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      • KCI등재

        인천지역 TDI 노출 작업자에서 직업성천식 유병율

        김형렬,김철우,홍윤철,전형준,김치년,김현수,이지나,신주연,고동희,노재훈 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        목적 : TDI는 직업성천식을 일으키는 대표적인 물질로 알려져 있다. 과거 TDI에 노출된 작업자들의 천식 발생률을 5~6%가량 보고하였고, 국내에서도 2-20%에 이르는 유병율을 보고한바 있다. 작업환경이 많이 개선되고, 노출량이 감소된 최근에도 TDI에 의한 직업성천식에 대한 보고가 많이 이루어지고 있어, 이에 대한 적극적인 조사와 진단과정을 통해 유병율을 구하고 질병발생의 변화양상을 파악해 보고자 하였다. 방법 : 인천지역에서 특수건강진단을 수행하는 2개 기관의 TDI 노출 근로자 400여명 중, 사업장의 규모가 50인 이상이며 사업주가 연구진행을 허락한 사업장에서 근무하는 근로자 중 직접적으로 TDI에 노출되는 작업에 종사하는 근로자 170명을 연구대상으로 하였다. 이들에 대해 설문지와 산업의학의사의 면담을 통한 작업관련성 평가를 근거로 정밀대상자를 선정하고 이들에 대해 메타콜린 유발시험, TDI 유발시험 등을 수행하여 직업성천식을 확인하였다. 결과 : 설문조사 결과 11명이 직업과 관련하여 천식증상을 보이는 것으로 나타났고(6.9%), 이중 7명에서 메타콜린 유발검사 양성소견을 보였다. TDI에 의한 특이유발시험 결과 1명에서 양성반응이 나타나, 이 집단에서 TDI에 의한 직업성천식의 유병율은 0.58%였다. 결론 : 과거 국내연구에서 TDI에 의한 직업성천식의 유병율이 2~20%에 이르렀던 데 비해, 본 연구에서는 0.58%로 나타났다. 이는 국외 논문에서도 나타나는 경향으로 작업장 노출량 감소로 점차 발생률이 감소하는 양상을 보이고 있다. 그러나 이미 증상이 나타난 근로자들이 부서를 옮기거나, 직장을 그만둠으로 인해 그 유병율이 과소평가되었을 가능성도 있다고 판단된다. Objecdives: This study was carried out to estimate the prevalence of isocyanate-induced occupational asthma in toluene diisocyanate (TDI) exposed workers. Methods: We examined 170 workers who had been directly exposed to TDI through a medical questionnaire, physical examination, and pulmonary function test. Based on screening examination, workers with suspected occupational asthma were selected for further evaluation such as methacholine and TDI challenge tests. Results: Eleven (6.9%) among 170 workers complained of symptoms of occupational asthma. and 7 among these 11 symptomatic workers showed positive responses to the methacholine challenge test (4.1 %). One spray painter was confirmed as having the TDI induced occupational asthma following a positive response to TDI challenge test. Conclusions: The prevalence of TDI-induced asthma was at 0.58% was lower than that for former studies (2-20%). Improved workplace environment, lower level of TDI exposure compared to the past, and the healthy workers effect may have contributed to this low rate of asthma prevalence in workers with TDI exposure.

      • KCI등재

        피질하 혈관성 치매와 호모시스테인 및 MTHFR C677T 유전자 다형성의 상관관계

        김희진,김지영,김숙희,김원기,김용성,최병옥 대한치매학회 2004 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.3 No.2

        Background: Subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD) frequently causes dementia in elderly people, and elevated plasma homocysteine concentrations have been reported to be associated with vascular dementia. Although the homozygous C677T mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene can induce hyperhomocysteinemia, the association between MTHFR C677T polymorphism and SIVD has not been studied. Therefore, we examined the association of SIVD with plasma homocysteine concentration and MTHFR C677T polymorphism. Methods: We enrolled 58 patients with vascular dementia (VaD), 43 patients with SIVD, 69 lacunar infarct patients without vascualr dementia (LOD), and 232 healthy individuals and checked their fasting plasma homocysteine levels and analyzed the C677T polymorphism in the MTHFR gene. Results: The mean plasma homocysteine level in VaD, SIVD, and LOD patients were significantly higher than that in healthy controls (p;0.01). The odds ratio adjusted with age, sex, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and smoling were significantly higher in VaD (OR, 2.74; 95% CI, 1.04 to 7.23) and SIVD (OR, 3.12; 95% CI, 1.09 to 8.96) than that in controls. Compared with LOD, it was significantly higher in SIVD, but not in VaD (OR, 4.50; 95% CI, 1.05 to 19.26). In SIVD patients, the OR of plasma homocysteine level was higher in the TT genotype than those in the CC genotype (OR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.01 to 2.49). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that elevated plasma homocysteine concentration and the MTHFR 6777 genotype are associated with SIVD.

