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        이능화의 한국 양명학 연구

        이우진(Lee, Woo-Jin),최재목(Choi, Jae-Mok) 한국양명학회 2015 陽明學 Vol.0 No.42

        이 논문은 ‘한국 양명학 연구의 초석을 마련한 인물’로서 이능화(李能和)에 대한 탐구이다. 먼저, 이능화가 양명학이 어떤 측면에서 “주자학에 대항할 수 있는 가장 서구적인(=서구화할 수 있는) 사상 유형”으로 자리매김할 수 있다고 생각했는지에 대해 탐색하였다. 그 연장선에서 ‘주자학을 서구근대화의 장애물’로 판단하게 된 이유를 검토하였다. 다음으로 이능화의 조선유계지양명학파 에서 나타난 한국 양명학의 연구 관점이나 자료수집의 폭이 어떤 것이며, 그것이 이후 한국 양명학 연구자들에게 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는지를 구체적으로 검토해보았다. 이능화는 조선을 ‘사상속박시대’라고 비난할 정도로 오직 주자학만을 유일무이한 학문으로 존숭하였던 조선 유교에 대해 비판적 입장을 지녔다. 그에 따르면, 조선의 교조주의는 근본적으로 사대주의(事大主義)에 기인한 것이었다. 또한 그러한 교조주의는 당파의 분열을 발생시켜 유교의 특장점인 정치적 · 윤리적인 사회철학적 성격을 상실케 되었다고 파악한다. 반면 이능화는 양명학을 시대변혁의 방향에 새로운 가능성을 지닌 사상으로 파악한 듯 하다. ‘전근대적인 주자학’을 탈피하여 당시의 역사적 사명인 ‘서구근대화를 이룰 수 있는 사상’으로 양명학을 바라보았던 것으로 유추된다. 이는 일본의 서구 근대화가 양명학이라는 이념적 기반에 이루어졌다는 사실에 기인한다. 이능화는 『조선유계지양명학파(朝鮮儒界之陽明學派)』에서 조선 양명학파를 학문적인 측면이 아니라 정치적인 측면에서 정리하였다. 그리고 그는 한국 양명학파를 성립시킨 인물로서 정제두로 제시하였으며, 남언경(南彦經)을 조선 최초의 양명학자로서 규정하였다. 다음으로 한국의 양명학 전래시기를 1567년 전후로 추정하였다. 이와 같은 그의 견해는 이후의 한국 양명학 연구자들에게도 고스란히 이어졌다. 특히 이능화는 조선의 양명학 배척을 역사적 사실을 통해 논증하였다. 이후 그의 한국 양명학 연구는 다카하시 도오루(高橋亨)에게 이어져 식민사관으로 재생산된다. 하지만 윤남한(尹南漢)과 유명종(劉明種)에 이르면 다카하시 도오루가 보여준 식민사관을 넘어서게 되고, 이능화가 마련한 인물 · 시각 · 자료 · 사건들을 그들의 한국 양명학 연구에서 근간으로 사용되고 있었다. 그 점에서 이능화는 ‘한국 양명학 연구의 초석을 마련한 인물’이라고 지칭해도 무리가 되지 않을 것이라 사료된다. This paper is aimed to study on Lee Nung-Hwa as ‘the drafter for research on Korean Yangmyeonghak(陽明學)’. First, we examined that why Lee considered Yangmyeonghak as most modern thought. In addition to this, We investigated that why he thought JuJahak(朱子學) as the obstacle of making Josun modern westernization. Second, we investigated Lee’s Josunyukyejiyangmyeonghakpa(朝鮮儒界之陽明學派) for seeking his research perspective and scope of data collection about Korean Yangmyeonghak. And, we examined in particular that what Lee had influenced on researchers on Korean Yangmyeonghak since he published this Josunyukyejiyangmyeonghakpa . Lee described Josun(朝鮮) as ‘the spirit bondage era.’ He had a very critical stance on the Josun Confucianism, because it only acknowledged JuJahak. At that time, any other thoughts except JuJahak were regarded as unorthodox. According to him, Jujahak dogmatism was due to toadyism basically. Jujahak dogmatism had generated multitudinous partisan brawls from the earliest days of Josun. So, the confucianim lost its advantages of ethical and political philosophy. But, Lee looked at Yangmyeonghak positively. He considered Yangmyeonghak as most modern thought. Because Yangmyeonghak was the ideological foundation of the Meiji Restoration. Lee organized the Korean Yangmyeonghak school at the political side, not the academic side in 『Josunyukyejiyangmyeonghakpa』. Lee described Jeongjedu(鄭齊斗) as the feature of establish Korean Yangmyeonghak school, and identified Namunkyung(南彦經) as the first Yangmyeonghak scholar inf Josun. And, Lee estimated the Yangmyeonghak transmission time as around 1567. Many researchers followed these his views. But, Lee analyzed the Korean Yangmyeonghak school from the perspective of colonial history. His perspective of colonial history was continued to Takahasi torou(高橋亨), but that perstpective had been refused by Yunnahan(尹南漢) and Yumyeongjong(劉明宗). However, people, data, and events selected by Lee had been accepted by almost all researchers. In that point, we identify Lee as the drafter for research on Korean Yangmyeonghak.

