and 23.7% respectively) and the proportion was not significantly different between the two groups. Uterine myomas with a diameter of 3cm or more in the detected group were detected by clinical examination and ultrasonogram. Rate of uterine myomas with a diameter of 3cm or more in the detected group is 76.5% and less than 3cm is 54.2% which detected incidentally at delivery. 3. The proportion of term infants were detected group 88.2% vs undetected group 91.5%. 4. The most common indications for cesarean section in both groups were cephalopelvic disproportion and repeated cesarean section (detected group 41.2% and 45.8% respectively vs undetected group 11.8% and 18.6% respectively) and there was no significant difference between the two groups. 5. Secondary pathologic changes in the all myomectomy specimens were degeneration in both groups but there was no necrosis or sarcomatous change. 6. Antenatal complications were preterm labor, premature repture of membranes, spontaneous abortion, malpresentation, and placenta previa. Intrauterine growth retardation and placental abruption were not seen in both groups. Conclusion: Myoma detected by ultrasonogram before or during pregnancy is not a significant implication of pregnancy outcome.

      • KCI등재

        Rapid Onset of Intranasal Esketamine in Patients with Treatment Resistant Depression and Major Depression with Suicide Ideation: A Meta-Analysis

        Sheng-Min Wang,Nak-Young Kim,Hae-Ran Na,Hyun Kook Lim,Young Sup Woo,Chi-Un Pae,Won-Myong Bahk 대한정신약물학회 2021 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE Vol.19 No.2

        Objective: We performed a meta-analysis of randomized double-blinded placebo controlled trials (DB-RCTs) to inves-tigate efficacy and safety of intranasal esketamine in treating major depressive disorder (MDD) including treatment re-sistant depression (TRD) and major depression with suicide ideation (MDSI). Methods: Mean change in total scores on Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) from baseline to differ-ent time-points were our primary outcome measure. Secondary efficacy measures included rate of remission of depres-sion and resolution of suicidality. Results: Eight DB-RCTs (seven published and one un-published) covering 1,488 patients with MDD were included. Esketamine more significantly improved MADRS total scores than placebo starting from 2−4 hours after the first admin-istration (standardized mean difference, −0.41 [95% CI, −0.58 to −0.25], p < 0.00001), and this superiority main-tained until end of double-blinded period (28 days). Sub-group analysis showed that superior antidepressant effects of esketamine over placebo in TRD and MDSI was observed from 2−4 hours, which was maintained until 28 days. Resolution of suicide in MDSI was also greater for esketamine than for placebo at 2−4 hours (OR of 2.04, 95% CIs, 1.37 to 3.05, p = 0.0005), but two groups did not statistically differ at 24 hours and day 28. Total adverse events (AEs), and other common AEs including dissociation, blood pressure increment, nausea, vertigo, dysgeusia, dizziness, and somnolence were more frequent in esketamine than in placebo group. Conclusion: Esketamine showed rapid antidepressant effects in patients with MDD, including TRD and MDSI. The study also suggested that esketamine might be associated with rapid anti-suicidal effects for patients with MDSI.

      • KCI등재

        Lexical and Post-lexical Phenomena in the Utterances Spoken by Korean English Teachers

        Lim Un 한국영어교과교육학회 2003 영어교과교육 Vol.2 No.1

          Korean English teachers are facing difficulties in speaking English accurately and naturally, and they are hesitating to pronounce English in the class, because of non-authentic and unnatural pronunciations. Teacher"s pronunciation is very important in the class, because students generally imitate their teacher"s pronunciations. The unnatural pronunciations of Korean English teachers make it difficult to provide students with good models.   This article will survey the problematic and unnatural pronunciation of Korean English teachers in elementary and secondary schools using CSL 4400B, Multi-speech and Praat. And also try to pinpoint the causes of unnatural pronunciations.   Through this research, a variety of problems of Korean English teachers" pronunciation were be identified. First, the VOT of Korean English teachers appeared longer than those of native speakers. Second, some Korean English teachers inserted [i] after /d/. Third, many Korean English teaches seemed not to understand English stress rules. Fourth, teachers appeared to understand the concept of devoicing, deletion, reduction, contraction, palatalization and flapping.

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