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        이능화의 한국 양명학 연구

        이우진(Lee, Woo-Jin),최재목(Choi, Jae-Mok) 한국양명학회 2015 陽明學 Vol.0 No.42

        이 논문은 ‘한국 양명학 연구의 초석을 마련한 인물’로서 이능화(李能和)에 대한 탐구이다. 먼저, 이능화가 양명학이 어떤 측면에서 “주자학에 대항할 수 있는 가장 서구적인(=서구화할 수 있는) 사상 유형”으로 자리매김할 수 있다고 생각했는지에 대해 탐색하였다. 그 연장선에서 ‘주자학을 서구근대화의 장애물’로 판단하게 된 이유를 검토하였다. 다음으로 이능화의 조선유계지양명학파 에서 나타난 한국 양명학의 연구 관점이나 자료수집의 폭이 어떤 것이며, 그것이 이후 한국 양명학 연구자들에게 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지를 구체적으로 검토해보았다. 이능화는 조선을 ‘사상속박시대’라고 비난할 정도로 오직 주자학만을 유일무이한 학문으로 존숭하였던 조선 유교에 대해 비판적 입장을 지녔다. 그에 따르면, 조선의 교조주의는 근본적으로 사대주의(事大主義)에 기인한 것이었다. 또한 그러한 교조주의는 당파의 분열을 발생시켜 유교의 특장점인 정치적 · 윤리적인 사회철학적 성격을 상실케 되었다고 파악한다. 반면 이능화는 양명학을 시대변혁의 방향에 새로운 가능성을 지닌 사상으로 파악한 듯 하다. ‘전근대적인 주자학’을 탈피하여 당시의 역사적 사명인 ‘서구근대화를 이룰 수 있는 사상’으로 양명학을 바라보았던 것으로 유추된다. 이는 일본의 서구 근대화가 양명학이라는 이념적 기반에 이루어졌다는 사실에 기인한다. 이능화는 『조선유계지양명학파(朝鮮儒界之陽明學派)』에서 조선 양명학파를 학문적인 측면이 아니라 정치적인 측면에서 정리하였다. 그리고 그는 한국 양명학파를 성립시킨 인물로서 정제두로 제시하였으며, 남언경(南彦經)을 조선 최초의 양명학자로서 규정하였다. 다음으로 한국의 양명학 전래시기를 1567년 전후로 추정하였다. 이와 같은 그의 견해는 이후의 한국 양명학 연구자들에게도 고스란히 이어졌다. 특히 이능화는 조선의 양명학 배척을 역사적 사실을 통해 논증하였다. 이후 그의 한국 양명학 연구는 다카하시 도오루(高橋亨)에게 이어져 식민사관으로 재생산된다. 하지만 윤남한(尹南漢)과 유명종(劉明種)에 이르면 다카하시 도오루가 보여준 식민사관을 넘어서게 되고, 이능화가 마련한 인물 · 시각 · 자료 · 사건들을 그들의 한국 양명학 연구에서 근간으로 사용되고 있었다. 그 점에서 이능화는 ‘한국 양명학 연구의 초석을 마련한 인물’이라고 지칭해도 무리가 되지 않을 것이라 사료된다. This paper is aimed to study on Lee Nung-Hwa as ‘the drafter for research on Korean Yangmyeonghak(陽明學)’. First, we examined that why Lee considered Yangmyeonghak as most modern thought. In addition to this, We investigated that why he thought JuJahak(朱子學) as the obstacle of making Josun modern westernization. Second, we investigated Lee’s Josunyukyejiyangmyeonghakpa(朝鮮儒界之陽明學派) for seeking his research perspective and scope of data collection about Korean Yangmyeonghak. And, we examined in particular that what Lee had influenced on researchers on Korean Yangmyeonghak since he published this Josunyukyejiyangmyeonghakpa . Lee described Josun(朝鮮) as ‘the spirit bondage era.’ He had a very critical stance on the Josun Confucianism, because it only acknowledged JuJahak. At that time, any other thoughts except JuJahak were regarded as unorthodox. According to him, Jujahak dogmatism was due to toadyism basically. Jujahak dogmatism had generated multitudinous partisan brawls from the earliest days of Josun. So, the confucianim lost its advantages of ethical and political philosophy. But, Lee looked at Yangmyeonghak positively. He considered Yangmyeonghak as most modern thought. Because Yangmyeonghak was the ideological foundation of the Meiji Restoration. Lee organized the Korean Yangmyeonghak school at the political side, not the academic side in 『Josunyukyejiyangmyeonghakpa』. Lee described Jeongjedu(鄭齊斗) as the feature of establish Korean Yangmyeonghak school, and identified Namunkyung(南彦經) as the first Yangmyeonghak scholar inf Josun. And, Lee estimated the Yangmyeonghak transmission time as around 1567. Many researchers followed these his views. But, Lee analyzed the Korean Yangmyeonghak school from the perspective of colonial history. His perspective of colonial history was continued to Takahasi torou(高橋亨), but that perstpective had been refused by Yunnahan(尹南漢) and Yumyeongjong(劉明宗). However, people, data, and events selected by Lee had been accepted by almost all researchers. In that point, we identify Lee as the drafter for research on Korean Yangmyeonghak.