      • KCI등재

        야담집에서의 이경류 이야기의 전개와 그 의미

        이강옥(Lee, Kang-Ok) 한국문학회 2012 韓國文學論叢 Vol.61 No.-

        본고는 야담과 야담집의 전개라는 차원에 초점을 맞추어, 야담과 야담집이 이경류 이야기들을 선별하고 조합하는 양상을 정리한 뒤 그런 양상이 어떤 야담사적 의미를 가지는지를 살펴보았다. 유몽인의 『어우야담』은 우애와 효가 조화를 이루게 하였다. 이재의 〈종사이공묘갈〉은 이경류의 행적을 ‘충효’로 갈무리하고 표창하였다. 노명흠의 『동패락송』은 이경류의 혼과 부인과의 사랑 관계를 집중적으로 보여주었다. 부부애가 중심에 있고 자애와 효도가 그를 따라가는 형국이다. 이규상의 『병세재 언록』은 환생을 보여주었으며 그런 점에서 서사적 호기심을 극대화하면서 이념적 검열을 최소화시켰다. 이희평의 『계서잡록』은 이희평이 생존하던 시기까지 한산이씨 가문 이야기판에서 전승된 이경류 관련 이야기들을 선택적으로 집대성한 것으로서 가족질서와 신분질서를 재구성하고 효행을 부각시켰다. 이런 분석을 바탕으로 하여 19세기 야담집에서 이경류 이야기가 어떻게 나타나며 그런 특징이 어떤 의미를 지향하는지를 살폈다. 먼저 19세기 야사집의 선택에 대해 살폈다. 이들은 1784년 경 편찬된 『조야집요』 소재 이경류 이야기를 근간으로 하였는데, 문헌들에서 산견되는 것들을 모으고 뒷부분은 『어우야담』의 것을 옮겼다. 환생을 간략히 언급한 것은 그것이 중국 사신과 관련되었기 때문이었고 부부애를 무시한 것 역시 야담 편찬자들이 가진 역사서술자로서의 자의식이 작동했기 때문으로 해석했다. 19세기 야담집은 19세기 야사집의 선택과 뚜렷하게 변별된다. 19세기 주요 야담집들은 모두 『계서잡록』 이경류 이야기를 전재하고 있다. 여기에는 새로운 모티프의 추가나 창조적 변개는 없다. 19세기 이후의 주류 야담집들이 『계서잡록』 계통의 이경류 이야기를 주로 수용했다는 점은 조선후기 야담집의 귀추와 관련하여 의미심장한 암시를 준다. 그것은 부부간 사랑을 중시한 『동패락송』이나 이념적 검열을 거부하고 호기심어린 환생을 보여준 『병세재언록』 등의 지호노을 19세기 야담집이 수용하지 않았음을 뜻한다. 나아가 〈이생규장전〉에서 비롯한 전기(傳奇)소설의 지향으로부터 19세기 야담집이 더 분명한 선을 그은 것을 의미한다. 조선 후기 정신사의 굵은 흐름은 ‘이념의 구현’과는 반대쪽으로 나아갔다. 그런데 야담의 경우, 야담집 편찬자 개인의 성향에 따라 이념의 구현이 극단적으로 강조되기도 하였다. 나아가 야담은 달라진 현실에 대한 일종의 대안으로서 이념성을 강조하기도 했다. 더 이상 이념이 관철되지 않는 현실을 목도하던 야담 수용자들이 이념이 더욱 강조되는 야담을 선택하여 읽기를 원했을 수도 있다. 『계서잡록』 소재 이경류 이야기는 후자의 관점에서 19세기 야담집으로 들어와서 굳어졌다. 이는 19세기 후반 야담집이 창조력을 잃고 다만 서로를 모방하거나 전재하는 단계로 접어들었음을 뜻하면서 다른 한편, 야담집들이 전기소설이나 야사집 등 다른 성격의 장르 및 책들을 타자화하면서 야담집 자체의 고유한 속성을 명확하게 인지하고 더 단단하게 서로 결속되었음을 의미한다. 19세기 이전까지의 야담은 집안일에 대한 미련과 부인과 아들에 대한 애착 때문에 죽어서도 혼이 되어 되돌아온 이경류를 형상화하였다면, 19세기 야담은 그런 이경류 형상을 바탕으로 하면서 국가와 가문의 질서를 재구축하는 열사로, 효행 실천의 화신으로 이경류를 재형상화하였다고 하겠다. This paper examines various approaches to stories about Lee Kyoogryu in each historical reincarnation and their meanings in the history of Yadam. Yoo Mongin’s Uhwooyadam depicts Lee’s story as a harmonious reunion of friendship and filial piety. Lee Jae’s Jongsayigongmyogal describes and commends stories related to Lee Kyungryu as fidelity and filial piety. Noh Myunghum’s Dongpaeraksong foregrounds the love story between the ghost of Lee Kyungryu and his wife, marginalizing the story of grace and filial piety. Lee Kyusang’s Byeongsaejaeuonrok illustrates Lee Kyungryu’s reincarnation, which both intensifies narrative curiosity and minimizes ideological censorship. Lee Huipyung’s Gyeseojaprok stresses familial and hierarchical order, and filial piety, for it was a selective anthology of anecdotes that had been transmitted from the storytelling space of the Hansan Lee family. This paper also examines the stories of Lee Kyungryu found in the 19th century Yadam anthologies and their common characteristics and meanings. Lee’s stories included in the anthologies of informal history were based on those of Joyajipyo published in 1784 and selected a few stories from several other anthologies including Uhwooyadam. A brief description of Lee’s reincarnation is included due to its relationship to the envoys from China, while conjugal affection is ignored due to the editors’ self-consciousness as narrators of history. There exists distinctive difference between the 19th century Yadam anthologies and the 19th century Informal History anthologies in dealing with the stories of Lee Kyungryu. The major Yadam anthologies of the l9th century directly quoted the stories from Gyeseojaprok. No other creative transformation and additional motifs are found. The fact that the 19th century Yadam anthologies adopted Lee Kyungry anecdotes mostly from Gyeseojaprok suggests a significant implication regarding the eventual development of the late Yi Dynasty Yadam. The 19th century Yadam anthologies did not inherit the values of earlier Yadam anthologies that stressed conjugal affection as in Dongpaeraksong, and resisted ideological censorship and embrassed the curious reincarnation as in Byeongsaejaeuonrok. It also clearly demarcated itself from the Eccentric Novel, such as Yisaengkujangjeon. The zeitgeist of the late Yi Dynasty was the opposite of “implementation of ideology”. However, implementation of ideology was stressed in extremity in the Yadam anthologies of this period, depending on the editors’ personalities. Furthermore ideology was strongly emphasized and idealized, for Yadam was deemed as an alternative to the real world where implementing ideology was no longer possible. Lee Kyungryu stories in Gyeseojaprok represents such a view. This might suggest that the late 19th century Yadam went into a stage of creative stasis by merely imitating and adopting the pre-existing stories. On the other hand it suggest that Yadam recognized and established its own unique generic styles and characterizations as an opposite of Eccentric Novel and Informal History. Prior to the 19th century, Yadam focused on familial side of Lee’s story, portraying Lee’s eventual reincarnation as a direct result of Lee’s affection for his son and wife. Based on the earlier anthologies of Yadam, the 19th century Yadam recreated Lee Kyungryu as a paragon of filial piety, and a patriotic and familial martyr who successfully reconstructed the order of the state and family.

