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Kim, Goun,Park, Yoon-Cheol,Lee, Younki,Cho, Namung,Kim, Chang-Soo,Jung, Keeyoung Elsevier 2016 Journal of Power Sources Vol.325 No.-
<P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Two sodium sulfur (NaS) cells, one with a planar design and the other with a tubular design, were subject to discharge-charge cycles in order to investigate the effect of cathode felt geometries on electrochemical characteristics of NaS cells. Their discharge-charge behaviors over 200 cycles were evaluated at the operation temperature of 350 °C with the current densities of 100 mA cm<SUP>−2</SUP> for discharge and 80 mA cm<SUP>−2</SUP> for charge. The results showed that the deviation from theoretical open circuit voltage changes of a planar cell was smaller than those of a tubular cell resulting in potential specific power loss reduction during operation. In order to understand the effect, a three dimensional statistically representative matrix for a cathode felt has been generated using experimentally measured data. It turns out that the area specific fiber number density in the outer side area of a tubular cathode felt is smaller than that of a planar felt resulting in occurrence of larger voltage drops via retarded convection of cathode melts during cell operation.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Tubular and planar cathode preforms were fabricated with the identical cathode felt. </LI> <LI> V changes of tubular and planar NaS cells were monitored at 350 °C for 200 cycles. </LI> <LI> Deviation from ideal OCV of a planar cell was smaller than that of a tubular cell. </LI> <LI> Smaller deviation attributes to constant fiber number density along radial direction. </LI> <LI> 3D statistically representative felt matrix was generated using experimental data. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>
An innovative electronically-conducting matrix of the cathode for sodium sulfur battery
Kim, Seong In,Park, Won Il,Jung, Keeyoung,Kim, Chang-Sam Elsevier 2016 Journal of Power Sources Vol.320 No.-
<P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>An innovative electronically-conducting cathode matrix, that makes sodium sulfur (NaS) battery excellent in discharge-charge performance, is prepared by surface modification of a carbon felt with inorganic nanoparticles. A carbon felt is dipped into an inorganic-organic hybrid sol, dried, and heat-treated at 600 °C for 2 h in a flowing argon. Coated surface of the felt has been examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The cell prepared with the coated carbon felt shows 92% of charge acceptance and 99.9% of coulombic efficiency at 100 mA cm<SUP>−2</SUP> of current density.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Carbon felt good wettable with sodium polysulfides is prepared using hybrid sol. </LI> <LI> Coated carbon felt shows little sulfur on the electrolyte at 100 mA cm<SUP>−2</SUP> on charge. </LI> <LI> Coulombic efficiency of the cell with the coated carbon felt retains above 99.9%. </LI> </UL> </P>
A thermo-mechanical stress prediction model for contemporary planar sodium sulfur (NaS) cells
Jung, Keeyoung,Colker, Jeffrey P.,Cao, Yuzhe,Kim, Goun,Park, Yoon-Cheol,Kim, Chang-Soo Elsevier 2016 Journal of Power Sources Vol.324 No.-
<P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>We introduce a comprehensive finite-element analysis (FEA) computational model to accurately predict the thermo-mechanical stresses at heterogeneous joints and components of large-size sodium sulfur (NaS) cells during thermal cycling. Quantification of the thermo-mechanical stress is important because the accumulation of stress during cell assembly and/or operation is one of the critical issues in developing practical planar NaS cells. The computational model is developed based on relevant experimental assembly and operation conditions to predict the detailed stress field of a state-of-the-art planar NaS cell. Prior to the freeze-and-thaw thermal cycle simulation, residual stresses generated from the actual high temperature cell assembly procedures are calculated and implemented into the subsequent model. The calculation results show that large stresses are developed on the outer surface of the insulating header and the solid electrolyte, where component fracture is frequently observed in the experimental cell fabrication process. The impacts of the coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of glass materials and the thicknesses of cell container on the stress accumulation are also evaluated to improve the cell manufacturing procedure and to guide the material choices for enhanced thermo-mechanical stability of large-size NaS cells.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A comprehensive FEA model is introduced to predict stress in contemporary planar NaS cell. </LI> <LI> Model includes relevant experimental procedures for planar NaS cell assembly and operation. </LI> <LI> Large stresses were developed on the outer surface of insulating header and solid electrolyte. </LI> <LI> Cell container thickness plays an important role in the stress accumulation of planar NaS cell. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>