      • KCI등재

        ‘선비’의 현대적 구현을 위한 시론 - ‘선비’ 또는 ‘선비정신’과 관련된 몇 가지 현실적 논의 -

        이치억 ( Lee Chieok ) 한국유교학회 2021 유교사상문화연구 Vol.- No.83

        최근 우리 사회의 곳곳에서 ‘선비’나 ‘선비정신’에 대한 관심이 부쩍 높아지고, 이에 관한 연구도 활발해졌다. 한때 청산해야 할 구시대의 유물로 치부된 적도 있었지만, 전통문화에 대한 재조명의 조류를 타고 긍정적인 담론이 형성되었다. 기존의 담론들은 공통적으로 이상적 인간상으로서의 선비가 통시대적인 인물로서 현대사회에서도 반드시 필요하다는 점을 주장하고 있다. 아울러 그 실현방식으로서, 지도자가 선비정신을 구현하고 실천해야 한다는 주장과 모든 시민에게 주체적으로 선비정신을 구현해야 한다는 주장이 주로 제시되었다. 본 논문은 기존에 축적된 이러한 연구와 담론을 바탕으로 ‘실질적 선비(정신) 구현의 방법’이라는 진일보된 논의를 진행하였다. 이 과정에서 논자는 선비정신의 현대적 구현을 위해서 무엇보다 먼저 사풍(士風)의 진작이 중요하다는 점을 주장했다. 이어 이 사풍의 진작을 가로막는 몇 가지 난관을 분석했다. 첫 번째 난관은 선비에 대한 현실과 이상의 괴리이다. ‘선비’라는 말에 대한 사람들의 인식은 매우 넓은 스펙트럼에 분포해 있다. 가장 이상적인 인간상을 지칭하는 최고의 찬사에서, 놀림과 비하를 지나 욕설에 이르기까지, ‘선비’라는 말의 영욕(榮辱)은 그 이상과 현실의 괴리를 극명하게 보여준다. 이러한 현 상황은 선비와 선비정신의 구현이라고 하는 범선비담론의 목적 실현에 가장 큰 걸림돌로 작용하고 있다. 두 번째 난관은 기존의 선비상(像)이 지나치게 그들의 희생적이고 도덕적인 측면만 부각되어 있다는 점이다. 이 또한 선비가 일반인들이 범접하지 못할 인물로 인식되는 결과를 초래함으로써 선비(정신)의 구현에 장애로 작용한다. 이에 본 논문에서는 현대적 선비(정신)의 실현을 위한 현실적인 방향을 제시했다. ‘선비의 인간적 면모에 대한 재인식’과 ‘실질적인 선비 양성[養士]의 필요성’이 그것이다. 기존의 연구와 담론이 선비의 영웅적 면모를 소개하는데 치중해 있다면, 이제는 그들의 인간적 면모를 아울러 보여줄 때가 되었다는 점을 주장했다. 이로써 우리는 그간 경이원지(敬而遠之)했던 선비를 우리의 가까운 곳으로 모셔올 수 있을 것이다. 그러한 한편으로 지금 이 시대를 살아가는 선비의 양성이 필요하다는 주장을 제기했다. 기존의 유학 연구자와는 조금 성격이 다른, ‘위기지학으로서의 유학을 공부하는 학자’로서의 새로운 ‘선비[士]’ 그룹을 형성함으로써 이들을 통해 선비정신을 구현하고 사풍을 진작시킬 수 있을 것이다. Recently, interest in ‘Seonbi’ and ‘Seonbi spirit’ has increased in many parts of our society, and research has also been dynamic. At one time, it was regarded as a relic of the old era to be liquidated, but a positive discourse was formed on the tide of re-examination of traditional culture. Previous discourse argues that Seonbi as an ideal human being is a diachronic figure and is necessary in modern society as well. The approach is mainly focused on arguments that the leader must demonstrate and practice the spirit of Seonbi called ‘Seonbi Leadership’, and that all citizens must independently demonstrate the spirit of Seonbi. Based on these previously accumulated studies and discourse, this paper conducts an advanced discussion called 'how to implement a practical Seonbi spirit'. In the process, it presents that advancement of Seonbi spirit is important for the modern implementation of ethos of Seonbi. Furthermore, I analyzes several difficulties that prevents the rise of the ethos of Seonbi. The first obstacle is the gap between reality and ideals about Seonbi. People's perception of the term ‘Seonbi’ is spread over a very wide spectrum. From the highest praise, which refers to the most ideal human figure, to teasing, to slander, to swearing, the spirituality of the word ‘Seonbi’ clearly shows the gap between ideals and reality. Such situation is the biggest obstacle to the realization of the purpose of the pan-Seonbi discourse called implementation