      • KCI등재

        文山 李載毅의 삶과 交遊

        李鍾虎(Lee Jong-Ho) 한국인물사연구소 2010 한국인물사연구 Vol.13 No.-

        Moonsan is Lee Jae-ui(1772~1839)'s pen name. He is born the eldest grandson of the Jeonju Lee's Dukchun family line. Jeonju Lee's family is a prince of the blood in Chosun dynasty.. His noble birth make him a proud person. His birthplace was Seoul, but he have lived in Yongin, Kyunggi province. Especially he is a great-grandson of chief general, Lee Ju-guk who loved by king Jungjoe. Lee Jae-ui should carry out a duty of descendant offering sacrifice to his ancestors. That is a devout and unavoidable fate for him. Because he has a strong consciousness of offering sacrifice to his ancestors. He didn't go into government service at all. Instead of it, he made an effort to cultivate his morals and manage the family. Lee Jae-ui was taught chinese literature by Nam, you-do and the confucian scriptures by Ryu, Jung-mo in early years. During adult ages, he was a disciple of Park, yoon-won and Song, hwan-ki who are prominent scholars of confucianism. And then he promoted a friendship with lung, Jaw-meun Ann, ho Kim, young Sim, Ryu Song, Myung-hee lung, Yak-yong etc., they are his senior scholars. Whang, Gi-chun and Hong, Jik-pil, Lee, Man-jung and Sim, Du-young are Lee Jae-ui's best friends, First of all, he was known by lung, Yak-yong's argument parter of human nature. We hope that Lee Jae-ui's literature and thought is studied deeply sooner or later.

      • KCI등재

        리영희의 인간주의적 사회주의에 관한 비판적 연구

        이순웅 ( Soon Woong Lee ) 한국철학사상연구회 2008 시대와 철학 Vol.19 No.3

        Young-hee Lee called himself humanist, humanitarians, pacifist and_iconoclast. And such ideal identities he has may be defined in a word `social democracy.` He seems to define the social democracy of Western Europe, especially Northern European countries as model of ultimate humanistic society. And the reason why he thinks social democracy as an institutional model comes from a variety of contemporary historical phenomena such as collapse of USSR and East European socialistic countries, socioeconomical change of China, difficult problems of North Korean society, aggressive nature of American capitalism, illegitimacy of South Korean regime hierarchy and so forth. If Young-hee Lee is called `a humanistic socialist`, it accentuates his `humanistic` aspects rather than his `socialistic` aspects. Some people focuses more on his `socialistic` aspects and even criticizes him for socialist, but they have one-sided views on Lee. It is true that Lee criticizes capitalism, but it is unreasonable to assert that he proposes socialism as alternative way to overcome capitalism. On the supposition that Lee`s thoughts are oriented to humanistic socialism, it indicates that socialism is more `humane` than capitalism, and the `humane` means that socialism is morally superior to capitalism. Possibly, that is why Lee considered social democracy-as a moderate combination of capitalism and socialism-as advisable social system. Nevertheless, if someone may still give a question about whether Lee is socialist or capitalist, it is recommended to answer that he is closer to capitalist, rather than socialist, although he doesn`t answer to such a question itself he thinks meaningless, because Lee seems to go through his agonized speculations and thereby come to a conclusion that socialism has moral advantages to capitalism, but it is inevitable to accept capitalism(market economy) in our real world. This is a reality that humanist Lee can hardly accept and embrace, because he has been still concerned about potential risk of capitalism that is a system mainly driven by market economy and interacts with human self-interest, which may ultimately result in human and moral corruptions. Lee seems to try to resolve this problem by means of `optimism of the will.` From long-term perspectives, Lee possibly thinks that current world order still has its optimistic future, so we have to do our best to create new world order. However, such an opinion has difficulties in satisfying some people who value intelligence more than will. Lee seems to have too simple views about the combination of capitalism and socialism, and this tendency is well demonstrated by his interests in the reunification of Germany as a benchmark for resolving potential issues between South and North Korea. According to his opinions, East and West Germany could achieve peaceful reunification because of socialistic elements inherent in West Germany. So Lee simply proposes that North Korea should accept market economy, while South Korea should embrace socialism. However, this idea may have limitations, since South and North Korea have undergone very different modern history, contrary to that of West and East Germany. West and East Germany made collaborative efforts to root out Nazis after World War Ⅱ, whereas South and North Korea have walked through very different ways from each other regarding political purge of pro-Japanese group. North Korean regime rooted out pro-Japanese group radically, while South Korean regime absorbed this group into the corridors of power. Besides, German reunification has involved not a few conflicts concerned with the issue about reorganization of property right. In order that Lee`s alternative way become more convincing, it is necessary for him to show more unambiguous standpoint about the issue of property right to South and North Korea. Lee asserts that we have to overcome structural determinism. Here, the structural determinism means a sort of intellectual and ideological obstinacy, where some advocate socialism as a perfect remedy of capitalistic corruptions, while other advocate capitalism as a sole alternative of socialism. Lee`s proposal to avoid this stubborn structural determinism means that we need to recognize everyone`s individual will of freedom and the functions or values of individual subjects who have their own right to selection. Lee has such a wide insight about structure. Here, the structure has wide conceptual implications involving class structure and even ideology or thought. Despite such a wide viewpoint about structure, his proposal to avoid structural determinism looks like a sort of `mental campaign`, so it may be considered somewhat purposeless by someone who holds a concrete social system as alternative plan.

