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      • 트라이애슬러의 비타민Q 섭취가 호흡순환기능 및 항산화 효소활성에 미치는 영향

        김귀백 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        The purpose of this present study was to investigate the effect of VitaminQ supplementation on antioxidant enzyme activities and cardiorespiratory function following prolonged exercise in trained triathlers. Male 14 healthy college students of trained triathlers participated in exercise sessions. The subjects were divided into 2 groups, as Non-supplement (NS) or VitaminQ supplement(VQ) groups. VitaminQ subjects were participated in two exercise sessions: an initial prolonged exercise(swim 750m, running 10Km) and 70%VO₂max treadmill running exercise. The Non-supplement group fed normal diet. Vitamin Q group administated 90mg/day for 4weeks. Venous blood samples were drown from the forearm antecubital vein pre-supplement, pre-exercise and immediately post-exercise. The results of this study can be summarized as follow: First, the SOD activity of RBC was not changed, while the GPx, GR or GR/GPx activies of Hb were significantly increased following prolonged exercise with CoQ10 supplementation. Second, 70%VO₂max treadmill running exercise increased significantly the VO₂max and V_(E), but the heart rate significantly decreased. In conclusion, the present results clearly show that the Vitamin Q supplementation gave rise to increase the GPx or GR activies and to improve the cardiorespiratory function.

      • 음성학에 기초를 둔 국민학교 1학년 읽기지도의 실험적 연구

        李貴胤,車再順 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교육과학연구소 1979 인간발달연구 Vol.7 No.-

        There has been much controversy among educators and reading specialists over the role of phonetics in the teaching of reading. Few argued, however, that phonetic is not useful for a language with phonetic rule, ft has rather been advocated that phonetic knowledge is a very necessary and indispensable part of the process of teaching to read. It is more so for a language which has phonetic characters. It is quite natural as a student of reading education to draw attention to the fact that the word method has largely dominated the teaching of reading in Korea elementary schools since the the liberation. In this study the focus of interest was the effectiveness of the phonetic method of teaching of reading in decoding the written form of language into its spoken form. Using a pre-post-test design for two groups, control and experimental: 1. Students IQ was measured by the IQ Test. 2. Decoding ability in reading was assessed by the newly developed lest items, (pre-test) 3. The textbook provided by the Ministry of Education was used for the control group while the new textbook was employed for the experimental group. 4. Achievement of decoding ability in reading was assessed by the test inventory previously used (post-test). 5. A comparison was made by the descriptive data, analysis of varience and analysis of covarience within and between the groups. The major findings of this study were the following: 1. The result of pre-and-post test showed a significant improvement p<.005 fot the control group. The most gains made by the students of the group were in the second category of vocabuaries in the test 2. The result of pre-and-post test for the experimental group was showedant highly signific improvement p<.001. The same trend was found for this group as in the control group for the second category of the test inventory. 3. The table of analysis of covarience showed that the significant level of the gain score was not much affeced by the varience accounted for by the IQ measured, In short, IQ had contributed little to achievement in reading. 4. The descriptive data and statistical tables revealed that gain scores were considerably bigger in every category of the test inventory in favor of the experimental croup. The most impressive difference of gain scores between two groups was in category Ⅲ of the test. In general, the results of the study were encouraging. A strong pattern of gain scores was observed in the test results for the experimental group that employed the new textbook for the study period. Findings of analysis of varience showed the use of new textbook to be extremely efficient: the more difficult the vocabulary to read, the better were mainstreamed.