of Seonbi and Seonbi spirit. The second difficulty is that the character of Seonbi is overly focused on their sacrificial and moral aspects. By setting 'Seonbi' as a figure that is not familiar to the general public, it acts as a barrier to the implementation of Seonbi spirit. Accordingly, this study suggests a realistic direction for the implementation of the spirit of Seonbi in modern society, which includes ‘recognition of the human aspect of Seonbi’ and ‘the need and method for cultivating substantive Seonbi’. Previous research and discourse highlighted the heroic aspect of the Seonbi, but at this stage, showing their humane aspects together can be effective in renewing the perception of the Seonbi. A new group of Seonbi as ‘scholars studying Confucianism as Learning for oneself(爲己之學), which is different from existing researchers, will be able to realize the spirit of Seonbi and encourage ethos of Seonbi.

      • <明善錄>의 반주자학적 논거의 李濟馬의 四象人臟理論과의 관련성에 대하여

        이항재,최승훈 한국한의학연구원 1996 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        This study are performed to reveal the origin of the Sasang constitutional theory made by Lee-jae-ma(李濟馬), confucianist as well as famous oriental doctor, who succeeded to Han-suck-jie(韓錫地)'s Anti-Neo-Confucianism. Han wrote a book named Myung-Suen-Lock(明善錄) which criticized Neo-Confucianism formed at times of Song dynasty in China and proposed a new doctrine i.e Anti-Neo-Confucianism. He asserted that The Sacred and Ordinary Men are all the same in nature, and that The Actual Mind of Universe and The Actual Mind of Human also are all the same ultimately. These two assertions clearly contrasted with pre-existing Neo-Confucianism led Lee-jae-ma to successively organize Sasang constitutional theory. This study is aimed to illuminate this point : How under the effects of Han's new doctrine Lee-jae-ma could find four general constitutions due to the variation of the four organs. At first, Lee indicated four organs as the very general basement providing human nature for all men including The Sacred. In consequence, he justified one of the Han's assertions that The Sacred and Ordinary Men are all the same in nature. Secondly, Lee indicated the Mind as the actual center which bring forth the individual spontaneity. As far as this individual spontaneity is rightly aimed, which means harmonize his own's with the actual process of the Universe, all men could be The Sacred. So he come to justify the other of Han's assertions that The Actual Mind of Universe and The Actual Mind of Human also are all the same ultimately. Therefore, it is clearly verified that the Lee-jae-ma's Sasang doctrine is the successive achievement origined from Han-suck-jie(韓錫地)'s Anti-Neo-Confucianism abundantly represented in his own book, Myung-Suen-Lock.