      • 이효석 소설에 나타나는 ‘능금’, ‘고향’, ‘모성’의 상관관계 연구

        이승준 ( Lee Seung-jun ) 심훈학회 2024 심훈학보 Vol.4 No.0

        이 논문에서는, 이효석 소설에서 나타나는 ‘고향’, ‘모성’과 ‘능금’의 상관관계가 지니는 의미를 밝혀 보았다. 이효석 소설에서 ‘능금’은 반복되어 나타나며 다층적 의미를 구축한다. ‘능금’ 현재(顯在)/부재(不在)는 능금의 현재(顯在)/부재(不在)는 고향/고향 상실이며, 낙원/실낙원, 어머니의 품(혹은 모성)/어머니의 품의 상실(모성 상실)을 의미한다. 또한 ‘능금’은 식민지 조국의 현실로부터의 잠정적 해방, 독립을 위한 투쟁, 자유를 찾아가는 여정, 인간 해방을 위한 사회주의에의 동경 등을 다각적으로 암시한다. 그리고 ‘능금’은 사회 질서에의 금기/위반이 되면서, 자유의 억압/확대라는 사회 운동의 의미를 지닌다. ‘능금’은 이념, 성, 자연에 대한 동경이면서, 그것은 이상적 세계상의 표상이다. 하지만 그것은 갈등과 분열 그리고 실현 불가능의 세계를 동시에 내포한다. 이효석의 출생지는 불확실하다. 하지만 그의 출생지는 진부와 봉평 어간이라는 것만은 확실하다. 지리적 불확실성에도 불구하고 이효석의 심리적 정서적 고향은 진부와 봉평을 포함하는 평창 어간이라고 생각할 수 있다. 이효석의 생모가 누구인지에 대해서 역시 의문이다. 여러 진술을 고려한다면, 강홍경은 그의 생모가 아닐 가능성이 높고, ‘충주 출신’으로 언급되는 인물이 그의 생모일 가능성 있다. 그리하여 이효석은 처가가 있는 경성을 고향으로 여기고, 장모를 어머니처럼 생각한다. 이효석의 고향에 대한 부정은 지나치리만큼 강하다. 그것은 부모에 대한 부정으로 향하고 있다. 하지만 경성과 장모와의 관계를 생각해 본다면 그의 고향에 대한 부정은 결국 어머니로 향하고 있다고 생각되며 아버지에 대한 부정은 그에 대한 촉매 역할을 했을 가능성이 높다. 이효석의 고향에 대한 부정의 구체적 원인을 밝힐 수는 없지만, 그가 고향을 강하게 부정하고 있고 그것은 부모와 관계되어 있으며, 궁극적으로 모성에 향해 있다는 것은 확인할 수 있다. 능금과 경성의 관계는 출생지, 경성 장모, 생모, 고향과 더불어 이효석의 문학을 이해하는 데 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 이효석은 자연의 상징이며 경성의 상징인 능금을 자신의 문학으로 승화시켰다. 이효석에게 능금은 자연의 상징이며 경성의 상징이다. 장모의 자리바꿈이었던 것이다. 마찬가지로 이효석에게 능금은 고향의 자리바꿈이며 어머니의 자리바꿈이기도 하다. 이는 그의 무의식에 억압되었던 모성에 대한 욕망의 발견이었다고 할 수 있다. 이는 그가 무의식적으로 욕망해 어머니 혹은 고향에 대한 자리바꿈인 셈이다. 결국 능금은 잃어버린 고향의 대리표상이다. 그런데 매우 흥미로운 점은, 이효석 소설에서 능금이 특히 경성 시절에 집중적으로 나타나는데, 그의 평양 시절 소설에서는 소설에서 능금이 사라진다는 사실이다. 이효석은 구체적인 사실은 알 수 없지만, 생모(충주 출신이라고 추측되는)와 강홍경사이에서 모종의 정신적 트라우마를 경험했던 것으로 보인다. 그는 유년기의 상처를 안고 고향을 등지게 되면서, ‘고향 없는 이방인 같은 느낌’을 안고 살아가다가, 결혼하게 된다. 경성 처가에서 살면서 그는 유년기의 트라우마를 어느 정도 해소하게 되는데, 그것은 장모의 따뜻한 사랑의 결과다. 그리하여 평양 시절, 이효석은 무의식 속에 억압되었던 고향을 의식으로 소환하여 작품 속에 투영하게 된다. 이때 발표 작품이 바로 「모밀꽃 필 무렵」, 「개살구」, 「산협」 등의 대표작이다. 이렇게 볼 때, 어머니(생모든 아니든)에 대한 트라우마로 인하여 가지게 된 ‘고향 없는 이방인 같은 느낌’은 그를 동반자 문학, 자연주의 문학, 성문학 등으로 극단적 분열 양상을 보이게 했고, 그러한 분열은 결국 평양 시절 고향으로의 회귀를 통해서 통합되는 것이다. In this paper, the meaning of the correlation between ‘hometown’, ‘motherhood’ and ‘nunggeum’ in Lee Hyo-seok’s novel was revealed. In Lee Hyo-seok’s novel, ‘Nunggeum’ appears repeatedly and constructs a multi-layered meaning. The ‘present/absence’ of Neunggeum means ‘the paradise/lost’ and ‘mother’s arms/lost’. In addition, ‘Nunggeum’ implies a temporary liberation from the reality of the colonial country, a struggle for independence, a journey to find freedom, and a longing for socialism for human liberation. And ‘Nunggeum’ is a longing for ideology, sex, and nature, and it is an symbol of ideal world. Lee Hyo-seok’s birthplace is uncertain. However, it is certain that his birthplace is between Jinbu and Bongpyeong. Despite the geographical uncertainty, Lee's psychological and emotional hometown is Pyeongchang’s, which includes Jinbu and Bongpyeong. It is also questionable who Lee's birth mother is. Kang Hong-kyung is most likely not his birth mother, and it is likely that the person referred to as ‘Chungju-daek’ is his birth mother. Thus, Lee considers Gyeongseong to be his hometown and his mother-in-law as his mother. Lee Hyo-seok’s denial of his hometown is too strong. It is heading towards denial of parents. However, considering Gyeongseong and his mother-in-law, his denial of his hometown is thought to eventually lead to his mother, and his denial of his father likely served as a catalyst for it. It is not possible to clarify the specific cause of Lee's denial of his hometown, but it can be confirmed that he strongly denies his hometown, which is related to his parents, and ultimately to his motherhood. The relationship between Neunggeum and Gyeongseong is important in understanding Lee Hyo-seok’s literature, along with the place of birth, Gyeongseong's mother-in-law, birth mother, and hometown. For Lee Hyo-seok, Neunggeum is a symbol of nature and Gyeongseong. It's a subsitute for mother-in-law. Likewise, for Lee Hyo-seok, Neunggeum is a subsitute for his hometown and his mother. After all, Neunggeum is a subsitute of the lost hometown. What is very interesting, however, is that Neunggeum focuses on in Lee Hyo-seok’s novels, especially during the Gyeongseong period, and it disappears in his novels during Pyongyang. Lee Hyo-seok seems to have experienced some kind of mental trauma between his birth mother and Kang Hong-kyung, although the specific fact is unknown. While living at a family-in-law’s home in Gyeongseong, he relieves some of his childhood trauma, which is the result of his mother-in-law’s warm love. Thus, during the Pyongyang period, Lee Hyo-seok summoned his hometown, which was suppressed in his unconscious mind, and projected it into his work. At this time, he creates his masterpieces based on his hometown. It is his return to hometown.