      • KCI등재

        독일의 성차별금지 법리와 현황

        박귀천 이화여자대학교 젠더법학연구소 2011 이화젠더법학 Vol.3 No.2

        독일의 성차별 금지와 양성평등 보장은 독일 기본법 제3조 제1항의 평등권과 제3조 제2항의 남성과 여성이 동등한 권리에 관한 규정을 근간으로 하여 주로 일반적 동등대우법과 연방남녀평등법 등을 통해 규율되고 있다. 남녀차별 문제, 특히 남녀노동자 간의 임금차별과 같은 고용관계에서의 남녀차별 문제는 독일 기본법 제정 당시부터 중요한 이슈로서 대두되었다. 이후 1994년 독일 기본법 개정에서는 독일기본법 제3조 제2항에 국가는 여성과 남성의 동등권을 사실상 관철시키기 위하여 적극적으로 지원하고 현존하는 불이익의 제거를 위해 힘쓴다는 내용을 삽입하였고 이는 결과적으로 실질적 남녀평등 실현을 위한 법률의 제정과 국가의 시책으로 이어지게 되었다. 그러나 독일은 다른 유럽국가들과 비교하여 볼 때 남녀평등 실현 수준이 그다지 높지 못한 것으로 평가받고 있다. 예를 들어 유럽연합 내 회원국들은 모두 남녀 간에 평균적으로 여성이 남성보다 18% 적은 임금을 받고 있는데 독일의 경우에는 평균적으로 여성이 남성보다 약 23% 적은 임금을 받고 있다. 이로 인하여 독일 정부는 2020년까지 남녀 간 임금 격차를 10%까지 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 이를 실현하기 위한 정책을 실시하고 있다. 또한 간부급 직위의 여성 비율 제고를 위한 유연할당제를 전개하고 있다. 독일의 성차별금지 법리와 현황은 성차별 철폐를 위하여 정비된법제와 정책, 사회 전반적 인식의 개선을 위한 홍보와 교육 등을 꾸준히 병행하여야 한다는 시사점을 보여준다. In Deutschland werden die Antidiskriminierung wegen des Geschlechts und die Gleichstellung zwischen Frauen und Mannern auf der Basis von Art. 3 Abs. 1 und 2 des Grundgesetzes insbesondere durch das allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz und das Gleichstellungsgesetzgeregelt. Schon in der Zeit der Erarbeitung des Grundgesetzes wurden die Diskriminierung zwischen Frauen und Männern, insbesondere bei dem Arbeitsverhaltnis als ein wichtiges Thema diskutiert. In 1994 ist der Satz, “Der Staat fördert die tatsachliche Durchsetzung der Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und Mannern und wirkt auf die Beseitigung bestehender Nachteile hin” in Art. 3 Abs. 2 des Grundgesetzes eingefügt worden, dies fuhrte die Gesetzgebung und die Politik für die Gleichstellung zwischen Frauen und Mannern. Deutschland wird trotzdem über das Niveau der Gleichstellung zwischen Frauen und Männern im Vergleich zu anderen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union nicht hoch bewertet. Ein Beispiel ist die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen und Mannern. Uberall in Europa verdienen Frauen weniger als Manner. In der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union beträgt der geschlechterbezogene Einkommensunterschied im Durchschnitt 18 Prozent. In Deutschland beträgt aber die Lohnlucke 23 Prozent. Die Bundesregierung bemuht sich, um die Lohnlucke bis zum Jahr 2020 auf 10 Prozent zu reduzieren. In Deutschland wird auch eine Maßnahme, “FlexiQuote” für die Erhohung der Frauenanteil in Führungspositionen entwickelt. Rechtstheorie und Praxis uber die Antidiskriminierung wegen des Geschlechts in Deutschland zeigt die Implikation, dass das Rechtssystem, richtige Maßnahmen, Bewerbungen und die Bildung nachhaltig entwickelt werden müssen, um die Gleichstellung zwischen Frauen und Männern zu realisieren.

      • 비만 남자의 최대운동시 호흡순환기능 및 혈청지질에 미치는 영향

        김귀백,김효은 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.6

        The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the relation on cardiopulmonary function and serum lipid between 7 normal-weight males and 8 obese males after maximal exercise. 7 normal-weight males were BMI 22.0 and 8 obese males were BMI 25.6. The results of the study were as follows ; 1. Cardiopulmonary Functions All items(VO₂max, VEmax, VO₂max ㎖/㎏/min) of cardiorespiratory function were not significant between two groups after maximal exercise. 2. Serum Lipids All items(TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG) of serum lipid were not significant between two groups after maximal exercise. However, Three items(TC, HDL-C, LDL-C) serum lipid were significantly increase in two groups separately(α=.01)