      • <명선록(明善錄)>의 반주자학적 논거의 이제마(李濟馬)의 사상인장이론(四象人臟理論)과의 관련성에 대하여

        이항재,최승훈,Lee, Hang-Jae,Choi, Seung-Hoon 한국한의학연구원 1996 한국 한의학연구소 논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        This study are performed to reveal the origin of the Sasang constitutional theory made by Lee-jae-ma(李濟馬), confucianist as well as famous oriental doctor, who succeeded to Han- suck-jie(韓錫地)'s Anti-Neo-Confucianism. Han wrote a book na mod Myung-Suen-Lock(明善錄) which criticized Neo-Confucianism formed at times of Song dynasty in China and proposed a new doctrine i.e Anti-Neo-Confucianism. He asserted that The Sacred and Ordinary Men are all the same in nature, and that The Acatul Mind of Universe and The Actual Mind of Human also are all the same ultimately These two assertions cleary contrasted with pre-existing Neo-confucianism led Lee-jae-ma to successively organize Sasang constitutional theoy. This study is aimed to illuminate this point : How under the effects of Han's new doctrine Lee-jae-ma could find four general constitutions due to the functional variation of the four organs. At first, Lee indicated four organs as the very general basement providing human nature for all men including The Sacred. In consequence, he justified one of the Han's assertions that The Sacred and Ordinary Men are all the same in nature. Secondly, Lee indicated the Mind as the actual center which bring forth the individual spontaneity. As far as this individual spontaneity is rightly aimed, which means harmonize his own's with the actual process of the Universe, all men could be The Sacred. So he come to justify the other of Han's assertions that The Actual Mind of Universe and The Actual Mind of Human also are all the same ultimately. Therefore, it is clearly verified that the Lee-jae-ma's Sasang doctrine is the successive achievement origined from Han-suck-jie(韓錫地)'s Anti-Neo-Confucianism abundantly represented in his own book, Myung-Suen-Lock.

      • KCI등재

        소음인(少陰人) 태음병(太陰病) 심하비증(心下?證)의 병증약리(病證藥理) 고찰

        서영광,이지원,이준희,최원철,이의주,고병희,Seo, Young-Kwang,Lee, Ji-Won,Lee, Jun-Hee,Choi, Won-Cheol,Lee, Eui-Ju,Kho, Byung-Hee 사상체질의학회 2010 사상체질의학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        1. Objective: Gastric Stuffiness (心下?證) in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology (少陰人 太陰病) in Sasang Constitutional Medicine shows an interesting evolutionary process. Originally found in the texts of Sanghanlun (傷寒論), the perspectives regarding the symptoms of Gastric Stuffiness were expanded by many medical scholars and Lee Jema. To comprehend the Jema's concept of Taeeum symptomatology and utilize his prescription clinically, it deserves to study on the Gastric Stuffiness in Donguisuseowon (東醫壽世保元). 2. Methods: Many texts including Sanghanlun (傷寒論) and Dongeuibogam (東醫寶鑑) were reviewed in order to track the evolutionary process concerning the symptoms of Gastric Stuffiness. Also, Lee Jema's works including the different versions of Donguisuseowon (東醫壽世保元) were reviewed to examine the development of Lee's concepts regarding the Gastric Stuffiness in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology. 3. Results and Conclusions: 1) Most of the previous concepts on Gastric Stuffiness were generally similar to those found in Sanghanlun, especially in that they addressed Yang deficiency of the middle triple energizeer as the central pathogenic process. 2) Lee Jema's views on the epigastric discomfort in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology evoloved over time and culminated in the finalized pathology and therapeutics appearing in his last work, the Shinchuk version of Donguisuseowon (東醫壽世保元). 3) 4 kinds of prescription which invented by Lee Jema to treat the Gastric Stuffiness in the Soeumin Taeeum symptomatology can be matched to the prescription of Sanghanlun respectively. However through evolutionary process of Jema's prescriptions, the indication of them expanded: not only to treat Gastric Stuffiness but to diverse symptoms of Soeumin.