      • KCI등재

        전투력 요소로 본 이순신의 전투준비태세와 초기전투 승리요인

        이경식(Lee, Gyeong-sig) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2016 군사 Vol.- No.98

        This study focuses on how General Lee achieved continuous victories in the beginning of Japanese invasion. Unlike previous studies that focused on the victory factors on the water, this study focuses on analyses of General Lee’s combat preparation and emphasized combat capability during initial stages of battles, which defeated Japanese forces. The background of General Lee’s substantial war preparation came from the battle of Japanese invasion led by Hong-Yang in the Year of Jeong-Hae (1587). By developing the foundation for discipline and commanding system based on the past experience, Lee focused on creative, yet stuck to the basic war-preparation. One of Lee’s creative works was that he collected information of Japanese combat style to create his battle strategies: to deny enemy"s climbing up the warship, but to be close enough to target enemy ships with turtle ships, and to inspect the war preparations. For the war preparations, Lee inspected ships, various weapons, and defense system on the field. But most importantly, Lee’s victorious background originated from his nationally scaled propulsion for increasing the number of war-ships, development of cannons specially designed for battles against Japanese forces. When the actual Lim-Gin Japanese invasion occurred, Lee was fully prepared to go to the war against Japan by utilizing the effective reporting system, which reached to Right naval HQ located in Jeon-Ra provinces, observatory posts, and central government in a very short time. Lee also prepared for all possible routes of Japanese incomings and settled his navy on sea of Gyeong-Sang waiting for the imminent battle command from the government. In order to execute Command & Control system in the battle at the sea of Gyeong-Sang, Lee required strict command system, and hierarchy with Won-Gyun and Uk-Gi Lee’s fleet, which allowed well-coordinated strategic system. Also, strategy integrated intelligence, maneuver, fires, and force protections against Japanese Force. First, spot the enemy, approach with fleets during earl dawn when security is assured, then charge with turtle ships and full-on assailment of cannons with Pan-Ok ships to defeat Japanese Navy. After such strategy, Lee quickly ran away from the battle scene in order to prepare for the possible ambush attacks and buy some maintenance time for his navy. In summary, Lee achieved the victory via analyzing Japanese Navy’s current status, geography, water current, surround and attack strategy, ambush attacks, and effective maneuvers, which integrated with turtle ships and navy’s fire power. He also inspected his forces, fleets, and other weapons to sustain his combat capabilities. He distributed loots from the battles to his soldiers to alleviate their fear and fatigue. The most important victory factor would be Lee’s victory oriented leadership. His leadership highlighted field focused operations, principles, executions, and keen discernment, which contributed to flexible strategies, all with courage, fairness, people and his navy. In order to win the war, combat capability had to be performed at its best, and Lee’s victories at the initial battles exemplify preparation for the war and successful coordination of combat capability with his leadership in the naval battles.