      • 비타민 E와 C의 복합섭취가 최대운동시 Lipoprotein 농도에 미치는 영향

        김귀백,현송자 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of compound supplement vitamins E and C on the lipoprotein concentration during maximal exercise. the seven subjects are highschool students and supplement 400IU of vitamin E and 200mg of vitamin C after breakfast during 8weeks, and maximal exercise before vitamin compound supplements and after 8weeks The results of this study are as follows: 1. In maximal exercise before and after taking vitamin E-C compound supplements, oxygen uptake (O₂) and METs significantly (P<.01, P<.05) increased. Ventilation (V_(E)) also increased significantly (P<.05), while heart rate (HR) significantly (P<.05) decreased after vitamin E-C compound supplements. 2. TG was significantly (P<.05, P<.01) lowered before as well as after the maximal exercise. Total cholesterol (T-C) showed significant (P<.05) decrease after the maximal exercise. HDL-C indicated significant (P<.05) increase but LDL-C presented reduction of significance (P<.05) before and after the maximal exercise. The LDL-C/HDL-C ratio significantly (P<.01, P<.05) decreased before and following the training. The T-C/HDL-C ratio also retained significant (P<.05, P<.01) reduction both before and after the running exercise. In conclusion, the compound supplements of vitamins E and C are considered to improve the respiro-circulatory function in exhaustive exercise, decrease an LDL-C concentration, increase an HDL-C concentration and prevent arteriosclerosis.

      • KCI등재
      • 우리나라 아파트團地의 問題點 分析 및 造景設計基準에 關한 硏究

        金貴坤,任勝彬,曺正松,安建鏞 서울大學校 農科大學 1980 서울대농학연구지 Vol.5 No.2

        It has been 22 years since the first apartment was built in Korea. Recently more and more apartments have been being introduced to Korean people and has been changing traditional Korean life style. Residents of apartment complexes in Korea suffer from various problems such as sisregarding of traditional Korean exterior space, pathology, improper community facilities and green spaces, destruction of natural environment, and lack of diversity and chracter in buildings and outdoor spaces. Historically the techniques of residential site design have been developed through three evolutionary steps. The first step was the Garden City idea of Ebenezer Howard in England(1898). In his conceptual plan he located Grand Avenue in the center of residential site. However, the green space was divided by road from residential site. The second step was the Sunnyside Gardens in New York(1924). The city Housing corporation of New York City built apartments with new concept which contained large common green spaces within a block surrounded by apartment buildings. This was possible because the lot subdivision no longer existed. The third step was the Radburn Plan(1929) in New Jersey. This was the second project of the City Housing Corporation. This plan invented two important concepts in residential site design. The one is super block concept which does not permit vehicle road within a large block. The other one is culs-de-sac road of which has a dead end on the one end. These two concepts contribute to making internal common green space without car traffic. With this concept the housing was ideally interwoven with green spaces. The Radburn Plan was the beginning of cluster development in residential site and innovation for moter age. At present, after 50 years from Radburn Plan, the basis concept of it is still valid and useful in residential site design. However, we need to make another evolutionary step for the better quality of living. The situations in Korea are different from those in western countries. Apartment is one of the western-origin housing types. Koreans have to modify western-oriented apartment buildings and site plans for cultural adaptation. Furthermore, we have to create new concepts for the better quality of living. Followings are the propositions for site design of apartment complex in Korea. 1. Cultural Aspect-One of the traditional characters of Korean exterior space os intermediate space between interior and exterior space. In order to provide intermediate space, sequence planning and gradual change of space atmosphere in outdoor space design is needed. 2. Social Aspect-We have to consider life cycle of residents, provide various community activities, increase natural elements, and decrease pathologh in apartment complex. 3. Functional Aspect-Pedestrian was should be separated from vehicle way in any case. Pedestrian way system can be benefited from combining with green space system. Green spaces should have systematic link instead of dispersed disposition without connection. The land use pattern should also have systematic and functional relationship. 4. Ecological Aspect-Dynamic equlibrium in eco-system should be preserved or modified with minimum change during and after development. The elements in inventory should be checked are land slide, erosion, surface and ground water, vegetation, wildlife, micro climate, etc. 5. Perceptional Aspect-Apartment complex should be considered as a group form as well as individual form of buildings. It is recommendable to divide outdoor spaces into human scale and to give diversity to each space and building instead of uniform treatment.

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