      • KCI등재후보

        쑥 급여 돼지고기의 냉장저장 중 품질특성

        김일석,진상근,송영민,하경희,김회윤,남기윤,류현지,하지희 한국국제농업개발학회 2004 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.4

        쑥 분말 사료를 암돼지 및 거세돈에 첨가하여 그 수준에 따라 0%(T1, 암돼지, T2; 거세돈)와 1.5%(T3; 암돼지, T4, 거세돈)로 각 구별 45두씩 배치, 42일간 급여하여 생산된 돈육의 육질특성은 다음과 같다. 도체중량과 등지방두께는 73가 가장 낮았으며, 도체등급에서는 처리구간 유의차가 없었다(P>0.05). 쑥 분말 급여시 암돼지간(T1과 T3)에서는 조회분, 거세돈간(T2와 T4)에는 조지방 및 조회분 함량이 유의적으로 증가하였다(P<0.05). pH는 저장기간에 증가함에 따라 모든 처리구에서 감소하였으며, 쑥 분말 급여 처리구(T3와 T4)에서다소 높은 pH값을 나타내었다 드립감량은 처리구간에 일정한㎏/㎠경향을 나타내지 않았지만 저장기간이 경과함에 따라 높아졌다. 전단가(shear force, ㎏/㎠)는 T1을 제외한 모든 처리구에서 저장기간이 길어짐에 따라 감소하였다. 명도와 적색도는T3가 T1 보다 다소 높은 수치를 보였으나, 거세돈간(T2와 T4)에서는 오히려 낫게 나타났다. 저장기간이 증가함에 따라 TBARS와 VBN값은 공히 유의적으로 증가하였으며(P<0.05),쑥 분말 급여 처리구(T3 및 T4)에서 유의적으로 더 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). 지방산 분석결과, 포화지방산(saturated fatty acids)은 대조구에 비해 쑥 분말 첨가수준 증가에 따라 포화지방산은 높아지고 상대적으로 불포화지방산(unsaturated fatty acids)은 낮아지는 경향이 있었으나 유의차는 없고, 콜레스테롤의 경우에도 동일하게 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 전체적인 기호도는 신선육 및 조리육 공히 처리구가 낮은 점수를 얻었다. 향후 쑥 분말 급여에 대한 보다 많은 연구가 진행되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study was carried out to investigate the feeding effects of mugwort powder on meat quality characteristics for 42 days. The results obtained were as follows; Carcass weight(㎏) and backfat thickness(㎜) of T3 showed the lowest compared with other treatments. Grade scores were not significantly differ among the all treatments. In the proximate composition, crude ash content was higher(P<0.05) in the T3 than that of T1, while, crude fat and crude ash contents in T4 were higher(P<0.05) than those of T2. pH values were tended to low as storage period extended, in particular, those values slightly higher in the T3 and T4. Drip loss(%) was tended to increase during storage. Shear force(㎏/㎠) in all samples showed the decreased during the storage, except for Ti. L^(*) and a^(*) of T3 were slightly higher than those of T1, while, T4 was lower than T3. TBARS and VBN of all samples were significantly increased(P<0.05) as storage period extended, those values significantly higher(P<0.05) in the T3 and T4. There were no differences in saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol of pork meat between control(T1 and T2) and treatments(T3 and T4). The sensory score of pork samples fed with mugwort power were lower than that of control(T1 and T2) in both fresh and cooked meat. Further studied are needs on the pigs fed with mugwort powder.