      • KCI등재

        李重煥의 生涯와 『擇里志』의 成立

        이문종(Moon-Jong Lee) 한국문화역사지리학회 2004 문화 역사 지리 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to elucidate Jung-Hwan Lee's life and the process of completing book, Taekriji(擇里志, A classical cultural geography of the Korean settlement). The conclusion of the study is summarized as follows. 1. Jung-Hwan Lee's career can be divided into two periods, before and after the time when he was involved in Sinimoksa)(辛壬獄事, party strife in Sinchuk year( 1721) and Imin year(1722)) and banished to a distant island. Coming of the Lees of Yeoju, one of noble families, he had talent for poetry and prose in his childhood. At the early age of 24, he passed Kwago(科擧, the highest-level state examination to recruit ranking officials during Josun Dynasty) and began government service. During the service, he formed and led a circle of literary men. With In-Bok Lee and Kwang-un O, he played an important role in a progressive group in Namin, one of political parties in the Josun Dynasty. Meanwhile, Jung-Hwan Lee had an interest in geomancy from his twenties and explored the mountains in Gyeonggi-do, Hwanghae-do, and Chungcheong-do to find a good graveyard for several months with a geomancer, Ho-Ryong Mok. His friendship with Ho-Ryong Mok, which was considered as conspiracy against the king, caused him to be arrested and tried as suspect. His survey expenence of various places with Ho-Ryong Mok as well as excellent talent for poetry and prose can be said to be an important basis of his writing Taekriji later. The latter half of Jung-Hwan Lee's life was the time of frustration and adversity, for about 30 years when he lost his government position, retired from the world, and led a wandering life. Although struggling with adversity, he left a masterpiece of Taekriji through exploring the whole country. He explored 6 Provinces in Josun personally except Jeonra-do. His personal exploration made him "have a sharp eye for geographical phenomena". Through his exploring the whole country, Jung-Hwan Lee found a new Taekriji. 2. Ik Lee, Seong-Kwan Mok, Hoe-Kyeong Mok, Bong-Hwan Lee, and Eon-Yu Jeong who wrote prefaces and epilogues to Taekrij were Jung-Hwan Lee's contemporaries. Closely related by mamage, they had a similar appreciative eye for things, and in addition, all of them suffered from a party strife directly or indirectly except Eon-Yu Jeong. That's why they understood each other and had the consciousness of kind. Ik Lee, a cousin of jung-Hwan Lee's grandfather, was his senior in the family and academic stay. Jung-Hwan Lee frequently corresponded with him. Seong-Kwan Mok was a nephew of jung-Hwan Lee's wife, and Hoe- Kyeong Mok was the person who wrote down the achievements of Cheon-Im Mok, jung-Hwan's brother-in-law and Seong-Kwan Mok's life history. Bong-Hwan Lee could have been jung-I-Iwan Lee's cousin, but became his distant relative since his father, Yeon-Hyu had been adopted. jung-I-Iwan Lee's grandmother was a daughter of Man-I-Iwa jeong, one of the jeongs of Dongrae, who came from the same family as Eon-Yu Jeong. Those who wrote prefaces and epilogues to Taekriji were jung-Hwan Lee's relatives as above. 3. Five persons who wrote prefaces and epilogues helped Taeknji be known to the world, but Ik Lee played a distinguished part. It is considered that writing Taekriji began at least after April of the 25th year of king Y oungjo (1749). Taekriji is believed to have been completed in a relatively short time and at the last phase of jung-Hwan Lee's life. Prefaces and epilogues to Taekriji were written sometime between the 28th year of king Youngjo (1752) and the 29th year of king Youngjo (1753). Accordingly, we may say Taekriji is had been completed by that time. However, there are two views of what year "the beginning of early summer in Baekyang year" in the epilogue written by jung-Hwan Lee himself means: some believe it is Sinmi year and others Gapsul year. Sinmi year is the 27th year of king Youngjo (1751) and Gapsul year is the 30th year of king Youngjo (1754). If jung-Hwan Lee l

      • KCI등재

        동리(東里) 이은상(李殷相) 한시(漢詩) 연구(硏究) -이정귀 가계문학의 특성과 차이를 중심으로-

        이명희 ( Lee Myoung-hee ) 근역한문학회 2020 한문학논집 Vol.55 No.-

        This paper studied the poetic literature of Dong-ri(東里) Lee Eun-sang(李殷相). He is a member of the Li Jung-gul family. The Li Jung-gu family shares literary characteristics. their literature transmits literary tradition faithfully and it should be focused that they have similar tendency. Lee Jung-gui’s family had a longing and indulgence for arithmetic. Lee attempted to tour Mt. Kumgangsan to share the experiences of his ancestors. The family tradition was inherited through the title of the long sentence, which is a combination of verse and prose. Unlike the older generation, he also created Sa(詞) that utilize various Sa(詞) to show off their literary capabilities. His behavior is fully understood in terms of inheritance of family literature. Lee Jung-Gui’s family literature has a similar style. Although there are individual differences in flatfish, they do not deviate significantly from Lee Jung-Gui’s ‘Ho bang(豪放)’ and ‘飄逸(Pyoil)’. Lee Eun Sang received the reputation of ‘豪健(Ho geon)’, which comes from a more refined aspect than Lee’s free style. In the transition from the 16th to the 17th centuries, poetical circles endeavored to raise the poetic level without leaving the borders of ‘Hakdang(學唐)’. In the poetry of Lee Eun-sang, it is difficult to find positive changes such as Jeong, Du-gyeong(鄭斗卿) and Kim, Deuk-sin(金得臣) which advocated ‘Han-Wi-Seongdang(漢魏盛唐)’. However, even in the tradition of family literature, the movement of change to raise the level through the creation of a book and pursuing the preciseness of the composition of poetry is sensed. Kim Chang-hyup said that Lee Sang-sang’s poetry is “excellent and bizarre unless he intentions.” The authenticity of improvised sentiment was highly valued because it touched spirit of the Baekaksidan(白岳詩壇). Compared with other members of Lee Jung-gui’s family through the poetic diction, it is clear that they are in an influence relationship, but his distinctiveness can be seen in the words of his own particular favorite, ‘scenery(物色)’ and ‘transient life(浮生)’. According to the jacquard analysis, Lee Eun-sang and Lee Myung-han are the most similar. However, there is little variation except Lee Seok-hyung, which has a big difference in time. It is clear that there is a similarity in the use of Shea. This proves that the changes in Family literature were not significant until at least Lee’s time. Lee’s poetry is hardly considered to have any specificity different from the poets of his time. However, there is a clear significance in that it shows the propensity of the Lee Jung-gui family that was at the center of the passage. And his devotion to the indulgence of nature and his love of the ‘mulsaegbunlyu(物色分留)’ is an example of his pursuit of a new poetic attempt that the older generation did not express. Unlike the poems of the older generations, who suffered through the experience of Im Byung-ran, being optimistic even in the moment of parting from the perspective of ‘busaengchwisan(浮生聚散)’ reveals a difference in the gaze for the world. Many poems that show the stage of ‘dalgwan(達觀)’ are also different points from those of family literature. Lee’s poetry is intact in the category of Lee Jung-gui’s family literature. His traits are mostly influenced by family literature. However, it also reveals the attempts of differentiation, such as the creation of her own poem and poem. Lee Jung-gui’s family literature favored improvisation and sincerity rather than hanging on the table. I valued the inspiration that comes directly from the landscape. This is in line with the spirit of ‘jinsichugu(眞詩追求)’ as mentioned earlier. The Lee Jung-Gwi family grew their literary capacity through continuous exchanges with the Kim Sang-Hun family. Lee Eun-sang’s position in the two-family exchange suggests that it played a role as a medium for the birth of the Baekaksidan, which contributed to creating a new face in the 18th century.

