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      • Affecting Factors on the Self-esteem after Radical Prostatectomy in elderly patients

        KeumHee Nam,JaeLan Shim 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aims: Elderly prostate cancer patients experience symptoms such as uncontrolled sexual dysfunction after radical prostatectomy, which lowers their self-esteem. Moreover, the lack of access to information and educational media increases information-related uncertainty about the disease, requiring intervention such as family support. Therefore, this study identified factors affecting the self-esteem of elderly patients underwent surgery for prostate cancer and provided basic data for establishing nursing strategies that can promote healthy lifespan. Methods: A total of 149 elderly patients over the age of 65 who underwent radical prostatectomy at two university hospitals participated in this cross-sectional study. The data were collected from September to December 2017 and the factors affecting the self-esteem of elderly radical prostatectomy patients were analyzed using the Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis in the SPSS/WIN 24.0 program. Results: The average age of the study participants was 71.5 (±4.5) years old, and the factors affecting the self-esteem of prostate cancer surgery patients were information-related uncertainty ( β = -0.36, p < .001), which had the highest influence, followed by postoperative symptom experience (β = -0.18, p = .007), and family support (β = 0.13, p = 0.23). These variables explained 54.4% of variance in self-esteem. Conclusions: To improve the self-esteem of elderly patients who undergo radical prostatectomy, it is necessary to develop an integrated program, including physical symptom management and family support, to reduce their uncertainty.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈의 소수자 문학론으로 본 포스트휴먼 담론: 가즈오 이시구로의 『나를 보내지 마』 서사를 중심으로

        최금희(Keumhee Choi) 한국영미어문학회 2020 영미어문학 Vol.- No.139

        The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the clones in Never Let Me Go (2005) as a metaphor for minorities using Deleuze’s theory of minority literature as an analysis framework. The environment of the 21st century gave birth to minorities whose character was difficult to explain within these frameworks, thus producing their own literature. It is necessary to seek a new paradigm such as majority and minority, machine and human, beyond the limitations of existing frameworks such as race, class, and gender. In Never Let Me Go, clones are tools used to facilitate the human desire of living long and healthy lives. The clones are minorities in the post-human era and excluded from the political power granted to others. Never Let Me Go reveals that modern humanism instills education and cultural ideology from the point of view of the other to posthumans. Following Kathy’s gaze, who is more human than humans, the author reveals the arrogance and inhumanity of human desire that science can contribute a posthuman society. The clones exist, but they coexist with humans only as social minorities whose existence lacks dignified recognition. Never Let Me Go reveals the abyss hidden in anthropocentrism illusions, and can be evaluated as a literary attempt to actively respond to the posthuman conditions brought about by the advancement of technology and plight of human bias.

      • KCI등재

        피히테(J. G. Fichte)의 〈폐쇄된 상업국가(1800)〉에 나타난 ‘이성국가(Vernunftstaat)’론

        임금희(Keumhee, Lim) 경희대학교 인류사회재건연구원 2019 OUGHTOPIA Vol.34 No.2

        이 논문은 피히테(J. G. Fichte)의 저술 〈폐쇄된 상업국가(Der Geschlossene Handelsstaat, 1800)〉에 나타난 피히테의 ‘이성국가론’을 검토하고 그 의미를 해석하기 위한 연구이다. 독일관념철학 전통에 속하는 피히테는 칸트를 계승 · 극복하면서 헤겔에게 영향을 준 철학자로서, 자기의식에 관한 이론을 발전시키고, 인간의식의 상호적 본성을 표현하는 ‘인정’을 사회규범으로 처음 개념화하였다. 〈폐쇄된 상업국가〉는 피히테의 의식주체론인 ‘자아’론과 ‘인정’으로서의 권리 개념에 토대를 두고 발전시킨 국가 사상이 법 · 정치론을 넘어 경제적 조건의 필수적 조성을 포함하는 것으로 확대된 저술이다. 여기서 피히테는 이성의 원리에 따른 국가가 시민의 자유와 권리의 실현을 위해 수행할 구체적 과업을 ‘소유와 일’의 보장으로 제시하고, 권리 규범에 입각한 법질서의 존립과 세계시장 참여가 양립되기 어려운 일임을 주장하였다. 이 논문에서는 권리 규범의 실현을 위해서는 법 · 정치적 결속의 범위에 상응하여 경제적 활동의 범위도 한정되어야 한다는 피히테의 주장을 고찰하고 그 함의를 성찰해본다. This study attempts to introduce and interpret J. G. Fichte(1762-1814)’s neglected work, Der Geschlossene Handelsstaat(1800). Fichte, as one of philosophers of German Idealism, tried to theorize the main features of rational state in various aspects. In this book, Fichte had focused on the task of mediating the existing economic reality and his transcendental concepts of right and state. Fichte advocates a market economy highly by the state to gaurantee that every citizen’s labor schould earn a livelihood. Trade must always carried on within the state- regulated system and foreign trade must be carried on through the state, not by private parties. This study suggests that Fichte’s radical arguments are compatible with his concepts of right and freedom of rational subject as a intersubjective being.