오비디우스 『변신이야기』의 에필로그(15.871~9)에 나타난 오비디우스 변신의 의미
김기영(Kim, Keeyoung) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2013 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.51
This paper aims to investigate the meaning of the poets metamorphosis in the epilogue of the epic Metamorphoses. To accomplish this plan, this paper, first, examines the whole structure of the work. Next, this paper analyzes not only the narrative of the two myths, i.e. Arachnes metamorphosis and Orpheus death, but also the narrative of the apotheosis of Heracles, Aeneas, Romulus, and Caesar, which appears successively in the progression from myth to Roman history. This analysis demonstrates that the two main storylines converge in the epilogue of the work. One storyline depicts the metamorphosis of Arachne and the death of Orpheus. In this storyline, Arachne and Orpheus both represent artists configurating the Ovidian literary style. They both fall victim to power and violence, however, which signifies Augustan ideology. The other storyline is the successive apotheosis of Heracles, Aeneas, Romulus, and Caesar. In this narrative of apotheosis we are led to expect the impending apotheosis of the emperor August in the epilogue. Contrary to our expectations, the apotheosis of the poet Ovid appears instead. Therefore, the convergence of the two storylines in the epilogue serves to proclaim the fame and immortality of the poet Ovid. This leads to the conclusion that the Metamorphoses, which appeared to represent the inorganic accumulation of many individual myths by means of the principle of metamorphosis, turns out to emphasize the immortality and victory of poetry over power and authority.
모델기반 자동코드 생성과 실시간 운영체제 기반 무인기용 비행제어시스템 탑재 프로그램 개발
김성환(Sunghwan Kim),조상욱(Sang-Ook Cho),김성수(Sung-Su Kim),유창경(Chang-Kyung Ryoo),최기영(Keeyoung Choi) 한국항공우주학회 2011 한국항공우주학회지 Vol.39 No.10
본 논문에서는 소형 무인기용 센서 및 임무장비 통합형 비행제어 시스템의 탑재 프로그램 개발에 대해 다룬다. 비행제어 시스템은 센서 및 임무장비를 관장하는 장치관리시스 템과 제어 프로그램 및 임무 수행 알고리즘을 연산하는 제어연산시스템의 두 부분으로 구성된다. 장치관리시스템의 탑재 프로그램은 TI사의 DSP/BIOS 실시간 운영체제를 기반으로 개별 센서 및 외부 임무장비를 위한 시스템 드라이버들과 각각의 서브시스템 관리를 위한 태스크들로 구성된다. 제어연산시스템의 프로그램은 모델기반 개발기술을 이용한 자동 코드 생성 기술을 적용하였다. In this paper, an embedded program of a flight control system for a small high performance UAV is introduced. The program consists of modules for device management and guidance and control. The device management system handles navigation sensors and mission equipments. The program for the guidance and control system is used to accomplish various kinds of missions and realize automation of flight control. Driver programs embedded in the device management system for operation of sensors and external devices are based on Texas Instrument's DSP/BIOS RTOS(realtime operating system). The on-board programs for the guidance and control system is obtained by using the model-based auto code generation technology.
Terrain Data Aided Passive Ground Target Tracking
Chang-Hwan Kim,Keeyoung Choi,Chang-Kyung Ryoo,Kyeong-Dae Park,Jin-Bok Kim,Ki-Sung Kim,Jong-Lae Jo 제어로봇시스템학회 2009 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.8
The primary purpose of passive tracking function is to support weapon systems on the military aircraft. Aground-attacking aircraft must know the precise location of the target to fulfill its missions. The target tracking system must estimate location of the target passively, if the need of stealth performance is highly required. A target is designat-ed using integrated sensors, such as Helmet Mounted Sights, Laser Designators, FLIR(Forward-Looking Infrared Ra-dar), IRSTs(Infra-Red Search and Track), and RF Precision Direction Finding Equipments. These sensors can accuratelyprovide the LOS(Line Of Sight) angle measurements to a ground target passively, but they cannot provide a measure-ment of range which is required to determine the location of targets on the ground. However, by using of stored digital terrain data, the target’s location can be calculated. The digital terrain aided passive target tracking algorithm consists of the LOS intersection algorithm and the Kalman Filter.