      • KCI등재

        사례연구 : 가업승계와 가족기업의 경쟁력: 에스엘 사례

        이장우 ( Jang Woo Lee ),마윤주 ( Yoon Joo Ma ),정수철 ( Su Chul Jung ) 한국중소기업학회 2010 中小企業硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 가족기업의 핵심역량 축적과정을 살펴보고 성공적인 가업승계의 중요성을 논의하는 것이다. 이를 위해 가족기업의 경쟁우위를 설명한 Miller and Le Breton-Miller (2005)의 4C(Continuity, Community, Connection, Command)모델을 기반으로 3대에 걸친 성공적인 가업승계를 기반으로 한 에스엘의 핵심역량 축적과정을 조사했다. 국내 자동차부품회사인 에스엘의 성장과정에 관한 2차 자료를 분석하고, 대표이사와의 심층인터뷰를 통해 그 연관성을 구체적으로 살펴보았다. 분석결과 창업자 가족이 공유한 가치관과 비전, 노하우, 경험 등은 장기적인 지향성을 가지고 지속적으로 핵심역량을 개발하는데 큰 역할을 하였다. 또한 신뢰의 가치관이라는 사회적 자본을 효과적으로 전달받은, 다음 세대의 후계자는 가족 가치관을 토대로 대외 네트워크를 더욱 견고히 하고 지속적으로 발전시켰다. 에스엘은 성공적인 가업승계로 소유와 지배구조를 집중화 할 수 있었고, 이에 따라 외부 이해관계자들의 압력 없이, 가족 내부 조화를 통해 독립적이고 과감한 의사결정이 가능하였다. 이는 가족기업의 경우 고유한 공동체적 문화와 신뢰에 기반 한 외부 네트워크 형성을 통해 경쟁력 구축에 힘쓸 필요가 있으며, 일반기업의 경우에도 공동체 적 조직문화와 중장기적 관점의 외부 협력관계가 기업의 영속성 유지에 중요하다는 시사점을 제공한다. 또한 가엽승계가 기업경쟁력의 유지와 세대 간 이전에 중요한 기능을 함에 따라 이에 대한 적절한 정책적 배려가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to examine the process of accumulating com-petences and competitiveness by family companies, and discuss the importance of successful succession of a family business. The core competence accumulation process and competitiveness sources of SL, which is based on successful succession of the family business for three generations, was examined based on the 4C (Continuity, Community, Connection, Command) model of Miller and Le Breton-Miller (2005), which explains the competitive superiority of family companies. Secondary data on the growth process of SL, a domestic auto-mobile parts company, was analyzed and their strategic implications were examined in detail through an in-depth interview with the CEO. The 4C factors, which are antecedent variables of a successful family business, played an important role on the growth process of SL. The continuity factor existed through continuous research and development that focuses on and invests in improving technology quality such as mold pro-duction, lamp production, sash production, and design automation. 2 to 3 percent of the sales amount each year was spent on research and development, regardless of the condition of the economy. As a result, the intellectual property of the company reached 1,108 items (583 applications, 440 registered properties, 47 in review, 38 trademarks) by 2006. From a long-term perspective, the company is improving their technical power to an international standard through technical investments. The continuity of investments in research and development is apparent through three generations, and it can be said that this reflects the characteristics of family business management that shares a goal, and confirms and develops the core capacities of the company. The factor of community started with the "people first" business, management philosophy of the late presi-dent, Hae-joon Lee. Then, it expanded to "human respect" during the president Choong-kon Lee`s generation, and to "ethical management" for the CEO Sung-yup Lee`s generation. The sense of community was revealed to be in the form of a community corporate culture based on a good welfare system for employees and com-munity awareness. Diverse benefits including a housing support system, housing fund support system, child-ren`s education fee support system, scholarship system, and company clubs support system were used to make people feel like "the company and I are one" and work with a sense of ownership. The fact that there has not been one conflict between labor and management since 1968, when the labor union was first established, is especially a noteworthy point. The business management based on "people first" stresses the responsibility and roles of employees and reflects the belief that a workplace should not simply be a place to make a living, but a part of life where you can cultivate character and fulfill your role as a member of society. The connection factor appears as continuous partnerships and networks with domestic and international parts suppliers and technologically advanced companies. The late honorary chairman Hae-joon Lee maintained partnerships and networks with Hyundai Motor Company and Daewoo Motors. Then, chairman Choong-kon Lee expanded the network to include KIA and Ssangyong Motors and maintained long-term relationships with domestic automobile makers. In addition, the company is maintaining cooperative relations with the Japanese company Stanley and German company Hella, and has started dealing with the U.S. company GM, too. CEO Sung-yup Lee`s generation improved the company`s relationship with GM and made the achievement of re-ceiving the QSTP Award (an award GM gives to selected skilled companies out of all the parts companies in the world) from GM for 14 consecutive years (1997-2010), solidifying its position as a skilled partner of GM. SL is also advancing into China through collaborations with the local branch to extract new cooperative relations. The value of "trust" is the motivation that helped SL maintain and strengthen relationships and networks. This value started with the founder of the company and was handed down to chairman Choon-kon Lee and CEO Sung-yup Lee, and worked as a core factor to strengthen external cooperative relationships. The factor of command is apparent from the decisions of business managers who take on a challenge, structural management that includes an endless will for innovation, and leadership. When the late honorary chairman Hae-joon Lee could not cultivate a road for the automobile parts industry because of smuggled goods, he recognized the importance of the automobile parts industry and folded his bicycle parts business, which was number one in the market at the time, without hesitation thanks to his owner-focused independent and bold decision-making skills. In the mid-1990s, when most automobile production companies experienced difficulties because of the economic crisis where Korea was dependent on the IMF, and the aftershocks of restructuring affected automobile parts manufacturing companies, chairman Choong-kon Lee considered the crisis an opportunity and acquired and merged with Seogu Industry (currently known as SL Litech), Oriental Construction and Poongi Building (currently known as SL Seo Bong Co., Ltd. Shiheung factory), creating a turning point to develop further after the crisis. CEO Sung-yup Lee pursues continuous innovation including a corporate culture that places importance on learning and admitting mistakes, change of the structural system to a project based system, and a human resources system that focuses on human resources management, and is emphasizing corporate changes according to the situation of the times. An examination of the SL core competence accumulation process based on the 4C model shows that it is establishing positive relationships and continuity based on connection and trust, leading to a cooperation sys-tem based on the value of trust. It also establishes a positive relationship with command focusing on a com-munity structure culture, which leads to structure capacity based on community culture. The factors of con-nection and community were found to be especially strong at SL. The factor of connection was a core growth motivation, influenced by the key values of family. SL reveals its growth motivation to be "unification of all employees," shares the goals and visions of family with its employees, and offers a variety of different benefits. The active will of employees to participate in this community is seen to be the background behind big accomplishments such as innovations in the field, which are still being pursued. Successful succession of the family company and family business management are strengths that lie in the center of the motivation that allowed SL to continue to grow for three generations, starting with the founder, the late honorary chairman Hae-joon Lee, who provided a foundation of growth with values of trust and peo-ple first, moving on to the second generation chairman Choong-kon Lee, who accomplished a rapid development of the company based on technological developments and respect for people, and finally through to the third generation CEO Sung-yup Lee, who is making efforts for globalization and innovation based on ethical management and change. This shows that the values of trust set by the founder have continued on for a long time, through his son, chairman Choong-kon Lee, and grandson, CEO Sung-yup Lee. Chairman Lee, CEO Lee and executive director Lee Seung-hoon are learning corporate culture and management know-how through a great will to participate and actual participation in management. SL was able to gain competitiveness and continuously reach excellent management performance through cooperation based on the value of trust and structural management that focuses on community culture. As a result of analyzing the company through the 4C model and conducting in-depth interviews with man-agement, it can be said that the values, vision, know-how and experience the founder shared with his family largely contributed to continuous development of core competence with a long-term goal. This in turn had a positive effect on establishment of a corporate community based on trust. By inducing loyalty, participation, and focus on employees in the organizational structure with something more than just financial incentives, the core values of the company are relayed through generations and play an important role in maintaining the community, and also emotionally motivating members of the community. Another point is that the successor who effectively received the social capital of trust as a value, strengthened and continued to develop the ex-ternal network based on the family values. The value of "trust" started by the founder played a key role in strengthening external cooperative relations as it was succeeded through generations. This had a positive ef-fect on connection based on the value of trust, and especially decisively contributed to maintaining close rela-tions of cooperation in the external network and long-term cooperative relationships. SL was able to focus the possession and domination structure through successful succession of the family business, and make in-dependent bold decisions through internal harmony of the family, without pressure from people involved externally. The results above lead to the following points of discussion regarding corporate management. From a busi-ness management perspective, first, a family company needs to establish an external network based on a unique community culture and trust to work on establishing competitiveness. Second, there is a need to reflect the fact that a community-like structural culture and external cooperative relations from a mid- to 0long-term perspective have an important effect on maintenance of corporate continuity, even for companies that are not family businesses, on business management. Third, there is a need to focus on the fact that a structural man-agement method that uses values such as community help secure continuity of a company. From a policy per-spective, since succession of a family business can be not succession of wealth but succession of accumulated technological core competence and good management philosophy and know-how, it is important for improve-ing national competitiveness, to maintain corporate competitiveness, and transfer the competitiveness between generations. Therefore, there is a need for appropriate policies that support the successful transgenerational succession of family businesses.