      • KCI등재

        야쿠트어 폐쇄자음 연구-러시아어 차용어휘 분석-

        강덕수 ( Duck Soo Kang ),김지선 ( Jee Sun Kim ),홍준희 ( Jun Hee Hong ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2007 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.39

        Duck-soo Kang.Jee-sun Kim.Jun-hee Hong. 2007. A Study of Obstruents in Yakut through Analysis of Borrowed Words from Russian. Language and Linguistics 39, 1-16. One of the most important constraints in Yakut is connected with syllabic structure. Its syllabic structure is based on CV. So the constraint of "NoGeminates" is strictly applied. And the harmony between features is also considered important. Yakut has the strict constraint on the phonotactical relations. In Yakut a feature [constricted glottis] works more vigorously than [voiced]. This feature is combined with a feature [+back] or [+lab], making new constraints on the initial place: *#[+back, -CG], *# [+lab,+CG]. Finally, consonantal assimilation in obstruents of Yakut is dominated by 2 lows of constraints. VowelHarmony >> Ident-CV[pl] >> NCP >> *[+palatal]# >> Ident-IO; *#[+back, -cont][+back,-high] >> *#[+back,-CG], *# [+lab,+CG] >> [+cont] >> NoGem >> Ident-IO >> *[+voiced]#

      • 분편 인플루엔자백신(split influenza vaccine)의 임상효과 및 면역원성에 관한 연구

        우흥정,김동림,정희진,천병철,이주연,안정배,김지희,박찬,신영규,김우주,김민자,박승철 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        목적 : 아단위 인플루엔자 백신 접종 후 백신의 인플루엔자 예방효과, 인플루엔자 방어 항체형성, 인플루엔자 백신의 안전성을 조사하고자 하였다. 방법 : 총 571명을 대상으로 인플루엔자 백신 접종을 하였고, 이들 접종자에서 인플루엔자 양질환의 이환을 조사하여 인플루엔자 백신의 인플루엔자예방효과를 알아보았고, 백신의 접종 전 및 접종 4주 후 혈청에서 혈구응집억제물(Hemagglutination Inhibition : HAI) 항체 검사를 실시하여 백신의 방어항체생성을 조사하였고, 백신의 안전성을 알아보기 위해 백신접종 후 1주일 이내의 부작용을 조사하였다. 결과 :백신 접종군과 백신 비접종군에서 인플루엔자 양 질환의 이환을 조사한 결과 접종군 28.35%, 비접종군 35.88%으로 나왔으며, p 값이 0.001로 통계적으로 접종군에서 유의하게 낮았고, 인플루엔자 양 질환의 예방 효과는 20.97%를 보였다. 백신의 방어항체 형성의 평가를 위해 유럽의 인플루엔자 백신 허가 기준을 조사하였는데 B/Guangdong/5/94균주의 백신접종 후 항체가 40이상의 비율을 제외한 다른 기준은 모두 만족 시켰다. 부작용은 전체 조사자 521명중 149명(29%)으로 주로 접종 부위의 국소 부작용을 호소했고, 전신 부작용은 2% 내외였으며 특별히 심각한 부작용은 발견되지 않았다. 결론 : 분편 인플루엔자 백신은 인플루엔자양질환의 예방과 방어항체생성에 효과 있으며 안전한 것으로 사료된다. Background : The safety and effectiveness of influenza vaccine are well known in developed country. The influenza vaccination has been recommended as one of the tentative immunization schedule for indicated persons since 1997 in Korea. But there are still no available data about them, even though nearly 5 million doses of influenza vaccine were used in 1997-1998 season. So it is immediately needed to investigate the safety. efficacy and immunogenicity of influenza vaccine among Korean. Methods : We studied the clinical efficacy of influenza vaccine by monitoring Occurrence of influenza-like illness in influenza risk group(vaccination ; 300, non-vaccination; 215) from December in 1997 to March in 1998. We used the split quadrivalent influenza vaccine containing 15 microgram of hemagglutinin of A/Beijing/262/95(HlNl), A/Wuhan/359/95(H3N2), B/Mie/1/93 and B/Guangdong/5/94. Hemagglutination inhibition(HA1) antibody titers were determined before immunization and 1 months after vaccination And we evaluated adverse effect of influenza vaccination at 7 days after vaccination. Results : Influenza vaccination was associated with si@icant reductions in influenza-like spptoms(vaccination group; 28.35%, non-vaccination group, 35.88%, p=0.001). The preventive effect of influenza-like i3lne.s among influenza risk goup was 20.97%. And immunogenicity of influenza A and B exceeded all of the European licensure criteria for immunogenicity except postvaccination proportion of titers 240 of B/Guangdong/5/94 strain. And the adverse effects were mainly local injection site problem and no serious adverse effect was noted. Conclusion : Split influenza vaccine is safe, inmunogenic and eff'tive in influenza risk group in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        흰쥐 Kupffer 세포에 대한 Propofol의 작용