      • KCI등재

        Long-term outcomes of single-port laparoscopic myomectomy using a modified suture technique

        ( Mina Kang ),( Jihye Kim ),( Tae-joong Kim ),( Jeong-won Lee ),( Byoung-gie Kim ),( Duk-soo Bae ),( Chel Hun Choi ) 대한산부인과학회 2020 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.63 No.2

        Objective To evaluate the long-term outcomes, including the pregnancy outcome and recurrence rate after single-port laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) using a modified suture technique with a Hem-o-lok clip (Choi’s LM) and conventional 4-port LM. Methods A retrospective study of patients who underwent Choi’s LM (n=55) and 4-port LM (n=102) in a single institutional hospital was conducted. Patients with <3 symptomatic myomas sized <10 cm each and operated on by a single surgeon were included. Recurrence was confirmed when a myoma measuring ≥3 cm was detected. Results The patients in both groups had similar demographic characteristics. Single (76.4% vs. 62.7%) and intramural (52.7% vs. 56.9%) tumors were commonly detected in both groups in the mean diameter (6.8±1.5 cm vs. 7.0±1.6 cm; P=0.40). In Choi’s LM, 16 patients (29.1%) needed an additional port; those who were nulliparous and/or had a large leiomyoma more frequently required an additional port (P=0.023 and 0.04, respectively). During a median follow-up period of 69 months, 17 patients (7.1% vs. 14.6%) had recurrence. The size of dominant myomas at recurrence was significantly smaller in patients who underwent Choi’s LM (3.4±0.7 cm vs. 5.7±2.4 cm; P=0.004). All 13 patients in both groups who successfully conceived had a full-term delivery. No major complications occurred during pregnancy. Conclusion Although an additional port was frequently used, the long-term outcomes of patients who experienced recurrence and pregnancy after Choi’s LM were acceptable. Considering its usability, Choi’s LM is feasible for the treatment of uterine leiomyoma.


        Three Species of the Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Complex in the Republic of Korea; Detection by an Extensive Field Survey Combined with a Phylogenetic Analysis

        Lee,Wonhoon,Lee, S.-M.,Kim, C.-S.,Choi, H.-S.,Akimoto, S.-I.,Lee, K.-Y.,Lee, G.-S. Florida Entomological Society 2014 FLORIDA ENTOMOLOGIST Vol.97 No.1

        Field surveys for the Bemisia tabaci complex were conducted from 2009 to 2013 in Korea, and the results were compared with published data of the B. tabaci complex. Three species, MED, MEAM1, and JpL, were collected from several provinces. The MED was mainly collected in greenhouses, displacing the earlier invasive species, MEAM1, and the JpL species was collected in the field. JpL is newly confirmed as a unique species of B. tabaci species complex in Korea and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        상위언어적 부정의 SN 담화표지