      • KCI등재

        이광수 초기 단편소설의 모티프 양상연구

        이상재 ( Sang Jae Lee ) 배달말학회 2004 배달말 Vol.34 No.-

        There is no doubt that Lee, Kwang-soo is a memorial author in history of Korean literature. His early shot stories are significant that they have some features of modern novels besides they are recognized as start line of Lee`s literary achievement. However, the literati who has studied Lee`s novels has been depreciating his works and analyzing them with relating non-literary aspects, which is definitely inappropriate to study literary material. This essay will be tracing the process which the motives of Lee`s early shot stories is embodying the themes to evaluate objectively the significance of the shot stories. The concept of the motif which is selected as a method of this analysis is based on the motif theory of B. Tomashevsky. The motif of Lee`s early shot stories is divided into 3 groups. The first motive is `Marriage`. Lee, Kwang Soo kept talking about marriage in his stories written in 1910`s. The stories about marriage are `Cold-Heartedness(無情)`, `A boy`s tear (소년의 비애)` and `To my little friend(어린 벗에게)` and so on. These shout stories express how badly the antinomy of marriage out of date affect whole society. In addition, there are various characters in these stories to describe that the problems of marriage are occurring to all kind of stratums in society. They are evaluated that the quality is a little lower than his other works because there is something out of the themes which should be focused on marriage discovered. The second motif is `Sacrifice`. These works were written before Korea became a colony of Japan , and one can feel Lee`s patriotism through `A young a sacrifice (어린희생)`, `Dedicator(헌신자)`. Lee is emphasizing antagonism against Japan and education for independent development of Korea. However, these stories have some defects which the author is equating patriotism and philanthropy and making readers confused by emphasizing parts which have nothing to do with `Sacrifice`.The last motif is `Solitude`. This demonstrates Lee`s internal conflict after Korea belonged to Japan; `Kim Kyung(김경)``, `Wandering(방황)` and `Yoon, Kwang Ho(윤광호)`. The characters of these stories are straying people, and they point the importance of individualism through showing conflict between nationalism and individualism. In other words, people have to overcome loneliness first. Lee, Kwang-soo`s early works are very meaningful from a point of literary veiw because they were written with very close relation with the state of the day and make perceive the thoughts of the intellect. Moreover, there are some modern aspects discovered in Lee`s early works.

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