        박세훈,지대림,성언기,김희선,송인환,박희영,김준수,이덕희,박대팔 대한마취과학회 2002 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.43 No.4

        Background: Propofol has an antioxidant capacity and can be used for ischemia-reperfusion injury of the liver. However, the effects of propofol on the Kupffer cells have not been establisked. Methods: Kupffer cells were isolated and cultured from male Sprague-Dawley rats. The effects of propofol on the Kupffer cells were evaluated by a phagocytosis assay, TNF-α gene expression, and superoxide anion release after administering propofol in different concentrations on the cultured Kuprrer cells. Results: The latex bead phagocytosis by the Kupffer cells was suppressed when the Kupffer cells were exposed to propofol irrespective of concentrations. Higher propofol concentrations decreased the loss of Kupffer cells after latex bead phagocytosis. Propofol induced TNF-α mRNA expression in the Kupffer cells, but the mRNA expression level after 50㎍/ml of propofol decreased. The pattern of TNF-α mRNA expression induced by propofol was different to that induced by LPS: TNF-α mRNA was expressed continuously in the propofol-treated cells until 16 hours after exposure to propofol, whereas the level of TNF-α mRNA expression induced by LPS was evident after 2 hours and was not found thereafter. TNF-α production after propofol treatment was not higher than that of the control. Formazan presipitation did not show any qualitative differences between cells untreated or treated with propofol concentrations of 0.5, 5.0, and 50 ㎍/ml. Conclusions: These results showed that propofol might inhibit Kupffer cells. This suggests that propofol and be used for patients with ischemia-reperfusion injury of the liver. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2002; 43: 475~484)

      • KCI등재

        심하게 변위된 유전치 치근파절의 보존적 접근

        김지영,이광희,김대업,라지영,이동진 大韓小兒齒科學會 2008 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        유치열에서의 치근파절은 유치열의 손상 유형 중 2∼7% 정도를 차지하고 생리적 치근흡수가 시작하는 3∼4세 쯤 흔히 나타난다. 파절선의 위치에 따라 치근단 ⅓,중간 ⅓ ,치경부⅓으로 분류되며 치경부 ⅓에서의 치근파절이 예후가 가장 불량하다. 유치의 치근파절이 발생한 경우 파절편의 변위가 적고 감염의 소견이 없으면 영구치의 경우와 같이 2∼3개월의 선부자고정으로 치료할 수 있으나,파절편의 동요 및 변위가 심하거나 선부자고정을 할 수 없을 때에는 치관부 파절편은 제거하고 영구치배의 안전을 위해 치근부 파절편은 잔존시킨다. 본 증례는 유전치의 치근파절이 발생하여 치관부 파절편의 변위가 섬한 경우에서 발치하지 않고 정복 후 선부자 고정을 1∼3개월 간 시행하고,파절편의 동요,동통,치수괴사,감염 등의 증상없이 치유되는 양호한 결과를 얻었기에 보고하고자 한다. Root fracture of primary teeth is relatively uncommon because the more pliable alveolar bone allows displacement of the tooth. Root fracture of primary teeth is occupied 2∼7% in trauma pattern of primary teeth. A horizontal root fracture is classified based on the location of the fracture in relation to the root tip : the apical third, middle third, or cervical third of the root. The prognosis worsens the further cervically the fracture has occurrer. Root fracture of primary teeth should be treated by splinting the incisor to the adjacent normal teeth with a resin-wire splint for 8∼12 weeks. However, if a portion of the root is abscessed or extremely mobile, it can be extracted, and the remaining root fragment will resorb normally. For coronal third fracture in primary teeth, the coronal third is extracted, leaving the apical portion of the root to resorb normally. These root fracture cases of primary teeth were treated by resin-wire splinting despite extremely mobile coronal fragment. Even though they seems like healing well, They need to be monitored regularly until their successors erupt.