      • KCI등재

        마가릿 애트우드의 『매드아담 삼부작』과 포스트휴먼 : 들뢰즈의 탈경계론을 중심으로

        최금희(Keumhee Choi) 한국영미어문학회 2022 영미어문학 Vol.- No.144

        This study aims to analyze the deboundarization in posthuman novels from Gilles Deleuze‘s perspective. Deleuze draws the aspect of deboundarization through a continuously fluctuating act of desire which deviates with endless versatility and mutation. This study analyzes The MaddAddam Trilogy, in which Margaret Atwood points to the political, economic, cultural, and environmental destruction intertwined with scientific and technological ethics. Posthuman novels shed light on the diverse forms of life produced: the fundamental coexistence of human beings and posthumans created by boundless scientific imagination. This thesis elucidates The MaddAddam Trilogy from the Deleuzian viewpoint of deformation through the use of the concepts of difference, becoming, and abstract machine. The Deleuzian deformation is established when multi-categorical entities without individualistic distinction change through substantially horizontal and rhizomatic interconnections. This study suggests that a new paradigm of human existence can be brought about by the analysis of the various manners of deboundarization in posthuman novels from the Deleuzian perspective.

      • KCI등재

        피히테(J. G. Fichte)의 ‘인정’으로서의 권리 개념에 대한 고찰

        임금희(Lim Keumhee) 한국정치학회 2011 한국정치학회보 Vol.45 No.1

        이 글에서 살펴볼 권리 이론은 근대의 이성 철학 전통에서 등장한 피히테(J. G. Fichte)의 권리이론이다. 그는 권리 개념을 자유로운 주체들의 상호인정 관계라고 정의함으로써 헤겔에 앞서 인정 이론의 출발점을 제공한 철학자이다. 피히테는 이성적 존재들의 공존이 상호인정을 통해서만 가능하다고 보았고, 상호인정은 의식주체들이 자기의식을 확보하기 위한 필연적 조건이라고 보았다는 점에서 현대의 인정 논의에도 중요한 시사점을 제공한다. 그의 이론은 인간의 보편적 본질을 토대로 제시된 것이지만 구체적인 사회적 맥락을 배제하지 않는다는 특징이 있다. 인간의 본질을 의식의 활동적 성격에서 찾고, 자기의식이 전개되는 구조가 필연적으로 주체들 사이의 사회적 관계 확립을 내포한다는 것을 보임으로서 역사·사회적 맥락의 다양성에 개방되어 있는 이성관을 제시하기 때문이다. 이 점에서 그의 이론은 근대의 보편적 권리관념이 차이에 무감각하다는 현대적 비판에 대해서도 대답을 마련한다. 피히테의 인정이론은 근대 자연권 관념의 반사회적 전제, 그리고 이성 철학에서 중심적 주제로 주목되지 못했던 신체성, 의식의 상호성 등과 관련된 적극적인 논의들을 이론 내용으로 포함한다는 점에서도 의의가 있다고 할 것이다. Recent interests in the concept of recognition along with human rights are due in part to the increasing perception about the social and political changes in “multicultural society”. Many contemporary theories are tend to reject the modern universal concept of rights for its universalistic view fails to perceive the matter of recognition of various and different identities in multicultural age. However, we can find the concept of recognition in the very modern universalistic theory of rights that has been neglected for a long time. A german philosopher, J. G. Fichte presents the concept of rights which can be realized only through the activity of recognition. It is not well known that the theory of recognition begins from Fichte before Hegel. What Fichte formulated was the core importance of recognition in pursuing the coexistence among free rational beings. Without this precondition, rights of man are not possible. Fichte’s analysis of the relationship between self-consciousness, rights and recognition can provide us with the view that make it possible to consider dialectical relationships between universality and contextuality implied in concepts of right and recognition. Fichte’s concept of right is differentiated from other modern liberal concepts of rights in two important ways. First, for him, rights are not the atomistic properties but in itself the relational properties. Second, he stressed social condition of rights that enables individuals to acquire and experience themselves as free beings. Those characteristic elements of the concepts of rights and recognition in Fichte are examined in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        미술과 수업 장학을 위한 기초 연구로서 미술과 지도 유형에 관한 연구