        최윤희(Choi Yoonhee),이정민(Lee Chungmin) 담화·인지언어학회 2008 담화와 인지 Vol.15 No.2

        In this paper we will examine some previous studies of the PA/SN distinction and show different discourse expressions in Korean that function as SN in dialogal spoken discourse, highlighting 'kulenikka as a dialogal SN discourse marker. As C. Lee (2005) argued, PA and SN in Korean are expressed, respectively, by the connective' -ciman' and '-anird'. H. Lee (2005b) added here '-nuntey' and '-ko'. We also observed the different forms '-na', '-to', '-myenseto' for PA and '-yo' for SN. However, we found that H Lee's (2005b) SN marker '-ko' also shows PA function when correlated with CT. This means that the PA-CT and SN-CF correlations can be a crucial guideline in distinguishing PA/SN (C. Lee 2005). It is generally believed that an SN discourse marker cannot be used in dialogal discourse while PA can. We found that these have interpersonal, social causes: To refute the other's argument in his/her presence is regarded as insolent and causes him/her to lose his/her face. For this reason many languages including Korean don't have single word dialogal SN discourse markers. Lastly, we evidently argued that 'kulenikka', originally a causal connective, is adjusted and extended and now functions as a dialogal SN discourse marker in spoken dialogue.

      • KCI등재

        SUR 토빗회귀모형에서 베이지안 추정과 최대가능도 추정의 비교

        이승천,최병수,Lee, Seung-Chun,Choi, Byongsu 한국통계학회 2014 응용통계연구 Vol.27 No.6

        Greene (2004a,b), Lee와 Choi (2014) 등의 연구에서 토빗 회귀모형의 최대가능도 추정은 표준오차를 과소추정한다는 것이 알려졌고, 그 원인의 하나는 오차항 분산의 과소 추정에 있다고 한다. 오차항 분산의 과소 추정은 회귀계수에 대한 가설 검정 및 구간추정에 영향을 미칠 뿐 아니라 독립변수들의 주변효과를 추정하는데에도 영향을 미치게 되므로 토빗 회귀모형에 대한 적절한 분석이 수행되려면 최대가능도 추정의 과소 추정 문제를 해결하여야 한다. 일반적으로 무정보 사전분포에 의한 베이지안 추론 방법은 빈도학파들이 요구하는 효율성을 갖는 경우가 많다. 본 연구에서도 무정보 사전분포에 의한 베이지안 추론을 적용하여, 베이지안 방법론이 SUR 토빗 회귀모형에서 최대가능도 추정의 과소 추정 문제를 해결할 수 있는 하나의 대안이 될 수 있다는 것을 보였다. Both Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods are efficient for the estimation of regression coefficients of various Tobit regression models (see. e.g. Chib, 1992; Greene, 1990; Lee and Choi, 2013); however, some researchers recognized that the maximum likelihood method tends to underestimate the disturbance variance, which has implications for the estimation of marginal effects and the asymptotic standard error of estimates. The underestimation of the maximum likelihood estimate in a seemingly unrelated Tobit regression model is examined. A Bayesian method based on an objective noninformative prior is shown to provide proper estimates of the disturbance variance as well as other regression parameters

      • KCI등재후보

        Sarcomatoid Carcinoma Arising from Mature Cystic Teratoma

        Ho-Chang Lee1, Seung-Myoung Son, Yong-Moon Lee, Ji Hae Koo, Song-Yi Choi, Ok-Jun Lee, Eun-Hwan Jeong 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2012 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.13 No.2

        Malignant transformation of mature cystic teratoma (MCT) is rare. Sarcomatoid carcinoma is a neoplasm comprising malignant mesenchymal cells and a conventional carcinomatous area. Here, we report on a case of sarcomatoid carcinoma arising from an MCT in the left ovary of a 45-year-old female. A unilocular cyst consistent with MCT was observed; however, a nodule within the cyst was confirmed from the resected ovary. Microscopically, the nodule showed both squamous cell carcinoma and pleomorphic sarcomatous components admixing with each other. Lining epithelial cells at the periphery of the main tumor showed squamous metaplasia. When a sarcomatous component is observed in the ovary tumor, it is important to find a squamous cell component, either benign or malignant.

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