      • 뇌실외 배액술 관리에 대한 이해 및 업무수행 실태

        김정숙,윤미선,송소이,이지은,문경선,고지운,임분남,김경희,박경숙 중앙대학교 간호과학연구소 2001 중앙간호논문집 Vol.5 No.2

        The objective of this study was to investigate the managing realities of EVD and provide a descriptive survey with the attempt to obtain basic data needed for the standardization of EVD management. For that purpose, 220 questionnaire copies were distributed to those nurses who were working with intensive care units at university hospitals, general hospitals, semi-general hospitals in Seoul, Kyongki-de and local areas. Of 158 returned questionnaire copies, 139 were used for analysis. Data were collected during the term of academic seminars of Neurosurgery Nursing Committee and KICA (Korea Intensive Care Association), ranging from Oct. 26 through 27. 2000. The tools utilized a structured questionnaire form consisting of 21 questions on general characteristics, the level of understanding, the level of work performance, standard management guidelines, etc. The data collected were analysed with frequency, percentage, mean vague, chi -square test using the SPSS 10.0 program Findings were revealed, as follows: For managing the prevention of EVD infection, aseptic technique was found to be of the most importance (48.9%),'the technique should be carried out at an operation room'(92.8%), but it was actually performed at intensive care units (over 51.5%). 'The term of antibiotics use should be less than 7 days' (81.8%), while it was actually executed for less than 7 days (49.5%). 'The proper time of quittance from it should be within less than 7 days'(74.1%) but actual quittance was executed only by 51.1%. 'Set exchange is needed' by 54.0% but actual exchange was implemented merely by 28.1%. 'The subject of management should be nurses' was reflected by 40% but actually 52.0% were carried out. As a result of hating analysed the understanding of the management of EVD by general characteristics, a significant difference was found in the necessity for set exchange by hospitals, in the time of quittance of a catheter, and in ablution items by work experience. The result of hating analysed the work performance levels of EVD management by general characteristics revealed that a significant difference in administration facilities of medicine by the classification of hospitals, especially the use of antibiotics and the quitting time of a catheter by the classification of intensive care units, and in the use of antibiotics and ablution items by the standard management guidelines.

      • KCI등재

        현대 패션디자인에 나타난 디지털문화현상

        김지희 한국의류산업학회 2005 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        A concept of 'digital' is changing a living pattern of moderners, with having influence on the whole life of mod-ern society. The purpose of this study is arrange the frame of conformity to the 'fashion as culture' by considering the social and cultural phenomena being shown in relation to digital, which is a concept being watched most for the 21st century and by trying to analyze a tendency of digital culture being shown in the modernly fashion design based on this. The digital culture, which is a concept of generalizing the phenomena of interactional changes in the sub-structure being derived by digital technology is being shown as a tendency of fusionization and globalization, and due to this, the culture of digital nomads is being formed. On the other hand, a tendency of amenity caused by the reaction against. the coldly digital technology is forming one axis of digital culture. As the culture, which experiences the process of a change by digital technology, is reflected even on the fashion, the fusion of technology and the human body, brought about the appearance and the development of the artificial body, by allowing the wearable computer to he introduced to fashion and by being connected directly to the body This means the expansion of range for fashion. The destruction of a border between space and space, is making an opportunity of forming another ego inside the cyber space, with bringing about the mixed loading between the caber space and the real space. As the border between the cyber space and the real space is being collapsed, the space of newly self-realization is being created. The collapse of gender is being shown as the pursuit of gender; which is a nomadic concept of not giving priority to anywhere of male gender and female gender. The tendency of sensitive design introduced the sports look as the largely fashion trend. Fascinated with Zen thoughts is leading to a response to the swiftly and coldly social conditions caused by machine. The digital culture by digital technology and the fashion tendency being shown by its influence, meet the needs of self-realization and self-expansion for a human being, and satisfy the needs for the expression of self-identity for a human being, and enable the search for introspection about inner existence inside the self.

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