        안금희(Ahn Keumhee),손민호(Shon Minho),김현정(Kim Hyunjeong) 한국미술교육학회 2007 美術敎育論叢 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구에서는 미술과 수업 장학을 위한 기초 연구로서 수업 이해에 중점을 두고, 장학에서 봐야 할 내용으로서 미술과 지도의 유형을 고찰하고, 관찰 방법으로 교육 비평의 방법을 사례 중심으로 제시하였다. 먼저 본 연구는 교사의 전문성 신장과 수업 개선을 위한 교과 장학이 의미있게 이루어지기 위해서는 장학의 전문성이 요구된다는 점에서, 장학 자체의 절차 보다는 수업 이해에 중점을 두었다. 본 연구의 결과는 첫째, 미술과 수업 장학의 요소로 ‘미술과 지도의 유형’을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서는 수업에 대한 이론적 틀과 질적 연구를 바탕으로 미술과 수업 장학에서 무엇을 봐야할 지에 대한 문제 즉 관찰 요소를 심층적으로 논의하였다. 둘째, 본 연구는 미술과 수업 장학에서 활용될 수 있는 관찰 및 비평 기법을 개발하였다. 미술 수업에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 미술 수업 장학이 이루어지기 위해서는 수업에 대한 질적 관찰 및 비평 기법이 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 실제 수업 관찰 및 비평 기법을 개발하고, 적용해 봄으로써, 의미있는 수업 장학이 이루어질 수 있는 기초를 제공하였다. This study investigates typifications of art instructions which provide us with the resources for supervision of art classes. This study finds in the educational criticism which is initially termed by E. Eisner its way of analyzing and representing the field data. The results are as following. First, this study provides the art instruction types which might be objects of instruction supervision. We discuss what the supervisor should take a look at, that is to say, the objects of instruction supervision based on the research on instruction and the in-depth qualitative research. Second, this study provides the observation method and the educational criticism which are used for the purpose empowering art teachers" instructional competence. For supervising based on the understanding of art instruction, the qualitative observation and criticism methods are essential. Therefore. this study suggests a foundation for the meaningful supervision developing the observation and criticism methods and utilizing them on art classrooms.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 동사의 문법화에 대하여 -조사화와 어미화를 함께 일으키는 동사 중심으로-

        이금희(Lee, Keumhee) 담화·인지언어학회 2020 담화와 인지 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper attempted to examine the grammatical aspects of Korean verbs through investigation and verbs grammars. The verbs, ‘kacida(가지다), malda(말다), isida(이시다), chida(치다), poda(보다)’ are grammaticalized with postpositions and endings. There are two cases of postpositionalization. In the first case, the meaning of verbs has already been changed in a specific context, omitting the postpositions of preceding noun phrases. Another case is a new complex postposition or a postposition in combination with a preceding case marker. There are a variety of cases where a verb becomes an ending. First, after a verb becomes an auxiliary verb, it is sometimes used as an ending in certain contexts. Second, after a verb is composed of serial verbs, it changes its meaning and becomes an ending. Finally, a verb used in an embedded construction or reiterative construction of the identical conjunctive endings becomes an ending through combination with a preceding word. The first example is ‘-ese(어서), -e pwara(어 봐라), -e pwassca(어 봤자)’, the second is ‘-e kacigo(어 가지고), -etaga(어다가)’, etc. The last example is ‘-tamata(다마다), -komalko(고말고), -namana(나마나)’ and ‘-ullachimyeon(을라치면)’. In this way, the grammaticalization of Korean verbs is multidirectional rather than unidirectional. Also, as shown in the endingization, verbs are grammaticalized in a variety of constructs, rather than in an auxiliary verb construction.

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